OK OK OK - I just started using pkgng. You know the ancient Chinese curse - 'May you live in interesting times!', well starting to use pkgng was ... interesting. Attached are some comments concerning the documentation. I hope you find them useful.

On a side note: from reading the notice about the pending inhumation of the pkg_xxx system in the Ports tree, until I converted to using pkgng took less than a day. It would have taken less time if I stopped playing with 'pkg search' and other commands and concentrated on getting the latest versions of the ports/packages installed. Poudriere is next on my todo list..

I have been trying out the PKGng software, and would like to make some
suggestions and ask some questions. The comments and suggestions below
have been made from my notes when I was trying to figure out the pkgng commands.


TUTORIAL:  The Savant's Guide To Ports, Packages, PkgNG
Try to put a lot of the information about pkgng, repositories,
etc. in a single place.  I suggest a tutorial format,  rather
than a user manual format,  with references to the various
man pages, other documents, etc.

1. Installation of PKGng
2. Ports - Use the Source, Luke!
3. Binary Packages - Let Somebody Else Do The Work
4. Respositories -
   - what they are
   - 'standard' repositories

5. Ports and Pkgng play together - when you use pkg to install
   a port then the port system will recognize that it has been
   installed.  Note: details on how this works would be good.

   An EXAMPLE of using
    portsnap fetch update
    cd /.../block/port; make package;
     updating to latest version: portmaster, portupgrade
    pkg add block/port
     updating to latest version: pkg upgrade

   Discuss advantages, etc. of both methods

6. Simple commands/operations
   finding a package in a repository
   when was a package updated/created
   finding out the last update for a package
   installing a package from a reponsitory
   upgrading a package from a repository
   upgrading ONLY a single package from a repository

   Not so simple:
   making a package from a port
    Question: does 'make package' make a pkgng compatible package
   installing the package from a file - pkg add XXXX
   preventing pkg from updating its database from a respository
   multiple respositories

   Detailed explanations on pkg set, pkg autoremove and other
   non-obvious commands

   using 'pkg add' with a package generated from a port

7, Setting up a repository and using multiple repositories

Update "http://blogs.freebsdish.org/portmgr/2014/02/03/time-to-bid-farewell-
to-the-old-pkg_-tools/" or point the entry in Mk/bsd.port.mk to an updated

The formatting seems to be a little off - <action> is present as well as some spurious UNICODE. Also add a pointer to the http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pkg/2013-October/000107.html
web page.

The https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng web page has:

See Pkg packages availability announcement for more information on usage.
with a link to http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pkg/2013-October/000107.html

Correct the http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pkg/2013-October/000107.html posting or point the link to a new one that has the 'correct' repo file entries:


FreeBSD: {
  url: "http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: "yes"


FreeBSD: {
  url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: yes

  Using pkgng for Binary package management

Update and edit this document and add the information about specifying the 'repos' information.
Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.  Also add this to the WIKI page.

If/When a tutorial is created, add a link to the tutorial.

Add 'pkg repo' or 'man pkg-repo' to give details about the repositories structure, format,
care and feeding, etc.

SUGGESTION: WIKI https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng#PKG

Add a link from the pkgng-intro.html to the WIKI Page.
Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.

Add the information in the https://wiki.freebsd.org/PkgPrimer to this document

I have been trying out the PKGng software, and would like to make some
suggestions and ask some questions. The comments and suggestions below
have been made from my notes when I was trying to figure out the 


TUTORIAL:  The Savant's Guide To Ports, Packages, PkgNG
Try to put a lot of the information about pkgng, repositories,
etc. in a single place.  I suggest a tutorial format,  rather
than a user manual format,  with references to the various
man pages, other documents, etc.

1. Installaltion of PKGng
2. Ports - Use the Source, Luke!
3. Binary Packages - Let Somebody Else Do The Work
4. Respositories - 
   - what they are
   - 'standard' repositories

5. Ports and Pkgng play together - when you use pkg to install
   a port then the port system will recognize that it has been
   installed.  Note: details on how this works would be good.

   An EXAMPLE of using
    portsnap fetch update
    cd /.../block/port; make package; 
     updating to latest version: portmaster, portupgrade
    pkg add block/port
     updating to latest version: pkg upgrade

   Discuss advantages, etc. of both methods

6. Simple commands/operations
   finding a package in a respository
   when was a package updated/created
   finding out the last update for a package
   installing a package from a reponsitory
   upgrading a package from a repository
   upgrading ONLY a single package from a repository

   Not so simple:
   making a package from a port
    Question: does 'make package' make a pkgng compatible package
   installing the package from a file - pkg add XXXX
   preventing pkg from updating its database from a respository
   multiple respositories

   Detailed explanations on pkg set, pkg autoremove and other
   non-obvious commands

   using 'pkg add' with a package generated from a port

7, Setting up a respository and using multiple respositories

Update "http://blogs.freebsdish.org/portmgr/2014/02/03/time-to-bid-farewell-
to-the-old-pkg_-tools/" or point the entry in Mk/bsd.port.mk to an updated

The formatting seems to be a little off - <action> is present as well as some
spurious UNICODE.  Also add a pointer to the 
web page.

The https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng web page has:

See Pkg packages availability announcement for more information on usage.
with a link to 

Correct the 
posting or point the link to a new one  that has the 'correct' repo file 


FreeBSD: {
  url: "http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: "yes"


FreeBSD: {
  url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest";,
  mirror_type: "srv",
  enabled: yes

  Using pkgng for Binary package management

Update and edit this document and add the information about specifying the 
'repos' information.
Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.  Also add this to the WIKI page.

If/When a tutorial is created, add a link to the tutorial.

Add  'pkg repo' or 'man pkg-repo' to give details about the repositories 
structure, format,
care and feeding, etc.

SUGGESTION: WIKI https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng#PKG

Add a link from the pkgng-intro.html to the WIKI Page.
Add information to the WIKI page about the respository format,
purpose, structure, or whatever.

Add the information in the https://wiki.freebsd.org/PkgPrimer to this document
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