Tutorial for dev version not working (Polls app): admin

2012-01-28 Thread Alec Taylor
Going through the tutorial using the latest trunk in a virtualenv.

I am getting stuck in this section:

No matter how I rearrange the fields (even when I remove the
"question" field), I cannot notice any difference in the poll admin
screens. I have tried syncdb, and restarting the server.

I've looked at the index screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/), the view screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/1/) and the add screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/add/). There are no
differences in field order/display on any of these pages.

I have followed the tutorial exactly, but the fields aren't being rearranged.

Is there a different way of rearranging admin fields in Django 1.4?

Thanks for helping me get this working,

Alec Taylor

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Displaying template location in html

2012-01-28 Thread Alec Taylor
With 40+ HTML files it's easy to get confused as to where each
component comes from.

I don't want to annotate each file with its relative path manually, as
this will prove cumbersome when the site finally goes production.

Is there a trick to displaying the template location on-screen?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Admin CSS not loading on dev

2012-01-29 Thread Alec Taylor
I cannot get the admin CSS to load.

The dev docs shows that:
Deprecated in Django 1.4: This setting has been obsoleted by the
django.contrib.staticfiles app integration"

Checking another project I had which I generated with "startproject"
on 1.4a1 I found that its CSS works and is located here:

However I cannot figure out how to make the css load in my other
project. I have tried setting up a new virtualenv, but this didn't
make a difference.

Please tell me how to autoload the CSS without manually moving the .css files.

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Displaying template location in html

2012-01-31 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks donarb, I'll give that toolbar a try.

Mario: I though Python has all that fancy metaprogramming stuff like
Ruby with Objective C style reflection?

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 12:19 PM, donarb  wrote:
> Use the Django Debug Toolbar, it shows all kinds of things. For
> templates, it shows the names of all the templates that make up the
> given page as well as which tags are used on the page.
> With DDT, you don't have to annotate (and un-annotate) anything.
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-debug-toolbar
> On Jan 28, 10:26 pm, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> With 40+ HTML files it's easy to get confused as to where each
>> component comes from.
>> I don't want to annotate each file with its relative path manually, as
>> this will prove cumbersome when the site finally goes production.
>> Is there a trick to displaying the template location on-screen?
>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>> Alec Taylor
> --
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base.css 404ing on Django 1.4a1

2012-02-02 Thread Alec Taylor
Trunk version cannot load Admin CSS.

First I tried setting the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX to MEDIA_PREFIX, when
that didn't work I tried manual replacing. Yes, I know it has been
depreciated and that the css are stored in
django\django\contrib\admin\static\admin\css, however it did not work
when omitted so I placed that \static\admin\ folder as a subdirectory
of my regular static directory.

ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is now set to: '/static/admin/' in settings.py.

This partially worked, the top of my admin pages now look like this:

So dashboard.css is loading fine now, it's just base.css which isn't.

How should I go about getting that base.css link to not 404, or
*actually* changing that ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Checklist for appreciating a project from 1.2.7 to 1.4a1

2012-02-03 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

I'm bringing the "social-commerce" project up to the latest trunk of
Pinax and Django.

Is there a checklist of things I'll need to update?

I've begun updating it, i.e. adding the new database dictionary:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'read_default_file': '/path/to/my.cnf',

But it keeps giving me error after error once I've done that, so
instead of tackling issues one at a time, I thought their might be a
guide of some sort?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django

2012-02-10 Thread Alec Taylor
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Saadat  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm in my final year of computer science engineering and for my final
> year project, i'm creating a hospital erp. I'm a bit confused about
> where to start from. Any sort of help will be appreciated. Thanks a
> lot.
> Cheers
> Saadat

A lot of ERP is general across any field.

I recommend working from the AGPL licensed OpenERP into Django
(http://apps.openerp.com/addon/4533): http://openerp.com

Then just build in all the hospital ERP related functions, streamline
all the interfaces (including config and admin interfaces).

If you find yourself finishing the project early, just throw in some
scope-creep :P, it's an ERP afterall!

Good luck ;)

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Re: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django

2012-02-14 Thread Alec Taylor
Hi Saadat,

I recommend reading a book on Django to get started.

All the best,

Alec Taylor

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Saadat  wrote:
> Thanks Sebastien, I already have the info about the various
> departments of the hospital. I also created a sample database with
> tables being Patient detail, Then I created the admin interface and I
> could login and see the app over there. I could also access and edit
> the details of the tables thru the admin interface. Now, how do i
> create the view for normal user who is not an admin. What do i have to
> do with the templates? Thanks for everything.
> Saadat
> On Feb 14, 6:37 pm, sebastien piquemal  wrote:
>> +1 to @Patricio Valarezo's comment :
>> If you want to build a system for hospitals, you've got to know how an
>> hospital works first. So, make interviews, draw mockups, more
>> interviews, code a prototype, more interviews, and so on ... and only
>> then you'll know what you need to do.
>> On Feb 14, 4:07 am, Python_Junkie 
>> wrote:
>> > Now that you have your file >>models.py  >>>> place this file in the
>> > app folder after creating your app
>> > 1.  python manage.py start app  My_Erp (for example)
>> > 2.  a blank models.py file will be created, overwrite this with your
>> > models.py
>> > 3. run the command to sync the database, assuming that your set up the
>> > settings.py file has been set up correctly to connect to the database
>> > of your choice.
>> > python manage.py syncdb
>> > Let me know if this works for you
>> > On Feb 13, 3:56 pm, Saadat  wrote:
>> > > Thank you Python_junkie
>> > > I've created the poll app and I'm working on this Hospital ERP thing.
>> > > I've also created the database schema and put some dummy values for
>> > > testing. Then I created the models using 'inspected' command and saved
>> > > the models in models.py file. Now I'm confused where to put the
>> > > models.py file and what to with it. Guide me please.
>> > > Thanks a lot.
>> > > Saadat
>> > > On Feb 10, 6:18 pm, Python_Junkie 
>> > > wrote:
>> > > > Not sure from your post, which piece you are stuck on.
>> > > > 1. Have you used Django before?
>> > > > If not start with the tutorial
>> > > >https://www.djangoproject.com/
>> > > > 2. If you have a basic understanding of Django, have you been able to
>> > > > set up a basic project /app and connect run syncdb.
>> > > > One can always connect to the sqllite database, because it is built
>> > > > in, but getting some other database to connect can be a time consuming
>> > > > process if the procedure has not been established on your machine.
>> > > > 3. If you have done the above 2 items then you should move in a
>> > > > parallel path.
>> > > > a. Start defining your database model to support the business and the
>> > > > workflow that you intend to create.
>> > > > b. Use some sort of wire frame (framework) to lay out your web pages
>> > > > to support and interact step 3 a.
>> > > > On Feb 10, 8:06 am, adesantoas...@gmail.com wrote:
>> > > > > Hello, nice thread.
>> > > > > **tagged to keep following..
>> > > > > +adesst
>> > > > > -Original Message-
>> > > > > From: Saadat 
>> > > > > Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
>> > > > > Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 02:58:16
>> > > > > To: Django users
>> > > > > Reply-To: django-users@googlegroups.com
>> > > > > Subject: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django
>> > > > > Hello All,
>> > > > > I'm in my final year of computer science engineering and for my final
>> > > > > year project, i'm creating a hospital erp. I'm a bit confused about
>> > > > > where to start from. Any sort of help will be appreciated. Thanks a
>> > > > > lot.
>> > > > > Cheers
>> > > > > Saadat
>> > > > > --
>> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> > > > > Groups "Django users" group.
>> > > > > To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
>> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> > > > > django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> > > > > For more options, visit this group 
>> > > > > athttp://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> --
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Re: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django

2012-02-16 Thread Alec Taylor

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Saadat  wrote:
> Hi all, I created a view today and I could access the database
> contents using Templates. Now I wish to create a listbox that would
> have the names of doctors. When an item from the list is selected, an
> sql query should be sent which will return all the details of that
> doctor, where doc_id is the primary key? how do we create buttons? do
> we need to use html or django can handle them also?
> Thanks a lot people.
> Saadat
> On Feb 16, 4:12 pm, Saadat  wrote:
>> Hello All
>> I created a view today and I could access the database values usi
>> On Feb 14, 8:07 am, Python_Junkie 
>> wrote:
>> > Now that you have your file >>models.py   place this file in the
>> > app folder after creating your app
>> > 1.  python manage.py start app  My_Erp (for example)
>> > 2.  a blank models.py file will be created, overwrite this with your
>> > models.py
>> > 3. run the command to sync the database, assuming that your set up the
>> > settings.py file has been set up correctly to connect to the database
>> > of your choice.
>> > python manage.py syncdb
>> > Let me know if this works for you
>> > On Feb 13, 3:56 pm,Saadat wrote:
>> > > Thank you Python_junkie
>> > > I've created the poll app and I'm working on this Hospital ERP thing.
>> > > I've also created the database schema and put some dummy values for
>> > > testing. Then I created the models using 'inspected' command and saved
>> > > the models in models.py file. Now I'm confused where to put the
>> > > models.py file and what to with it. Guide me please.
>> > > Thanks a lot.
>> > >Saadat
>> > > On Feb 10, 6:18 pm, Python_Junkie 
>> > > wrote:
>> > > > Not sure from your post, which piece you are stuck on.
>> > > > 1. Have you used Django before?
>> > > > If not start with the tutorial
>> > > >https://www.djangoproject.com/
>> > > > 2. If you have a basic understanding of Django, have you been able to
>> > > > set up a basic project /app and connect run syncdb.
>> > > > One can always connect to the sqllite database, because it is built
>> > > > in, but getting some other database to connect can be a time consuming
>> > > > process if the procedure has not been established on your machine.
>> > > > 3. If you have done the above 2 items then you should move in a
>> > > > parallel path.
>> > > > a. Start defining your database model to support the business and the
>> > > > workflow that you intend to create.
>> > > > b. Use some sort of wire frame (framework) to lay out your web pages
>> > > > to support and interact step 3 a.
>> > > > On Feb 10, 8:06 am, adesantoas...@gmail.com wrote:
>> > > > > Hello, nice thread.
>> > > > > **tagged to keep following..
>> > > > > +adesst
>> > > > > -Original Message-
>> > > > > From:Saadat
>> > > > > Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
>> > > > > Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 02:58:16
>> > > > > To: Django users
>> > > > > Reply-To: django-users@googlegroups.com
>> > > > > Subject: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django
>> > > > > Hello All,
>> > > > > I'm in my final year of computer science engineering and for my final
>> > > > > year project, i'm creating a hospital erp. I'm a bit confused about
>> > > > > where to start from. Any sort of help will be appreciated. Thanks a
>> > > > > lot.
>> > > > > Cheers
>> > > > >Saadat
>> > > > > --
>> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> > > > > Groups "Django users" group.
>> > > > > To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
>> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> > > > > django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> > > > > For more options, visit this group 
>> > > > > athttp://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> --
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Re: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django

2012-02-18 Thread Alec Taylor

When you're doing template stuff, read:
- JS
- Python


Also, get a book. The questions you are asking are textbook level questions.

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:53 PM, Saadat  wrote:
> Hello all
> Can someone guide me to create a drop down menu (single-level).. i
> need to put this menu in a header file that will be included in every
> page. A bit of code and some explanation is required. tried searching
> on the Internet, but couldn't find anything. thanks a lot
> On Feb 17, 7:50 am, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> ModelForm
>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Saadat  wrote:
>> > Hi all, I created a view today and I could access the database
>> > contents using Templates. Now I wish to create a listbox that would
>> > have the names of doctors. When an item from the list is selected, an
>> > sql query should be sent which will return all the details of that
>> > doctor, where doc_id is the primary key? how do we create buttons? do
>> > we need to use html or django can handle them also?
>> > Thanks a lot people.
>> > Saadat
>> > On Feb 16, 4:12 pm, Saadat  wrote:
>> >> Hello All
>> >> I created a view today and I could access the database values usi
>> >> On Feb 14, 8:07 am, Python_Junkie 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Now that you have your file >>models.py  >>>> place this file in the
>> >> > app folder after creating your app
>> >> > 1.  python manage.py start app  My_Erp (for example)
>> >> > 2.  a blank models.py file will be created, overwrite this with your
>> >> > models.py
>> >> > 3. run the command to sync the database, assuming that your set up the
>> >> > settings.py file has been set up correctly to connect to the database
>> >> > of your choice.
>> >> > python manage.py syncdb
>> >> > Let me know if this works for you
>> >> > On Feb 13, 3:56 pm,Saadat wrote:
>> >> > > Thank you Python_junkie
>> >> > > I've created the poll app and I'm working on this Hospital ERP thing.
>> >> > > I've also created the database schema and put some dummy values for
>> >> > > testing. Then I created the models using 'inspected' command and saved
>> >> > > the models in models.py file. Now I'm confused where to put the
>> >> > > models.py file and what to with it. Guide me please.
>> >> > > Thanks a lot.
>> >> > >Saadat
>> >> > > On Feb 10, 6:18 pm, Python_Junkie 
>> >> > > wrote:
>> >> > > > Not sure from your post, which piece you are stuck on.
>> >> > > > 1. Have you used Django before?
>> >> > > > If not start with the tutorial
>> >> > > >https://www.djangoproject.com/
>> >> > > > 2. If you have a basic understanding of Django, have you been able 
>> >> > > > to
>> >> > > > set up a basic project /app and connect run syncdb.
>> >> > > > One can always connect to the sqllite database, because it is built
>> >> > > > in, but getting some other database to connect can be a time 
>> >> > > > consuming
>> >> > > > process if the procedure has not been established on your machine.
>> >> > > > 3. If you have done the above 2 items then you should move in a
>> >> > > > parallel path.
>> >> > > > a. Start defining your database model to support the business and 
>> >> > > > the
>> >> > > > workflow that you intend to create.
>> >> > > > b. Use some sort of wire frame (framework) to lay out your web pages
>> >> > > > to support and interact step 3 a.
>> >> > > > On Feb 10, 8:06 am, adesantoas...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> > > > > Hello, nice thread.
>> >> > > > > **tagged to keep following..
>> >> > > > > +adesst
>> >> > > > > -Original Message-
>> >> > > > > From:Saadat
>> >> > > > > Sender: dj

Re: Creating a hospital erp (hospital management) in Django

2012-02-20 Thread Alec Taylor

Design doesn't matter one bit for what you're doing.

