Re: What do you use for design interface / mockup

2008-10-23 Thread Peter Herndon

At the risk of being flamed, I'd say that nothing is better than OmniGraffle.

That aside, both Gimp and Dia are cross-platform and very reasonable
choices.  They may not fit the Mac gui, but they work well enough if
cross-platform is a higher priority than best-of-breed.  You can get
the job done with them.

If cross-platform is not your highest priority, I'd pick OmniGraffle
and Acorn, with Photoshop and such as the big guns, as required.
Though, there's a lot to be said for wireframing in HTML, and for
paper prototypes.


On 10/23/08, Gerard Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Francis,
> I'm not a designer but I start my global layout on paper or in my head and
> then it's (x)html and CSS. The first thing that comes to mind on doing this
> electronically is photoshop (and siblings ... CS3?). And the Gimp but that
> would not be a good choice on OSX (gui handling wise).
> Regards,
> Gerard.
> Francis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What do you use for design interface / mockup?
>> I made some search, omnigraph seems pretty popular. But I often switch
>> between linux and Mac and omnigraffle isn't cross platform.
>> Is there any tools out there that work on Mac OS X and Linux? (or
>> something better than omnigraffle)
>> Thank you
>> >
> --
> urls = { 'fun':  '',  'tech':  '' }
> >

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Re: Noon Help

2008-10-27 Thread Peter Herndon

I might also suggest django-registration
( to handle your user
registration needs.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Johnny Utah wrote:
>> Thanks for the input.
>> When you say Django.admin would be useful, do you mean users would
>> access the admin interface?
> Please respond to the list when asking further questions.
> That being said: no-- users shouldn't access the admin interface. Admins
> should. It's there to make your life much easier, and it does that very
> well. You'll still need to build views for your app, but if you need to
> go in and change something manually, the admin interface is way better
> than dropping to SQL.
> Jeff Anderson

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Re: psycopg2 Visual Studio installation error on XP

2008-11-17 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi DJ,

Psycopg2 has a C extension wrapped by Python.  That C extension must
be compiled with the same compiler used to compile the Python compiler

This is not a Django issue, this is a psycopg issue.  You should ask
for assistance on the psycopg mailing list, they'll be better able to
help you.

You should also look around for pre-compiled binaries of psycopg2 for
Windows, as the packagers will have taken this compiler mismatch issue
into account.


On 11/17/08, dj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am django novice and i am very, very ,very, very green.
> I am trying to setup the PostgresSQL database with the psycopg2
> library. I downloaded the psycopg2-2.0.8.tar file.
> Opened the tar with Winzip and installed the library from the command
> line using python I got this really strange error message.
> error: Python built with Visual Studio 2003; extensions must be built
> with a complier than can generate compatiable binaries. Visual Studio
> 2003 was not found on this system. If you have Cygwin installed, you
> can tru compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32 to"
> I am not using Visual Studio for any of my development, I am using the
> python.
> Do I need to install Cywgin or is there a work around ?
> >

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Re: Setting Up Django on Vista and Creating a Database

2008-11-17 Thread Peter Herndon

The other thing that comes to mind is, have you installed the MySQLdb
python library?  If you want to connect to a database from a Python
app, you must also install a library that bridges Python and the

(I apologize in advance if you've already done so).


On 11/17/08, Karen Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:13 AM, John Antony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have currently created a database with the following details:
>> DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql'
>> DATABASE_NAME = 'myforum'
>> DATABASE_USER = 'root'
>> DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'myforum'
>> DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost'
> Is this a cut and paste from your actual setting files?  Because that
> setting for DATABASE_ENGINE -- all lowercase mysql -- is correct.
>> I used phpMyadmin to create the database
>> I have updated C:\projects\myforum\ in the similar
>> fashion
>> However when i run the the following command i get:
>> C:\projects\myforum>python runserver
>> Validating models...
>> Unhandled exception in thread started by > 0x027CC670>
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands
>> \runserver.
>> py", line 48, in inner_run
>>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\",
>> line 122,
>>  in validate
>>num_errors = get_validation_errors(s, app)
>>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management
>> \", lin
>> e 22, in get_validation_errors
>>from django.db import models, connection
>>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\db\", line 34,
>> in > e>
>>(settings.DATABASE_ENGINE, ", ".join(map(repr,
>> available_backends)), e_user)
>> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'MySQL' isn't an
>> available database
>>  backend. Available options are: 'dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle',
>> 'postgresql', 'post
>> gresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3'
>> Error was: No module named MySQL.base
> Whereas what this is saying is that you have 'MySQL' set as your
> DATABASE_ENGINE, and that is not correct.  Case matters.  What you have in
> your settings file needs to be all lower case for the DATABASE_ENGINE
> setting.
> Karen
> >

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Re: django and favicon.ico problem

2008-12-17 Thread Peter Herndon

I've done favicons as per Malcolm's suggestion, with a link in my base
template to e.g. /media/images/favicon.ico, and that works
satisfactorily for most cases.  The favicon shows as expected in
browser address bars, etc.

However, since favicons arose via convention, where the convention was
to place them in the root of the server, some old and/or stupid UAs
still request them at /, rather than following the link.  Which means
I've received 404 emails.

I haven't bothered to try fixing it yet, but I wonder if a redirect
from /favicon.ico to /media/images/favicon.ico might solve that issue.
 If I get a chance I'll test it today, see if works.  Has anyone else
experimented with this?


On 12/16/08, Malcolm Tredinnick  wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 02:45 -0800, architecture wrote:
>> i was working with php and always i put the favicon.ico in the root of
>> the website but now the problem with django occurs
>> now i'm working with django and i have a problem now
>> i used
>> 1. static.serve
>> 2. .htaccess
>> 3.redirect_to
>> but none of them works have you any idea for using favicon.ico in the
>> website
> There's nothing Django or PHP-specific about setting this up. However,
> if you've configured your Django installation to control everything
> under "/", then you'll need to make sure it also responds to request for
> favico.
> An even easier solution is simply to put the favicon file wherever you
> serve other static data from (e.g. where your stylesheets and images
> are) and put a  line in your base template to point
> clients to the right location.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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Re: Do you recommend "Practical Django Projects"?

2009-01-05 Thread Peter Herndon

"Practical Django Projects" is a bit dated at the moment -- Django has
been moving very quickly.  However, there's a lot to learn from it,
particularly regarding structuring your applications to be reusable,
and lots of other best practices.

I'm in the middle of "Python Web Development with Django" by Jeff
Forcier, Paul Bissex and Wesley Chun, and while it almost covers 1.0,
it was obviously written mostly before 1.0 and updated as and when
possible.  The lag time between manuscript completion and printing is
long, so it's hard to be current considering Django's velocity.  That
said, it is a very good book, with some really good information in it.

Admittedly I'm something of an infovore, so my response should be
taken with a grain of salt, but if you have the time I'd recommend you
work through Forcier, et al. and refer back to the online
documentation as needed to flesh out individual topics.  *Then* go
back and take in James' book, sifting through it for the
still-relevant pieces.  But, if you've worked through the online
tutorial, your best teacher will be a comprehensive project of your
own.  Pick something that you need, and write it.  Refer back to the
online docs for specifics, and ask questions as needed to fill in the
blanks and keep you headed in the right direction.  Experience is the
best teacher, and if you already know Python reasonably well, Django
will fit your Pythonic expectations well.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:42 AM, brad  wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2:21 am, HB  wrote:
>> Do you recommend "Practical Django Projects" instead?
> I got this book as soon as it came out, and very soon after Django hit
> 1.0.  It's a good book, and I learned a few "big picture" ideas from
> the sample apps, but I really had to read the docs to figure out how
> to do the specifics.
> If you're looking for the "big picture", grab it from a library or
> borrow it from a friend.. otherwise, wait for the next edition or just
> read the docs (which are very excellent, btw).
> >

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Re: static html

2008-10-13 Thread Peter Herndon

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Alfredo Alessandrini
>'s work.
> but If I want customize the url by
> Alfredo

If you really want to customize the URL with, then go ahead.
But for URL customization with Apache, use mod_rewrite.  It may be
somewhat harder to learn the syntax, but by keeping your static files
separate from your Django machinery, you'll have better overall server

On the other hand, if what you want is really to serve
static/semi-static pages through Django, have you investigated


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Re: trying unsuccessfully to access django admin

2009-01-22 Thread Peter Herndon

Well, first things first:  set DEBUG=True in your settings.

The traceback you got there is saying there's an HTTP 500 error
somewhere, so it's looking for a 500.html template to use to display
that error.  Django only tries to show that page if you have set
DEBUG=False.  In this case, you need to find out what the underlying
error is, so set DEBUG=True and try /admin/ again.

Here's the docs on the 500.html page:


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:44 AM, bconnors  wrote:
> when I typed in:
> I got:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\servers
> \", line 278, in run
>self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\servers
> \", line 635, in __call__
>return self.application(environ, start_response)
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\",
> line 239, in __call__
>response = self.get_response(request)
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\",
> line 116, in get_response
>return self.handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver,
> sys.exc_info())
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\",
> line 160, in handle_uncaught_exception
>return callback(request, **param_dict)
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\views\", line
> 23, in server_error
>t = loader.get_template(template_name) # You need to create a
> 500.html template.
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\template\", line
> 80, in get_template
>source, origin = find_template_source(template_name)
>  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django\template\", line
> 73, in find_template_source
>raise TemplateDoesNotExist, name
> TemplateDoesNotExist: 500.html
> >

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Re: Some questions on using Django

2009-02-11 Thread Peter Herndon

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:39 AM, koranthala  wrote:

> (1)
>Could somebody let me know whether this is usual? Am I missing
> some basic viewpoints which is causing me to write far too much code
> than necessary? i.e. Am I or am I not following Django framework
> properly?

No, this approach is quite normal for an AJAX-heavy RIA.  Templates
make writing the HTML portion of your site easier, but if your sites
are, as you say, almost entirely JavaScript-based, then I'd think it
very natural not to use templates much.  I have been building web apps
for a while, but only recently have I begun to use much JavaScript.  I
use templates quite a bit, and find they make my life easier, but I'm
only adding jQuery plug-ins, so more of my front-end code is HTML than
JavaScript.  However, I have found some utility in using various
template tags within my JavaScript.

> (2)
>Another question that I have is - is it usual to have no major
> architecture in the web coding?
> I am very much worried that I am missing something major and it is
> going to blow up in my face later. If someone can help me on this too,
> it would be very helpful.

There are some best practices in terms of code organization (making
your apps reusable, directory layout, etc.), but really the entire
point of using a framework such as Django is that the framework
handles the 80% of the code that you'd need to rewrite for every web
application you build, while allowing you to concentrate on the 20% of
the code that is the domain-specific logic.  Thus, a lot of the stuff
you'd have to do that would otherwise emerge as a pattern in web
architecture is already built in to Django.

The other nice part is that Python itself has little need for
programmers to use design patterns, as the language has been designed
to address the flaws that make design patterns necessary.  Iterators
are part of the language, a singleton is a module of functions, etc.
As Thomas said, "Welcome to python and django".


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Re: Charts for Admin Interface

2009-02-15 Thread Peter Herndon

I don't have the URL handy, but the admin docs contain pointers on how
to add extra URLs to your admin site.  Create a view, make a template,
add the URL, profit!!  So if you want charts in your admin, such a
task is well within the capabilities of Django for you to add.

On 2/13/09, Robert  wrote:
> Dear Community,
> did ever anybody try to add charts (i.e. with ReportLab) to the admin
> interface? I think it would be a very nice feature to show
> statistics, ... First the user should be able to make some choices and
> then depending on these choices django should create a chart (values
> of course out of a mysql db) and display it.
> It's no problem to register a new model for the admin interface. But I
> don't know how I can add things like Charts or PDFs, ...
> I hope anybody can give me a help in this case!
> Nice regards
> Robert
> >

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Re: Mutli-Assignable Models

2009-02-15 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Justin,

I can't view your code at the moment, but it seems to me you want a
ForeignKey on Article to Show, another FK on Photo to Show, an M2M
from Article to Photo, and a custom manager on Show, or some other
custom method, that returns both Articles and Photos.  The latter
might best be accomplished by having Articles and Photos inherit from
some common model, and have Show pull from that common ancestor and
then descend to the specific type as needed.  The common model would
be where you'd have the FK to Show, thinking about it, and then you
wouldn't need a custom method on Show, you could just use std methods.


On 2/12/09, Justin Lilly  wrote:
> Hi all.
>   I have a project where I need to assign multiple models to each
>   other via some many to many relationship.
>   There are a few main players in my prototype: Articles, Photos and
>   Shows. Shows has many Articles and Photos. Article has many Photos,
>   but has one Show. Photos has one Show, but has many Articles. (Might
>   make more sense below) There will be more models involved in this
>   process when this app goes to production, but these 3 will do for
>   prototyping.
>   My initial thought was to have an intermediate model with 2 generic
>   relationships. I think this is going to be too costly in terms of
>   performance as I'll need to run 2x the queries per lookup. One to
>   check if my lookup object is referenced in the first generic
>   relationship, then to see if its referenced in the 2nd one.
>   The next idea was to have a self-referential m2m field for my models
>   to inherit from. The issue there is the lookup returns objects whose
>   type is that of the parent model, not the child model.
>   I'm looking for a way to accomplish queries similar to this:
>   >>> myshow
>   >>> myshow.related.all()
>   [, , , , ]
>   >>> photo1 = myshow.related.all()[0]
>   >>> photo1.related.all()
>   [, , , ]
>   The self referential model code I was using can be found at
> and an ipython session at
> . I feel as if I may be stretching what
>   model inheritance was meant for or at least what its currently
>   capable of.
>   Although everyone says it, the solution will need to scale to a
>   large number of users as it will be used in a very large
>   dynamic-content site. This is the core of the content plan (to
>   present various content types based on a given "pivot point", in the
>   illustrated case above, shows).
>   Looking for any advice or help you may be able to provide.
>  -justin
> >

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Re: Mutli-Assignable Models

2009-02-17 Thread Peter Herndon

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Justin Lilly  wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>  While your proposed solution would work for the prototyping example
> I've given, I have 3 more arching themes like Show and probably
> another 4-5 content types like photo and articles. The main idea here
> is to be able to select an arbitrary element, be it a photo, video,
> article, etc. and display all of its related content, regardless of
> content type, within the theme (aka Show).

Your M2M to self looks okay from a theoretical point of view, does it
work in practice?

>From a Pythonic point of view, you should be explicit, right?  So, how
well or how badly does it work if you have an FK on Item to self,
named 'parent'?  You can build trees mighty quickly that way.  You
might also want to look into Django-MPTT, which is designed to handle
object graphs well.  On a non-Python level, you might want to consider
building a view in your db, and creating a model based on that view,
rather than having Django build your tables.  A bit more manual
maintenance, and you might need to brush up on your SQL and relational
design skills to get there, but it might be a direction to go.

> As an ancillary goal, I
> need to ensure I'm not generating a ton of expensive queries for each
> of these lookups as this site will be serving a large number of users.
>  As far as I can tell, abstracting these relationships is the best way
> to go about the problem, its just the method of abstraction that I'm
> unsure on.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."  Don't worry about
performance until you know it's a problem.  Then solve it the normal
way:  figure out your caching strategy, tune your db to fit your
server(s), profile.  Don't assume that queries will be expensive a
priori.  Use select_related.  You make your life harder by assuming
bad performance before you know it occurs.

See you tonight,


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Re: Django Transaction Management

2009-02-26 Thread Peter Herndon

>   Django Reference suggests that we use Transaction Middleware in the
> web applications.

Mm, the documentation doesn't suggest you use it, it merely details
how to use it if you in fact need it.  Whether you need it or not is a
design decision you must make.

