Libreoffice 4.5.2 crashes opening an ODF file

2014-07-03 Thread José García Juanino

I have installed the last libreoffice version available from pkg
repository, but I have found two serious issues:

1- If you try to open an ODF format file (.odt extension) libreoffice
segfaults, and syslogs shows:

Jul  3 08:50:06  kernel: pid 2007 (soffice.bin), uid 1001:
exited on signal 11

Whenever, you can work with other formats as FODT, DOCX, etc with no issue.

2- If you create a ODF document from scratch and save it, libreoffice
raises an annoying error "Error saving the document: General Error",
although the file is well  created and you can open it with other
libreoffice (from windows, for example). At previously, you can save
in other format as FODT, etc.

I have remove my profile ($HOME/.config/libreoffice) but does not fix the issue.

Anyone else is suffering this issues?

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Re: Libreoffice 4.5.2 crashes opening an ODF file

2014-07-03 Thread José García Juanino
I forgot to say that my release is:

$ uname -a
FreeBSD  10.0-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p4 #0: Tue Jun
 3 12:52:18 UTC 2014  i386

On 3 July 2014 09:02, José García Juanino  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed the last libreoffice version available from pkg
> repository, but I have found two serious issues:
> 1- If you try to open an ODF format file (.odt extension) libreoffice
> segfaults, and syslogs shows:
> Jul  3 08:50:06  kernel: pid 2007 (soffice.bin), uid 1001:
> exited on signal 11
> Whenever, you can work with other formats as FODT, DOCX, etc with no issue.
> 2- If you create a ODF document from scratch and save it, libreoffice
> raises an annoying error "Error saving the document: General Error",
> although the file is well  created and you can open it with other
> libreoffice (from windows, for example). At previously, you can save
> in other format as FODT, etc.
> I have remove my profile ($HOME/.config/libreoffice) but does not fix the 
> issue.
> Anyone else is suffering this issues?
> Regards
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Re: ACTION REQUIRED - Unstaged Ports being DEPRECATED on June 31st.

2014-07-03 Thread Mark Linimon
On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 07:43:17PM +0200, Daniel Ryslink wrote:
> I was quite seriously ill for some time, and I have only now noticed
> these messages. I am the maintainer of the games/gnarr port.

Please take care of yourself.  Fixing ports should be secondary.

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SQLi3 issue (port related?)

2014-07-03 Thread Jos Chrispijn
   I experience a problem with running svn (portupdate) and php (not
   destructive, but warnings).
   I already asked in the FreeBSD mailinglist for a solution, but other
   than 'install msqlite3' I didn't get.
   (i)Running svn
   svn update /usr/src
   svn update /usr/ports
   svn info /usr/src
   svn info /usr/ports
   Shared object "" not found, required by "svn"
   Shared object "" not found, required by "svn"
   Shared object "" not found, required by "svn"
   Shared object "" not found, required by "svn"
   (ii)In regular cronjobs: Running any php script from command line:
   PHP Warning:  Module 'PDO' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
   PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
   '/usr/local/lib/php/20100525/' - Shared object
   "" not found, required by "" in Unknown on
   line 0
   PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
   '/usr/local/lib/php/20100525/' - Shared object
   "" not found, required by "" in Unknown on
   line 0
   php5-5.4.29PHP Scripting Language
   php5-mysql-5.4.29  The mysql shared extension for php
   php5-mysqli-5.4.29 The mysqli shared extension for php
   php5-pdo_mysql-5.4.29  The pdo_mysql shared extension for php
   php5-pdo_sqlite-5.4.29 The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php
   php5-sqlite3-5.4.29The sqlite3 shared extension for php
   mysql55-client-5.5.38  Multithreaded SQL database (client)
   mysql55-server-5.5.38  Multithreaded SQL database (server)
   py27-sqlite3-2.7.6_3   Standard Python binding to the SQLite3
   sqlite3-3.8.5  SQL database engine in a C library
   Could it be possible that there has gone something wrong in the latest
   portupdate of mysqlist related ports (just thinking, no offense meant)?
   Best regards,
   Jos Chrispijn
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Re: Libreoffice 4.5.2 crashes opening an ODF file