Don't try and win design awards by having CSS dropdowns.

Concentrate on solving their business logic rather than adding images
of sexy nurses

And get that book. There are free books online, there's the official
django tutorial also.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Saadat  wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm stuck on static files since yesterday. It gives me an error that
> no module called "staticfiles" found.  What my requirement is that i
> have a header file where I'm including a css dropdown menu. how do i
> include that file, without using staticfiles. What all needs to be
> done to include that file. Thanks a lot.
> Saadat
> On Feb 18, 7:09 pm, Marc Aymerich  wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Saadat  wrote:
>> > Alec, I've tried including this css file everywhere, but it doesn't show 
>> > up anywhere. What exactly do i do with it to include this script on any 
>> > page, say index. i tried doing it through html as well as django. I don't 
>> > know what I'm doing wrong?
>> check this:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/
>> btw, this seems to me a very basic web dev related question, so maybe
>> it will be better for you to spend some time learning general web dev
>> related stuff before doing things by your own.
>> --
>> Marc
> --
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Re: Django and social network

2012-02-22 Thread Alec Taylor


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Lewis  wrote:
> I am new in Django. I know it is a good platform.
> I want to know if there's any plug-ins or script that do social
> networking. I research on Pinax, but it seem very difficult to set it
> up. These are the feature that I want to implement:
> 1. Profile system that link to their facebook or google profile that
> they have.
> 2. Login with gmail account or facebook account
> 3. able to store they login and password to local database
> 4. able to do rating and comments
> Can someone suggest anything?
> Thanks for your help
> --
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Re: Django and social network

2012-02-22 Thread Alec Taylor

If you have issues, read the docs.

If you still have issues, ask on pinax-users mailing-list not django-users.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Lewis Satini wrote:

> and I can only install basic, I had problem getting the advance install
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Lewis Satini wrote:
>> How much experience do you have on pinax. Did you implemented before? do
>> you have the sample site, that I might able to look at? it is difficult to
>> install, because it have some requirement before you install it.
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Alec Taylor wrote:
>>> Pinax
>>> http://pinaxproject.com/
>>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Lewis  wrote:
>>> > I am new in Django. I know it is a good platform.
>>> > I want to know if there's any plug-ins or script that do social
>>> > networking. I research on Pinax, but it seem very difficult to set it
>>> > up. These are the feature that I want to implement:
>>> > 1. Profile system that link to their facebook or google profile that
>>> > they have.
>>> > 2. Login with gmail account or facebook account
>>> > 3. able to store they login and password to local database
>>> > 4. able to do rating and comments
>>> >
>>> > Can someone suggest anything?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for your help
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "Django users" group.
>>> > To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
>>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> > For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
>>> >
>>> --
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
>> --
>> Artistbean.com <http://mobi.artistbean.com>
>> SMS at (646) 450-6756
> --
> Artistbean.com <http://mobi.artistbean.com>
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Re: Django and social network

2012-02-23 Thread Alec Taylor
If I keep persisting?



On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:49 PM, coded kid  wrote:
> I guess my idea can help you out! Install Django 1.3. After
> installing, try and download packages like omab/social_auth that will
> enable users to log in through facebook, twitter etc. Also download
> agon_ratings that will enable users to rate. You can get those
> packages from djangopackages.com. Use Django comments for making users
> comments. You will have to write some views, models, templates codes
> for somethings. I hope you know about django?
> For me Pinax aint helping at all. You still have a long way to go
> though. If you keep persisting, you will get there. I'm also a noob
> though. Feel free to let me know what you think!
> Cheers
> On Feb 22, 6:53 pm, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> k
>> If you have issues, read the docs.
>> If you still have issues, ask on pinax-users mailing-list not django-users.
>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Lewis Satini wrote:
>> > and I can only install basic, I had problem getting the advance install
>> > On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Lewis Satini 
>> > wrote:
>> >> How much experience do you have on pinax. Did you implemented before? do
>> >> you have the sample site, that I might able to look at? it is difficult to
>> >> install, because it have some requirement before you install it.
>> >> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Alec Taylor 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> Pinax
>> >>>http://pinaxproject.com/
>> >>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Lewis  wrote:
>> >>> > I am new in Django. I know it is a good platform.
>> >>> > I want to know if there's any plug-ins or script that do social
>> >>> > networking. I research on Pinax, but it seem very difficult to set it
>> >>> > up. These are the feature that I want to implement:
>> >>> > 1. Profile system that link to their facebook or google profile that
>> >>> > they have.
>> >>> > 2. Login with gmail account or facebook account
>> >>> > 3. able to store they login and password to local database
>> >>> > 4. able to do rating and comments
>> >>> > Can someone suggest anything?
>> >>> > Thanks for your help
>> >>> > --
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>> >>> For more options, visit this group at
>> >>>http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
>> >> --
>> >> Artistbean.com <http://mobi.artistbean.com>
>> >> SMS at (646) 450-6756
>> > --
>> > Artistbean.com <http://mobi.artistbean.com>
>> > SMS at (646) 450-6756
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Re: Django and social network

2012-02-23 Thread Alec Taylor
Virtualenv is recommended but not required.

You can just install everything to PATH

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Lewis Satini  wrote:
> The only problem with pinax that I dont like is to setup the virtual
> environment that make me so headache
> The site that you ask me to check out. It's a very good for me. I look after
> that site. Thanks
> --
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Re: django registration

2012-03-05 Thread Alec Taylor
DRY principle is what Django is all about.

Use Pinax instead of developing your own Profile system.

If Pinax profiles don't show exactly what you want, extend them.

Unless you're doing this as a learning exercise?

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Stanwin Siow  wrote:
> Even after doing that,
> The error still occurs. And my data is still unsaved in the database.
> Should i be creating a backend?
> Best Regards,
> Stanwin Siow
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:13 PM, nicolas HERSOG wrote:
> I looked at my code in order to notice diffs.
> You should add return new_user() after your new_profile.save()
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Stanwin Siow 
> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> How do i save a user's profile into the database once i entered the
>> details in my custom registration form?
>> Also right now when i'm testing it out, i get the following error:
>> create_inactive_user() got an unexpected keyword argument
>> 'profile_callback'
>> What could be the problem here?
>> Am i overriding the original form correctly?
>> Appreciate any inputs. Cheers
>> here are the snippets you require:
>> Forms.py
>> from django import forms
>> from r2.models import Keyword
>> from r2.models import UserProfile
>> from registration.forms import RegistrationForm
>> from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
>> from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
>> from registration.forms import RegistrationForm, attrs_dict
>> class ProjectSpecificRegistrationForm(RegistrationForm):
>>     keywords = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Keyword.objects.all())
>>     first_name
>> =forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=attrs_dict),label=_(u'First
>> Name'))
>>     last_name
>> =forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=attrs_dict),label=_(u'Last
>> Name'))
>> def save(self):
>>     new_user =
>> RegistrationProfile.objects.create_inactive_user(username=self.cleaned_data['username'],
>>     password=self.cleaned_data['password1'],
>>     email=self.cleaned_data['email'])
>>     new_profile =
>> UserProfile(user=new_user,username=self.cleaned_data['username'],
>> keywords_subscribed=self.cleaned_data['keywords'],first_name=self.cleaned_data['first_name'],last_name=self.cleaned_data['last_name'])
>>     new_profile.save()
>> project urls.py
>> from r2.registration.views import activate
>> from r2.registration.views import register
>> from r2.forms import ProjectSpecificRegistrationForm
>>     url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.urls')),
>>     #url(r'^accounts/profile/', 'r2.views.profile'),
>>     url(r'^keyword_subscribe/$', 'r2.views.keyword_subscribe'),
>>     url(r'^refresh_list/$', 'r2.views.refresh_list'),
>>     url(r'^test/$', 'r2.views.test'),
>>     #registrations URLS
>> url(r'^activate/(?P\w+)/$',activate,name='registration_activate'),
>>     url(r'^login/$',auth_views.login,{'template_name':
>> 'registration/login.html'}, name='auth_login'),
>>     url(r'^logout/$',auth_views.logout,{'template_name':
>> 'registration/logout.html'},name='auth_logout'),
>> url(r'^password/change/$',auth_views.password_change,name='auth_password_change'),
>> url(r'^password/change/done/$',auth_views.password_change_done,name='auth_password_change_done'),
>> url(r'^password/reset/$',auth_views.password_reset,name='auth_password_reset'),
>> url(r'^password/reset/confirm/(?P[0-9A-Za-z]+)-(?P.+)/$',auth_views.password_reset_confirm,name='auth_password_reset_confirm'),
>> url(r'^password/reset/complete/$',auth_views.password_reset_complete,name='auth_password_reset_complete'),
>> url(r'^password/reset/done/$',auth_views.password_reset_done,name='auth_password_reset_done'),
>>     url(r'^register/$',register, {'form_class' :
>> ProjectSpecificRegistrationForm},  name='registration_register'),
>>     url(r'^register/complete/$',direct_to_template,{'template':
>> 'registration/registration_complete.html'},name='registration_complete'),
>> Best Regards,
>> Stanwin Siow
>> --
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Re: django registration

2012-03-05 Thread Alec Taylor
Not sure how large your app is, so had to say.

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:59 AM, Stanwin Siow  wrote:
> I don't think using another external app now would be ideal since i want to
> push it to production soon.
> From what i found online, it says i'm calling that profile_callback() that
> is in the original forms.py.
> But having said that, i think Pinax is quite cool if i've got the time to
> take a look at it.
> I've had a brief read.
> One thing that's bothering me is if i do use Pinax, do i have to rewrite
> everything again?
> Best Regards,
> Stanwin Siow
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:53 PM, roy moss wrote:
> Pinax is an open-source platform built on the Django Web Framework.
> By integrating numerous reusable Django apps and providing starter projects
> and infrastructure tools, Pinax takes care of the things that many sites
> have in common so you can focus on what makes your site different.
> Pinax has been used for everything from social networks to conference
> websites, and from intranets to online games.
> --
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Re: django registration

2012-03-05 Thread Alec Taylor
*hard to say

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Alec Taylor  wrote:
> Not sure how large your app is, so had to say.
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:59 AM, Stanwin Siow  wrote:
>> I don't think using another external app now would be ideal since i want to
>> push it to production soon.
>> From what i found online, it says i'm calling that profile_callback() that
>> is in the original forms.py.
>> But having said that, i think Pinax is quite cool if i've got the time to
>> take a look at it.
>> I've had a brief read.
>> One thing that's bothering me is if i do use Pinax, do i have to rewrite
>> everything again?
>> Best Regards,
>> Stanwin Siow
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:53 PM, roy moss wrote:
>> Pinax is an open-source platform built on the Django Web Framework.
>> By integrating numerous reusable Django apps and providing starter projects
>> and infrastructure tools, Pinax takes care of the things that many sites
>> have in common so you can focus on what makes your site different.
>> Pinax has been used for everything from social networks to conference
>> websites, and from intranets to online games.
>> --
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>> django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
>> --
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[ImportError] cannot import name `feed`

2012-03-05 Thread Alec Taylor
I keep getting an ImportError saying "cannot import name `feed`".
(pinax-admin basic_project)

I am running latest Pinax (from github) and latest DJango (from SVN),

I have also tried with trunk versions of all dependencies, but I keep
getting this error.

How can I overcome this error?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: urllib2

2012-03-15 Thread Alec Taylor
Also, quick sort-of side-note:

I recommend checking out the python-requests library as an alternative
to urllib2


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Theme template designer form

2012-03-16 Thread Alec Taylor
I am creating a website which will allow people to post content with "fluff"!