>   What is the usual practice followed here? Do we use Transaction
> Middleware most of the time?

You need to think about transactions and your application.  That is,
does your application actually require transactions?  Do you have
multiple database operations that really MUST be performed as a unit,
or rolled back as a unit?  In most web applications, that's not likely
to be the case.  Commercial websites, money exchanges, these sorts of
operations normally require transactions, but does a To-Do list
application, a blog, or a photo gallery?  So you need to think about
whether your application truly requires transactions.  Most of my apps
do not, though I do have one use case in one app where I am using
transactions to ensure logical consistency.

>   The reason why I am asking is due to the following reason:
>   In my code, I at many places do the following
>   Obj = Model(parm1, parm2)
>   # Now store the id for future use
>   l.append(

No, don't do the above.  Instead, do:


>   Now, I think this sort of code should be very usual in Web
> Applications. But I cannot understand how this will work, since as per
> my understanding, the _id_ will not be obtained until the DB actually
> assigns one. Since transaction middleware allows the transaction to be
> commited only at the end, this should fail right?

As per above, don't store the id for future use.  You've already got a
reference to the model object, Obj.  Append that to your list instead,
if you need to refer to it.  You don't have to worry about the id, and
you don't have to worry about transactions (whether or not you decide
to use them).  If you keep the reference to the Obj throughout your
transaction, you need never refer to the id explicitly, just use the
object reference.  Then later, when you commit your transaction, your
object *in its final form* is saved to the database, and an ID is

Hope that helps,


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Re: Django Certifications

2009-03-06 Thread Peter Herndon

In short, no.If you are looking to create one, feel free, there's
no competition.  There's also been no discernible demand, from what
I've seen.

On 3/6/09, Praveen  wrote:
> Is there any Django certification as others like SCJP, MCSE, CCNA and
> more on?
> >

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Re: HIPAA, Django and User Authentication/Security

2009-03-12 Thread Peter Herndon
hat hard to do.  HIPAA
is more about the organization having in place policies that comply,
and that the system expresses those policies.  A lot of compliance is
subject to interpretation, there's some leeway as to what is and what
isn't compliance.

Also for what it's worth, I have a suspicion that if your customer is
already using that Django application to store production patient
information, that system is already subject to HIPAA regulations,
regardless of whether it is public or not.  As a hint, test data
should absolutely NOT be real patient info.  Use obviously fake
patients, e.g. "Daffy Duck, MRN 123456789".  Disclosure of real
patient data from a test system is still disclosure, and subject to
penalties.  And since security policy enforcement is usually less on a
test system ("Oh, sure, I'll show you how it works on test, no
problem!"), the chances of disclosure are higher.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: HIPAA, Django and User Authentication/Security

2009-03-12 Thread Peter Herndon

> You speak
> of HIPAA which translates to FISMA requirements.

I suspect they are complementary, not equivalent.

> I assume your web
> application i.e  MYSQL will be storing Personal Identifiable
> Information (PII) such SSN, etc... In this case, you may have tough
> battle getting your web application approved.

Hmm, I was assuming Glen's customer was a healthcare organization.  If
you are looking for approval for use by a government agency, in
addition to HIPAA compliance, that's well beyond my experience.

> Nevertheless, there are
> sites our there which may help you get started.
> Check out the following websites:

On quick perusal, MITRE seems to have an open source tool LAIKA that
checks electronic health records for interoperability compliance.
Good stuff, if interoperability is a requirement.  My experience with
HIPAA pretty much predates interoperability, and was focused on the
privacy and security regulations.


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Re: Memory error

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/05/2009 12:26 PM, drakkan wrote:
> No I'm not serving static file I have a very large json file
> dinamycally generated (based on a db query)
Please post the relevant view and model code, so we can see what's 
happening.  Also, if your db query is actually a really large number of 
db queries, and you are running in debug mode (DEBUG = True in 
settings), then Django caches all of your SQL queries to assist with 
debugging -- at the expense of memory and performance.

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Re: Memory error

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/05/2009 04:09 PM, drakkan wrote:
> The code is something like this
> obj=DBModels.objects.filter(somefilter)
> results=[]
> for o in obj:
> return JsonResponse(results)
> where JsonResponse is a class derived from HttpResponse that add a
> simplejson.dumps
> I have a really large database and in some edge case I need to return
> a large number of results (about 150.000 when I get the error). I make
> only one query with select_related and I tried also with DEBUG=False
> but nothing changed only the detailed stack trace isn't printed,
> thanks
> drakkan
Hi drakkan,

Your code:

for o in obj:

is building a list in memory.  Chances are, with 150k+ objects, that's 
where you are running into the memory issue.  That's a big list!

A couple of possibilities come to mind.  First, have you looked into 
using a values query?  You may be able to avoid building the list 
entirely.  The relevant documentation is here:

and the syntax would be something like this:

results = DBModels.objects.filter(somefilter).values('field1', 'field2')

At which point, results is basically this:

[{'field1':o1.field1, 'field2':o1.field2}, {'field1':o2.field1, 
'field2':o2.field1}, ...]

but it's a lazy iterator rather than an in-memory list.

Another thing that comes to mind is using Django's built-in serializers, 
which will take your filtered QuerySet, a tuple of fields, and serialize 
to JSON for you.  Docs are here:

Hope that helps,


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Re: adapt admin interface

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/05/2009 03:36 PM, sveri wrote:
> Hi,
> i wonder if it is possible to change the admin interface of an app
> like that:
Yes, it is very possible.

> Now i go to the admin interface of Entries and want to add a new
> Entry.
> Then i select a party for the new entry.
> After having that selected i want to reload the form ajax like
> and show only the politicians that belong to that specific selected
> party.
One way to do this would be to override the admin template for the 
change_form.html for your model, and add the necessary Javascript to it 
to do what you need.  You will likely need to create a view for your app 
that performs the querying for your Ajax request, but you'd write the 
view like you would any other, and you'd just override the admin 
template to include the Javascript that calls to your view and parses 
the response.

Overriding the admin templates documentation is here:

Hope that helps,


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Announce: django-ldap-groups

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Herndon

I'm pleased to announce the release of django-ldap-groups.  Of special 
interest for building intranet sites, django-ldap-groups allows Django 
users to authenticate against LDAP, and allows site administrators to 
map LDAP organizational units (OUs) to Django groups.  This mapping 
allows LDAP-authenticated users to acquire site permissions based on 
their LDAP OU membership, automatically when they first log in to the 
Django site. The app is available at, and is BSD licensed.

Currently the app has been tested and works against Microsoft Active 
Directory and Novell eDirectory.  Other LDAP servers will probably work 
using the eDirectory backend, but none have been tested at the time of 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


---Peter Herndon

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Re: python md5

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/06/2009 01:55 PM, Asinox wrote:
> Hi guys, please i need to know why md5 return this:
> the way that im using:
> def encriptar():
>  toEncode = pickle.dumps(
>  encoded =
>  return encoded

Because encoded is an md5 hash *object*.  You can add more strings to 
the hash with the update() method.  Then, when you are finished adding 
things, you call the digest() or hexdigest() method to retrieve the 
value of the hash.  It isn't just a one-time hashing function that 
returns the value of the single item you pass to it.

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Re: how to deploy Django on the web server?

2009-08-07 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/07/2009 05:25 PM, Milan Andric wrote:
> Justin, it's not.  Have you seen the deployment docs?
> --
> Milan
> On Aug 7, 1:56 pm, justin jools  wrote:
>> thanks for the reply but I have access to a server for free so I wanted to
>> set it up myself, how can it be so difficult? Django is renowned as an easy
>> rapid development framework so why is it so difficult to deploy?

More to the point, tell us what you are doing and where it's failing.  
Maybe then we can help you solve the problem.

Hmm, looking at the site, their free offering does not 
include Python.  And I can't get to resolve.  Perhaps your 
problem starts there.


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Re: apps that relate to each other

2009-08-07 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/07/2009 05:33 PM, Milan Andric wrote:
> Hello I have two apps that have foreign keys to each other.  Like:
> people.models:
>class Profile(Model):
>   secondary_email = CharField()
>class Staff(Profile):
>   office = ForeignKey(Room)
> resources.models:
>class Room(Model):
>   name = CharField()
>class Reservation(Model):
>   profile = ForeignKey(Profile)
> Runserver seems to work fine but when i do ./ sqlall people I
> get a "Error: App with label people could not be found. Are you sure
> your INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct?" error.
> Is there a way around this or do I need to rip my apps apart so I can
> foreign key to my rooms model?
> Thanks,
> Milan
Hi Milan,

It sounds like your 'people' and 'resources' packages aren't being found 
by  That means they aren't on your PYTHONPATH.  There's a 
little bit of explanation in the first couple of paragraphs here:

Assuming that 'people' and 'resources' are both Python packages that 
started life as the result of startapp, then the easiest 
thing to do is to make sure both modules are accessible to Python's 
site-packages.  That way, you can use people and resources in your 
current app, and use them again later in another app without having to 
move them from their current location on the file system.

There are two ways to go about this.  The first way is to (assuming you 
are running Linux or OS X) link to the package directory from within 
site-packages.  That is, "cd /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages" and then 
"sudo ln -s /home/milan/projects/people ."  for each package.  (Needless 
to say, modify the paths to reflect your system.)  This method is quick 
and easy, but places these modules in your system's Python install.  You 
may need to be cautious in doing so, as you may run into a namespace 
clash with existing packages.

The second method is to learn all about virtualenv and use that 
wonderful tool to do what it does best.  Virtualenv allows you to create 
a sandboxed Python installation per project, separate from your system's 
Python installation.  With each project in its own sandbox, you don't 
need to worry about interfering with your system, or with version 
conflicts between the needs of one project and the next.  Use virtualenv 
with pip and virtualenvwrapper to make your life even easier, as pip 
allows you to install packages to your virtualenv similar to 
easy_install.  The downside, of course, is that you have to learn a few 
more tools, and use them with discipline.  Happily, they aren't hard to 
learn and are reasonably well documented.

Hope that helps,


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Re: Strange problem with LDAP authentication backend

2009-08-12 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/12/2009 11:17 AM, stupidgeek wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a strange problem. I wrote a basic LDAP backend, to
> authenticate users against our open directory server:
> [snip]

> Note that the print user line works, so a valid user is being
> returned, meaning the bind works just fine.
> The problem I am getting is that the GET /admin/ is returning me to
> the login form, without any errors, over and over. A login using a
> user from the django db works without a problem.
> Any suggestions?
Hi Brenton,

Your GET /admin/ is returning "without any errors".  By that, do you 
mean that it is sending you back to the login form and telling you to 
input a *correct* username and password?  If so, the thing I ran into 
with this is that the django.contrib.auth.models.User model has two 
attributes, is_staff and is_superuser.  If you are NOT setting at least 
is_staff = True, then your user is not allowed to access the admin, 
period, and you'll never get past the login screen.  If you go into 
/admin/ as an actual admin user, you'll likely see your user created in 
the Users section, but with no staff or superuser permissions.

I actually very recently wrote an app to help with this sort of thing,, though I haven't targeted 
Open Directory or LDAP servers using SASL auth.  I'd be happy to work 
with you to add Open Directory to the list of supported servers.

It is very new (about a week old or so), and has boogs, but I'd love to 
see if it helps your problem.

(Of course, the fun part about LDAP is that my diagnosis may be entirely 
wrong, too...  ;)


---Peter Herndon

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Re: Theory: Models/Apps

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/14/2009 12:36 AM, Vadivel Kumar wrote:
> I have recently started on Django .. going awesome .. I know, this 
> question might have popped out several times before, but since Google 
> does not yield me any results, I am writing this post. However, do 
> point out resources if any in this mailing list.
> 1. What is the fundamental difference of APP versus PROJECT in Django 
> terminology. For instance, is it right to say, POSTS is an APP and 

One way to describe a "project" is "web site", or "web application".  
You have a top-level, a top-level, and in your 
settings you are specifying which "apps" are to be used in this site.  
An app, then, does NOT need to sit in the project directory.  Instead, 
it can and should be a Python package and should be made available to 
your "project" via being on the PYTHONPATH.  That way, the app is 
available to any other projects at the same time.

For more on this structure, read James Bennett's _Practical Django 
Projects_, and his blog entries on the subject.

> 2. Particularly, I don't like the idea of using a single for 
> many entities, I would rather to keep separate files for each of 
> entity .. in a scenario like a huge team is working on a project, this 
> approach will create unnecessary noise. Any answers?

As others have stated, feel free to break out into 
../models/ and ../models/, ../models/, 
etc.  However, one major point to keep in mind is that if you restrict a 
given "app" to providing a single function (or small set of intimately 
related functions), and break other functionality into other apps, then 
the for a given app will generally never get too terribly 
big.  This separation and modularization is part of the success factor 
for Django -- there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of reusable apps you 
can plug in to provide functionality for your site.  And when you start 
thinking that your, or, is getting too big, you 
should probably start asking yourself if you split a related set of 
functionality out into its own app.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: how much python do i need to know to learn/use Django?

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Herndon

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:39 AM, snfctech wrote:
> And I guess the answer to the title of the post, according to you guys
> is:
> "All you need is previous programming experience and a Python
> reference book.  Learning some Python basics before diving into Django
> is probably a good idea, but you don't need to spend weeks on it or
> take a bootcamp/course."

I strongly disagree.  The thing to remember is that Django is just
Python applied to web programming.  Knowing Python better, and
understanding the quirks of the language and why they are there, will
serve you better when programming a Django app.  Django is a supremely
Pythonic approach to web applications (not the only such, to be sure).
 The framework developers use the language fluently.  The better you
understand the language, the easier you will find it to understand
Django.  The choices made in designing Django will be obvious, or at
least more clear than they would have been otherwise.

You are more likely to reach your goal of having a working Django site
sooner if you have a better understanding of the language than if you
concentrate on Django and skip the subtleties of the language.  Yes,
Python is designed to be easy to learn and easy to read, but
understanding the possibilities inherent in the language will help you
grasp more of Django more easily than if you just dive into web

Listen to the instructor, he's not wrong.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Eric Evans Value Objects

2009-08-17 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Tibor,

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:17 AM, gentlestone wrote:
> I'm looking for a support for something like Eric Evans Value Objects
> ( For example, if I have a Person
> model like
> class Adress(models.Model):
>    street = ...
>    city = ...
>    postal_code = ...
> class Person(models.Model):
>    home_adress = models.OneToOneField(Adress)
>    business_adress = models.OneToOneField(Adress)
> Adress is like a Value Object, but I don't want any adress table, nor
> extra foreign key and database joins. My application is not made for a
> National Post Office domain. I just want an Adress class whitout
> database identity.

I think you're approaching the problem incorrectly.  When dealing with
a relational database, go ahead and view things from a relational
perspective.  In this case, if you want your Person model to have
zero, one, or multiple Addresses, and a single Address can be used by
multiple people, what you want in Django is a ManyToMany field.  Yes,
this creates a couple more tables and the requisite joins, but as it
so happens, that likely won't be a problem for you, as you are writing
an application that is as you say "not made for National Post Office
domain."  In short, don't fight the relational model in this case.  It
is designed to handle such tasks.  The only reason you might want to
avoid an extra table or two is due to poor performance, but I suspect
that you are optimizing prematurely.  Until you have a large number of
users, you don't need to worry about one M2M field.  And your first
choices for optimization in Django should be caching and setting up a
separate image server, not database denormalization.

Django's ORM is a very powerful tool, and it makes the developer's
life a lot easier in many ways, but that in part is because the Django
developers made design choices that reflect best practices and channel
users in the proper direction.  The fact that Django does not make it
easy to do what you think you want is likely a sign that you are going
upstream against the natural flow of Django.  In short, take it as a
warning sign that you should rethink your approach.  Try working with
Address as a ManyToMany field, and see whether that works for your
application.  From there, if it presents a problem, you can always
rethink later, and you will have the benefit of knowing what problems
you need to work around.

