from Matthias Andree: > It is compiled as though it should use GNUTLS, but links against OPENSSL > (-lssl -lcrypto) - the port maintainer might want to look into this; > until then, flip the options to use OPENSSL, then it might work.
There is no port maintainer ( I could possibly wait and see if there is an update/correction? It's much easier with NetBSD pkgsrc or Gentoo (Linux) to see what port options have been defined or modified by user. User-specified options are in /etc/mk.conf or /etc/make.conf, like .ifdef BSD_PKG_MK # begin pkgsrc settings PACKAGES= /usr/packages PKG_DEVELOPER=YES X11_TYPE=modular PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= ssl inet6 nls ncurses pcre gtk2 x11 fftw esound cups sndfile png aalib PKG_DBDIR= /var/db/pkg LOCALBASE= /usr/pkg VARBASE= /var PKG_TOOLS_BIN= /usr/pkg/sbin PKGMANDIR= man WRKDIR_BASENAME= work699.amd64 MKMAINTAINERTOOLS=yes WRKOBJDIR= /BETA1/pkgsrc PKGSRCDIR= /BETA1/pkgsrc PKG_OPTIONS.msmtp+= idn PKG_OPTIONS.w3m+= w3m-image-gtk2 PKG_OPTIONS.gcc-aux+= testsuite PKG_OPTIONS.mutt+= idn mutt-smtp -ncurses ncursesw PKG_OPTIONS.avahi+= introspection PKG_OPTIONS.fftw+= fftw-fortran PKG_OPTIONS.boost+= icu PKG_OPTIONS.sane-backends+= snmp # PKG_OPTIONS.lynx+= ncurses ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= socks5-license ALLOW_VULNERABLE_PACKAGES=yes DEPENDS_TARGET=package-install UPDATE_TARGET=package-install SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK= yes .endif # end pkgsrc settings Can something like this be done in FreeBSD with ports, instead of dialog? It seems there have been some changes recently, would the Porter's Handbook be up-to-date? It is a nuisance when I try to make config again, and get no dialog at all. dialog4ports is a big improvement over the old dialog, but still not as good as being able to see options cleanly in mk.conf (make.conf). Tom _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""