That is; users will apply choose from a selection of templates to
apply to their content[1] before displaying it on my website.

[1] Content contains no hyperlinks; just images and general
manipulation text manipulation (bold, italic, underline, alignment
[also for images], highlight and text-colour) with full drag-and-drop
support implemented in JavaScript.

Can you recommend some projects and/or modules which will assist in
building this project?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Templated rich-text egg for Django?

2012-03-22 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

We've all seen document templates in a variety of systems, such as
PowerPoint, MailChimp and Google Docs.

I would like to utilise the same sorts of capabilities on my website.

The following features I require:
• Create a library of document templates
• Allow others to pick a document template to create there document from
• Allow others to swap the template their document has without losing data
• Document authoring in rich-text (e.g. using CKEditor)

(I will probably end up using a full CMS such as Mezzanine around the
whole system.)

Please suggest modules allowing me to do the aforementioned.

Thanks for all recommendations,

Alec Taylor

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"Expression of Interest" django project

2012-04-03 Thread Alec Taylor
I am thinking to setup an "expression of interest" page with a survey
ending with a "subscribe for updates" button.

The relevant features being:
• View percentages who choice which options in the survey on a graph
• Subscribe for updates equates to newsletter backend
• Twitter Bootstrap theme

It shouldn't be too difficult to build this "from scratch" using:
• django-surveys
• django-chartit
• emencia-django-newsletter
• django-bootstrap

Then I would just put it for anyone to use on either GitHub or BitBucket.

The question I must ask before I begin this project though, is:
"Has someone done this already + have they done it well?"

Thanks for all information,

Alec Taylor

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Re: base.css 404ing on Django 1.4a1

2012-04-04 Thread Alec Taylor
Unknown command: 'collectstatic'

Note: I am running the latest official build of Django (1.4) with the
latest dev build of django-staticfiles.

Also of relevance:
> python manage.py help | grep -i "static"

(yes, I am running a satchmo shop)

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:13 AM, swiharta  wrote:
> I had to upgrade my version of django-staticfiles and do collectstatic. Hope
> that helps.
> On Thursday, February 2, 2012 12:26:47 PM UTC-5, Alec Taylor wrote:
>> Trunk version cannot load Admin CSS.
>> First I tried setting the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX to MEDIA_PREFIX, when
>> that didn't work I tried manual replacing. Yes, I know it has been
>> depreciated and that the css are stored in
>> django\django\contrib\admin\static\admin\css, however it did not work
>> when omitted so I placed that \static\admin\ folder as a subdirectory
>> of my regular static directory.
>> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is now set to: '/static/admin/' in settings.py.
>> This partially worked, the top of my admin pages now look like this:
>> > href="/static/admin/css/dashboard.css"/>
>> So dashboard.css is loading fine now, it's just base.css which isn't.
>> How should I go about getting that base.css link to not 404, or
>> *actually* changing that ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX?
>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>> Alec Taylor
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Re: ecommerce like openCart in php

2012-04-11 Thread Alec Taylor
[Maybe] Mezzanine?

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:35 AM, m1chael  wrote:
> i think you're barking up the wrong tree miss Hisham
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Randa Hisham  wrote:
>> iam searching for an ecommerce  open source like OpenCart in php
>> -  -
>> Randa Hesham
>> Software Developer
>> Twitter:@ro0oraa
>> FaceBook:Randa Hisham
>> ٍ
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Re: cannot import name `feed`

2012-04-14 Thread Alec Taylor
Actually it can be fixed by removing django.notifications like so:

Edit `settings.py` by commenting out
"notification.context_processors.notification", within
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and "notification", # must be first from
INSTALLED_APPS. Finally edit urls.py by commenting out
url(r"^notices/", include("notification.urls")), within the patterns
tuple of urlpatterns.

Then edit templates/site_base.html by removing this line:

{% trans
"Notices" %}{% if notice_unseen_count %} ({{ notice_unseen_count }}){%
endif %} wrote:
> You have upgraded to Django 1.4.
> I had the same problem when going from Django 1.3.1 to 1.4.
> Suggestion:
> pip install django==1.3.1
> On Mar 6, 7:22 am, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> I keep getting an ImportError saying "cannot import name `feed`".
>> (pinax-admin basic_project)
>> I am running latest Pinax (from github) and latest DJango (from SVN),
>> I have also tried with trunk versions of all dependencies, but I keep
>> getting this error.
>> How can I overcome this error?
>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>> Alec Taylor
> --
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Re: Using Django to develop a Database?

2012-04-29 Thread Alec Taylor
Quick offside: checkout the NLTK project for processing the information

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Kevin A  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm hoping someone can help me with my research.
> I've been tasked with helping to construct a Database. Within this
> database will be information (such as their strengths and weaknesses,
> how successful they are, etc.) about various organizations. Most of
> this information is more qualitative in nature.
> My question is two-fold:
> 1) Can Django be used to create such a database?
> 2) If so, once its created, does the user have to have an
> understanding of Python? Or is it possible to code a webpage, that is
> password protected, and then be able to use the webpage like a normal
> website?
> I would really appreciate any help/advice you can offer.
> --
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How would I go about building an API converter?

2012-05-02 Thread Alec Taylor
I have multiple different APIs with different schemas serialised in XML or
JSON which I need to output as a standardised schema.

Main features needed:

   - *Serialisation to XML and JSON*
   - *Authentication*
  - I.e.: can't get/set data unless you have the correct user+pass
   - *Role/Scope limitation*
  - I.e.: you can't access everything in our database, only what your
  role allows for
   - *Get/set (conversion) between different schemas*
  - I.e.: No matter the input API, you can get it formatted in
  whichever output API you request

Is this the sort of problem Slumber <http://slumber.in/> with
TastyPie<http://tastypieapi.org/>would be best for?

Or are there a different libraries you'd recommend?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: How would I go about building an API converter?

2012-05-02 Thread Alec Taylor
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:52 AM, HarpB  wrote:
> I am a big fan of TastyPie. But I don't understand your following
> requirement:
> Get/set (conversion) between different schemas
> I.e.: No matter the input API, you can get it formatted in whichever output
> API you request
> Are you simply trying to create a unified interface for all of you existing
> APIs? If so, are they using Django models?

They seem to be mostly written from C#, all the information they are
giving me is an auto-generated schema page with set/get examples in
SOAP [for one service] and XML [for the other]. I suspect that a few
of the others will be in JSON though.

> TastyPie would only be useful for you if you have existing Django Models.
> You could still use it without having Django models, but then you would
> have to write lot more of the api code yourself. TastyPie is a full-featured,
> drop-in API system. It is meant to simply included into your existing
> code, your attach it to your Django model and it will serve the data
> associated to the models. It provides all of the RESTful options: GET,
> Django-Piston also makes use of django models, but it does not solely relies
> on it. It provides a very basic interface (in comparison to TastyPie) and
> you would need to write all of the RESTful request handles yourself.
> Both TastyPie and Piston have authentication and authorization system.

The functionality I'm providing is as follows:

Server1 >[send as SOAP 1.1]>[My Server]>[Server3 receives as XML in
Server3 schema]
Server3>[Send as XML]>[My Server]>[Server1 receives as SOAP 1.1 in
Server1 schema]

However since they will still need to access the data on demand (and
not wait for a set/get operation from another party) I will need to
create models (database) storing all information received.

What would be the best way of doing this?

Would TastyPie still be a good choice, or would Django-Piston [or some
other] better suit this problem?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Google Drive with Django?

2012-05-09 Thread Alec Taylor
This isn't helpful?


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Jordon Wing  wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to integrate Google Drive into my app, and I'm having some trouble 
> using OAuth2. I'm not sure if any of you have played with the SDK, but if 
> anyone has, what library (if any) did you use? Is there anything that 
> simplifies the 200+ lines of code they have in the examples?
> Link to the SDK: https://developers.google.com/drive
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Prototype of a web based code editor for Django

2012-05-11 Thread Alec Taylor
It looks alright, be sure to add code highlighting and debugging to
the online text editor (http://ace.ajax.org/).

Also need restart buttons and whatnot

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 12:06 AM, Timothy Clemans
> I've created a basic web based code editor for Django, see
> Would you use this? What features do you want? Do you want to help develop
> it?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
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Web-framework+db with the widest scalability?

2012-05-12 Thread Alec Taylor

Disclosure: I have posted this on 

I am building a project requiring high performance and scalability, 

   - Role-based 
 to access data of specific users
   - API 
exposed with 
   JSON ), 
   JSONRPC  and 
   - "Easily" configurable getters and 
settersto create APIs accessing 
the same data but with input/output in different 

A conservative estimate of the number of tables—often whose queries require 
joins—is: 20.

Which database type—e.g.: NoSQL  or 
—key-value data store or 
database —e.g.: 
Redis  or 
web-framework —e.g. 
Django , 
Flask —would you recommend?
Thanks for all suggestions

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Re: How to setup Python 2.7 and Virtualenv on a shared host with no root access?

2012-05-12 Thread Alec Taylor
Without gcc you can't do anything yourself.

Extract the binary out of the Python package for your platform

Alternatively I think this has a Python interpreter:

Might be only 2.6 though...

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 8:29 PM, Dan Santos  wrote:

> *1.)*
> Hi I have downloaded this zip file:  Python-2.7.3.tgz
> *2.)*
> And tried to compile it, I think it's called by doing this command:
> dan@debian:~/usr-32/Python-2.7.3$ *./configure --prefix=/home/dan/usr-32*
> *
> *
> checking for --enable-universalsdk... no
> checking for --with-universal-archs... 32-bit
> checking MACHDEP... linux2
> checking EXTRAPLATDIR...
> checking machine type as reported by uname -m... x86_64
> checking for --without-gcc... no
> checking for gcc... no
> checking for cc... no
> checking for cl.exe... no
> configure: error: in `/home/dan/usr-32/Python-2.7.3':
> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
> See `config.log' for more details
> How do I deal with this on my shared host account with no root access?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-users/-/i_yNbeu7jQgJ.
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Re: How to setup Python 2.7 and Virtualenv on a shared host with no root access?

2012-05-12 Thread Alec Taylor
You'll need the relevant C library


Or there is certainly a deb or rpm for it

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Dan Santos  wrote:

> Thanks for the tips they will come in handy in the future! :)
> It seems like my web host did a kernel update or something and then gcc
> disappeared because it worked before.  But they have fixed that problem
> now.  So here's my real problem.
> dan@debian:~$ *cat .bash_aliases *
> alias py27='/home/dan/usr-32/Python-2.7.3/./python'
> dan@debian:~/usr-32$ *py27 virtualenv.py ~/.virtualenvs/ENV2*
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "virtualenv.py", line 17, in 
> import zlib
> *ImportError: No module named zlib*
> How do I import zlib?
> I tried this yesterday but it didn't work.
> dan@debian:~/usr-32/Python-2.7.3$ *./configure --prefix=/home/dan/usr-32
> --with-zlib*
> On Saturday, May 12, 2012 12:45:09 PM UTC+2, Alec Taylor wrote:
>> Without gcc you can't do anything yourself.
>> Extract the binary out of the Python package for your platform
>> Alternatively I think this has a Python interpreter:
>> http://portablelinuxapps.org/**development/wireshark<http://portablelinuxapps.org/development/wireshark>
>> Might be only 2.6 though...
>> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 8:29 PM, Dan Santos wrote:
>>> *1.)*
>>> Hi I have downloaded this zip file:  Python-2.7.3.tgz
>>> *2.)*
>>> And tried to compile it, I think it's called by doing this command:
>>> dan@debian:~/usr-32/Python-2.**7.3$ *./configure
>>> --prefix=/home/dan/usr-32*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> checking for --enable-universalsdk... no
>>> checking for --with-universal-archs... 32-bit
>>> checking MACHDEP... linux2
>>> checking EXTRAPLATDIR...
>>> checking machine type as reported by uname -m... x86_64
>>> checking for --without-gcc... no
>>> checking for gcc... no
>>> checking for cc... no
>>> checking for cl.exe... no
>>> configure: error: in `/home/dan/usr-32/Python-2.7.**3':
>>> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
>>> See `config.log' for more details
>>> How do I deal with this on my shared host account with no root access?
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "Django users" group.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/**
>>> msg/django-users/-/i_**yNbeu7jQgJ<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-users/-/i_yNbeu7jQgJ>
>>> .
>>> To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to django-users+unsubscribe@*
>>> *googlegroups.com .
>>> For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/**
>>> group/django-users?hl=en<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en>
>>> .
>>  --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: Use Django to implement my GUI!

2012-05-13 Thread Alec Taylor
You could always create a responsive interface—e.g.: using
twitter-bootstrap—and then distribute it onto every platform.