Hope that helps,


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Re: custom authentication backend not being used...

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/19/2009 02:04 PM, Jay wrote:
> Sorry, nevermind.  I finally figured this out right after I posted
> this.
What was the solution?  Both for posterity, and because I'm personally 



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Re: Ajax TreeList with Django

2009-08-26 Thread Peter Herndon

On 08/26/2009 03:52 PM, Dirso wrote:
> I'd like to create a dynamic treelist (using Ajax, Django and
> Postgres). Did anyone know tutorial ou code piece that could do this
> magic?
Hi Dirso,

I've done something similar to what you are describing, using jQuery, 
the dynatree jQuery plugin, and some reasonable Django code.  The code 
is available at, and 
you'll specifically be interested in the djadora/views/ and the 
djadora/templates/fedora/browse_dynatree.html and image_fragment.html files.

I implemented the code as part of a special-purpose web app for 
interfacing with a Java repository system, and the code is far from 
clean and pretty, but it should give you a decent example of something 
that is currently in production.

The way I approached it was to write a couple of views that are designed 
to handle the jQuery dynatree Ajax requests.  Dynatree does the work on 
building the tree in HTML, my views provide the data, and the models 
each have a "parent" attribute that allows the views to figure out how 
to select children for each tree level.

In retrospect, I'd do my best to reuse django-mptt, django-treebeard, or 
similar.  They aren't a direct fit for my use case, since I have 
different models that can contain each other, and from what I've seen 
they are geared to handle only a single model class pointing to itself, 
but I would follow their approach and steal code like crazy.  :)  Or, if 
I had just one kind of model, I'd just add enough Ajax views to power 


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Re: Fulltext searching

2009-03-28 Thread Peter Herndon

In addition, full text indexing with Sphinx has been shown to be
faster than the same using MySql'ls fulltext search.

Django-NYC recently had some talks on search, and the gentleman who
presented on David Cramer's django-sphinx module had run some rough
timing tests.

On 3/27/09, Antoni Aloy  wrote:
> 2009/3/26 Malcolm Tredinnick :
>> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 14:37 -0700, TheIvIaxx wrote:
>>> So i have been trying to get a solid search going in django.  I have
>>> seen things liek Whoosh and Solr or Lucene(sp?) which all add fulltext
>>> searching to your models.  Are these better than the mysql fulltext
>>> searches?
> I prefer to stay away from database indexing so the application is
> database agnostic. I have integrated xapian successfully in some
> projects using django-xapian, and it works quite well. You can see it
> in action in
> --
> Antoni Aloy López
> Blog:
> Site:
> >

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Re: Mysterious "=32" for all strings extracted from list showing up via send_mail

2009-03-28 Thread Peter Herndon

The answer is here:

Specifically, section 6.7, "Quoted-Printable
Content-Transfer-Encoding".  If you take a tour through Python's email
module in the standard library, you'll find some bits for handling

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:11 PM, NoviceSortOf  wrote:
> My objective is to send a clean list of field names and values via
> email
> after the completion of a form in Django.
> When formating an email message after extracting a list of field names
> and values from a list i get a string that prints something like this.
> $print(message_str):
> ...
> name="Bill Jones"
> street="Baker St."
> zipcode="9"...
> When I send this string as message parameter with Send_mail it arrives
> looking like this in the body of the email
> ...
> name=3D"Bill Jones"
> street=3D"Baker St."
> zipcode=3D"9"...
> I'm curious where between the string being readable without the 3D via
> the Django debugger via Send_mail and into the arriving mail
> where the 3D might be interjected into the string.
> >

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Re: TreePanel in Django

2009-04-14 Thread Peter Herndon

I've done something similar using jquery and the dynatree plugin,
though the directory "structure" doesn't actually exist on the file
system of the server.  I'm building my tree from relationships stored
in the db.

Works for me so far, though I've yet to test with large quantities of objects.


On 4/13/09, Eduardo Aragón Montes  wrote:
> Hi everyone..I'm new in django and I'm developing and app that have virtual
> storage for i would like to do a treepanel for every user where
> they can see what files they have uploaded and if they want create folders
> and organize their files...I know i can use ext-js but i would like to know
> if anyone of you know other way to perform this...Thanks
> --
> Eduardo Aragón Montes
> Cel. 3113072880
> >

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Re: Newb with some questions ...

2009-06-16 Thread Peter Herndon

For REST in Django, there are a number of options, but django-piston
is a front-runner.


On 6/14/09, Gunnar  wrote:
> Good Day,
> I'm an 'ol VB6/SQL Server client-server programmer who has moved
> into .NET, Silverlight and has done some websites with Joomla. I've
> also done a LOT of Shockwave-Lingo, C++ and C#.
> After spending several days researching, I'm settling into Django more
> and more, and am letting go of the near hysteria I'm seeing over Ruby
> on Rails.
> ( I'm not keen on a language that is only around because of ROR, I'm
> not keen on Ruby performance)
> My goals are ...
> (1) Build REST web services incorporating ORM and sending XML results
> to Silverlight
> (2) Possibly integrating Django 'apps' into Joomla
> and
> (3) Building out full-blown websites with Djano - where for me - it
> would compete with Joomla.
> (4) It MUST run on GoDaddy - beyond my ability to influence so thanks
> in advance for the flame ;-)
> Goal (1) - To meet this goal, I just need web services. Is this
> practical in Django and can you point me somewhere to read-up on
> this???
> Goal (2) - This is more of a Joomla question - but if anyone has a
> suggestion - I am all ears!
> Goal (3) - I need to bone-up on Django so expect questions
> Goal (4) - Does anyone have experience with Django hosted at GoDaddy?
> Do they use Fast-CGI for Python?
>  What problems can I expect?   Going to another host is not an option!
> Thanks in advance.!
> Gunnar
> >

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Re: Beginners question: select box with very much options

2009-06-18 Thread Peter Herndon

Jannis Leidel implemented autocomplete in admin, and I've done it a
few times in user forms.  Jquery has a nice autocomplete plugin
(, plus I think there's one in the next Jquery
UI beta/trunk.  IIRC, there's a current GSoC project to add
autocomplete to admin.

In short, there's lots of prior art from which to learn.  But the
summary is that you will need to write a view that pulls possible
matches from the db, and returns them in whatever format is required
by whichever JavaScript component you adopt (or write).  Then add a
URL for your js to call via Ajax, add the js to your template, and
you're in business.


On 6/18/09, Bruno Tikami  wrote:
> Hello Mathias,
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Mathias Waack
> wrote:
>> Hello django experts,
>> let me first note I'm a beginner in both django and web-development at
>> all.
> welcome!
>> I have a form with some select boxes containing several million options.
>> Now
>> I'd like to have something like the search field in wikipedia, where I get
>> suggestions during typing.
> there are two common features that should help you get it done: suggestion
> and autocomplete. A suggestion feature will show you some common searched
> keywords (like youtube) while the autocomplete stuff will show you some
> database records containing the typed text.
>> I'm fairly sure this question has been answered several times, but I
>> haven't
>> found any feasible solution. Are there any special keyword you're using
>> for
>> this kind of input fields?
> These features are implemented in JavaScript, as they are related to the
> data representation _logic_  so it has nothing to do with special keywords
> on inputs.
>> Would be nice to have a solution working with last stable django, but just
>> in
>> case I could also upgrade to 1.1alpha.
> I don't have any link to send you right now but once you know a little bit
> more of it, I think you can google it ;-)
>> Thanks!
>> Mathias
> Tkm
> >

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Re: Custom Authentication Backend

2009-12-03 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 3, 2009, at 3:29 PM, bfrederi wrote:

> I'm not looking to avoid effort. I just don't want a bunch of extra
> users cluttering up my system if I don't need to. I have no desire for
> them to exist in my system for any reason. I want to keep the number
> of django users limited in my system so it is easier to manage them in
> admin.
> Thanks for the import advice though. Unfortunately, it's not what I'm
> seeking.

In which case, you'll need to rewrite an awful lot of contrib.auth to work with 
LDAP directly.  The existing contrib.auth is designed to work with User models 
stored in a relational database, manipulated via the standard Django ORM.  
There are any number of working snippets for importing user data from LDAP or 
other sources on successful authentication, but they all work by creating a 
User and storing the model in the db.  They just get their user info from AD, 
or wherever.  The one you chose is very workable.

While it sounds like a grand thing to avoid the redundancy of storing your 
users both in the db and in your original source, the amount of work involved 
makes it a non-starter for all but the most obsessed.  And it really doesn't 
buy you much, practically speaking.  I'd suggest to you that a better approach 
would be to work on customizing the admin to separate out your LDAP users from 
your local-to-Django users, I seem to recall seeing some snippets to that 
purpose.  Basically, just rope off your LDAP users and ignore them. 

Though if you *do* wind up rewriting contrib.auth to work directly from LDAP, 
please do post, I'd love to see it.


P.S.:  Thanks for the plug, Mike!  :)


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Re: LDAP-groups problem

2009-12-18 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 17, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Wayne wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Wayne,

> I tried to use djando-ldap-groups but got some errors from database
> configuration. Could somebody shed some light on the possible problems
> of my set up?

Hmm, I think I found the problem below.
> Our LDAP server is Sun One Server and the site is running in the
> windows environment.

Aside: If you get all this running properly, please let me know, I've not tried 
it with Sun One and would be glad to know that it works with that particular 
LDAP server.

> 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',
> ) .

You will need to add one of the LDAP backends to this setting.  The eDirectory 
backend is pretty generic, and will be a better bet than the ActiveDirectory 
backend.  That's not the problem you are having, but is something you'll need 
to handle shortly.
> The error message came from command: python syncdb
> Creating table ldap_groups_ldapgroup
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-02329: column of datatype LOB cannot be
> unique or a
> primary key

In ldap_groups/, the LDAPGroup.org_unit field is a TextField, and is 
marked unique=True.  I'm thinking that the cx_Oracle backend is translating the 
TextField into a Large Object (LOB) field in Oracle, and Oracle cannot ensure 
uniqueness of a Large Object.  In short, remove the "unique=True" from the 
ldap-groups code and try again.  It should work after that.

This error arises from an inconsistency between the behavior of Oracle and the 
behavior of PostgreSQL, as Mike noted.  It works under Postgres.  I'll check 
with the dev list and see if this behavior difference is known, and whether the 
fix is to never use unique=True on a TextField (a bug in my code), or something 
that needs to be smoothed over in the SQL generation for Oracle specifically (a 
bug in the underlying Django behavior).

Let me know if you have further questions, I'm happy to assist.


---Peter Herndon


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Re: LDAP-groups problem

2009-12-18 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 18, 2009, at 10:15 AM, Peter Herndon wrote:

> On Dec 17, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Wayne wrote:
>> Hi,
> This error arises from an inconsistency between the behavior of Oracle and 
> the behavior of PostgreSQL, as Mike noted.  It works under Postgres.  I'll 
> check with the dev list and see if this behavior difference is known, and 
> whether the fix is to never use unique=True on a TextField (a bug in my 
> code), or something that needs to be smoothed over in the SQL generation for 
> Oracle specifically (a bug in the underlying Django behavior).
Hi Wayne,

Can you tell me the Django version, the version of cx_Oracle, and the Oracle 
version?  If this has been fixed for certain versions, that would make this 
error a moot point.  And the developers are certainly going to ask.  :)




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Re: LDAP-groups problem

2009-12-19 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 18, 2009, at 10:15 AM, Peter Herndon wrote:

>> The error message came from command: python syncdb
>> Creating table ldap_groups_ldapgroup
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> [snip]
>> cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-02329: column of datatype LOB cannot be
>> unique or a
>> primary key
> In ldap_groups/, the LDAPGroup.org_unit field is a TextField, and is 
> marked unique=True.  I'm thinking that the cx_Oracle backend is translating 
> the TextField into a Large Object (LOB) field in Oracle, and Oracle cannot 
> ensure uniqueness of a Large Object.  In short, remove the "unique=True" from 
> the ldap-groups code and try again.  It should work after that.
> This error arises from an inconsistency between the behavior of Oracle and 
> the behavior of PostgreSQL, as Mike noted.  It works under Postgres.  I'll 
> check with the dev list and see if this behavior difference is known, and 
> whether the fix is to never use unique=True on a TextField (a bug in my 
> code), or something that needs to be smoothed over in the SQL generation for 
> Oracle specifically (a bug in the underlying Django behavior).

Hi Wayne,

The limitation is known, there's a note in the Oracle backend mentioning that 
TextFields do not support indexes, which includes unique constraints.  For your 
use, just remove the unique=True from the model definition and run syncdb again.




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Re: LDAP-groups problem

2009-12-22 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Wayne wrote:

> Thanks for the prompt reply. Yes, unique=True was the problem. Now I
> passed the "run syncdb" and new tables were created. However, I still
> could not "contact LDAP". Could somebody help me with this? 

That would be me. 

> Thanks!
> My settings:
> LDAP_SERVER = 'directory.X'
> # If using SSL use these:
> LDAP_PORT = 636
> LDAP_URL = 'ldaps://:636'
> SEARCH_DN = ''
> SEARCH_FIELDS = ['sn','cn','uid']

Future note:  The point of ldap-groups is to allow a mapping between LDAP OU 
group memberships and Django groups, in order to have LDAP users acquire the 
permissions that have been assigned to the Django group.  So at some point you 
will need to add to SEARCH_FIELDS the field on your LDAP user that contains the 
list of groups to which the user belongs.  If that field is not called 
'groupMembership', you will need to edit the ldap_groups.accounts.backends 
module, and change lines 205 and 206 to match the name of that field. 

This change isn't your initial problem, though, so it can be deferred for a 
bit.  Eventually I should refactor that field out to its own setting.

> 'ldap_groups.accounts.backends.eDirectoryGroupMembershipSSLBackend',
> 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',
> )

> Traceback:

>  154. l.simple_bind_s(username, password)
> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\ldap\" in
> simple_bind_s
>  206. msgid = self.simple_bind(who,cred,serverctrls,clientctrls)
> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\ldap\" in simple_bind
>  200. return self._ldap_call
> (self._l.simple_bind,who,cred,EncodeControlTuples
> (serverctrls),EncodeControlTuples(clientctrls))
> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\ldap\" in _ldap_call
>  96. result = func(*args,**kwargs)
> Exception Type: SERVER_DOWN at /admin/
> Exception Value: {'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}

The error messages are typically accurate.  In this case, "Can't contact LDAP 
server" should be taken literally.  You should first confirm that the LDAP 
server is listening on whatever port at the appropriate DNS name, and that you 
have network connectivity to the LDAP server.  Once you've confirmed the DNS 
name and port, make sure those are in your file.  A quick way to 
test is to try to telnet from the system running Django to the LDAP server.  An 

Ralf: $ telnet 636
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

If you get the above response ("Connected to XXX"), then you have confirmed you 
can contact the server, and your next step is to diagnose why python is not 
able to establish a client connection.  If you do not get that response, your 
port or DNS name is incorrect, or you do not have connectivity to the server.  
The next step in this case is to figure out why your network connection is not 
working as expected.

One starting note:  while the standard port for LDAPS is 636, and the standard 
port for unencrypted LDAP is 389, vendors may not follow the standard.  In 
addition, your LDAP administrator can also decide to listen on different ports. 
 This would be the first thing I'd check.

Let me know your results, and we can move on to the next step.




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Re: LDAP-groups problem

2009-12-23 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 23, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Wayne wrote:

> Hi,
> Many thanks for your reply.
> I did the test and it seemed that our network is working fine and I
> could telnet to the directory with "Connected" feedback. What other
> things we could try next?

