"Practical Django Projects" is a bit dated at the moment -- Django has
been moving very quickly.  However, there's a lot to learn from it,
particularly regarding structuring your applications to be reusable,
and lots of other best practices.

I'm in the middle of "Python Web Development with Django" by Jeff
Forcier, Paul Bissex and Wesley Chun, and while it almost covers 1.0,
it was obviously written mostly before 1.0 and updated as and when
possible.  The lag time between manuscript completion and printing is
long, so it's hard to be current considering Django's velocity.  That
said, it is a very good book, with some really good information in it.

Admittedly I'm something of an infovore, so my response should be
taken with a grain of salt, but if you have the time I'd recommend you
work through Forcier, et al. and refer back to the online
documentation as needed to flesh out individual topics.  *Then* go
back and take in James' book, sifting through it for the
still-relevant pieces.  But, if you've worked through the online
tutorial, your best teacher will be a comprehensive project of your
own.  Pick something that you need, and write it.  Refer back to the
online docs for specifics, and ask questions as needed to fill in the
blanks and keep you headed in the right direction.  Experience is the
best teacher, and if you already know Python reasonably well, Django
will fit your Pythonic expectations well.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:42 AM, brad <bkmontgom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2:21 am, HB <hubaghd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you recommend "Practical Django Projects" instead?
> I got this book as soon as it came out, and very soon after Django hit
> 1.0.  It's a good book, and I learned a few "big picture" ideas from
> the sample apps, but I really had to read the docs to figure out how
> to do the specifics.
> If you're looking for the "big picture", grab it from a library or
> borrow it from a friend.. otherwise, wait for the next edition or just
> read the docs (which are very excellent, btw).
> >

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