2014-07-03 Thread Ajtim
On Thursday 03 July 2014 09:07:11 José García Juanino wrote:
> I forgot to say that my release is:
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD  10.0-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p4 #0: Tue Jun
>  3 12:52:18 UTC 2014
>  i386
> On 3 July 2014 09:02, José García Juanino  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have installed the last libreoffice version available from pkg
> > repository, but I have found two serious issues:
> > 
> > 1- If you try to open an ODF format file (.odt extension) libreoffice
> > segfaults, and syslogs shows:
> > 
> > Jul  3 08:50:06  kernel: pid 2007 (soffice.bin), uid 1001:
> > exited on signal 11
> > 
> > Whenever, you can work with other formats as FODT, DOCX, etc with no
> > issue.
> > 
> > 
> > 2- If you create a ODF document from scratch and save it, libreoffice
> > raises an annoying error "Error saving the document: General Error",
> > although the file is well  created and you can open it with other
> > libreoffice (from windows, for example). At previously, you can save
> > in other format as FODT, etc.
> > 
> > I have remove my profile ($HOME/.config/libreoffice) but does not fix the
> > issue.
> > 
> > Anyone else is suffering this issues?
> > 
> > 
> > Regards

On my 10.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Jun 24 07:47:37 UTC 2014  amd64

I don't have a problem.

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FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2014-07-03 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
net-p2p/gtk-gnutella| 1.0.1   | 1.1.0

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

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Re: Hylafax on FreeBSD 10 and 100% CPU

2014-07-03 Thread Daren
On 02/07/2014 23:24, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 10:35:16AM +0100, Daren wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've tried installing Hylafax from ports on fresh FreeBSD 10.  We
>> previously had it running on an 8.2 system without issue.
>> After starting faxgetty creeps up to and stays on 100% cpu.  I did find
>> a previous PR for this
>> ( which has the
>> status of resolved fixed although people have requested it be re-opened
>> as the problem is still occurring for them as well.
>> I can add another comment to this if it helps get it noticed again, but
>> my knowledge with C etc is non-existent to be able to help with it,
>> although searching has come up with a similar/same issue on dragonflybsd
>> (
>> Does anyone know if this is being looked at?
> I once looked at the source code of the program, and the ktrace reports
> in the mentioned PR 166071 are consistent with what I remember I saw in
> code, as well as what was discussed at that time.
> If you look at the kdump, you note the series of read(2) syscalls on the
> same FIFO, which return 0, the indicator of the EOF.  AFAIR, the Hylafax
> code does  not check for the EOF condition and just spins trying to
> read more data.  Select(2) returns the fd for EOF'ed FIFO ready, because
> the read(2) indeed does not block at EOF.
> My decision at that time was that the issue is the program bug.
> I do not use the program, and cannot set it up locally to even try
> coding the fix.

Thanks for the answer.  Unfortunately I know nothing about these sorts
of things so it doesn't mean much to me!

I'll try posting to the hylafax list with this, but I'm sure I came
across this previously mentioned to them on a search and they made out
it was an OS bug - although now I cannot find it again.

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Re: FreeBSD Port: comms/hylafax

2014-07-03 Thread Daren
On 20/05/2014 23:16, Brandon Gabert wrote:
> Hello, I have a fresh install of Freebsd 10, trying to use hylafax.  The 
> faxgetty program which answers incoming fax calls hangs and uses 100% of the 
> cpu.
> The hylafax guys suggest it is an OS problem.
> I am thinking about rolling back to Freebsd 9 and give it a go, but before I 
> do would you guys like any info from my system that might help troubleshoot?
> Brandon Gabert
> Direct 780.912.2300
> Office 780.998.3771

Hi Brandon

I've just noticed your mail after asking the same question myself (fresh
10 install).  There was a PR opened for it (166071) but has since been
marked as resolved although others are still getting the same issue.

Have you had any luck in coming across an answer?