Our next step is to work out how to make your connection work properly from 
Python.  Django-ldap-groups is basically a thin wrapper around python-ldap, 
with added code to work with Django.  So what we need to do next is establish a 
connection to your LDAP server from a Python shell using python-ldap.  Once we 
have that connection working, we'll know what we need to change in the 
ldap-groups code to make it work with Sun ONE, and/or your particular 

I'm including a transcript of a python shell session.  This session shows the 
steps needed to make a working connection to a server, and is based on the flow 
of events in the bind_ldap() method of eDirectoryGroupMembershipSSLBackend, in 
ldap_groups/accounts/  It also shows the kind of error you'll 
receive if the certificate you are trying to use is not correct:

Ralf:~ herndonp$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jul  7 2009, 23:51:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ldap
>>> ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE,'/Users/herndonp/Downloads/wrongcert.b64')
>>> l = ldap.initialize('ldaps://')
>>> l.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
>>> l.simple_bind_s('cn=fake_username,o=fake_org', 'fake_password')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/ldap/", line 206, in 
msgid = self.simple_bind(who,cred,serverctrls,clientctrls)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/ldap/", line 200, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/ldap/", line 96, in 
result = func(*args,**kwargs)
ldap.SERVER_DOWN: {'info': 'error:14090086:SSL 
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed', 'desc': "Can't 
contact LDAP server"}

I'm including the error because it is most likely the cause of the problem, 
having eliminated connectivity.  Getting the right certificate is not 
straight-forward.  You do not need the actual certificate of the LDAP server, 
you need the trusted root certificate (including any intermediary signers) of 
the certificate authority that issued the certificate used by the LDAP server.

If you do get the error above, or something similar, it might be useful to 
confirm that there are no other problems connecting.  If your LDAP server is 
listening for *un*encrypted traffic, you may want to try the above steps 
without encryption, just to see that you can connect successfully.  An example 

Ralf:~ herndonp$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jul  7 2009, 23:51:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ldap
>>> l = ldap.initialize('ldap://')
>>> l.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
>>> l.simple_bind_s('cn=fake_user,o=fake_org', 'fake_password!')
(97, [])

If you do get that error, you will need to work with your LDAP admin to 
identify the right certificate to export, export it as Base64 PEM encoded file, 
and place it somewhere you can reference from Python.

Give that a try and let me know how it goes.



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Re: Problem with letters like ÄÖÕÜ in dja ngo admin

2010-04-15 Thread Peter Herndon
My immediate thought, looking at your error, is that your database is storing 
text data as ASCII rather than a unicode encoding (utf-8 being the most 
common).  Perhaps you should check your database character set.  IIRC, MySQL 
uses an ASCII character set by default, unless you choose otherwise during 

---Peter Herndon

On Apr 15, 2010, at 11:54 AM, zayatzz wrote:

> Hello
> I recieve this kind of error message when in admin:
> Caught an exception while rendering: ('ascii', 'Madalal temperatuuril k
> \xc3\xbcpsetatud stressivaba sea parim t\xc3\xbckk', 23, 24, 'ordinal
> not in range(128)')
> The text should actually be "Madalal remperatuuril küpsetatud
> stressivaba sea parim tükk".
> The model, that saves this information is:
> class Retsept(models.Model):
>   name = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name=_("Name"),
> blank=False, null=False)
>and other fields
> And the form for it is:
> class RetseptForm(ModelForm):
>   about = forms.CharField(widget=TinyMCE(attrs={'style': 'width:370px',
> 'rows': 15, 'theme':"simple"}), label = _("text here"),
> required=False)
>   tags = TagField(label = _("tags"),
> widget=TagAutocomplete(attrs={'class':'required'}))
>   name = forms.CharField(label = _("Name"),
> widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'required'}))
>   class Meta:
>   model = Retsept
>   fields = ('name', 'about', 'image', 'tags',)
>   widgets = {
>   'name': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'required' })
>   }
> Can anyone tell me whats wrong with it?
> Alan
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Re: usage of TIME_ZONE and zone-to-zone conversion

2010-04-27 Thread Peter Herndon
Hi Shawn, looks like it would be useful for converting time 
zone strings.

The one thing I keep hearing, though, whenever anyone brings up time zones here 
on django-users is:  "*ALWAYS* store dates in UTC, then convert as needed".  
Don't know how useful that is, but for what it's worth, *whump*, there it is.  

---Peter Herndon

On Apr 27, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Shawn Milochik wrote:

> Given a date/time value and a value that is valid for the TIME_ZONE setting 
> in, how do I convert that date/time to the time zone defined in 
> Example:
> contains:
>   TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York'
>   Input contains:
>   date/time value "13:00"
>   time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles"
>   Desired:
>   timedelta of the +/- difference needed to convert 13:00 PST to 
> 16:00 EST
> It would be easy to create a dictionary of these values and their UTC offsets 
> and just use that. But before I potentially reinvent a little wheel, I was 
> wondering if this conversion was already being handled in Django. 
> By looking at the Django codebase I've found the tzinfo file, but it expects 
> to receive a timedelta as input, and doesn't actually use the TIME_ZONE 
> value. Further grepping seems to indicate that the string values (such as 
> 'America/New_York') are only passed to the database engines when creating a 
> connection object so that the database itself can handle the time zones, and 
> expects the dates it receives to already have been converted to that zone.
> It appears that the time and datetime Python libraries also use offsets and 
> US-centric values such as PST and EST for time zones, and not the verbose 
> names accepted by and PostgreSQL.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: Noob questions: Syntax, Python listserv, utility/helper methods?

2010-05-04 Thread Peter Herndon

On May 4, 2010, at 2:29 PM, mhulse wrote:

> +
> Question 01:
> Going back to the AS example, I really dig using a dollar sign for
> method arguments and the underscore for class properties.
> Does Python/Django allow for anything similar? :)

Not as such.  Names (of anything) must start with either a letter or an 
(  Names 
that start with an underscore have special meaning 
 and should generally not be used for normal names of functions, class methods 
or class attributes.

> +
> Question 02:
> Is there a good Python listserv out there? I could not find an
> obviously popular Google group. Something like the PHP user group
> would be cool. :)

comp.lang.python (
> +
> Question 03:
> I am building a view, and I would like to move functions within the
> view into other files (for the sake of modularity)... In general,
> where do you like to store your generic (to everything) / specific (to
> a particular view) "helper" methods/functions?
> My co-worker suggested that I put "helper" methods in a ""
> file:
> That might work well, but a part of me would prefer to do something
> like this:
> utilities/
>   +---
>   +---
>   +---
> In other words, one method per class file, vs. cramming everything
> into one utilities file.
> What do ya'll suggest?
> Also, let's say "" could be used for any project... Where
> would you suggest I store "global" utility classes/methods?

Utility functions that are used by multiple other files should go in a separate  Helper functions that are specific to either a single view or 
are used just within should be included in, subject to 
"taste" limitations as to how long should be.  Separating out one 
helper function per file will make other Python programmers hate you.  :)  
Keeping a bunch of unrelated functions, classes and methods together all in one 
file will also make other Python programmers hate you.  

You should use one file to hold all related classes and functions.  If the file 
starts getting too large, you haven't thought enough about how related the 
classes and functions are.  Notice how I'm not defining either "related" or 
"too large". 

If you break each individual function into its own file, you are going to need 
lots and lots of import statements in order to get anything done.  That's an 
awful lot of unnecessary typing.

> +
> Sorry if silly questions. :(

Not silly, just new.  You would do well to read some good Python code, to get a 
feel for how things are done.  For instance, take a look through Django's 
source code, not so much to understand what it does, but just to get a feel for 
how it is laid out, the flow of organization, and how related subjects are 
organized and things are named.


---Peter Herndon

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Re: permissions at per specific object instance

2010-05-05 Thread Peter Herndon

or, an alternative:

---Peter Herndon

On May 5, 2010, at 4:09 PM, zweb wrote:

> "Permissions are set globally per type of object, not per specific
> object instance. For example, it's possible to say "Mary may change
> news stories," but it's not currently possible to say "Mary may change
> news stories, but only the ones she created herself" or "Mary may only
> change news stories that have a certain status, publication date or
> ID." The latter functionality is something Django developers are
> currently discussing."
> I need to build "permissions at per specific object instance" for my
> app.
> Anyone has already done it ?  Also it says django developers are
> already discussing it..
> You can please refer me to the threads or blog posts on it.
> -- 
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Re: OneToOneField usage

2010-05-13 Thread Peter Herndon

On May 13, 2010, at 10:29 AM, TallFurryMan wrote:

> Hello Django users,
> Is there a particular reason why using a related OneToOneField raises
> DoesNotExist instead of returning None?

Any query you make that is supposed to return one or more instances, that 
instead cannot find any results, returns a DoesNotExist.
> | class Person( Model ):
> |pass
> |
> | class Pet( Model ):
> |owner = OneToOneField( Person )
> |
> | # Assuming "joe" exists as a Person
> | >>> kitty =
> | DoesNotExist: Pet matching query does not exist.

Your process is wrong.  You are assuming "joe" exists.  But your syntax, "kitty 
=", assumes that "pet" already exists.  You are assigning to "kitty" a 
reference to the object named by "".  If "" does not exist, well, 
you get a DoesNotExist.
> SingleRelatedObjectDescriptor is expecting the related model to exist.
> OneToOneField being a subclass of ForeignKey, my first attempt was:
> | >>> kitty =
> | DoesNotExist: Pet matching query does not exist.

This should be:

kitty = Pet.objects.get_or_create(user=joe)

> It's the getter of "" which fails. Is it that OneToOneField is
> not popular enough to receive such an implementation, or is there a
> deeper philosophical reason I don't see?

No reason, just that your syntax is incorrect.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Tree view me

2010-05-14 Thread Peter Herndon

On May 14, 2010, at 4:16 AM, cyrux cyrux wrote:

> I have a simple task to accomplish. I have some hierarchal data in my
> database which needs to be displayed in a UI. It needs to be simple
> and preferably in a expandable tree format (although a non -expandable
> should work as well). This is what I am looking for
> I have been looking django since last week and I haven't gone
> anywhere. I have looked at a couple of extensions , but I am not sure
> if they would work. So , is it possible to achieve some thing like the
> above link in django ? I have looked into django-mptt and django-
> treemneu but seems consuing. I have never really worked on front end
> languages like HTML , PHP , so the template part of django confuses
> me. There is so much of stuff happening behind the scenese that
> confuses me. If somebody can tell me if this is possible, i can spend
> may be a day or more looking into it, else I will probably go for php
> stuff

Django is front-end agnostic.  There may be individual reusable apps that 
provide what you need, but Django itself does not come with a tree view, nor 
does it pick a particular JavaScript library to integrate.  This means you have 
all the flexibility you may need to build whatever components your application 
requires.  This also means you often have the burden of developing the 
front-end by yourself.

In my case, I have had good results incorporating the jQuery Dynatree plugin 
into my application.  However, I did the integration entirely myself.

If you only have "a day or more" to invest on building the front-end, and you 
are not comfortable building HTML and wiring up JavaScript, but you *are* 
comfortable with PHP, then PHP may be the better choice for your needs.  On the 
other hand, if you continue to build web applications, you will need to develop 
a certain expertise with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, in addition to your 
server-side framework and its language, so you may want to put the time in to 
learn the tools now.

Hope that helps,

---Peter Herndon

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Re: OneToOneField usage

2010-05-14 Thread Peter Herndon

On May 14, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Tom Evans wrote:

> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
>> On May 13, 5:35 pm, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>>> On May 13, 2010, at 10:29 AM, TallFurryMan wrote:
>>>> Hello Django users,
>>>> Is there a particular reason why using a related OneToOneField raises
>>>> DoesNotExist instead of returning None?
>>> Any query you make that is supposed to return one or more instances, that 
>>> instead cannot find any results, returns a DoesNotExist.
>> Not true - a .filter() query returns an empty QuerySet if no results
>> are found. However a .get() query does raise DoesNotExist if it
>> doesn't find anything - which is the exact equivalent of a
>> OneToOneField lookup.
> To get super pedantic, he said 'any query that is supposed to return
> one or more instances' would raise a DoesNotExist. You countered with
> a .filter() query, which returns 0 or more instances.
> Cheers
> Tom

:)  Indeed, I knew what I *meant* to say, but I must admit I didn't bother to 
look up the details before I wrote it all down.  Further, I often forget that 
get_or_create returns the obj, boolean tuple, leading to the exact bug Daniel 
pointed out. I do that in my own code whenever I first use get_or_create again 
after an absence, and have to debug it.  Mea culpa, I replied carelessly, 
points to Daniel for correcting me.

But in *spirit* I was correct!  :D  Sadly, though, this is neither horseshoes 
nor hand-grenades, so close doesn't really count for much.

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Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')

2010-06-24 Thread Peter Herndon
tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3'])

On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django
> queries:
> Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3')
> Cheers,
> nathan.
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Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')

2010-06-24 Thread Peter Herndon
Yup.  Sounds like you're getting the hang of it.  
On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:44 PM, thusjanthan wrote:

> nvm found it :) just append it to the .exclude method right?
> On Jun 24, 1:40 pm, thusjanthan  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How about not in?
>> Select * from tableA where columnA not in
>> ('Value1','Value2','Value3')
>> On Jun 24, 1:23 pm, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>>> tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3'])
>>> On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django
>>>> queries:
>>>> Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3')
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> nathan.
>>>> --
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>>>> "Django users" group.
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>>>> For more options, visit this group 
>>>> at
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Re: Django bases blog solutions

2010-07-16 Thread Peter Herndon
"What am I doing wrong..."

First, you aren't asking for help in the proper venue. I'm Cc'ing the 
django-users mailing list, which is where your question belongs, and to which I 
know  you subscribe. 

Second, your question is badly put together. You need to learn to ask better 
questions. In this case, you mention you get an error when you try to create a 
virtualenv.  That's a start, but you should include the text of the error stack 
trace. You should also include such pertinent details as your OS, your Python 

Third, consider searching for the answer. Chances are that others have 
encountered a similar problem, and their solutions are documented somewhere 
that Google can find for you.  The first thing I do when confronted with an 
error I've never seen before is search for the text of the error. This usually 
obviates the need for asking questions, and is faster than waiting for a reply. 



On Jul 16, 2010, at 5:10 PM, justin jools  wrote:

> How do i install it?
> RE:
> I tried following this to install Django-Mingus, it says it is easy
> but not for a newbie who knows nothing about virtualenv! tsk!
> I don't have pip so I ran easy_install
> 1. easy_install virtualenv... no problem
> 2. easy_instal virtualenvwrapper... no problem
> 3. mkvirtualenv myblog —-no-site-packages
> I get error: mkvirtualenv myblog —-no-site-packages
> What am I doing wrong...
> thanks for your help
> On 4 Feb, 17:09, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 2010, at 10:02 AM, Joel Stransky wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm brand new to Django/Python but not software development. I just to say 
>>> hi and ask for your understanding on my newbish questions.
>>> I realize Django, when used correctly makes it stupidly easy to create 
>>> webblogs but I'm curious as to whats out there as far as django based blog 
>>> installs go a la wordpress.
>>> Any input is appreciated.
>> Hi Joel,
>> I'm tempted to suggest you write your own blog engine, as that seems to be 
>> the first thing every new-to-Django programmer does, and it will provide a 
>> good learning experience.  However, if you are looking for an actual really 
>> good, pre-built blog app, you can't really go wrong with 
>> django-mingus(  There are 
>> dozens of other options out there (since, as written above, darn near 
>> everyone writes their own at some point), but django-mingusis both easy to 
>> use and provides an excellent example of both good software engineering and 
>> good deployment practices.  
>> ---Peter Herndon

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Re: how to install django-mingus blog? installed vrtualenv + virtualenvwrapper now I'm stuck

2010-07-17 Thread Peter Herndon
>From the virtualenvwrapper instructions:
"First, some initialization steps. Most of this only needs to be done one time. 
You will want to add the command tosource /usr/local/bin/ 
to your shell startup file, changing the path to depending 
on where it was installed by pip."