Web (obviously): Django templates or "standard" web frontend—using
e.g.: REST, XMLRPC or JSONRPC—that calls functions and serialises data
in a less data heavy way (on clients' end)
Mobiles: Adobe's open-source PhoneGap
Desktops: Adobe Air, HTML Applications (Windows) and MacGap (OSX) are
all possibilities... however I would recommend checking out Nokia's
open-source Qt, and distributing your product with a renderer. In
essense, you would be distributing your own browser without your page
as homepage, and which can only access what you allow (e.g.:
*.mydomain.com/*). See their webkit-fancybrowser example for an idea
of how this could be done.

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Re: Django News App

2012-05-14 Thread Alec Taylor
Mezzanine might be a bit of fun to work with

Also note that Django was developed for a news room, so you should be
fine with it as is (if you learn how to use it... maybe go through the

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:28 AM, armagan  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to practice a news app. I've tried to set up Django-cms
> app, it's running but it's a bit complex for a news application. And
> now I started to set up zinnia blog app.  Do you suggest another one?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Django users" group.
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Re: Use Django to implement my GUI!

2012-05-14 Thread Alec Taylor
No reason to do anything crazy like that.

Forget SOCKETS, use HTTP or HTTPS.

Clientside/mobileside/webside build in HTML+CSS+JS.


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Eugène Ngontang  wrote:
> Hi Jani!
> I haven't seen the last statements of your post, whre you say I'm not really
> clear and that i'm building a non-http GUI using Django.
> OK let's stay on the rendering issue only, and specify things simply. This
> is a simple description of the architecture I want to set up :
> - A Client (not a user interface). Client here means a module which is
> installed in a remote computer and communicate with the server via socket.
> - A server listening from several remote client (Here i'm not talking yet
> about http request), and receive informatons from them. In fact client must
> be doing actions and send informations about their actions to the server. In
> the oder hand data to be processed by each client is pushed/dispatched by
> the server.
> - And admin (not Django Admin, but admin in the sens of my app), destined to
> be the module allowing use of the application. Then the Admin module is part
> of the server and will proviede a GUI for manipulating data in the data
> base. It's in this GUI that users of the application will enter their
> request, by filling a form or clicking a link for exemple. And data from the
> GUI could be stored in the data base, while being send to the remote clients
> (not to be displayed by the client, but to be processed). In the same way,
> informations comming from those clients to the server have to be diplayed in
> the GUI.
> With a graphical GUI, The server could have a reference to an object
> representing my GUI, and it will be done.
> But I choose a web GUI for view and administration. It's where Django comes.
> And my problem is to make my server being running a network thread,
> receiving data from the GUI(web browser) and sending informations update to
> the GUI (for web page content).
> This is really my issue. If all the actions of my server depended on my GUI
> request (http request), I could do what I like behind when handling a http
> request, but while managing http:8080 connexions, the application is running
> another process/thread on another TCP/UDP port.
> And yes I want a web GUI.
> Is why I'm looking the best way to achieve that. We can exclude Django web
> server, as it will not be used in production for the application deployment.
> Hope now it's clear for you, and more for the other users.
> Thanks!
> 2012/5/13 Jani Tiainen 
>> Hi,
>> There is several ways to achieve what you maybe want to do. One of the
>> simplest way is separate frontend (your userinterface) and server backend.
>> You can build your Django application as a service (xml-rpc, json-rpc,
>> restful). That would give you advantage to choose whatever frontend you
>> like. Of course it would add some overhead.
>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Eugene NGONTANG 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'm a python developper, but new in django.
>>> I'm devolopping a multi clients-server application.
>>> The server and the clients are communicating via sockets, The server
>>> receive somme states from clients, and display them in the User
>>> interface.
>>> In the other hand, the server has to send a message(packet) to the
>>> client when an event  occurs in the GUI, and data are stored in a
>>> database.
>> Note that Django is mainly built for web (HTTP protocol based)
>> applications. In such an environment you run two different things: your GUI
>> (usually browser) that is totally ignorant of server side (Django). Then you
>> send request to some URL, Django routes it to some view and view produces
>> again next output to be displayed in GUI (browser again). One of the common
>> functions in the view is database manipulation.
>>> Then I choose to make a web interface where data could be viewed and
>>> manipulated. And I discovered Django, which fit all my needs. I tested
>>> and liked the framework.
>>> My questions are:
>>> - Can I override the djando admin methods so that i can not only
>>> customized my views and html page, but also manipulate objects in
>>> database, so that i can do another action when catching an  event in
>>> the GUi.
>>> For example, taking the django admin tutorial, I would like to do and
>>> action like sending a message the user choose "add a poll". How can I
>>> do those things? Cause I noticed that method that alter data in data
>>> base are part of django admin module and cannot be overriden
>> You shouldn't "fight against admin". If something cannot be done in the
>> admin you usually get a way with writing your own stuff.
>>> - To achieve what I want, i would like to run my server engine and my
>>> django admin in two separated threads. How do i run my admin module in
>>> a thread? Cause till now i'm using the command line "python manage.py
>>> runserver
>> Again your GUI woul

Re: Use Django to implement my GUI!

2012-05-16 Thread Alec Taylor
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Frank Stüss  wrote:
> or maybe you might have a look at http://pyjs.org/
> which could help you having an event aware client app in your browser.
> Served by and with django.

I'm impressed

(just read the exec summary from homepage)

> Am Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, 17:14 +0400 schrieb Alireza Savand:
>> No, i posted django-tastypie not tastypie itself and it's easy to use.
>> Anyway if i'm implementing GUI based i would make it website, since
>> it's an advantages of SaaS.
>> But using client app[desktop-app] and a server-app[django] and having
>> multiply client and ... makes maintaining like a nightmare.
>> All i knew was that, Despite that you asked several question and i
>> just claimed to help in one of them :D
>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Eugène Ngontang 
>> wrote:
>>         Yes, I can see tastypie is a good service, that even support
>>         REST protocol.
>>         But I'd firt basically implement my gui with django and when i
>>         will master well django, i could use tastypie, and turn my
>>         server to support REST, it will be a good thing.
>>         But please let's keep using only django for the begining.
>>         Thanks.
>>         2012/5/13 Alireza Savand 
>>                 https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie
>>                 On Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:14:36 PM UTC+4, Eugene
>>                 NGONTANG wrote:
>>                         Hi!
>>                         I'm a python developper, but new in django.
>>                         I'm devolopping a multi clients-server
>>                         application.
>>                         The server and the clients are communicating
>>                         via sockets, The server
>>                         receive somme states from clients, and display
>>                         them in the User
>>                         interface.
>>                         In the other hand, the server has to send a
>>                         message(packet) to the
>>                         client when an event  occurs in the GUI, and
>>                         data are stored in a
>>                         database.
>>                         Then I choose to make a web interface where
>>                         data could be viewed and
>>                         manipulated. And I discovered Django, which
>>                         fit all my needs. I tested
>>                         and liked the framework.
>>                         My questions are:
>>                         - Can I override the djando admin methods so
>>                         that i can not only
>>                         customized my views and html page, but also
>>                         manipulate objects in
>>                         database, so that i can do another action when
>>                         catching an  event in
>>                         the GUi.
>>                         For example, taking the django admin tutorial,
>>                         I would like to do and
>>                         action like sending a message the user choose
>>                         "add a poll". How can I
>>                         do those things? Cause I noticed that method
>>                         that alter data in data
>>                         base are part of django admin module and
>>                         cannot be overriden
>>                         - To achieve what I want, i would like to run
>>                         my server engine and my
>>                         django admin in two separated threads. How do
>>                         i run my admin module in
>>                         a thread? Cause till now i'm using the command
>>                         line "python manage.py
>>                         runserver"
>>                         - I also tried to overide tables name, and
>>                         foreign keys names. Could
>>                         you guys provide me a true life example?
>>                         - And now in the production step, I would like
>>                         you guys to tell me
>>                         what to choose for serving files. I would like
>>                         to with your experience
>>                         what's better between running a unicorn server
>>                         or apache with mod_wsgi
>>                         I don't know if i'm clear, but i hope. In
>>                         brief I'd like to use the
>>                         django framework features to design my Gui
>>                         like i want, customize
>>                         interactions between the gui and the backend,
>>                         and choose a good web
>>                         server for the production.
>>                         Thank you for advance
>>                 --
>>                 You received this message because you are subsc

Re: Use Django to implement my GUI!

2012-05-16 Thread Alec Taylor
Oh right, it's just Pyjamas.

Still, annoyed I didn't think to recommend it first!

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Alec Taylor  wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Frank Stüss  wrote:
>> or maybe you might have a look at http://pyjs.org/
>> which could help you having an event aware client app in your browser.
>> Served by and with django.
> I'm impressed
> (just read the exec summary from homepage)
>> Am Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, 17:14 +0400 schrieb Alireza Savand:
>>> No, i posted django-tastypie not tastypie itself and it's easy to use.
>>> Anyway if i'm implementing GUI based i would make it website, since
>>> it's an advantages of SaaS.
>>> But using client app[desktop-app] and a server-app[django] and having
>>> multiply client and ... makes maintaining like a nightmare.
>>> All i knew was that, Despite that you asked several question and i
>>> just claimed to help in one of them :D
>>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Eugène Ngontang 
>>> wrote:
>>>         Yes, I can see tastypie is a good service, that even support
>>>         REST protocol.
>>>         But I'd firt basically implement my gui with django and when i
>>>         will master well django, i could use tastypie, and turn my
>>>         server to support REST, it will be a good thing.
>>>         But please let's keep using only django for the begining.
>>>         Thanks.
>>>         2012/5/13 Alireza Savand 
>>>                 https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie
>>>                 On Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:14:36 PM UTC+4, Eugene
>>>                 NGONTANG wrote:
>>>                         Hi!
>>>                         I'm a python developper, but new in django.
>>>                         I'm devolopping a multi clients-server
>>>                         application.
>>>                         The server and the clients are communicating
>>>                         via sockets, The server
>>>                         receive somme states from clients, and display
>>>                         them in the User
>>>                         interface.
>>>                         In the other hand, the server has to send a
>>>                         message(packet) to the
>>>                         client when an event  occurs in the GUI, and
>>>                         data are stored in a
>>>                         database.
>>>                         Then I choose to make a web interface where
>>>                         data could be viewed and
>>>                         manipulated. And I discovered Django, which
>>>                         fit all my needs. I tested
>>>                         and liked the framework.
>>>                         My questions are:
>>>                         - Can I override the djando admin methods so
>>>                         that i can not only
>>>                         customized my views and html page, but also
>>>                         manipulate objects in
>>>                         database, so that i can do another action when
>>>                         catching an  event in
>>>                         the GUi.
>>>                         For example, taking the django admin tutorial,
>>>                         I would like to do and
>>>                         action like sending a message the user choose
>>>                         "add a poll". How can I
>>>                         do those things? Cause I noticed that method
>>>                         that alter data in data
>>>                         base are part of django admin module and
>>>                         cannot be overriden
>>>                         - To achieve what I want, i would like to run
>>>                         my server engine and my
>>>                         django admin in two separated threads. How do
>>>                         i run my admin module in
>>>                         a thread? Cause till now i'm using the command
>>>                         line "python manage.py
>>>                         runserver"
>>>                         - I also tried to overide tables name, and

Re: How do you install Django on a shared hosting without root access?

2012-05-17 Thread Alec Taylor
You could wget/curl over a version of

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Dan Santos  wrote:
> Sorry I celebrated too early :( not sure if my local webhost can pull it of
> entirely?
> But they have been very forthcoming so far.
> I've just got SSH access with limited privileges.  And saw that I only have
> Python 2.4 and Django 1.3.
> But I want to run Django 1.4.
> And I couldn't setup virtualenv.py properly when I ran it on my shared
> hosting account :(
> http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/index.html
> It's not easy setting up Django on shared hosting, so much troubles. :(
> On Sunday, May 13, 2012 11:15:28 PM UTC+2, Gerald Klein wrote:
>> What host?
>> thanks
>> --jerry
>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Dan Santos  wrote:
>>> I forced my local web host (twisted their arm) and the day after they
>>> created a new procedure for setting up Django without having to use root
>>> access.
>>> Problem solved :)
>>> On Saturday, May 12, 2012 8:39:27 PM UTC+2, Dan Santos wrote:

 Hi I'm confused about how to setup Django on my shared hosting account
 without using root.  They don't have Django or Python support so I will 
 to install everything from scratch I guess.

 Do I install things in this order for shared hosting, or have I messed
 up the order when not using root?

 1. Python 2.7
 2. virtualenv.py

 3. (ENV1)$ pip install django

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>> --
>> Gerald Klein DBA
>> contac...@geraldklein.com
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>> 708-599-0352
>> Linux registered user #548580
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Re: Use Django to implement my GUI!

2012-05-18 Thread Alec Taylor

That architecture diagram shows exactly your problem.

You are thinking about this problem incorrectly.

