On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:39 AM, koranthala <koranth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ----(1)----
>    Could somebody let me know whether this is usual? Am I missing
> some basic viewpoints which is causing me to write far too much code
> than necessary? i.e. Am I or am I not following Django framework
> properly?

No, this approach is quite normal for an AJAX-heavy RIA.  Templates
make writing the HTML portion of your site easier, but if your sites
are, as you say, almost entirely JavaScript-based, then I'd think it
very natural not to use templates much.  I have been building web apps
for a while, but only recently have I begun to use much JavaScript.  I
use templates quite a bit, and find they make my life easier, but I'm
only adding jQuery plug-ins, so more of my front-end code is HTML than
JavaScript.  However, I have found some utility in using various
template tags within my JavaScript.

> ----(2)----
>    Another question that I have is - is it usual to have no major
> architecture in the web coding?
> I am very much worried that I am missing something major and it is
> going to blow up in my face later. If someone can help me on this too,
> it would be very helpful.

There are some best practices in terms of code organization (making
your apps reusable, directory layout, etc.), but really the entire
point of using a framework such as Django is that the framework
handles the 80% of the code that you'd need to rewrite for every web
application you build, while allowing you to concentrate on the 20% of
the code that is the domain-specific logic.  Thus, a lot of the stuff
you'd have to do that would otherwise emerge as a pattern in web
architecture is already built in to Django.

The other nice part is that Python itself has little need for
programmers to use design patterns, as the language has been designed
to address the flaws that make design patterns necessary.  Iterators
are part of the language, a singleton is a module of functions, etc.
As Thomas said, "Welcome to python and django".


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