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Re: Hylafax on FreeBSD 10 and 100% CPU

2014-07-03 Thread Konstantin Belousov
On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 10:44:34AM +0100, Daren wrote:
> On 02/07/2014 23:24, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 10:35:16AM +0100, Daren wrote:
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> I've tried installing Hylafax from ports on fresh FreeBSD 10.  We
> >> previously had it running on an 8.2 system without issue.
> >>
> >> After starting faxgetty creeps up to and stays on 100% cpu.  I did find
> >> a previous PR for this
> >> ( which has the
> >> status of resolved fixed although people have requested it be re-opened
> >> as the problem is still occurring for them as well.
> >>
> >> I can add another comment to this if it helps get it noticed again, but
> >> my knowledge with C etc is non-existent to be able to help with it,
> >> although searching has come up with a similar/same issue on dragonflybsd
> >> (
> >>
> >> Does anyone know if this is being looked at?
> >>
> > 
> > I once looked at the source code of the program, and the ktrace reports
> > in the mentioned PR 166071 are consistent with what I remember I saw in
> > code, as well as what was discussed at that time.
> > 
> > If you look at the kdump, you note the series of read(2) syscalls on the
> > same FIFO, which return 0, the indicator of the EOF.  AFAIR, the Hylafax
> > code does  not check for the EOF condition and just spins trying to
> > read more data.  Select(2) returns the fd for EOF'ed FIFO ready, because
> > the read(2) indeed does not block at EOF.
> > 
> > My decision at that time was that the issue is the program bug.
> > I do not use the program, and cannot set it up locally to even try
> > coding the fix.
> > 
> Thanks for the answer.  Unfortunately I know nothing about these sorts
> of things so it doesn't mean much to me!
> I'll try posting to the hylafax list with this, but I'm sure I came
> across this previously mentioned to them on a search and they made out
> it was an OS bug - although now I cannot find it again.

I am happy to listen to the authors of this application, in particular,
I am interested in exact description of what behaviour do they expect.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SQLi3 issue (port related?)

2014-07-03 Thread Juanitou

> "" not found, required by…

I had this issue yesterday after updating the sqlite3 package from to 3.8.5_1. The latter comes from the FreeBSD-new_xorg 
repository. Firefox complained about it and did not start. Reinstalling 
the previous package resolved it.

Hope it helps,
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Re: Patch (not perfect but half way there) for DBIx::SearchBuilder...

2014-07-03 Thread Dmitry Sivachenko

On 03 июля 2014 г., at 10:27, Matthew Seaman  wrote:

> On 03/07/2014 03:52, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>> Matthew, "Demon" (cc'd you two specifically because the patch affects
>> ports you maintain directly)
>> I created a patch a while ago and sent it off to Jesse and the RT-Users
>> mailing list to fix extremely slow loading of tickets for Request-Tracker.
>> The patch is for DBIx::Searchbuilder->Fields() and you can see it here:
>> (bug:
>> )
>> If it were to be shipped as an 'option' in FreeBSD ports would it be
>> attached to DBIx::SearchBuilder or RT 4.x?  (the patch is against
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder, but very specifically affects RT)

As far as I remember, Jesse is also the author of DBIx::Searchbuilder, right?

If I were you, I would try to find a consensus with him and push the change 
upstream rather than invent our own solution.
Usually patches in FreeBSD ports are those that needed to "port" software to 
FreeBSD, so they are FreeBSD-specific.

Other than that we ship what author of software did.
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SVN update error/warning

2014-07-03 Thread Jos Chrispijn
   Just updated my ports and ran into this issue:
   MyServer % > svn update /usr/src

   Updating '/usr/src':
   At revision 268212.
   Updating '/usr/ports':

   >> Skipped
   '/usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios-plugins/files/patch-plugins-check_ssh.c' --
   Node remains in conflict <<

   At revision 360356.
   Summary of conflicts:
 Skipped paths: 1

   --cut --
   Is this an issue of an ftp server being offline or should we receive a
   port update about the 'patch-plugins-check_ssh.c' source file?
   BR, Jos Chrispijn
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Re: SQLi3 issue (port related?)