Did you do this part?

On Jul 17, 2010, at 9:28 AM, justin jools  wrote:

> still trying to install django-mingus
> I loggged into my server with ssh and installed virtualenv and
> virtualenvwrapper
> easy_install  virtualenv
> pip virtualenvwrapper
> ok...
> trying to follow the install instructions(bottom). I guess virtualenv/
> virtualenvwrapper need setting up?
> 1.  mkvirtualenv myblog --no-site-packages (virtualenv myblog --no-
> site-packages works but I guess this is not correct)
> error:
> -bash: mkvirtualenv: command not found
> 2.workon myblog
> error:
> -bash: workon: command not found
> --
> The quick start assumes basic familiarity with "vitualenv":http://
>, "virtualenv wrapper":http://
> It also assumes you have both subversion, mecurial, and git clients
> locally.
> * mkvirtualenv myblog --no-site-packages
> * workon myblog
> * cd myblog
> * git clone git://
> * cd django-mingus/mingus
> * pip install -r stable-requirements.txt
> * ... wait a bit
> * mv
> * ./ syncdb
> * loaddata test_data.json
> * ./ runserver
> -- 
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Re: install django-mingus blog / pls help

2010-07-17 Thread Peter Herndon
Try "pip install ElementTree", your version of python does not include e-tree. 

Sent from my external cortex.

On Jul 17, 2010, at 11:45 AM, justin jools  wrote:

> Trying to install django-mingus (see bottom, not easy at all!)
> When installing  * 6 pip install -r stable-requirements.txt
> ironed out 1 error with BeautifulSoup== - see bottom (http://
> now I get markdown error, tried changing markdown2.0 to eariler verion
> markdown1.7 made no difference:
> any ideas?
>from markdown import version
>  File "markdown/", line 173, in ?
>etree = etree_loader.importETree()
>  File "markdown/", line 21, in importETree
>message(CRITICAL, "Failed to import ElementTree")
>  File "markdown/", line 112, in message
>raise MarkdownException, text
> markdown.MarkdownException: Failed to import ElementTree
> -
> 1. mkvirtualenv myblog --no-site-packages
> 2. workon myblog
> 3. cdvirtualenv
> 4. git clone git://
> 5. cd django-mingus/mingus
> 6. pip install -r stable-requirements.txt
> 7. cp
> 8. ./ syncdb
> 9. ./ loaddata test_data.json
> 10. ./ runserver
> -- 
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Re: Django persistent database(postgres) connection.

2010-08-27 Thread Peter Herndon

On Aug 27, 2010, at 1:17 PM, jai_python wrote:

> Hi friends,
>My django application runs in red hat server  with apache &
> mod_wsgi. We have several request which interacts with
> database(postgresql), so database interaction is huge. i found that
> every time django application establishing a new connection to
> interact with DB. So my server hanging often due to large number of DB
> connection (approximately some 200-250 connection/minute, it may
> increase gradually)
> Its very urgent. Hope I will get support here
> Thanks for looking my thread.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Jayapal D

Hi Jayapal,

What you want is a connection pool for Postgres.  Happily, such exists in the 
form of pgpool-2:

The way it works is pgpool-2 runs as a separate daemon and spawns a 
configurable number of database connections.  You configure pgpool-2 to listen 
for incoming database connections on whatever port you prefer, 5433 for 
example, and you tell it to talk to your database on e.g. port 5432.  In your 
Django settings, you use the standard "postgresql_psycopg2" driver and tell it 
to connect to the database via port 5433.  Django then uses the pooled 
connections, and you don't have to worry about the overhead of setting up new 
connections or tearing down old ones.

Hope that helps,


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Re: Deleting a Django project/ app

2010-10-03 Thread Peter Herndon

On Oct 3, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:

> Howdy, fellow Djangites,
> This is going to sound downright loony - but is there a special method to 
> delete Django projects and apps, or is it fine to just delete the 
> directories? I know that most third party Python packages can be 
> "uninstalled" by simply removing them from the default Python installation's 
> site-packages directory or wherever else they happen to be. I just wonder if 
> there are any configuration settings somewhere that would flip their wigs 
> about me not using a specific tool e.g. to uninstall?

Assuming you installed via " install" or equivalent, there is no 
special method; just delete the directories and any reference to the Django app 
in e.g. INSTALLED_APPS for any sites you want to keep.

If you installed packages via Ubuntu's package manager, then "apt-get remove" 
is a much better method than deleting the directories.


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Re: minimum system requirements

2010-10-31 Thread Peter Herndon

On Oct 31, 2010, at 7:19 AM, ozgur yilmaz wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm developing a project by django 1.2.3. Now it's time to bring the
> project to production. I'm looking for dedicated servers but i dont
> know the minimum hardware requirements. There are dedicated options
> with P4 cpus. Is there any information about requirements?

Hi Ozgur,

Minimum hardware requirements are relative to the amount of traffic you will be 
receiving.  It is certainly possible to host a Django web site on a single 
256MB VPS from e.g. Rackspace, but I would not expect that single VPS to be 
able to handle more than a very small number of visitors at once.  On the other 
hand, 2 load-balanced 512MB instances serving the Django app plus a larger 
instance running the database should suffice to handle a much larger number of 
concurrent users -- depending on how you architected the site.  If you have 
particular views that run lots of database queries and perform a large number 
of calculations, and those views turn out to be popular destinations for your 
visitors, you can very rapidly run out of resources.  On the other hand, if you 
have a good caching strategy in place and minimal required computation for your 
site, small servers can potentially handle a much larger load.

You will need determine for yourself how much computing hardware will suffice 
to handle your particular requirements.  You should approach this task by 
load-testing your application, using such tools as httpperf 
( and Tsung 
( to simulate usage of your app.  You will 
want to test all your views, and also simulate what you think will be the 
normal use pattern.  With the knowledge of how each view responds to load, you 
can then tune those views individually for better performance.  With the 
knowledge of how your app responds to the normal use pattern, you can gauge how 
much hardware will be required to handle your estimated number of visitors.  In 
short, profile your app, and make decisions based on that knowledge.

As with many questions regarding deployment, the answer is "It depends".

---Peter Herndon

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Re: minimum system requirements

2010-11-01 Thread Peter Herndon

On Oct 31, 2010, at 9:50 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>> but I would not expect that single VPS to be able to handle more than a very 
>> small number of visitors at once.
> only if you consider several dozens  "a very small number"
That rather depends on what your app does, don't you think?  If your app has 
dynamic elements for each and every visitor, and runs large calculations on 
each page hit, it's possible to max out a small VPS with one client.  On the 
other hand, if you set up e.g. Varnish with full-page caching, and have a site 
that changes only once every few days, yes indeed you can support several 
dozens of concurrent users.  But either way, a single small server still won't 
be able to handle a full-on slashdotting.  

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Re: Django auth tutorial

2010-11-03 Thread Peter Herndon

On Nov 3, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Sebastian Alonso wrote:

> Hi everyone, I'm a complete django newbie, and I need to use the Auth 
> system. The problem is that I haven't been able to find a good tutorial such 
> as que django one, with all the examples, pretty simple, very easy, with the 
> templates included, etc... My main issue is that i dont get on well with 
> html, so the templates are a complete mistery, and the forms, and everything. 
> The django tutorial provides you with the different templates and everything.
> For example if I search among the other tutorials in the django site, 
> there are tutorials related to the Auth system, but they are somehow more 
> advanced than what I'm looking for. For example there's one on how to expand 
> the user model.. but I dont even know who to use the basic auth system :P
> So, if you know of any tutorial like the one I describe let me know, any link 
> is helpful...

Hi Sebastian,

The documentation for auth is here:

Part of that documentation covers what you need, I think, but it isn't 
necessarily obvious which parts you need just to get started, so here are some 
pointers.  You need to mark the views you want protected with the 
@login_required decorator, as documented here:

You need to add the login view to your URLs, there's boilerplate for this 
immediately above this link:

In that same section, but a bit further down, there's a code listing for a 
login template, which should go in registration/login.html.

That should be enough to get you started.  There are more parts to it all, 
which are covered in the auth documentation linked above, but just start with 
the parts I've listed and you will have a decent simple basis for 
authentication within your app.  You can add the other bits and pieces as you 
find you need them (for instance, a logout page, groups and permissions are the 
common ones).

Hope that helps,

---Peter Herndon

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Re: error haven't set the DATABASE_ENGINE setting

2009-12-30 Thread Peter Herndon

On Dec 30, 2009, at 2:22 PM, gintare wrote:

> Hello,
> OS Debian Gnu Linux Lenny
> Python 2.5
> Installed python-django_1.0.2-1+lenny2_all.deb with K-package  instead
> of  Django-1.1.1.tar.gz,
> it was configured according instalation site:
> working:/mano/mysite1# ln -s 'pwd'/django-trunk/django/bin/django-
> /usr/local/bin
> trying to run example
> in folderDjango-1.1.1/examples after untaring file:///opt/sql
> anywhere files/sqlany-django.1.1.tar.gz
> acording to
> commandpython syncdb
> gives an error  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/db/
> backends/dummy/", line 15, in complain
>raise ImproperlyConfigured, "You haven't set the DATABASE_ENGINE
> setting yet."
> -
> DEBUG = True
> ROOT_URLCONF = 'examples.urls'
>'default': {
>'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
>'NAME': '/mano/mysite1/band1.db'
> }
> -
You are reading documentation for the development version of Django, not Django 
1.1.1.  The docs you need are here:


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Re: Announce: django-ldap-groups

2010-01-20 Thread Peter Herndon

On Jan 19, 2010, at 9:11 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:

> On 6/08/2009 10:15am, Peter Herndon wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce the release of django-ldap-groups.  Of special
>> interest for building intranet sites, django-ldap-groups allows Django
>> users to authenticate against LDAP, and allows site administrators to
>> map LDAP organizational units (OUs) to Django groups.  This mapping
>> allows LDAP-authenticated users to acquire site permissions based on
>> their LDAP OU membership, automatically when they first log in to the
>> Django site. The app is available at
>>, and is BSD licensed.
> Peter
> I have implemented this against Novell eDirectory and it works brilliantly.
> Highly recommended :)
> Thank you
> Mike
>> Currently the app has been tested and works against Microsoft Active
>> Directory and Novell eDirectory.  Other LDAP servers will probably work
>> using the eDirectory backend, but none have been tested at the time of
>> writing.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
>> Regards,
>> ---Peter Herndon

Thanks very much, Mike, I'm glad to hear you got everything up and running!  
Just yesterday I pushed a new revision incorporating Apple OpenDirectory 
support, as contributed by Preston Holmes (thanks, Preston!), as well as a 
couple of bug fixes.  I'll see about updating the docs and cutting a new 
version to PyPI shortly.


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Re: Django bases blog solutions

2010-02-04 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 4, 2010, at 10:02 AM, Joel Stransky wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm brand new to Django/Python but not software development. I just to say hi 
> and ask for your understanding on my newbish questions.
> I realize Django, when used correctly makes it stupidly easy to create 
> webblogs but I'm curious as to whats out there as far as django based blog 
> installs go a la wordpress.
> Any input is appreciated.
Hi Joel,

I'm tempted to suggest you write your own blog engine, as that seems to be the 
first thing every new-to-Django programmer does, and it will provide a good 
learning experience.  However, if you are looking for an actual really good, 
pre-built blog app, you can't really go wrong with django-mingus 
(  There are dozens of other 
options out there (since, as written above, darn near everyone writes their own 
at some point), but django-mingus is both easy to use and provides an excellent 
example of both good software engineering and good deployment practices.  

---Peter Herndon

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Re: django and ldap

2010-02-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 5, 2010, at 5:45 AM, andreas schmid wrote:

> ok django-ldap-groups works perfectly now!

That's great to hear!  If you run into any issues, I'll be happy to help 


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Re: Sort by attribute not in database

2010-02-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 5, 2010, at 1:02 PM, ChrisC wrote:

> This may be an easy question to answer, but I just can't seem to do
> this.
> I have a model called Computer which has a function (turned into an
> attribute via the property builtin) which queries the local filesystem
> to get a modification time.
> ie.
> Computer.object.all()[0].last_modified
> returns a time
> I want to sort by this time, but unfortunately there is no sort()
> method on querysets and you cannot seem to order_by() on anything
> other than table fields.
> Putting the field into the database isn't an option as it is a quickly
> changing variable.
> Any help gratefully appreciated.

Never forget, Django is Python.  One way to do what you need would be to 
implement the __cmp__ special method on your Computer class.  Then, if you make 
e.g. a list out of the results of your QuerySet, you can call sort() on the 
list, and you're done.

The downside is that you need to make a list of your QuerySet, which may 
require quite a bit of memory, depending on the number of objects returned.

The reason you can't order_by something that's not in the database is that the 
order_by method is SQL and is executed in the database as part of the query.  
The reason you can't sort() a queryset is that it's a generator, not a list, so 
it only lazily instantiates your model objects.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Flat file application for binary data?

2010-02-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 5, 2010, at 1:44 PM, John DeRosa wrote:

> I'm building a site that will include using lots of image files, audio clips, 
> and video clips. Including users uploading these things and then later 
> referencing them.
> I don't want to store this binary data in the database, but instead want to 
> store them in disk files.
> I've looked for a Django app that manages flat files, and can't find one. By 
> "manage," I mean functions like organizing the directory into a year/mo/date 
> (for example) structure, returning filenames for new data to be recorded into 
> a database table, and returning the binary data given a link. This stuff 
> isn't rocket science, but I'd rather not code it from scratch.
> Anybody know of an suitable application for this?

FileFields and ImageFields are by default stored on disk, with just a pointer 
stored in the db.  For more examples, take a look at David Larlet's 
django-storages ( and Justin 
Driscoll's ImageKit (, 
both of which should give you at least a starting point.  With ImageKit, for 
example, you create a "spec" for your image fields, and part of the spec is a 
means of determining the filesystem storage location (including a method you 
can define if you need to).

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Slugify() and Clean form data Questions

2010-02-18 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 18, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Jon Loeliger wrote:

> Folks,
> Quick question or two:
> Is there a canonical definition or even a reference implementation
> of a slug = slugify(str) function somewhere?  Yeah, I could go
> grep through the sources and maybe find one?  And yes, I see:
> But even that is a bit ambiguous as to the treatment of underscores.

Could you clarify what you mean by "ambiguous as to the treatment of 
underscores"?  I don't see an ambiguity, so I wonder what I'm missing.

My understanding is that a slug is usable as a URL; that's really the syntax 
definition, and is why it is limited to "only letters, numbers, underscores or 
hyphens." A slug is effectively an artifact of Django's birth in 
journalism-on-the-web, and an extraordinarily handy one.  As such, it exists 
for practical reasons, rather than purity.

> Naturally, I'm wanting to use a slug to identify some model instances
> based on some other model field.  But it's not being entered via the
> Admin model, so I can't do the prepopulated_fileds[] trick either.

I do indeed use the slugify() function for precisely that pattern.  I override 
the model's save method, and populate the slug field prior to allowing the save 
to proceed.  I picked up that trick from some other code somewhere; it isn't 


---Peter Herndon

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Re: Slugify() and Clean form data Questions

2010-02-18 Thread Peter Herndon
Perfect example!