- Server: nginx [or whatever] with Django
- Client: web-browser
- Admin:  Client: web-browser


On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Eugène Ngontang  wrote:
> Hi Guys!
> I've been busy a bit, I'm back to thread with the high level architecture.
> Attached here is a diagram, just to understand what i meant.
> Don't pay attention for object I use to describe modules or architecture
> components.
> Now you will be able to understand what I mean by the server module, the
> admin module, and the client module of my architecture.
> As you could see on the diagram, the admin module is installd on the
> server(where the server module is installed) and is destined to provide
> views to the GUI.
> The clients receive and send data to the server.
> When the admin make some actions, some clients are notifed, and when client
> send informations admin (GUi is notified).
> Now two things come in my mind when I was thinking :
> - First I could stay in the way I want the server to use HTTP for the admin
> side, and another protocol to communicate with client. In that way the Admin
> Module (Django) will alter and read data from data base. and the server
> module will alter and read data from database. Then each information
> retrievement will lead in reading database since informations could have
> been changed. You can that's really heavy.
> - Second do all things in http. Mean that my server is just a web
> application undertanding HTTP (I will the use django for that). The server
> will serve request depending on the type of request, and each client will
> communicate with the server using HTTP.  Then server will define pages/urls
> for admin (to be sent to the GUI), and pages/urls  for clients.
> By this way, the only relation between my modules will be the protocol (HTTP
> for the instance) and they could be implemented in what ever language we
> like. The sever will run asynchronously for admin and clients.
>   The admin will then be just an interface to wich convert data to the right
> display format for the GUI. And the GUI could be any type, and for the web
> interface type I will use DJANGO for my Admin module.
>    I will then also have to develop a http client for my client module.
> Actuallu I'm going to take the second choice, since it lets all the charge
> for read and write database to the server, which could run and publish
> informations asynchronously(websocket could help here).
> I precise that I'm not a web architect or designer, but i understand
> software architecture. I'm really a system and network engineer, with good
> developpement skill but not to much in web.
> Look now my architecture diagram and tell me if what I'm describing in the
> second item fit. And give idea if you have, about libraiies and or framwork
> that could help going fast and easy.
> I thing I will use django and green unicorn.
> Thanks for your attention.
> 2012/5/16 Alec Taylor 
>> Oh right, it's just Pyjamas.
>> Still, annoyed I didn't think to recommend it first!
>> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Alec Taylor 
>> wrote:
>> > On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Frank Stüss 
>> > wrote:
>> >> or maybe you might have a look at http://pyjs.org/
>> >> which could help you having an event aware client app in your browser.
>> >> Served by and with django.
>> >
>> > I'm impressed
>> >
>> > (just read the exec summary from homepage)
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Am Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, 17:14 +0400 schrieb Alireza Savand:
>> >>> No, i posted django-tastypie not tastypie itself and it's easy to use.
>> >>> Anyway if i'm implementing GUI based i would make it website, since
>> >>> it's an advantages of SaaS.
>> >>> But using client app[desktop-app] and a server-app[django] and having
>> >>> multiply client and ... makes maintaining like a nightmare.
>> >>> All i knew was that, Despite that you asked several question and i
>> >>> just claimed to help in one of them :D
>> >>>
>> >>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Eugène Ngontang 
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>         Yes, I can see tastypie is a good service, that even support
>> >>>         REST protocol.
>> >>>
>> >>>         But I'd firt basically implement my gui with django and when i
>> >>>         will maste

Re: Django in mobile devices

2012-05-19 Thread Alec Taylor
I use Phonegap and Django

I created my mobile app using my exposed REST API with JSON calls in JavaScript

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Phang Mulianto  wrote:
> Hi Mario,
> thanks for your response.
> i already know about sl4a .
> what i mean is, are there any known project that use django / mini django
> framework parts to build apps in mobile device, in this case android only or
> even multi device.
> this will be nice ... do mvc in mobile use python...   i mean ruby people
> already done it.
> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Mario Gudelj 
> wrote:
>> Have a look at http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10940
>> Also http://thedjangoforum.com/board/thread/879/django-python-on-a-standalone-android/
>> On 19 May 2012 00:54, Phang Mulianto  wrote:
>>> HI all,
>>> i recently see rhomobile.com , which running ruby in mobile devices, and
>>> phonegap which use javascript.
>>> do anyone aware of the equivalent python / django can be used for mobile
>>> devices..
>>> i am thinking about create app for the mobile client using web technology
>>> without go deeper in java.
>>> any comment appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mulianto
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Re: JQuery Django

2012-05-23 Thread Alec Taylor
This might be helpful: http://www.djangobook.com/en/beta/chapter04/

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:06 PM, cocoza4  wrote:
> I'm new to Django.
> How can i connect Django with jQuery?
> is there any additional tool that i need to install?
> could you show me a sample code also?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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Re: Is there a custom forms component of python-web?

2012-05-24 Thread Alec Taylor
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 8:29 PM, kevon wang  wrote:
> what is plonk. ?


See: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=plonk

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Re: PyPm / Django 1.4?

2012-06-04 Thread Alec Taylor
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Aaron C. de Bruyn  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Bill Freeman  wrote:
>> Have you considered running under a virtualenv and pip installing
>> exactly what you need?
> Yes--that's what I may end up doing.  Just trying to remove a few
> steps from the 'install procedure' for a user that already doesn't
> like the CLI.
> Thanks,
> -A

If the CLI is the only thing stopping others from setting up the
server, then why not write up a neat little installer with a desktop
shortcut to run the Django server?

Easiest method would be to use NSIS to create the installer,
bootstrapping on the packages needed from here:

Alternatively if you have a bit more time on hand (or your compilers
and whatnot are already setup) bootstrap MinGW onto your NSIS and set
the PATH and modify the necessary Python files accordingly. Then you
wouldn't need to bootstrap anything but distribute
(http://packages.python.org/distribute/) and then you can just
silently run all the pip's and have it virtualenv'd all the way down
to a Desktop shortcut :)

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Re: Graphs in django

2012-06-11 Thread Alec Taylor
Put it in the template or whatnot

Might be an easier job for a javascript graph library, or even processing-js

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Satvir Toor  wrote:
> here is code to display sin curve
> from pylab import *
> t = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
> s = sin(2*pi*t)
> plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0)
> xlabel('time (s)')
> ylabel('voltage (mV)')
> title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
> grid(True)
> show()
> its working well but the output is being display in different
> window..But i need to display this curve in browser window. Please
> tell me what changes i have to make in this code
> --
> Satvir Kaur
> --
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Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-01 Thread Alec Taylor
+! :]

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:52 PM, ionic drive  wrote:
> +1 great!
> On Sat, 2012-06-30 at 16:10 +0100, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
> Hi all,
> As some of you know, I did a live webcast last year (July 2011) on our LLG
> project, which explained how we overcome some of the problems associated
> with large data processing.
> After reviewing the video, I found that the sound quality was very poor, the
> slides weren't very well structured, and some of the information is now out
> of date (at the time it was 40mil rows, now we're dealing with 700+mil
> rows).
> Therefore, I'm considering doing another live webcast (except this time
> it'll be recorded+posted the next day, the stream will be available in
> 1080p, it'll be far better structured, and will only last 50 minutes).
> The topics I'd like to cover are:
> * Bulk data processing where bulk_insert() is still not viable (we went from
> 30 rows/sec to 8000 rows/sec on bulk data processing, whilst still using the
> ORM - no raw sql here!!)
> * Applying faux child/parent relationship when standard ORM is too expensive
> (allows for ORM approach without the cost)
> * Applying faux ORM read-only structure to legacy applications (allows ORM
> usage on schemas that weren't properly designed, and cannot be changed - for
> example, vendor software with no source code).
> * New Relic is beautiful, but expensive. Hear more about our plans to make
> an open source version.
> * Appropriate use cases for IAAS vs colo with SSDs.
> * Percona is amazing, some of the tips/tricks we've learned over.
> If you'd like to see this happen, please leave a reply in the thread - if
> enough people want this, then we'll do public vote for the scheduled date.
> Cheers
> Cal
> --
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Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-01 Thread Alec Taylor
Sounds good, but have you considered using Google+ Hangouts?

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:09 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> Wow - glad to see there's people interested in this!
> Here is the schedule, could everyone please select which days/times they are
> available (enter more than one if possible)
> http://www.doodle.com/8ptehyqr6uezhtsy
> I'll leave the schedule open until 14th July, whichever slot gets the most
> votes wins.
> Given our awful experiences with conferencing software, we'll probably be
> using livestream, and a backup stream from one of our own servers - both
> have a maximum capacity of 50 users at 720p.
> Cal
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As some of you know, I did a live webcast last year (July 2011) on our LLG
>> project, which explained how we overcome some of the problems associated
>> with large data processing.
>> After reviewing the video, I found that the sound quality was very poor,
>> the slides weren't very well structured, and some of the information is now
>> out of date (at the time it was 40mil rows, now we're dealing with 700+mil
>> rows).
>> Therefore, I'm considering doing another live webcast (except this time
>> it'll be recorded+posted the next day, the stream will be available in
>> 1080p, it'll be far better structured, and will only last 50 minutes).
>> The topics I'd like to cover are:
>> * Bulk data processing where bulk_insert() is still not viable (we went
>> from 30 rows/sec to 8000 rows/sec on bulk data processing, whilst still
>> using the ORM - no raw sql here!!)
>> * Applying faux child/parent relationship when standard ORM is too
>> expensive (allows for ORM approach without the cost)
>> * Applying faux ORM read-only structure to legacy applications (allows ORM
>> usage on schemas that weren't properly designed, and cannot be changed - for
>> example, vendor software with no source code).
>> * New Relic is beautiful, but expensive. Hear more about our plans to make
>> an open source version.
>> * Appropriate use cases for IAAS vs colo with SSDs.
>> * Percona is amazing, some of the tips/tricks we've learned over.
>> If you'd like to see this happen, please leave a reply in the thread - if
>> enough people want this, then we'll do public vote for the scheduled date.
>> Cheers
>> Cal
> --
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Re: Any free cloud database hosting ?

2012-07-16 Thread Alec Taylor
Heroku or Red Hat Open Cloud

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:27 PM, surya  wrote:

> I am building a facebook application where I have to use database models
> (very small size ~ 1MB - 2MB). Is there any good cloud db storage website
> for hosting the database??
> I looked around Amazon Web Services, it has really great offers but "I
> don't have credit card" :(
> I thought of using Google Cloud but I need to use "django-no rel". As
> there are some external lib involved in my project which create tables, I
> don't think I can tweak them successfully!
> So, how exactly I should host the database??
> -- Actually, I am using fandjango, facepy libs which need a database
> models..
>  --
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Re: Any free cloud database hosting ?

2012-07-16 Thread Alec Taylor
No, I have a heorku account without a credit card.

Admittedly it was automatically created via facebook... :P

So just do the same thing, create an app on facebook and it'll say "special
offer from partner" click that and you'll be setup for free on Heroku

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:39 PM, surya  wrote:

> Heroku even needs "credit card". and let me check about red hat!
> On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 9:06:18 AM UTC+5:30, Alec Taylor wrote:
>> Heroku or Red Hat Open Cloud
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:27 PM, surya  wrote:
>>> I am building a facebook application where I have to use database models
>>> (very small size ~ 1MB - 2MB). Is there any good cloud db storage website
>>> for hosting the database??
>>> I looked around Amazon Web Services, it has really great offers but "I
>>> don't have credit card" :(
>>> I thought of using Google Cloud but I need to use "django-no rel". As
>>> there are some external lib involved in my project which create tables, I
>>> don't think I can tweak them successfully!
>>> So, how exactly I should host the database??
>>> -- Actually, I am using fandjango, facepy libs which need a database
>>> models..
>>>  --
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>>> .
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>>> .
>>  --
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Re: Any free cloud database hosting ?

2012-07-19 Thread Alec Taylor
Rarr, I meant OpenShift not Open Cloud


On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:54 PM, surya  wrote:

> "Openshift?" .. what are you trying to say..
> On Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:06:03 AM UTC+5:30, doogster wrote:
>> Openshift?
>> On Monday, July 16, 2012 8:27:23 PM UTC-7, surya wrote:
>>> I am building a facebook application where I have to use database models
>>> (very small size ~ 1MB - 2MB). Is there any good cloud db storage website
>>> for hosting the database??
>>> I looked around Amazon Web Services, it has really great offers but "I
>>> don't have credit card" :(
>>> I thought of using Google Cloud but I need to use "django-no rel". As
>>> there are some external lib involved in my project which create tables, I
>>> don't think I can tweak them successfully!
>>> So, how exactly I should host the database??
>>> -- Actually, I am using fandjango, facepy libs which need a database
>>> models..
>>>  --
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Thoughts on web2py?

2012-08-05 Thread Alec Taylor
I've been playing around with web2py the past few months, even
open-sourced an event-site (aka meetup.com) which I wrote with it.