2014-07-03 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 3:07 AM, Juanitou  wrote:

> > "" not found, required by…
> I had this issue yesterday after updating the sqlite3 package from
> to 3.8.5_1. The latter comes from the FreeBSD-new_xorg repository. Firefox
> complained about it and did not start. Reinstalling the previous package
> resolved it.
> Hope it helps,
> Juan

The sqlite3 port was updated to 3.8.5. It looks like this bumped the
version of from .0 to .8 due to an error in handling the
libtool generated version (0.8.6 was turned into .8 when it should have
been .0.) In other words, there was no version bump, but it looked like
there was. The error was fixed in the update to  3.8.5_1.

For those who did not update the port during the window of this error (just
over 3 hours on June 27), there was no problem. For those who did, it is a
bit of a mess as any ports that linked to during this window
now have a bogus link to which no longer exists. Oops.

As usual, iI suggest running something like:
pkg_libchk -o | grep sqlite | cut -d: -f1 | sort
to get a list of ports that were updated during this window and re-install
them. (There are LOTS of ways to process the output of  "pkg_libchk -o".)

I do wish miwi had added a note about this to let people know what was
going on when these errors started popping up. Admittedly, this was
probably not a lot of people, but, as one who was bitten, a note would have
saved a bit of time in tracking down just what went wrong.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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Some suggestions about PKGNG documentation

2014-07-03 Thread Patrick Powell
OK OK OK - I just started using pkgng.   You know the ancient Chinese 
curse - 'May you live in interesting times!',  well starting to use 
pkgng was ... interesting.   Attached are some comments concerning the 
documentation.  I hope you find them useful.

On a side note:  from reading the notice about the pending inhumation of 
the pkg_xxx system in the Ports tree, until I converted to using pkgng 
took less than a day.  It would have taken less time if I stopped 
playing with 'pkg search' and other commands and concentrated on getting 
the latest versions of the ports/packages installed. Poudriere is next 
on my todo list..

I have been trying out the PKGng software, and would like to make some
suggestions and ask some questions. The comments and suggestions below
have been made from my notes when I was trying to figure out the pkgng 


TUTORIAL:  The Savant's Guide To Ports, Packages, PkgNG
Try to put a lot of the information about pkgng, repositories,
etc. in a single place.  I suggest a tutorial format,  rather
than a user manual format,  with references to the various
man pages, other documents, etc.

1. Installation of PKGng
2. Ports - Use the Source, Luke!
3. Binary Packages - Let Somebody Else Do The Work
4. Respositories -
   - what they are
   - 'standard' repositories

5. Ports and Pkgng play together - when you use pkg to install
   a port then the port system will recognize that it has been
   installed.  Note: details on how this works would be good.

   An EXAMPLE of using
portsnap fetch update
cd /.../block/port; make package;
 updating to latest version: portmaster, portupgrade
pkg add block/port
 updating to latest version: pkg upgrade

   Discuss advantages, etc. of both methods

6. Simple commands/operations
   finding a package in a repository
   when was a package updated/created
   finding out the last update for a package
   installing a package from a reponsitory
   upgrading a package from a repository
   upgrading ONLY a single package from a repository

   Not so simple:
   making a package from a port
Question: does 'make package' make a pkgng compatible package
   installing the package from a file - pkg add 
   preventing pkg from updating its database from a respository
   multiple respositories

   Detailed explanations on pkg set, pkg autoremove and other
   non-obvious commands

   using 'pkg add' with a package generated from a port

7, Setting up a repository and using multiple repositories

Update "
to-the-old-pkg_-tools/" or point the entry in Mk/ to an updated

The formatting seems to be a little off -  is present as well as 
spurious UNICODE.  Also add a pointer to the

web page.

The web page has:

See Pkg packages availability announcement for more information on usage.
with a link to

Correct the
posting or point the link to a new one  that has the 'correct' repo file 


FreeBSD: {
  url: "${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: "yes"


FreeBSD: {
  url: "pkg+${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: yes

  Using pkgng for Binary package management

Update and edit this document and add the information about specifying 
the 'repos' information.

Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.  Also add this to the WIKI page.