On Feb 18, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Matt McCants wrote:

> Here's a stripped down example. I've messed with using signals instead
> of overriding the save method for all the models that need a slug. But
> this is quick and easy.
> Matt
> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 14:53 -0600, Jon Loeliger wrote:
 Is there a canonical definition or even a reference implementation
 of a slug =3D slugify(str) function somewhere?  Yeah, I could go
 grep through the sources and maybe find one?  And yes, I see:
 But even that is a bit ambiguous as to the treatment of underscores.
>>> Could you clarify what you mean by "ambiguous as to the treatment of unders=
>>> cores"?  I don't see an ambiguity, so I wonder what I'm missing.
>> Some places say underscores are valid, others say they removed:
>>  Converts to lowercase, removes non-word characters
>>  (alphanumerics and underscores) and converts spaces to
>>  hyphens. Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.
>>> My understanding is that a slug is usable as a URL; that's really the synta=
>>> x definition, and is why it is limited to "only letters, numbers, underscor=
>>> es or hyphens." A slug is effectively an artifact of Django's birth in jour=
>>> nalism-on-the-web, and an extraordinarily handy one.  As such, it exists fo=
>>> r practical reasons, rather than purity.
>> Sure, I get that.
>> It would be nice to use the same (or at least internally consistent)
>> definition, of course.
>>> I do indeed use the slugify() function for precisely that pattern.
>> Exactly *which* slugify() function?  Documentation reference?
>> Import from line?
>>> I override the model's save method, and populate the slug field prior
>>> to allowing the save to proceed.  I picked up that trick from some
>>> other code somewhere; it isn't uncommon.
>> Well, yeah.  That's what I want to do too! :-)  Any chance you
>> can post a snippet for me?
>>> HTH,
>> Somewhat!
>> Thanks,
>> jdl
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Re: Database relations concepts

2010-02-18 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 18, 2010, at 11:47 PM, Timothy Kinney wrote:

> Here's the system I'm currently using that doesn't work too well...
> Samurai (id, name)
> Room (id, name, ForeignKey(Samurai), ForeignKey(Province))
> Province (id, name)
> Can someone suggest which relationships to use to get the results that
> I want and explain why the relationship helps to accomplish that?

If a given samurai must be in a room, and a room can hold multiple samurai, 
your models should instead be:

Samurai (id, name, ForeignKey(Room))

Room (id, name, ForeignKey(Province))

Province (id, name)

With this set of models, a single Samurai has an FK reference to the room in 
which he finds himself.  The Room, very similarly, has a reference to the 
Province in which it is located.  A Province can hold many Rooms, and a Room 
can hold many Samurai.  In Django's ORM models, a given instance of the Room 
model (e.g., "room = Room.objects.get(pk=1)") will have a method that allows 
access to all Samurais residing in that Room.  So, "room.samurai_set" will give 
you the Room's Samurais.  Similarly, for a given province, you can retrieve all 
rooms via "province.room_set".  Relevant Django docs are here:

In a view, assuming you are given a Samurai, you can get to the room name via, and the province name by  If, in 
your view, you pass the Samurai object to the template, your template can 
perform that same dereference and thus you can present to the user the room 
name and province name in your HTML.  Relevant Django docs here:

For the canonical book on relational database theory, I'd suggest "Introduction 
to Database Systems", by Chris Date.  Not for the faint of heart, the 
math-challenged, the practical or those short of time, but it will explain 
relational theory in detail.  Great detail.  Ye be warned.  ;)

I hope this helps, though the Date book probably won't, at least not without 
long and sustained study.  There are likely other books on RDBMSs that folks 
can recommend.  Other than that, my apologies, it's late and I no longer have a 
functioning brain.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Generate random data for Django models

2010-02-19 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 19, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Timothy Kinney wrote:

> So I have a nice little database now stocked with items and provinces.
> I now want to generate random samurai and populate the database with
> them. I can think of two ways to do this:
> 1) Through the admin interface. But how do I install a button that
> will add a random samurai? Adding samurai is a built-in function on
> the template, but the fields are always empty. Is there a
> straightforward way to add another button called "Add Random Samurai"
> that does the same thing but with the fields randomly filled from
> appropriate choices?
> 2) Use a python script. This seems to have two possible methods:
> a) Randomly generate samurai desired, output a JSON flatpage, and call
> loaddata that_flatpage
> b) Randomly generate the samurai desired, access the database directly
> and insert them using SQL syntax. (not very Django like)
> I have listed these in order of preference. Can someone tell me the
> easiest way to implement a new admin button? I'm not even sure where
> the admin templates are stored. :/
> -Tim

Hi Tim,

Docs for overriding admin are here:

You will probably want to override the change_form.html template at whatever 
level is appropriate for your needs (Province, if you are adding Samurai to 
random rooms), and add a button "Generate Random Samurai".  That button will be 
the submit for a form that points to a view you will write.  That view should 
generate a random number, loop over that number, create a Samurai object and 
assign it to a randomly-chosen Room (pick a random number from 1 through the 
total number of rooms, get the room via "room = Room.objects.get(pk=").  You will need to add a URL that will tie together the view and the 
submit button.

For an added bonus, add an IntegerField to your form allowing you to set an 
upper bound on the number of Samurai generated.

An approach similar to 2b would be to implement a custom management command 
(skeletal docs here:
 but Google for better examples) that would allow you to run "python 
create_samurai".  That command would use the same logic as I outlined for the 
view, and create Samurai via the ORM and assign them to random Rooms.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: django and ldap

2010-02-22 Thread Peter Herndon
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:40 AM, andreas schmid  wrote:

> im experiencing strange problems now. the user is able to authenticate
> against ldap only if in the active directory the displayName == username
> why this? i dont get any error or traceback, the user only isnt able to
> get logged in

If users were able to authenticate, and are now not able to
authenticate, what changed?  At my place of work, I've learned to
expect changes in Active Directory every so often -- my AD admins are
not that great at notifying users of impending changes.  These changes
occasionally cause breakage elsewhere.

If not in AD, did something else in your environment change?

The normal way ldap-groups works is that sAMAccountName is the field
used to identify a user in AD (line 106 in
ldap-groups/accounts/, and is used as the source of their
django.contrib.auth.models.User username.  So, if you go changing
someone's username via the admin, or otherwise edit the username data
in your db, then the username won't match the sAMAccountName, and they
won't be able to log in to that account.  Similarly, if their
sAMAccountName changes in AD, and they log in to your site with the
new name, they will effectively have created a second account in your
db.  If you have resources tied to an account in Django (saved
bookmarks, tags, uploads, etc.), the user won't have access to those
resources any longer, as they're on a new account.

I realize that sAMAccountName is not the same as displayName.  I
wonder if you were mistaking the occasional coincidence between
displayName and sAMAccountName?  Or did you edit the app to use
displayName?  Perhaps you could post more details about your issue,
including code.

Also, you may want to instrument the LDAP code.  Either log the
results from the LDAP calls to a file, or drop in some print
statements and run via runserver, and see what messages your LDAP
environment produces.  Useful bits to log will be lines 82, 106, and
132 in ldap-groups/accounts/


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Re: Slugify() and Clean form data Questions

2010-02-22 Thread Peter Herndon
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Jon Loeliger  wrote:

> I get is_valid() and the notion of cleaned data.  I *think*,
> though, that I am asking for something more robust.
> Will some_form.is_valid() will, say, remove (or identify)
> embedded SQL hacking attempts from a plain text field input?

The part on CSRF is a bit outdated for Django 1.2, which features
improved CSRF protection, but the rest is still on point, to my

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Re: django and ldap

2010-02-22 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 22, 2010, at 3:13 PM, andreas schmid wrote:

> Peter Herndon wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:40 AM, andreas schmid  wrote:
>>> im experiencing strange problems now. the user is able to authenticate
>>> against ldap only if in the active directory the displayName == username
>>> why this? i dont get any error or traceback, the user only isnt able to
>>> get logged in
>> If users were able to authenticate, and are now not able to
>> authenticate, what changed?  
> i was thinkin the authentication over ldap group was working because i
> testet it only whith a testuser which had sAMAccountName == displayName
> but now im figuring that if thats not equal it desnt work as expected.
> the app is still in development and i didnt work on it for a few days.

Hmm.  When I get to work tomorrow, I'll take a look and see if the displayName 
is the same as the sAMAccountName in our AD.  If they are consistently the 
same, that might be a sign that some part of this operation is looking at the 

It occurs to me, Andreas, I'd be very interested to know if someone who has a 
displayName *different* from the sAMAccountName can log in initially, but not a 
second time; or, can that person not log in at all? Is it consistent? If you 
change someone's displayName, do they instantly stop being able to log in?

> i started to log a bit today and will go on tomorrow and post what i
> will get or the solution if i will find it.

Do let me know. I'm wondering if the problem is with the bind setting on line 
81 of  Where I work, our AD is configured to accept 
"hernd...@example" for the bind, where the "@example" is your NT4_DOMAIN 
setting.  If your AD is not configured to accept that kind of identifier, that 
might cause an issue.  We may need to mix things up a bit, and try a 
search-for-user-and-then-bind approach similar to the one in the eDirectory 
backend starting at line 157.  It also occurs to me that the "n...@domain" 
pattern might be looking at displayName -- I'm no expert on Active Directory.  
To that end, you may want to insert a logging statement of the exception that's 
caught at line 134, between 134 and 135.


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Re: transaction in django app desktop

2010-02-25 Thread Peter Herndon

On Feb 24, 2010, at 2:51 PM, ktemo wrote:

> hi
> i working in a desktop app with django mysql,  and wxpython, and i
> need to make transaction
> i read the doc online, but i dont know if is possible work with a
> desktop app

If you could provide more detail on what you want to accomplish, we could 
provide better responses.  Barring that, I'll try to guess what you meant; 
please let me know if I am misunderstanding you.

I guess from what you've provided that you are writing a GUI front-end in 
wxPython that makes HTTP calls to a backend server.  That backend server is 
running Django, and storing data in MySQL.

Django itself doesn't care where an HTTP request comes from.  You could be 
making the request from a GUI app, from JavaScript via Ajax in a browser, or 
from HTML in a browser.  Django doesn't care, it treats all requests the same 
way.  So if you write a view function in Django that accepts a request 
containing certain arguments, and that view function uses Django's ORM to 
modify data in the database in a transaction, you can call that view from your 
GUI, from a browser, from curl or wget, or any other means at your disposal to 
generate an HTTP request, and the view function will run inside its transaction 
just fine.  So yes, it is possible.

Does that answer your question?

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Adding a new convenience filter 'contains_any'

2010-03-04 Thread Peter Herndon
On Mar 4, 2010, at 2:56 PM, aditya wrote:

> I would like to add a new filter for models to my django build that
> can be used as follows:
> tags = ['tag1','tag2','tag3''tagn']
> i = Image.objects.filter(tags__contains_any=tags)
> Essentially, instead of passing a string, I pass a list and get a set
> of valid objects that match *any* of the items in the list. I'm a loss
> for where to look for the relevant code, thoughI'm trying to find
> where the 'contains' filter has been implemented, so that I can take a
> look at how its written. Currently I'm looking at db.models.query and
> db.models.query_utils.  Where should I be looking?
Hi Aditya,

Won't the "in" filter do exactly what you need?


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Re: Adding a new convenience filter 'contains_any'

2010-03-04 Thread Peter Herndon

On Mar 4, 2010, at 6:07 PM, Phlip wrote:

> Peter Herndon wrote:
>> Won't the "in" filter do exactly what you need?
> Why do you need even __in? Given...
>  Entry.objects.filter(id__in=[1, 3, 4])
> ...couldn't id=[] overload if the target is a list?

I suppose it could if it were written that way, but it isn't.  The filter form 
"filter(=)" is shorthand for the form 
"filter(__exact=)".  To my knowledge, no one has written an 
operator overload for a Django filter operation.  I could of course be mistaken 
about that, but in my opinion, such overloading would go against the Python 
philosophy that "explicit is better than implicit."  Since an "in" operator 
already exists, and is a direct analog of the SQL "IN" operator, using that 
seems preferable.  Again, assuming I'm properly understanding the original 
poster's problem.

I believe, from reading your recent back-and-forth with James, that you are 
looking for ways to reduce the amount of code you need to type.  Neither Python 
nor Django are oriented towards code brevity as their primary motivation; 
instead, ensuring that code can be easily read and understood is primary.  
Occasionally, legibility clashes with brevity, as you've pointed out.  I 
personally find this emphasis to be a pleasant release from being forced to 
interpret code that is obfuscated by its brevity.  But that's just my 


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Re: Adding a new convenience filter 'contains_any'

2010-03-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Phlip wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't say "operator overload" (which are either spot-on or
> sophomoric, when they work).

I'm using "operator overloading" in this case because "id=" already has a 
specific function, and you would have it do something in addition to that 
function.  I may be using the term incorrectly.

> Because, IIRC, no SQL database can store arrays ('list's) in fields,
> the =[] event is free to be "overloaded" by its type.

Entertainingly, Postgresql does have array types 
(, though that's 
more of an exception than the general case.  Django's ORM doesn't support db 
arrays directly, though there is the CommaSeparatedIntegerField, which 
approximates a primitive version.

> So id=[] would resolve to id__in=[], id=Scalar to id__exact=Scalar,
> and the explicit versions are available if you suspect that
> overloading is fragile.

Interesting thought.  Might be worth doing, to see how practical it is.  You 
should start it as a third-party project, see how much traction it gets.
> (I also disagree with leaving out the spaces around =, but obviously
> obeying a team style guide supersedes improving it...)

Interestingly, that particular style choice is part of the language-level style 
guide, PEP8 (, rather than 
Django-specific.  Needless to say, it's a guide, rather than a syntax error, so 
it could be (and occasionally is, in some projects) ignored at the project 
level.  In the case of Django, though, PEP8 is specified.  I personally think 
it's a good thing that there's a language-level style guide, which is entirely 
consistent with both the goal of clarity/legibility, and the philosophy that 
"there should be one --and preferably only one-- obvious way to do it".  It 
means I don't have to think about style, I can instead focus on solving the 
problem.  Which is, really, the entire point of any style guide.


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Re: Adding a new convenience filter 'contains_any'

2010-03-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Mar 5, 2010, at 1:03 PM, Phlip wrote:

> On Mar 5, 8:41 am, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>> On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Phlip wrote:
>>> (I also disagree with leaving out the spaces around =, but obviously
>>> obeying a team style guide supersedes improving it...)
>> ... the goal of clarity/legibility
> uh...

;)  I meant *having* a style guide was consistent with said goal.

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Re: Multi-cores & Django

2010-04-01 Thread Peter Herndon

On Apr 1, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Daniel Hilton wrote:

> I'm researching the deployment of a new internal app and the ops team
> have asked me what type of server the app requires. What I'm looking
> for is some advice / guidance on how best to make
> use of multi cores in a single machine deployment.
> We are currently running mod_wsgi, postgresql on a single machine.
> What I've read has said that due to GIL you need to run multi-process
> mod_wsgi and make use of that to

Hi Dan,

I've had some really good performance improvements in moving from Apache + 
mod_wsgi running Django + PostgreSQL to a stack consisting of nginx + running Django, controlled by supervisord + memcached + pgpool + 
Postgres, on a single server.  The single server has 2 CPUs/4 cores per CPU, 
and 32GB of RAM, as well as 2 x 15k SAS local hard drives in RAID 1, and 2 
fiber channel HBAs to connect to SAN.

I'm running 4 processes each of nginx, gunicorn, and pgpool, and am able to 
serve a few thousand requests per second.  I haven't spent a great deal of time 
benchmarking it or working to improve efficiency much, as I don't anticipate 
anywhere near that high a load, but I know there's quite a bit of room for 
further improvement.