Now I might be starting a job where all I'll be doing is
Django—probably GeoDjango + Pinax—and was wondering a few things:

1. Apart from following the tutorial, what else should I do to learn Django?
2. What are your thoughts on web2py?

I will listen to reasons, e.g.: if you think I shouldn't look back to
web2py for other projects and stick with Django for all my future

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Compile/generate JavaScript from Django Templates?

2012-08-07 Thread Alec Taylor
To completely decouple the client-side, would it be possible to
generate JavaScript from the server-side Django Template?

E.g.: using PyJamas

If not, I will use tastypie or piston to expose a RESTful JSON API
which I will consume with a JavaScript framework on the client-side

Would simplify things a lot and prevent double typing thought if it is
possible to compile/generate JavaScript from Django Templates.

Thanks for all information,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Full auth solution

2012-08-17 Thread Alec Taylor

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 2:53 AM, pearlball
> Although the auth module is very useful, there's still a lot of faffing to be 
> done just to get a standard user login system in place. Can anyone recommend 
> a sort of boilerplate solution with a full suite of registration, user 
> profile pages, etc. written up and ready to copy/paste or plug/play?
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Ecommerce Solution

2012-08-26 Thread Alec Taylor

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Swaroop Shankar V  wrote:
> Hi All,
> Previously I had asked similar question on this group and decided to go with
> Satchmo. After the implementation it turned out to be bit difficult to
> maintain since the system do not provide much plugin or customization
> support. So am thinking of implementing another ecommerce solution. The
> system am looking for is an app which I can use with my existing site. Also
> It would be better if the system would support a mechanism to migrate the
> existing data from satchmo. I checked few but almost every project lacks
> proper documentation. So is there any django ecommerce project that have
> good documentation and easy to integrate?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Swaroop Shankar V
> --
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Re: Ecommerce Solution

2012-08-27 Thread Alec Taylor
Well there's Django-Shop

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Swaroop Shankar V  wrote:
> Hi Alec,
> Cartridge is the one you mean I guess, but after going through the document
> it seems i will require to install Mezzanine too. I was looking for an app
> which i can use with my existing project and also with some good
> documentation.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Swaroop Shankar V
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 2:37 AM, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> Mezzanine?
>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Swaroop Shankar V 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> > Previously I had asked similar question on this group and decided to go
>> > with
>> > Satchmo. After the implementation it turned out to be bit difficult to
>> > maintain since the system do not provide much plugin or customization
>> > support. So am thinking of implementing another ecommerce solution. The
>> > system am looking for is an app which I can use with my existing site.
>> > Also
>> > It would be better if the system would support a mechanism to migrate
>> > the
>> > existing data from satchmo. I checked few but almost every project lacks
>> > proper documentation. So is there any django ecommerce project that have
>> > good documentation and easy to integrate?
>> >
>> > Thanks and Regards,
>> >
>> > Swaroop Shankar V
>> >
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Re: Choosing a JS framework to go together with Django

2012-09-04 Thread Alec Taylor

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:39 PM, dotnetCarpenter

> Hi all.
> I'm new here and just took over a Django project for the first time. I'm
> still getting to grip with Django but as a front end dev for the past 5
> years, I'm also looking for a client-side library/framework to go together
> with my project.
> My requirements for a JS framework is that it:
>1. is unobtrusive (Django rendered HTML will be shown to scraper bots
>like google)
>2. provides some sort of structure (MVC, MVP, MVVM ect.)
>3. embraces standards
>4. doesn't conflict with Django templates or does so intentionally
>5. ideally uses the same template language as Django
> In the ideal world a request/response scenario would look like this:
>1. A client make a (HTTP) request to the (django powered) web site
>with (HTTP) Accept header text/html
>2. Django response in the usual way by rendering the assign View
>(django template)
>3. The view figure out if JS is supported (implemented in JS). If no,
>this scenario stays in loop 1-3. If yes, then 4.
>4. The client (usually a browser) wire up the client-side app
>structure, hook in to URI links, add transitions between views,
>data-bindings ect.
>5. Subsequent request are now handle by the JS framework, either user
>initiated (e.g. clicking a link) or app initiated (e.g. pulling extra
>data), that will modify the request header to Accept header
>application/json or application/django-template.
>6. If django receive a request with an application/django-template
>header it will serve the view as plain text. E.g. Content-type: text/plain.
>On the other hand if django receive a request with application/json, it
>will send the object model defined in the view as JSON.
>7. The client-side JS framework will receive a template to render in
>the first request and the data to render in the template in the second
>request. A promise object could be used to synchronize the two calls.
> This way django will work as intended for non JS clients and silently
> convert to a RIA in clients that supports JS, with minimal double work for
> the two execution contexts.
> A big pro in this is the fact that both django and the JS framework share
> template and data (only has to defined once - in django) - we'll duck type
> all the way. But does this JS framework exist? Does anyone have any
> experience with working with django and JS frameworks? Is there any obvious
> pitfalls in my ideal world scenario in regard to Django? And finally, is it
> possible to serve templates as plain text with django?
> Cheers, Jon and thanks in advance
> PS. I accidentally cross-posted this to the Django Developers group before
> realizing it was the wrong forum. Sorry about that.
>  --
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Re: Announcement of GUI for Creating Models

2012-09-07 Thread Alec Taylor
Suggestion: go visual

E.g.: fork this - http://gaesql.appspot.com/

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Timothy Clemans
> I've developed a GUI for creating models, see
> https://github.com/timothyclemans/django-admin-models-editor
> Would this be helpful for developers? Would it be useful for you? Should I
> keep developing it? What features would you like to see added?
> --
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Re: Announcement of GUI for Creating Models

2012-09-08 Thread Alec Taylor
Kurtis: That looks very interesting; just finished reading it.

I wouldn't recommend this for Timothy though; it looks like something
which will require a large team to develop.

Maybe submit it as a project proposal to Canonical?

Or post on Django-Dev [and here] to see if you can get a large +
skilled enough team to build such a system.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Kurtis Mullins  wrote:
> You could take it a few steps farther and reproduce some work done by a
> doctor(now) I used to go to school with.
> http://knoesis.wright.edu/research/srl/projects/mobicloud/
> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Timothy Clemans
>>  wrote:
>> > I've developed a GUI for creating models, see
>> > https://github.com/timothyclemans/django-admin-models-editor
>> >
>> > Would this be helpful for developers? Would it be useful for you? Should
>> > I
>> > keep developing it? What features would you like to see added?
>> personally, i much prefer the reverse approach:  i write the models,
>> and a tool (ie. django-extensions) generates a graphical
>> representation.
>> pros:
>>  - the final models are exactly what i want them to be.  even if the
>> graphical tool doesn't support some obscure Django feature, i can
>> still use it; it's just not shown graphically.
>>  - i don't have to learn a different (graphical) language
>>  - i keep fluent in the real Django language, so i don't have to
>> relearn it when for any reason i don't have to use that tool.
>> cons:
>>   - less sexy than not writing code
>> --
>> Javier
>> --
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Multi-tenant open-source e-commerce solution?

2012-09-17 Thread Alec Taylor
Are there any open-source multi-tenant e-commerce solutions built with Django?

I.e.: where you can have multiple shops on the one site, and a
shop-create form on the frontend to add more shops.

If there aren't any, I'd be willing to start such a project.

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Django on Bluehost

2012-09-24 Thread Alec Taylor
You will probably crap-out with Bitbucket. Go to a cloud provider instead.

For example, Red Hat OpenShift offers their IaaS platform for free (ATM

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Zach  wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I have recently been setting up a Django 1.4.1 project with python 2.7.2
> and MySQL. I am using fcgi to deploy my project in this environment because
> mod_wsgi is not available through bluehost. After much frustration I have
> gotten my site up to display the "it works" page. Now for some strange
> reason I can not get it away from this page. I have set up the urls.py file
> for the main project along with adding my app into the Installed_Apps
> section of the settings.py file.
> My .htaccess file is the following
> *AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi*
> *Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch*
> *RewriteEngine On*
> *RewriteBase /*
> *RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L]*
> *RewriteRule ^(adminmedia/.*)$ - [L]*
> *RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(mysite.fcgi)*
> *RewriteRule ^(.*)$ mysite.fcgi/$1 [L]*
> My mysite.fcgi is the following
> *#!/home1/propesn4/python27/bin/python*
> *import sys, os*
> *sys.path.insert(0, "/home1/propesn4/python27")*
> *os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "project.settings"
> *
> *sys.path.append("/home1/propesn4/project/")*
> *from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi*
> *runfastcgi(method="threaded", daemonize="false")*
> *
> *
> When I make changes to my django project I preform a *touch mysite.fcgi* so
> that the fcgi agent knows there has been changes.
> If anyone could lead me in the right direction I would really appreciate
> it!
>  --
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Re: app for kickstarter-like goals

2012-10-01 Thread Alec Taylor
What you are talking about are: "game mechanics"

With those keywords you should be able to find something. But it
doesn't look too difficult to build yourself.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 5:10 AM, Matteo Suppo  wrote:
> I'm developing a website for a non-profit organization.
> They want something similar to kickstarter, only based on people instead of
> money.
> Let's say there's an event. A birthday.
> If 5 people preorder the ticket there will be a clown*
> If 10 people preorder the ticket there will be a clown orchestra (in a small
> car)
> il 100 people preorder the ticket there will be a golden statue of a clown.
> I have no problem with the "buying tickets thing", but I couldn't find in
> django-packages anything related to milestones or goals.
> Do you know if there is already something I can use? Or should I create it?
> Thanks!
> * if you hate clowns you can replace them with cookies
> --
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Streamlining DJango Deployment — Novel idea from the world of CMSs

2011-09-07 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

I have just recently starting migrating over from WordPress and Drupal to 
the world of DJango.

First of all, let me say that yes, I am aware that DJango is not a CMS!!!

Now, onto my suggestions on how to streamline DJango deployment.

= What's wrong with the current method? =

• Doesn't cater to people who don't know Python
• Requires the installer to be a developer (pretty much)

I'm building a social-network catering to student-groups, users-groups and 
game-clans. I will be releasing this under (probably) the New BSD license. 
Because I want as many people as possible to be able to use this project, I 
want to make it very easy for non-developers to setup this social-network on 
there servers.

= What are you suggesting? =

A four-step install process.
• Install pre-packaged Python+DJango-script package
• http://i53.tinypic.com/2055fg8.png
• http://i55.tinypic.com/e8lgtg.png
• http://i55.tinypic.com/o0qiow.png
• http://i55.tinypic.com/o0qiow.png

What are your thoughts on the DJango deployment redesign?

Would anyone be interested in getting involved (making this happen!)?

Best regards,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Streamlining DJango Deployment — Novel idea from the world of CMSs

2011-09-07 Thread Alec Taylor

Looks like the initial mockup for the final display didn't Ctrl+V properly, 
here it is: http://i55.tinypic.com/s5fivd.png

The problem I'm trying to solve is one of deployment (and minimalist 
overview management).

When I write a project, I want whoever needs to install it to be able to 
install it, and get it up and running with as little skill as possible. 
Since what I'm writing isn't just for developers but are also for other 
enthusiasts and conference organisers; simple install is a must.

Also, for development, it would be quicker+easier to get a development 
environment/build up and running on a new machine with the aforementioned 

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Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-17 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

I plan on using Pinax for a project I'm doing (releasing project under
New BSD or similar).

My Learning Plan is as follows:
1. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial01/
2. http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/contributing/#getting-started

My current Python skills are limited to PythonCGI only.

Would you recommend I follow the aforementioned Learning Plan, or
would you recommend a different method?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-17 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks Russ, I'll use that method.


2011/9/18 Aesha Umelmumenen :
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:24 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
>  wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Alec Taylor 
>> wrote:
>> > Good afternoon,
>> >
>> > I plan on using Pinax for a project I'm doing (releasing project under
>> > New BSD or similar).
>> >
>> > My Learning Plan is as follows:
>> > 1. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial01/
>> > https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial02/
>> > https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial03/
>> > 2. http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/contributing/#getting-started
>> >
>> > My current Python skills are limited to PythonCGI only.
>> >
>> > Would you recommend I follow the aforementioned Learning Plan, or
>> > would you recommend a different method?
>> This sounds like a reasonable approach -- although I would:
>>  * Make sure you do Django's Tutorial 4 after Tutorial 3.
>>  * Use something other than the "how to contribute" guide to Pinax as
>> your introduction to Pinax.
>> The thing to keep in mind through all of this is that Python, Django
>> and Pinax are all just layers built on top of each other. Python is a
>> language. Django is a library that uses that language. Pinax is a set
>> of specific Django apps and configuration guidelines that help in
>> using Django. Jumping straight in and learning Pinax from the start is
>> probably possible, but you'll miss a whole lot of valuable groundwork
>> along the way.
>> Best of luck with your project!
>> Yours,
>> Russ Magee %-)
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> --
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> راسلوني علي بريد مجموعة رضاع الكبير
> ولإرسال مقالات أو صور أو فيديو الي هذه المجموعة، قم بإرسال بريد إلكتروني
> إلى
> reda3_alkab...@googlegroups.com

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Re: Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-17 Thread Alec Taylor
Also, quick tutorial question; are there a good set of video tutorials
(i.e. on YouTube or metacafe) for DJango?

