On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Chris G wrote:
> However two rather basic things still elude me:-
>    Where/how do I actually start creating the top level/page of a web
>    site?   Do I just open vi and create some HTML and embed django
>    code?  That seems unlikely but I can't see anywhere that tells me
>    what the code that creates a django site looks like and/or where it
>    resides.   An actual example of a two or three page working django
>    based web site would be a huge help.

I've seen a few different patterns in regards to this question. One scenario is 
where you have a multi-purpose Django site comprised of multiple reusable apps 
with no obvious top-level entry point, you can create a view "def 
index(request)", and have it render a template with whatever data you want to 
send it -- including perhaps no data at all. Then map your index view to '/' in 
urls.py at the project level, put together a template and you're all set.

Another option I've seen is if you have a single-purpose site where one app is 
primary, you map your primary app's start page as your index. An example would 
be a blog, and you would set up your chronological entries list page as the 

>    I can't see anywhere that seems to tell me the issues involved with
>    moving from using the built in web server to using apache2 (or
>    whatever, I have apache2 on my system).

The short version is that the built-in server was built as a 
just-good-enough-to-use-while-developing solution, and is not sufficient to 
handle more than a minimal load. The trade-off is that configuring apache2 + 
mod_wsgi, or nginx + gunicorn, is more complex than just running the devserver.

Hope this helps a bit,

---Peter Herndon

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