The reason I chose to move from Apache and mod_wsgi to nginx and gunicorn 
wasn't necessarily because I couldn't get decent performance out of mod_wsgi, 
but because the nginx + gunicorn stack scales down for use on a small VM really 
well, as well as scaling up and out easily.  That way I can use one stack for 
all cases, just increase the number of processes as the server scales up.  Your 
ops folks will like that idea.  What the ops folks won't like so much is that 
gunicorn is a very speedy moving target.  But if you use pip to install it, and 
pip -U to keep on top of new releases, you'll be fine.

The above server runs us about $5k, your mileage will inevitably vary.  If you 
don't require SAN, you can chop ~$1500 off by dropping the HBAs.

Hope that helps,

---Peter Herndon

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Re: PK and FK questions

2010-04-07 Thread Peter Herndon

On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:45 AM, ojayred wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am new to Django and thinking about migrating to Django from our
> existing web environment. I had a couple of questions that I would
> like help in answering them.  Your insight is greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
> 1) Considering, there is no support for Multiple Primary keys, how
> would Django react if my tables have multiple primary keys and I tried
> to update or delete a record? I am just curious.

I don't know the answer, but assuming you already have tables built in your 
database, you can run " inspectdb" to see what ORM code Django would 
generate from such a table.  If it generates something useful, then you are in 
business.  In short, test.  It shouldn't pose too much of a problem in a 
development environment.

> 2) I read somewhere that each table must have one primary key? Some of
> our tables have no primary keys.

Then you are doing it wrong in your database.  Every table should have a 
primary key, regardless of how few rows it may have.  Otherwise, your database 
has (theoretically, not usually true in practice) no means of determining one 
row from another.  

As others have mentioned, a Django model by default uses an autoincremented 
integer field as an artificial primary key, if you don't otherwise specify a PK 
in the model definition.

> 3) Is there a limit on the number of Foreign Keys in a table?

I don't believe Django imposes such a limit.  More likely, such a limit would 
be imposed by your database.

> 4) How often would I need to patch and/or upgrade Django? And is this
> a difficult procedure?

It depends.  If your web application faces the public Internet, you will want 
to start with a current release of Django, and stay up to date with security 
and bugfix releases.  If your web app is internal-only, I would still argue you 
should update for bugfixes and security releases, but you could likely get away 
with not updating, depending on the security policies of your company.

You mention your test environment is OpenVMS.  I don't know much about OpenVMS, 
except to say that when I used VAX/VMS in college many years ago, it was not 
Unix.  As such, I don't know whether Python will work on your system.  Assuming 
it does, then Django itself should run well enough.  That also means that 
standard Python facilities for managing module installations should also work.  
You can thus use Distribute and Pip to keep your Django install up to date 
fairly easily.

The harder question is whether you will need to modify your application to run 
with the updated version of Django.  The Django core developers make a very 
strong effort to maintain backwards compatibility, and you can thus assume that 
updating from e.g. version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 will be painless.  But migrating from 
1.1.x to 1.2 will only be *mostly* painless.  Again, you can assume that 
everything will be backwards-compatible, but there may be the odd exception in 
the case of a bugfix.  Much more likely, there will be new and improved 
functionality introduced that you will want to use, that will necessitate 
changes in your code.  For instance, 1.2 will introduce the ability to connect 
to multiple databases.  The means of specifying multiple db connections in the 
settings file has of course changed to accommodate the new features, though the 
old settings structure will continue to work as-is.

Finally, as you work on your application, you may find yourself needing to 
modify the database table structures -- assuming you allow Django's ORM to 
manage your tables, which is a common case.  In that situation, the changes to 
the underlying DDL can be automated using a Django-aware schema migration tool. 
 South ( is one such tool.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: how to use IPC in Django??

2010-04-11 Thread Peter Herndon

On Apr 11, 2010, at 5:52 AM, vishwanath b wrote:

> I have developed an application in django which has to send or receive
> requests from/to a server.These requests have to be sent or received
> through do i achieve this?

Python socket programming:

An amazingly good book on the subject:

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Re: how to use IPC in Django??

2010-04-11 Thread Peter Herndon

On Apr 11, 2010, at 10:20 AM, vishwanath b wrote:

> thanx for the reply...peter i am new to django so i am a bit confused
> regarding implementing this...will i have to write python socket
> client code in views which would interact with server c code rite?
> On Apr 11, 7:11 pm, Peter Herndon  wrote:
>> On Apr 11, 2010, at 5:52 AM, vishwanath b wrote:
>>> I have developed an application in django which has to send or receive
>>> requests from/to a server.These requests have to be sent or received
>>> through do i achieve this?
>> Python socket programming:
>> An amazingly good book on the 
>> subject:

Django is a web framework, that is, HTTP.  As such, it abstracts the mechanisms 
of connecting via TCP/IP sockets, so that you, the web application developer, 
do not need to deal with low-level socket programming.  However, it does so 
only for HTTP, not for any other kind of network protocol.

If you, as you said in your original email, need to connect to network sockets 
to transmit data that are *not* HTTP protocol, you will need to implement that 
functionality yourself.  Yes, it can go in a view, if that's the appropriate 
place for the code.  But at that point, you are working beyond Django's scope, 
and will need to either implement your solution using Python's socket library, 
or perhaps using a third-party library that implements a client for whatever 
network service you are using.

In short, you haven't described your problem very well.  Tell us about the 
services with which you need to communicate, and perhaps we can point you in 
the right direction.  Better yet, search Google for "python ", 
where network_service is whatever you are trying to use.  You will likely find 
that higher-level libraries exist to facilitate your work for just about every 
network protocol.  On the other hand, if you are interfacing with custom code, 
well, you'll likely have to write your own Python client library yourself, and 
then call that library from within your views.

---Peter Herndon

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Re: Django... False promises?

2008-01-04 Thread Peter Herndon

On Jan 4, 2008 2:26 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> forget running the debian version - it will always be way out of
> date. Use the latest svn trunk as described in the tutorial. Also
> forget about using the django book - use the latest docs on the web
> site. The latest svn has too many goodies not present in .96 that it
> is a shame not to use it.

While I understand Ken's point about the book, in that it is no longer
the complete reference, I would *not* recommend just forgetting it.
Instead, use it as the valuable resource it is, and supplement your
nautical sojourn with reference to the online documentation as needed.
 I, for one, have found the book to be extremely helpful overall, as
well as useful in helping to clarify parts of the online documentation
that are, perhaps, overly terse.  In addition, having things explained
in a different way provides extra perspective.

And, more to the point, you've already dropped the sawbucks on the book, right?



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2008-03-06 Thread Peter Herndon

I use vim a lot for, as Michael says, quick editing tasks.  For longer
coding sessions, I use Coda (  It's
payware, and it's OS X only, but it is so easy and amazingly
productive.  You have a terminal session, WebKit-based browser, (S)FTP
client, and a really decent text editor all in one program.  In
addition, if you are doing pair-programming, the editor supports live
shared editing sessions -- you and your coding partner can both be
working on the same file at the same time.  On top of that, there's a
visual CSS manipulator, though I don't find it of much use, and some
reference material linked in, though accessing it requires Internet
access, and the material is not the best.

There are some things Coda lacks that I'd love to see, including
either the ability to handle version control integration, or some
means of running outboard scripts/plug-ins, but overall it makes
developing Django apps a breeze.

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Re: Access control

2008-03-29 Thread Peter Herndon

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Wilson Acha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello, django have any library that allows include a login and enable
>  restrict access to different parts of the application according to
>  roles and / or profiles
>  Wilson
>  >

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Re: Fedora Core 4 - Django-dev & Mysql

2008-04-14 Thread Peter Herndon

The immediate solution is to download the source and compile.  A
better solution, i.e. a prebuilt RPM, might be available from
somewhere, I haven't searched.


On 4/14/08, martyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Fedora Core 4 and MySQL as my database for Django.
> I installed mysql-python from here
> Then I run Django (the dev version - 0.97-pre-SVN-unknown) and it
> tells me this :
> ""ImproperlyConfigured: MySQLdb-1.2.1p2 or newer is required; you have
> 1.2.0""
> I can't find any mysql-python-1.2.1 for FedoraCore4.
> If someone knows the problem, thanks for helping me.
> Martyn
> >

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Re: getting a problem while using templates

2008-06-04 Thread Peter Herndon

You need to set an environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE that
points to your  Look up the documentation on settings for
more detail.  This isn't necessary when running the development
server, IIRC, but becomes necessary when running under

On 6/4/08, Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> iam new to django. i just installed the Django. can any one
> help me in setting the environment variables .
> actually i put a path like: C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\ and
> site-packages\bin\
> but for both types iam unable to import templates.
> whenever i try this line
> from django.template.loader import get_template
> the following errors are coming:-
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> from django.template.loader import get_template
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\template\",
> line 918, in 
> add_to_builtins('django.template.defaultfilters')
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\template\",
> line 915, in add_to_builtins
> builtins.append(get_library(module_name))
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\template\",
> line 904, in get_library
> mod = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, [''])
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\template
> \", line 5, in 
> from django.utils.translation import gettext
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\utils\translation
> \", line 3, in 
> if settings.USE_I18N:
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\conf\", line
> 28, in __getattr__
> self._import_settings()
>   File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\conf\", line
> 53, in _import_settings
> raise EnvironmentError, "Environment variable %s is undefined." %
> EnvironmentError: Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is
> undefined.
> thankyou in advance
> >

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Re: Importing data from 'MS Access' .mdb files

2008-06-10 Thread Peter Herndon
Two possibilities come to mind.  First, is the Python ADODBAPI module:

Second, as an *extremely* useful tool for this sort of thing, may I
suggest Navicat for MySQL on Windows?  The Windows version allows you
to import .mdb files and do data transfers directly into MySQL, with
some mapping.  It may not afford you the entire power of Python for
manipulating the data, but it will give you a very nice leg up on the
process.  Not free, but not too expensive, and there is an evaluation
version so you can see what it will do for you.

If you need to script data transfers and manipulations for multiple
runs, then the ADODBAPI module will work well.  For figuring out what
you need to do, Navicat will be a big help, and if your manipulations
are not extensive, will possibly be entirely sufficient.  Plus, it
makes a really nice MySQL admin tool (that being its primary purpose).

2008/6/9 M.Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> chefsmart wrote:
>> You may follow these steps:
>> 1. install the MySQL ODBC connector (currently version 5.1)
>> 2. create an empty database
>> 3. create a DSN pointing to your newly created empty database
>> 4. open your .mdb file in Access
>> 5. select your table in Access and go to File->Export...
>> 6. In the "save as type", choose ODBC databases(), give a name for the
>> table in mysql, and then choose your DSN created in step 3 above.
>> That's all.
>> On Jun 9, 7:38 am, Julien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The MySQL migration toolkit has worked quite well for 
>>> me:
>>> On Jun 9, 10:23 am, bacccr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 also, you can export your data from access to xml (within vb) file and
 then load it into your mysql db with python. there is a lot of
 options, select the way you familiar with.

 On 9 июн, 04:30, "Jeffrey Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Use access on your Windows PC, Get the ODBC drivers for MySQL, map the
> tables and copy the data in by hand.
> Jeff
> On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:54 AM, M.Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am looking for tools/methods to read(if possible also write) data from
>> .mdb files which are copied into my linux box with python. I require
>> this for coercing existing legacy data into MySQL with some change in
>> the data structure. The ultimate aim is to replace an application
>> developed in VB with django
>> Thanks in advance
>> Regards Ganesh
> Hi Jeffery, bacccr, Julien, chefsmart & Garrett,
> Thanks for all your responses. All the suggested methods are suitable
> for one time migration. Actually I am planning to migrate from VB to
> django in phases. So I may have to update data many times. i.e first
> export a few tables (doing some re-arrangement). After it settles down,
> export few more tables, as well as the new data entered in the phase I
> tables through the VB app. Basically one-time-export-of-tables will not
> work for me. So, if only I can access 'ms access' tables through python,
> I can write a few functions to check if the data has already reached
> MySQL table,  if not add it. The actual .mdb files are in a Windows box,
> so if the setup will require a Windows box it is okay, but it will be
> convenient if I can copy those .mdb files to my linux box, do the
> initial developement and testing and finally point the functions to the
> original .mdb files.
> In short I am looking for a way to read(/write) tables in a .mdb file,
> through python.
> Any pointers?
> Thanks for your time once again
> Ganesh
> >

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Re: Django and Fliqz

2008-06-11 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Julie,

Django doesn't speak SOAP out of the box.  You could use one of the
Python SOAP libraries that are out there (ZSI comes to mind) to build
your own, though.

And perhaps someone has already built such an interface to Fliqz, but
if so, you'd perhaps be better off asking on the mailing lists for the
various SOAP libraries.


On 6/10/08, AestheticMindStudios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am building an application and am curious if anyone has done an
> interface with Fliqz using Web Services Description Language - or if
> this is automatically built in as an add-on to Django?
> Anybody out there that can help answer my question - looking to
> migrate to Django if it's been done and easily.
> Thanks!
> Julie
> >

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Re: Django and Fliqz

2008-06-11 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Julie,

Unfortunately, I have only the briefest of acquaintances with SOAP and
the Python modules for working with it.  I don't know where their
lists are hosted.  About all I do know is that ZSI stands for Zolera
SOAP I-something (infrastructure, perhaps?).  If you search Google for
"Zolera SOAP Python", you should get the right sites quickly.
Googling for "Python SOAP" should get you mentions of other libraries.

I do seem to recall there was another library called Soappy, that
wound up being subsumed into ZSI, though my recollection is suspect.
I also think there may be a Special Interest Group page for SOAP on, though it is likely to be out of date.

Good luck, and happy Googling,


On 6/11/08, AestheticMindStudios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for your input - are the mailing lists for the various SOAP
> libraries
> also in googlegroups?
> Best,
> Julie
> On Jun 11, 7:56 am, "Peter Herndon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Julie,
>> Django doesn't speak SOAP out of the box.  You could use one of the
>> Python SOAP libraries that are out there (ZSI comes to mind) to build
>> your own, though.
>> And perhaps someone has already built such an interface to Fliqz, but
>> if so, you'd perhaps be better off asking on the mailing lists for the
>> various SOAP libraries.
>> ---Peter
>> On 6/10/08, AestheticMindStudios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I am building an application and am curious if anyone has done an
>> > interface with Fliqz using Web Services Description Language - or if
>> > this is automatically built in as an add-on to Django?
>> > Anybody out there that can help answer my question - looking to
>> > migrate to Django if it's been done and easily.
>> > Thanks!
>> > Julie
> >

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Re: Handling unknown data

2008-06-12 Thread Peter Herndon

Or better yet, normalize first.

A given Winner can have one or more Fields, so build a Field model
with a ManyToMany relationship to the Winner model, and make it
unique=True and asymmetric.  Work backwards in a similar chain all the
way to Event.

On the other hand, that this set of models will quickly get really
complex is an indicator that your data could stand some further
thought -- how can your model be simplified?  Of course, it could also
just be an indicator that your problem domain really is complex...

---Peter, not the same one ;)

On 6/12/08, Peter Rowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'd like to store the results for the event, but can't
>> figure out how. The event object is generic, but the results
>> structures are specific to that event.
> What first occurs to me is to give the Event class a TextField called
> 'results' which contains a pickled python object/dict/list (whatever)
> of the results. This gives maximum flexibility in what you are storing
> (this is what the django.contrib.sessions code does for session
> variables), but it means that the results are not easily operated on
> by DB calls.
> If you do need to have certain operations performed on the results
> (something like "all races that Bob competed in"), you might extract
> that info into a separate text field of comma-separated-values to make
> searching/life easier. If you have many entries for the same
> contestant, you might represent this as a separate mapping model.
> Admittedly this breaks any "normalization" of your data, but that's
> already happened by the variable shape of the results themselves.
> Besides, as someone (who?) said a while ago, normalization is for
> wimps.
>   HTH,
>   Peter
> >

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Re: pluggable django ticketing app?

