On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Aaron C. de Bruyn <aa...@heyaaron.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have you considered running under a virtualenv and pip installing
>> exactly what you need?
> Yes--that's what I may end up doing.  Just trying to remove a few
> steps from the 'install procedure' for a user that already doesn't
> like the CLI.
> Thanks,
> -A
If the CLI is the only thing stopping others from setting up the
server, then why not write up a neat little installer with a desktop
shortcut to run the Django server?

Easiest method would be to use NSIS to create the installer,
bootstrapping on the packages needed from here:

Alternatively if you have a bit more time on hand (or your compilers
and whatnot are already setup) bootstrap MinGW onto your NSIS and set
the PATH and modify the necessary Python files accordingly. Then you
wouldn't need to bootstrap anything but distribute
(http://packages.python.org/distribute/) and then you can just
silently run all the pip's and have it virtualenv'd all the way down
to a Desktop shortcut :)

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