Good morning,

I have just recently starting migrating over from WordPress and Drupal to 
the world of DJango.

First of all, let me say that yes, I am aware that DJango is not a CMS!!!

Now, onto my suggestions on how to streamline DJango deployment.

= What's wrong with the current method? =

• Doesn't cater to people who don't know Python
• Requires the installer to be a developer (pretty much)

I'm building a social-network catering to student-groups, users-groups and 
game-clans. I will be releasing this under (probably) the New BSD license. 
Because I want as many people as possible to be able to use this project, I 
want to make it very easy for non-developers to setup this social-network on 
there servers.

= What are you suggesting? =

A four-step install process.
• Install pre-packaged Python+DJango-script package

What are your thoughts on the DJango deployment redesign?

Would anyone be interested in getting involved (making this happen!)?

Best regards,

Alec Taylor

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