2008-07-07 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi all,

The Django-NYC users' group is working on an issue tracker, at  If you are interested in
contributing, please let me know, and I'll add you to the committers.

Please see the django-nyc google discussion group for some additional
context on the app.  It was started both to scratch an itch, and as a
training exercise for our new-to-Django members.


---Peter Herndon

On 7/6/08, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 12:05 AM, chefsmart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a pluggable django ticketing app? Something like
>> the apps used by webhosts for online support?
> I have yet to see something available for Django that does
> ticketing/issue tracking.  But I may have missed it, hopefully someone
> on this list can enlighten the both of us.  But in the Python world
> setting up Trac to integrate Django authentication was not too ugly.
> Here's the Trac module I used with the 0.12 (i think) version of Trac.
> But I have heard at least a handful of people interested in developing
> this kind of app, me included, but my queue is backlogged as usual.
> --
> Milan
> >

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Re: looking to override some admin save features

2008-07-07 Thread Peter Herndon

Bumping doesn't help, and just makes you look impatient.  If you want
a more immediate answer, log in to the #django IRC channel on

Aside from that, it sounds like you want the newforms-admin branch.
Search for that on the wiki.

---Peter Herndon

> bump.
> On Jul 7, 3:05 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> a brief description of what I am trying to do:
>> developing a project where I would like to keep django intact allowing
>> for seamless SVN updates of django.  However, I need to add a bit of
>> functionality in the saves of a few admin functions.  Basically I just
>> need to audit some actions (modifying of users, etc).  Is there an
>> easy way to do this?  I am pretty new to django and python so my
>> apologies if this is an obvious question.
> >

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Re: Inserting html into a page dynamically

2008-07-07 Thread Peter Herndon

Django is an excellent framework for developing web applications, but
it doesn't do away with the need for JavaScript.  In your case, I
would very much use JavaScript to make the HTML dynamic.  I've done
much the same, though on a smaller scale, in my own apps.

Django gives you a very easy means of getting data in and out of a web
page, via the ORM, the views and templates, and URLconf, but you still
need JavaScript to do the kinds of things you're describing.  However,
if you need your AJAX call to return some information dynamically
calculated by the server, retrieved from a database, or something like
that, you can write your AJAX to call a Django view.  You would write
that view to do the calculations required, and return the data as XML
or JSON.

---Peter Herndon

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm new with Django and I can't figure out a method to do what I want,
> that is to say inserting html dynamically in my page (I'm not very
> good in english so I'll do my best to explain it with an example)
> Let's say the goal of the page is to let the user build a
> "storyboard". A storyboard is just a succession of many elements that
> the user can chose to add by clicking on links. When the user comes on
> the page, it's empty. There are a few links to add elements to the
> storyboard.
> An element can be just a title (as a charfield) or it can be a more
> complex thing (combination of image and textfield etc..). So in order
> to help the user to build his storyboard, I already have those
> elements in templates (pre-built forms in fact that could be just html
> code in my database). The user just needs to click on a link and here
> it is, it adds the html code of the element in the page.
> The thing is that each time the user clicks on a link, I want the page
> to keep its appearence. If the user wants to add 3 titles, 4 image
> fields, and a textfield, he just clicks on the related links, and then
> he can fill in all the forms. I also want the user to be able to
> manage each element separately. Save or delete..
> I just can't figure out how to do this. How do I tell Django to add
> some stuff in a page like that ?
> In ajax I'd just have a view to load an element that would be called
> as the user clicks on a link, and then get back the html code of the
> element and add it into my page wherever I want. But without ajax, I
> really don't know.
> If someone could understand my problem and help me it would be great.
> Thx.
> Bibi
> >

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Re: "ColorField"?

2008-07-08 Thread Peter Herndon

You'll want to check out django.db.models.fields,
django.db.models.fields.subclassing, and django.core.validators as
starting points for creating a new Field type with a custom validator.
 In addition, there's a js attribute for class Admin you can use to
bring in the necessary JavaScript into admin
(, or you can
look into newforms-admin branch (soon to be trunk) for more options on
custom admin pages.

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Leaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also note - when I say this, I'm talking about something that can plug
> in to the admin interface. Just clearing that up.
> Regards,
> Leaf
> >

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Re: Issue with django-tagging 0.3 (svn) with models definition

2008-07-08 Thread Peter Herndon

For a more immediate answer, ask on #django on IRC.  Mailing list may
not answer as quickly as you'd prefer. Or at all, if nobody has the
time to answer.

You should look at the model documentation for specifics, but you
likely need null=True as a param in your tags=Tagfield() declaration.

---Pete r Herndon

On 7/8/08, Nicolas Steinmetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nicolas Steinmetz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Despite I read a lot of time the overview.txt on the django tagging svn
>> repository, I still can't stand how to use it at my model's level. I'm
>> quite new to python and may miss some elements.
>> When diving into the register part, it says it requiers a field for tag
>> which is supposed to be "tags". But what kind of type is this tag supposed
>> to be ? a TagField() ?
>> I came down to this kind of things which looks not the optimum for me (at
>> least at validate & runserver step, it stops shouting...):
>> from django.db import models
>> import tagging
>> from tagging.models import Tag
>> from tagging.fields import TagField
>> # Create your models here.
>> class Links(models.Model):
>> title = models.CharField(max_length=80)
>> description = models.TextField()
>> url = models.URLField()
>> tags = TagField()
>> class Admin:
>> list_display = ('title', 'description', 'url', 'tags',)
>> list_filter = ['title', 'tags']
>> search_fields = ['title','tags',]
>> class Meta:
>> verbose_name = "Lien"
>> verbose_name_plural = "Liens"
>> tagging.register(Links)
>> But when I try to save a link, I got :
>> IntegrityError at /admin/links/links/add/
>> tagging_taggeditem.object_id may not be NULL
>> What did I miss ?
>> Regards,
>> Nicolas
> Nobody is in a similar case than mine ?
> --
> Nicolas Steinmetz
> >

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Re: "ImportError No module named django"

2008-07-09 Thread Peter Herndon

Yes, the install worked.  If you can import a module without error,
it's installed successfully.

Mostly. ;)  You can also successfully import a module even if it is
not on PYTHON_PATH, if you are in the same directory as the module.

---Peter Herndon

On 7/9/08, MadMax007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the links I'll check them out
> One last question, I re-did the installation for Django using some
> instructions I found on Google. When I open Python now and type:
>>>> import.django
>>>> django.VERSION
>>>> (0,96 ) "There's something else after the 0, 96 but I can't remember
>>>> what it is sorry, (I'm writing this post from work)
> Does this mean that the install worked this time ?
> On Jul 8, 11:04 pm, Julien Phalip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Apparently Django is not present in the PYTHONPATH and therefore not
>> reachable by Python.
>> I'm not a Mac user, but some help can be found on google.
>> Try there for
>> example:
>> In the first link, the section "Telling Python where Django is" looks
>> like what you're after.
>> Cheers,
>> Julien
>> On Jul 9, 12:34 pm, MadMax007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Ok, for the PYTHONPATH I got:
>> > >>> import sys
>> > >>> print sys.path
>> > ['', '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
>> >', '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/
>> > 2.5/lib/python2.5', '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
>> > Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-darwin', '/System/Library/Frameworks/
>> > Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac', '/System/
>> > Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-
>> > mac/lib-scriptpackages', '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
>> > Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python', '/System/Library/Frameworks/
>> > Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/System/Library/
>> > Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload', '/
>> > Library/Python/2.5/site-packages', '/System/Library/Frameworks/
>> > Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC']
>> > Hope this tells you something, I relatively new to Apple computers so
>> > I feel a bit lost, and to top things off, I'm new to Python as well :
>> > (
>> > On Jul 8, 5:42 pm, Julien Phalip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > Hi,
>> > > This means that Django is not in the PYTHONPATH. To check what's in
>> > > that path, run the following in Python:
>> > > >>> import sys
>> > > >>> print sys.path
>> > > On Jul 9, 9:35 am, Juanjo Conti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > > How did you exactly install it?
>> > > > Which folders are in your PYTHONPATH?
>> > > > Juanjo
>> > > > --
>> > > > mi blog:
> >

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Re: Non-programmer looking to create more sophisticated site

2007-12-07 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Michael,

> I've been wanting to get into Python, thinking it could be good for
> certain interactivity which I haven't implemented really in my sites,
> DB access, forms.

Indeed, Python in general and Django in particular are quite good for
these sorts of features.

> But I have a site design to do where the company rents corporate short-
> term housing.  I want to create about 10 pages, a few of them
> editable, and maybe explore doing a properties database and multiple
> contact forms.
> Am I crazy to be thinking about using Django for this at my skill
> level?  I installed Plone locally to play around, seems good, but
> maybe too much overhead.

Crazy?  Not at all.  This project sounds like a very good way to get
started learning Python and Django.  The caveat, though, is your time
frame.  If your client needs this site up and running *now*, or within
a short time-frame, this might not be the best time to start learning
both a new language and a new web framework.  On the other hand, if
you are a self-starter and intellectually curious, there's nothing
like a deadline for providing motivation.

> If I want to use Django, do I have to some up with some kind of
> database setup to list properties with a picture?

The short answer is yes.  The longer answer is, strictly speaking, I
imagine it's possible to use Django without a database, but doing so
would be going against the intent of the framework.

> Where might I begin
> to do this for the first time?

This depends very much on your hosting setup.  I'll leave to others a
discussion of the relative merits of various hosting companies, and
 will find much discussion on that very topic in the list archives.
In general, though, Python 2.5 comes with bindings for sqlite and the
sqlite engine -- "batteries included" and all that -- which, for
exploration and learning purposes, should be enough to start.  I would
strongly recommend *against* using sqlite as your production database,

> Will I be able to quickly make the main HTML page template and add
> content to it, or is that not how this works?

Yes, that is exactly how it works.  You can set up a site-specific
template, and create pages that pull in that template.  The template
documentation is here:

I'd also suggest you work your way through the tutorial, as it covers
the basic aspects of building a Django-powered site.


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Re: Form result notices

2007-12-20 Thread Peter Herndon

Hi Julien,

> I'd like to hear your advice on the best way to go with displaying
> form result notices.
> For example, after editing an object via a newform, the following page
> displays a notice that says "Object successfully updated".

There is no canonical "best way".  There are, instead, a bunch of
different ways, depending on what effect you are wanting.  That is,
you could return HttpResponseRedirect and send your users to a
"successfully updated" page.  Or, if you want them to stay on the same
form and just be alerted of a successful save, you could use Ajax to
send back to your page notification of successful save, and the
Javascript could display the notification.  It rather depends on what
makes sense for your application.  So tell us more about what you are
trying to accomplish.


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Re: Beginner a bit lost - need some pointers please

2011-10-05 Thread Peter Herndon

On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Chris G wrote:
> However two rather basic things still elude me:-
>Where/how do I actually start creating the top level/page of a web
>site?   Do I just open vi and create some HTML and embed django
>code?  That seems unlikely but I can't see anywhere that tells me
>what the code that creates a django site looks like and/or where it
>resides.   An actual example of a two or three page working django
>based web site would be a huge help.

I've seen a few different patterns in regards to this question. One scenario is 
where you have a multi-purpose Django site comprised of multiple reusable apps 
with no obvious top-level entry point, you can create a view "def 
index(request)", and have it render a template with whatever data you want to 
send it -- including perhaps no data at all. Then map your index view to '/' in at the project level, put together a template and you're all set.

Another option I've seen is if you have a single-purpose site where one app is 
primary, you map your primary app's start page as your index. An example would 
be a blog, and you would set up your chronological entries list page as the 

>I can't see anywhere that seems to tell me the issues involved with
>moving from using the built in web server to using apache2 (or
>whatever, I have apache2 on my system).

The short version is that the built-in server was built as a 
just-good-enough-to-use-while-developing solution, and is not sufficient to 
handle more than a minimal load. The trade-off is that configuring apache2 + 
mod_wsgi, or nginx + gunicorn, is more complex than just running the devserver.

Hope this helps a bit,

---Peter Herndon

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Re: FAQ app 2011

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Herndon
Hi Mike,

revsys/django-fack is a reasonably recent fork of howiworkdaily/django-faq, 
with some subsequent divergence between the two code bases on both sides. Both 
projects' primary developers are well-respected members of the Django 
community. In fact, the primary developer of revsys/django-fack is Jacob 
Kaplan-Moss, co-BDFL of Django itself. At the same time, he respected Kevin 
Fricovsky's work enough to both submit fixes *and* then fork it, rather than 
write from scratch.

I have used Kevin's app in a site, and it does what it says on the tin. I'm 
guessing about this, but since Jacob released django-fack under his company's 
github account (RevSys), chances are the cleanup work was done for a client, 
which means that django-fack is very likely in production somewhere.  Either 
fork will serve well enough, though you don't mention any specific requirements 
that could be addressed. Were I to need an app for FAQs in a new project, I'd 
probably use django-fack at this point, as the code base is a little cleaner.

Hope that helps,

---Peter Herndon
On Nov 5, 2011, at 12:37 PM, Mike wrote:

> I've been searching for a FAQ app for Django and found several but no
> commentary as to which is best and still maintained, etc.
> This group looks to have mentioned the subject last in 2006 and refers
> to this:
> In my googling I've found these:
> Can anyone provide some recommendations?
> -- 
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Re: List of Django release dates?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Herndon
The info is available in the Django project blog
(, though you will need to do
some spelunking to find the release dates. You can also find the
release dates in the mailing list archives, for example, search for
"released" in the Django-developers Google group.

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Tim Chase
> After a bit of googling around, I was unable to come up with a catalog of
> release dates for various versions.  I was mostly just interested in things
> like
>  for release in "0.95 0.96 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.6 1.3".split():
>    print release, get_release_year_and_month(release)
> sort of information, though point information would be interesting rather
> than noise (such as security fixes on older versions, e.g. 1.2.6).
> Is this info readily available in some place my Googling couldn't find?  Or
> do I have to do a bit of wading in Subversion to extract this info?
> Thanks,
> -tkc
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Re: Multiple versions of Django

2013-09-30 Thread Peter Herndon
I would suggest using separate virtual environments, each with gunicorn 
( installed into the venv. Run gunicorn listening on a 
different port per venv, start all your venvs under supervisord 
(, and proxy them behind nginx (

On Sep 30, 2013, at 11:48 AM, Bill Freeman  wrote:

> Virtual environments can, indeed, be used under Apache.  I presume other 
> front ends can also handle this.
> For Apache, the separate VE's need to be in separate deamon process groups, 
> so that their sys.path settings can differ.
> The primary thing that virtualenv does for you is tweak sys.path, usually by 
> setting PYTHONHOME, but there are other ways.
> If using a new enough mod_wsgi (3.4 or later, I htink), there is a 
> python-home option to the WSGIDaemonProcess directive.  Otherwise you can 
> fiddle sys.path in your wsgi script file.  If you are using Apache/mod_wsgi, 
> there is lots of useful documentation and a pointer to their mailing list at 
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Gerald Klein  wrote:
> Sorry please disregard I didn't read far enough into your message
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Jasvir Singh  
> wrote:
> Is it possible to install multiple versions of Django on single ubuntu server.
> If yes, please tell me how to do this.
> I have already made a try for this using virtual environment, but
> found that it is only for development.
> --
> Jasvir Singh Grewal
> Blog:
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> Gerald Klein DBA
> 708-599-0352
> Arch Awesome, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.
> Linux registered user #548580 
> Brought to you by the Amish Mafia
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