On 03 июля 2014 г., at 10:27, Matthew Seaman <matt...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 03/07/2014 03:52, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>> Matthew, "Demon" (cc'd you two specifically because the patch affects
>> ports you maintain directly)
>> I created a patch a while ago and sent it off to Jesse and the RT-Users
>> mailing list to fix extremely slow loading of tickets for Request-Tracker.
>> The patch is for DBIx::Searchbuilder->Fields() and you can see it here:
>> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Ticket/Attachment/WithHeaders/733854 (bug:
>> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=96902 )
>> If it were to be shipped as an 'option' in FreeBSD ports would it be
>> attached to DBIx::SearchBuilder or RT 4.x?  (the patch is against
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder, but very specifically affects RT)

As far as I remember, Jesse is also the author of DBIx::Searchbuilder, right?

If I were you, I would try to find a consensus with him and push the change 
upstream rather than invent our own solution.
Usually patches in FreeBSD ports are those that needed to "port" software to 
FreeBSD, so they are FreeBSD-specific.

Other than that we ship what author of software did.
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