If/When a tutorial is created, add a link to the tutorial.

Add  'pkg repo' or 'man pkg-repo' to give details about the repositories 
structure, format,

care and feeding, etc.


Add a link from the pkgng-intro.html to the WIKI Page.
Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.

Add the information in the to this 

I have been trying out the PKGng software, and would like to make some
suggestions and ask some questions. The comments and suggestions below
have been made from my notes when I was trying to figure out the 


TUTORIAL:  The Savant's Guide To Ports, Packages, PkgNG
Try to put a lot of the information about pkgng, repositories,
etc. in a single place.  I suggest a tutorial format,  rather
than a user manual format,  with references to the various
man pages, other documents, etc.

1. Installaltion of PKGng
2. Ports - Use the Source, Luke!
3. Binary Packages - Let Somebody Else Do The Work
4. Res

Re: print/cups new 1.7.3 fails on undefined references in http.c

2014-07-03 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Matthias Andree:

> It is compiled as though it should use GNUTLS, but links against OPENSSL
> (-lssl -lcrypto) - the port maintainer might want to look into this;
> until then, flip the options to use OPENSSL, then it might work.

There is no port maintainer ( 

I could possibly wait and see if there is an update/correction?

It's much easier with NetBSD pkgsrc or Gentoo (Linux) to see what port options 
have been defined or modified by user.

User-specified options are in /etc/mk.conf or /etc/make.conf, like 

.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK   # begin pkgsrc settings

PACKAGES= /usr/packages
PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= ssl inet6 nls ncurses pcre gtk2 x11 fftw esound cups 
sndfile png aalib
PKG_DBDIR=  /var/db/pkg
LOCALBASE=  /usr/pkg
PKG_TOOLS_BIN=  /usr/pkg/sbin
PKG_OPTIONS.msmtp+= idn 
PKG_OPTIONS.w3m+= w3m-image-gtk2
PKG_OPTIONS.gcc-aux+= testsuite
PKG_OPTIONS.mutt+= idn mutt-smtp -ncurses ncursesw
PKG_OPTIONS.avahi+= introspection
PKG_OPTIONS.fftw+= fftw-fortran
PKG_OPTIONS.boost+= icu
PKG_OPTIONS.sane-backends+= snmp
# PKG_OPTIONS.lynx+= ncurses 
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= socks5-license

.endif  # end pkgsrc settings

Can something like this be done in FreeBSD with ports, instead of dialog?  It 
seems there have been some changes recently, would the Porter's Handbook be 

It is a nuisance when I try to make config again, and get no dialog at all.

dialog4ports is a big improvement over the old dialog, but still not as good as 
being able to see options cleanly in mk.conf (make.conf).


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Re: print/cups new 1.7.3 fails on undefined references in http.c

2014-07-03 Thread Dewayne Geraghty
Thomas, We're at risk of straying off topic, but as you're the thread

To build without dialogue stuff:
cd /usr/ports/print/cups-base
# To see options
make showconfig
# To find the ports unique name, you'll need this to set the port
specific options in make
# To define options in make.conf, similar to pkgsrc  though reversed
echo "cups-base_SET=LIBPAPER" >> /etc/make.conf
# To make without dialogue
make -DBATCH

If you wish to set global options, for all ports or really don't want to
lookup the UNIQUENAME
echo OPTION_SET=\"heimdal_home=/usr\" >> /etc/make.conf

I actually use /usr/ports/port-mgmt/portconf to manage all changes, but
that is largely historical.
Hope that assists.
PS You will need to "do something? delete?" where-ever your previously
defined options, via dialoue have been set. I can't help there.

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upgrade clamtk 4.5

2014-07-03 Thread nikos60

Please upgrade  the clamtk 5.07 new homepage
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Re: upgrade clamtk 4.5

2014-07-03 Thread User Barba

On 07/04/14 01:05, wrote:

Please upgrade  the clamtk 5.07 new homepage
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Can you open a PR in our bugtrack system, please?
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2014-07-03 Thread Michelle Sullivan
Maintainer nudge (timeout?)

Michelle Sullivan

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