/me finds the most resources he has at his disposal the quicker he

On Sep 18, 3:43 pm, Alec Taylor  wrote:
> Thanks Russ, I'll use that method.
> :]
> 2011/9/18 Aesha Umelmumenen :
> > On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:24 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> >  wrote:
> >> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Alec Taylor 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Good afternoon,
> >> > I plan on using Pinax for a project I'm doing (releasing project under
> >> > New BSD or similar).
> >> > My Learning Plan is as follows:
> >> > 1.https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial01/
> >> >https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial02/
> >> >https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//intro/tutorial03/
> >> > 2.http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/contributing/#getting-started
> >> > My current Python skills are limited to PythonCGI only.
> >> > Would you recommend I follow the aforementioned Learning Plan, or
> >> > would you recommend a different method?
> >> This sounds like a reasonable approach -- although I would:
> >>  * Make sure you do Django's Tutorial 4 after Tutorial 3.
> >>  * Use something other than the "how to contribute" guide to Pinax as
> >> your introduction to Pinax.
> >> The thing to keep in mind through all of this is that Python, Django
> >> and Pinax are all just layers built on top of each other. Python is a
> >> language. Django is a library that uses that language. Pinax is a set
> >> of specific Django apps and configuration guidelines that help in
> >> using Django. Jumping straight in and learning Pinax from the start is
> >> probably possible, but you'll miss a whole lot of valuable groundwork
> >> along the way.
> >> Best of luck with your project!
> >> Yours,
> >> Russ Magee %-)
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >> "Django users" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> > --
> > Ããßã ÚÇÆÔÉ
> > ÑÖí Çááå Úäí
> > æÚä ÕÝæÇä ÇÈä ÇáãÚØá
> > ÑÇÓáæäí Úáí ÈÑíÏ ãÌãæÚÉ ÑÖÇÚ ÇáßÈíÑ
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Re: Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-19 Thread Alec Taylor
Adnan: Those tutorials seems 2-3 years old, has DJango changed significantly 
in those years?

Deng: Thanks, I will do so :]

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Re: Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-19 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks all, lets see how much progress I can make in the next few
days, maybe finally commit some code to my github!


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Rajul Srivastava
> Dear Alec,
> I would suggest that you learn Django first before you move on to Pinax,as
> Pinax is just a collection a number of commonly used  Django apps. So you
> must at least have a basic grasp of Django before you start with Pinax. Also
> in the official documentation of Pinax, on the Getting Started page they
> give the links to Django tutorial and Django documentation. So it seems only
> logical to first deal with Django and then go after Pinax. Your learning
> plan does seem fine and the tutorial will at least give you a basic overview
> of Django, though I doubt that it will be sufficient to make you a Django
> expert but it will surely give you a start and will prepare you for Pinax.
> So, I suggest that you stick to your plan. All the best.
> -Rajul
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DJango doesn't work with Oracle 11g on Windows 8

2011-09-24 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

Unfortunately DJango doesn't work with Oracle 11g Express on Windows 8 x64.

DJango error: http://pastebin.com/8tAzsjYh (summary: "No module named

pip install cx_Oracle output: http://pastebin.com/6Y61PqSM

easy_install cx_Oracle output: http://pastebin.com/rCsY63RS

Summary: "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat"

When I try tried the x64 installer from
http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/ (using Python 2.7 x64), I got the
following manage.py syncdb error: http://pastebin.com/syqxF4m6

How can I make DJango work with my Oracle 11g Express database?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: [pinax-users] Learn DJango first, then learn Pinax; or just learn Pinax straight-off?

2011-09-26 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks. I'll get the prereqs installed now.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Brian Rosner  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> Would you recommend I follow the aforementioned Learning Plan, or
>> would you recommend a different method?
> Our getting started guide
> http://pinax.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted.html shows you
> some reading you should do before diving into Pinax. NOTE: the
> documentation linked is for the development version of Pinax.
> --
> Brian Rosner
> http://twitter.com/brosner
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FOSS VOIP Framework compatible with DJango?

2011-09-28 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

Do you know of a FOSS VOIP Framework compatible with DJango?

Currently the only one I've found is Plivo.

Basically I'm building a social-network, and want people to be able to
call eachother, even to the extend of making and recording conference
calls, all through a web-interface (Java or Flash).

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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DJango for large-scale e-commerce: A good or bad choice?

2011-10-23 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

I'm looking at all the notable CMSs and web-frameworks across any
language (C++, Ruby, Python, Perl, .NET, PHP), for an e-commerce
solution which suits my project.

Basically I'm creating an e-commerce store of e-commerce stores. So
for all e-commerce stores integrated with this system, there is a
shared user database and shopping cart integrated with PayPal (but
preferably multiple payment gateways).

Would DJango be a good choice for developing this project?

i.e. are there many predone components for this kind of thing which
can be utilised to speedup development time?

Also, is DJango scalable enough for a system of this sort, or should I
pick a competitor?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Maturity of e-commerce modules in DJango when compared with Catalyst

2011-11-13 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

After trialling ~20 CMSs, I have decided that none are extensible
enough for my project, and that a web-framework is best.

Of the various web-frameworks, Catalyst and DJango seem to be the most
powerful, and also have the most pre-built extensions.

My question to both users-groups is, how mature are your e-commerce modules?

I am building a meta e-commerce store (so an e-commerce store of
e-commerce stores), so it's very important that the e-commerce modules
we extend are already quite mature.

The kind of feature we will be adding in (or using, if already implemented):
- Multiple payment gateways
- Order lifecycle (i.e. keep client in-the-know of how close there
order is to delivered)
- Ability for store to allows client to pick between "pay on pickup",
"pay on delivery" "pay online", but to also limit these choices to
just, i.e. "pay online"
- Multiple stores linked to the 1 shopping-cart (even across multiple
payment gateways)
- Pre-built modules to assist in building mobile apps

Which framework should I go with, and which modules would you
recommend I install?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Build mobile apps for DJango sites — Would XML/JSON passing be the best approach?

2011-11-21 Thread Alec Taylor
Good evening,

I am strongly considering building my project using DJango.

My project will provide a web-interface and a mobile app.

I was thinking to build the mobile app from XML sheets, i.e.:

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

Then I could easily parse the XML file using Qt and display it in a
neat way in the mobile app.

I'm not sure if this is the best approach, so am open to recommendations.

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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MS Access integration with DJango through conversion to (Postgres or MySQL) xor direct interaction

2011-11-29 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

Is there an ORM library for python/django which integrates with MS
Access? - I know SQLalchemy dropped support after 0.4, but maybe
there's another to use?

Alternatively how would I convert one to PostgreSQL or MySQL then
interpret it into ORM syntax for use in i.e. SQLalchemy?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Building my own `like` system

2011-12-09 Thread Alec Taylor
I am thinking to build my own like system, as a way of learning
various technologies including Javascript; and to gain a better
understanding of authentication and XSS. Most importantly though, this
will provide a fun project with which to learn DJango.

1.Unique ID generated atop a little bit of Javascript code, for
embedding in any website
2.When unique user presses this like button, a +1 is triggered to
the 'score' of that UID
3.On unique user's profile, display what they like'd

I'm unsure as where to start... how would I go about building this
system? — i.e. Should I be looking at Pinax?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Is DJango bad for conveying business-logic?

2011-12-13 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

I am almost 100% locked in to DJango for the projects I have been planning.

The final "myth" I'd like to "dispel" is that DJango is "mediocre" at
conveying business-logic.

Direct quote by Peter Shangov:

Whatever your choice of framework your real-life needs will very
quickly outgrow the functionality available in the ecommerce modules
that you started with, and you will end up needing to make non-trivial
changes to them or even rewriting from scratch sooner rather than
later. This is because open source has always been exceptional at
building infrastructure tools (think web servers, templating
languages, databases, cacheing, etc.), but relatively mediocre at
implementing business logic. So what I'd be looking for if I were you
is the library that I'd be happiest to hack on rather than the one
that looks most mature.

"Products" which I am putting DJango (with satchmo) up against:
- Ruby on Rails (with spree) [Ruby]
- Catalyst [Perl]
- JadaSite [Java]
- KonaKart [Java]
- Shopizer [Java]

Could you please alleviate (or confirm) my concerns regarding the
aforementioned quote about DJango?

Thanks for all information,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Is DJango bad for conveying business-logic?

2011-12-14 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks all.

DJango-erp looks interesting in and of itself.

Is there an ERP solution open-sourced with DJango that is maintained?

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:08 AM, bobhaugen  wrote:
> I'm developing quite complex business systems in Django, and if you
> google for "django erp" you'll find a bunch of those.
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ERP in DJango; what's available? — I'm thinking of writing a DJango wrapper to OpenERP

2011-12-14 Thread Alec Taylor
What's available in terms of ERP on DJango?

If there isn't anything that is maintained and has a strong
feature-set, I'm thinking of writing a DJango wrapper to OpenERP (and
would be happy to release this under FreeBSD license).

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Re: ERP in DJango; what's available? — I'm thinking of writing a DJango wrapper to OpenERP

2011-12-14 Thread Alec Taylor
>On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:24 AM, Antoni Aloy  wrote:
> I think people from zikzakmedia has done some work :
> http://www.zikzakmedia.com/blog/zoook-openerp-e-sale-tool

It looks like what I'm looking for (well I also want POS).

But a bit confusing; isn't Magento a PHP thing?

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:50 AM, ionic drive  wrote:
> OpenERP:
> think about tryton http://www.tryton.org
> cheers
> ionic

Tryton doesn't seem to be web-based.

Preferably I'd like an open-source (MIT, BSD, GPL, LGPL) project which
provides Supply chain management and Customer relationship management.

/me thinks it best to start a new thread. Thanks for the replies!

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ERP with Supply chain management (incl. POS) and Customer relationship management — What's available?

2011-12-14 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

I am building a ERP
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_resource_planning] with
Supply chain management (incl. POS and ecommerce) and Customer
relationship management.

Which libraries (or projects even) will provide the best base for
building this off?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Django Persistent DB connections - A different approach

2011-12-14 Thread Alec Taylor
No reason you can't ACID the whole thing

Important info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_control#Methods

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:18 AM, akaariai  wrote:
> A quick warning about your approach: if you use that in multi-threaded
> environment, you are toasted. You will get two concurrent users for
> the same connection, and that will not work nicely. For example
> transaction control will be broken. That is also the reason why that
> sort of thing is not used in Django.
> As for connection pooling, there is a patch (ticket 17258) which is
> somewhat likely to get in that should allow much easier creation of
> connection pools by external projects.
>  - Anssi
> On Dec 14, 1:33 pm, nipunreddevil  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have gone similar threads 
>> likehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1125504/django-persistent-database...
>> and other stuff on same topic. However Django doesn't officially
>> support persistent connections to MySQL and Mongo(to my limited
>> knowledge).So i tried avoiding a lot of stuff and tried to make it
>> simple.So what i did was in my views.py made global connection
>> variables for both MongoDB and MySQL,something like:
>> from pymongo import Connection
>> import MySQLdb
>> global
>> mongo_connection,mongo_db,collection,mysql_connection,mysql_cursor
>> mysql_connection = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
>>                        user = "root",
>>                        passwd = "password",
>>                        db = "demo")
>> mysql_cursor = mysql_connection.cursor ()
>> mongo_connection = Connection()
>> mongo_db = mongo_connection.test_database
>> collection = mongo_db.test_collection
>> So after this when the required view is called as per URL requested,i
>> dump the data in the two databases.Like:
>> mysql_cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO
>> table_name(l,n_n,n_id,s_n,s_id,u,r) VALUES
>> (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''',
>> (l,n_n,n_id,s_name,s_id,u,re)
>> )
>> And similarly i did for saving to MongoDB.
>> Obviously there's this flaw in this approach that i am not closing the
>> connection anywhere.But this approach does seem to work and work well.
>> Why is this sort of approach not used?
>> How can i measure the performance improvements i get by using this
>> approach v/s letting Django create a new connection to DB on each
>> call.
>> Also a batch insert is supposed to make things even better,by reducing
>> calls to DB.How can such a concept be implemented within view
>> definition?
>> Here is how my application behaved before i had used my method of
>> trying to make a persistent connection and had let Django take care of
>> it
>> mysql> show status like '%onn%';
>> +--++
>> | Variable_name            | Value  |
>> +--++
>> | Aborted_connects         | 0      |
>> | Connections              | 164359 |
>> | Max_used_connections     | 3      |
>> | Ssl_client_connects      | 0      |
>> | Ssl_connect_renegotiates | 0      |
>> | Ssl_finished_connects    | 0      |
>> | Threads_connected        | 1      |
>> +--++
>> 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> After a few seconds when i ran the same query i got:
>> mysql> show status like '%onn%';
>> +--++
>> | Variable_name            | Value  |
>> +--++
>> | Aborted_connects         | 0      |
>> | Connections              | 175047 |
>> | Max_used_connections     | 3      |
>> | Ssl_client_connects      | 0      |
>> | Ssl_connect_renegotiates | 0      |
>> | Ssl_finished_connects    | 0      |
>> | Threads_connected        | 1      |
>> +--++
>> 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> However after using my approach the number of connections didn't
>> increase.
>> NB:I have posted same post 
>> onhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/8502814/django-persistent-db-conne...
>> but thought this might be a good place to get the answer
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Re: Creating websites like Amazon/Ebay using Django

2011-12-16 Thread Alec Taylor
Also satchmo http://www.satchmoproject.com/

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Ivo Brodien  wrote:

> and keep in mind, that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are
> open source solutions for shops:
> Like: http://www.getlfs.com/released-06-beta-1
> cheers
> On Dec 16, 2011, at 11:17 , Joey Espinosa wrote:
> Cata,
> Yes, Django is exactly suited for this scenario. The structure of Django
> allows you to create scalable, flexible sites with the freedom to expand
> the database as needed without having to worry about messing with the code
> so much in order to do so.
> That being said, I'd HIGHLY recommend you get familiar with JS and HTML.
> While Django can provide you the backend foundation for your sites, you
> need HTML (and likely JS as well) on the front end to present your backend
> data. In fact, I'd say that's (HTML) extremely important, because it's the
> part that's going to interact directly with your customer base. It can
> easily make or break your site, regardless of how good your backend code is.
> Hope this helped.
> --
> Joey "JoeLinux" Espinosa*
> *
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 2:06 AM, Cata  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am basically working on creating a website on the lines of Amazon/
>> Ebay  wherein user can browse/buy/sell items. I intend to make a basic
>> website first then build on top of it.
>> Till now i have been mostly programming in C/C++ & used Python as an
>> automation tool . I am not familiar with any of the Web programming
>> languages such as MySQL , JavaScript, HTML , honestly i do not even
>> know what these are.
>> My question is will Django be suitable for the above tasks ? I have
>> just installed the framework & going through the tutorials & so far
>> it's been wonderful experience
>> Please pitch in
>> Thanks
>> Cata
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GMail/Hotmail style checkbox drag-and-drop for Satchmo product groups

2011-12-16 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

I am considering building a GMail/Hotmail style checkbox drag-and-drop
for Satchmo product groups.

e.g.: http://i42.tinypic.com/110kwfk.png

What do you think of this design?

How would I go about building this in Satchmo?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

FYI: I'd be happy to contribute this back to satchmo (if you want!)

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Re: Creating websites like Amazon/Ebay using Django

2011-12-16 Thread Alec Taylor
I'm great at design, at the level of i.e. Balsamiq Mockups.

It just takes me too long to build it from scratch in CSS+HTML+JS to
get from wireframe to proper design.

I am building it from satchmo as base, but am looking for other
libraries to integrate in order to be DRY-er.

Reuse FTW!

But I think if I can just separate satchmo out enough, it will be
easily integratable with other Django (and Python) libraries.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Andre Terra  wrote:
> I'll refrain from repeating what the others have said, so I'll just say I
> wholeheartedly agree.
> Having said that, a project like this requires *extensive* knowledge of
> HTML/JS/CSS in order to be successful, as someone pointed out. With that in
> mind, I recommend you find a partner with front end experience that can
> design the website from scratch.
> While Django and Python are great tools, they are also more...
> "objective"... than HTML and CSS, so usually bashing your head against a
> programming problem will eventually yield a solution, whereas you can't
> easily teach someone how to design beautiful *and* intuitive UI/UX. It's a
> long process that requires a "creative" side that not all of us have.
> Cheers,
> AT
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Tom Evans 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 12:17 PM, abhay hegde 
>> wrote:
>> > Great ! Thanks everyone for the response. Django is the way to go then.
>> >
>> > @ionic drive :- Not sure as it's just in the initial stage. I will have
>> > to
>> > set aside time for this one.
>> >
>> Not that Django is a bad choice - it's not, its a great choice - but
>> it is largely irrelevant what language you implement your ideas in.
>> Some will be more appropriate than others, and if your idea is
>> successful, it is likely that you will need to rewrite/re-engineer
>> your site.
>> For example, Amazon was initially written in C++/Perl scripts, Twitter
>> started out using RubyOnRails and a Ruby messaging queue, Facebook
>> used to be written in PHP but it was so slow they wrote a PHP -> C++
>> compiler.
>> Django is an excellent choice, because it is precise, has clear
>> documentation and doesn't restrict what you can do with it.
>> Cheers
>> Tom
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Which IDE should I use for Django?

2011-12-19 Thread Alec Taylor
I'm looking for a Django IDE which incorporates the following features:
- Syntax-highlighting
- Projects (all code file of the project shown separated by directory
in a sidebar)
- Tabs (with close buttons on tab)
- Code-completion (with good introspection)
- Text-zoom support
- Start/stop Django server
- Run+restart Django server shell (manage.py shell) in project (i.e. below code)

I program on Windows and Linux, so it would be great if the IDE is
supported on both platforms.

Previously I was using Editra, but I requested an automatic import
into embedded interpreter feature in April, which they still haven't
integrated. So I am looking at alternatives :)

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Which IDE should I use for Django?

2011-12-19 Thread Alec Taylor
I am testing each of the ones thus far recommended (even though I hate
Eclipse with a vengeance :3). My results you'll find succeeding: [pun

PyCharm seems good (albeit Java), achieves better code-completion than
ST2 through indexing. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to recognise
environmental variables in its embedded Django shell.
Proof: http://pastebin.com/0qdUVWDh

Code-completion is very good. Can't find embedded Django interpreter;
is there one?

*Sublime Text 2*
This IDE has an incredibly streamlined [e.g. awesome] interface.
However its code-completion (even with
https://github.com/squ1b3r/Djaneiro ) leaves much to be desired.
There is also no embeddable Django per-project (or any for that
matter) interpreter that I could find. (if there is one, tell me

/testing *Eclipse + PyDev*, *Wingware IDE*, *Komodo Edit* and *Ulipad* next.

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Re: (Re)Learning Django

2011-12-24 Thread Alec Taylor
Maybe go through the tutorials here:

Should be a quick refresher, and you'll remember all :)

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Good notation for showing MVC interactions (i.e. Django)

2011-12-29 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

I'm developing various websites and functionality to cater to various
different use-cases up in Django.

Is there a good notation for showing what behaviour is at each stage,
i.e. using swimlanes?

I use BPMN 2 notation for everything, but I feel I am overusing this,
and that there would be a more suitable one for this.

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Good notation for showing MVC interactions (i.e. Django)

2011-12-29 Thread Alec Taylor
An example of a BPMN2 diagram with swimlanes, which I created for a
project: http://i40.tinypic.com/262r6nr.jpg

What I am looking for is something suited towards showing architecture
bounds and the interactions between each section of MVC.

> I find that when thinking something through at the whiteboard with
> another developer, the most common diagram I'll use is a UML sequence
> diagram.  I drew one on the wall just yesterday.  Here's one
> (http://www.panix.com/~roy/SongzaSessionHandoff.pdf) I did up a bit
> fancier a while ago while working through a gnarly design problem.

That's a good notation, and one which I will use for RESTful API modelling.

I sometimes use use-case diagrams and quite rarely also use class
diagrams and ER Diagrams.

I use BPMN2 to show logic to both technical and non-technical team-members.

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User-set domain-prefixes, i.e. myname.googlegroups.com

2012-01-01 Thread Alec Taylor
Good morning,

I want to integrate user-set domain-prefixes to the registration
process of my site.

Sample form:

Username: []
Name: []
Password: []
Email: []
Domain prefix: [].googlegroups.com

How would I go about doing this in Django? — I suspect there would be
some facets of this (i.e. DNS) outside the scope of Django, but there
would be a good portion of it possible within Django.

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: ERP with Supply chain management (incl. POS) and Customer relationship management — What's available?

2012-01-02 Thread Alec Taylor
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Venkatraman S  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Alec Taylor 
> wrote:
>> Which libraries (or projects even) will provide the best base for
>> building this off?
> Well, if you building this from scratch , then you define your schema first.
> This is the 'model' layer.

I am interested in learning more about this approach. Can you elaborate?

(feel free to contact me on or off list)

On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Emile van Sebille  wrote:
> OpenERP?
> Emile

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Venkatraman S  wrote:
> Else, have a look at OpenERP or similar open source ERP projects for
> implementation/customization.
> -V

OpenERP is good, but I am not a fan of its license. The alternative
ERP solutions I've looked at have either had a too restrictive license
(GPL is ok), or do not have the functionality I am after.

So I think building it myself would be my best bet.

Looking forward to the schema design tutorial of the model layer,

Alec Taylor

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Cheap Django hosting?

2012-01-02 Thread Alec Taylor
Good afternoon,

I'm looking for some cheap Django hosting, to host all my test sites.
My production sites will be have more expensive, more reliable, faster
servers+sites; but it would be good to have a cheap host for

Know of a good one?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: User-set domain-prefixes, i.e. myname.googlegroups.com

2012-01-02 Thread Alec Taylor
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 5:27 AM, creecode  wrote:
> Hello Alec Taylor,
> I've done something like this at one of my websites.
> The basic steps I use are gather the info in a form.
> On form submit the info goes into a website registration database and the
> user is sent a website creation confirmation email.
> The user receives the email and clicks on the supplied confirmation link.
> The user is informed that they will receive an email when their website has
> been created.
> (The above should be familiar to those of you that have used James Bennett's
> django-registration.  It's basically the same mechanics but applied to
> website registration/creation.)
> A cron job triggers once a minute and scans the website registration
> database, creating any confirmed pending website registration requests.
> The cron job sets up a django environment and calls a series of custom
> django-admin commands that creates databases, django projects, apache
> configs, etc.
> The DNS config for the domain is given a wildcard (*.googlegroups.com)
> address record and Apache is used to redirect to a default domain for any
> domain that isn't picked up by Apache's config files.
> Toodle-looo
> creecode
> --
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.

Thanks a heap!

I'll see if I can set this up.


Do you think this sort of layout is popular, or would
googlegroups.com/myname be better (or be provided as an alternative)?

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Re: Cheap Django hosting?

2012-01-02 Thread Alec Taylor
Webfaction seems to be the best so far, offers lots of features, lots
of space+memory and is around $6 a month.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 8:34 AM, zzeus  wrote:
> webfaction.com
> On 2 янв, 13:49, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> I'm looking for some cheap Django hosting, to host all my test sites.
>> My production sites will be have more expensive, more reliable, faster
>> servers+sites; but it would be good to have a cheap host for
>> prototypes.
>> Know of a good one?
>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>> Alec Taylor
> --
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Re: Cheap Django hosting?

2012-01-02 Thread Alec Taylor
Try from this interface: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/django-users

(it'll make you join, then you'll be able to send to that address
directly from your Inbox)

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Error: No module named debug_toolbar

2012-01-03 Thread Alec Taylor
Unfortunately I keep getting this error, no mater what I do.

Here's what I've attempted: http://pastebin.com/jcrSSYvd

How do I solve this error?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Error: No module named debug_toolbar

2012-01-03 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks Denis, but unfortunately that didn't work.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Denis Darii  wrote:
> Try to force the installation inside your env:
> (Pinax-env) P:\Projects\Pinax>pip install --ignore-installed
> django-debug_toolbar

(Pinax-env) P:\Projects\Pinax>pip install --ignore-installed
Downloading/unpacking django-debug-toolbar
  Downloading django-debug-toolbar-0.9.1.tar.gz (148Kb): 148Kb downloaded
  Running setup.py egg_info for package django-debug-toolbar

Installing collected packages: django-debug-toolbar
  Found existing installation: django-debug-toolbar 0.8.5
Uninstalling django-debug-toolbar:
  Successfully uninstalled django-debug-toolbar
  Running setup.py install for django-debug-toolbar

Successfully installed django-debug-toolbar
Cleaning up...

(Pinax-env) P:\Projects\Pinax>manage.py syncdb
Error: No module named debug_toolbar

> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Alec Taylor  wrote:
>> Unfortunately I keep getting this error, no mater what I do.
>> Here's what I've attempted: http://pastebin.com/jcrSSYvd
>> How do I solve this error?
>> Thanks for all suggestions,
>> Alec Taylor

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Re: Cheap Django hosting?

2012-01-04 Thread Alec Taylor
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 4:44 AM, Kenneth Reitz  wrote:
> You could easily run that on Heroku, and it would cost you $0.

I don't understand, why would it cost $0 on Heroku?

I checked http://heroku.com/pricing and it seems to cost.

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