Re: apt-* notify for new packages ?

2003-03-10 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:50:59 +0200
Konstantin Kostadinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi 
> Is anyone knows is there are some scripts,binary that can notify for
> new packages.
> Now I'm use apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade -u -d crontab entry but
> it is not very useful
Depends a little bit on what you mean by 'new'. If you mean new in the
archive you can subscribe to debian-news, they have a summary of new
packages at the end of their message (you'll be up to date on debian
issues at the same time). If you want to know all changes (uploads), you
can subscribe to debian-changes (stable) or debian-devel-changes (sid).
If you want to be notified for a certain package you can use the package
tracking system (PTS), see

grts Tim

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Re: How can I find out what MTA a debian machine is using?

2003-03-10 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 09:24:46 -0500
stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:04:45AM -0300, GBV wrote:
> > Try to see e-mail headersGenerally it works if the system is not
> > configured to return a bogus version
> > 
> OK, looks like I'm using exim.
> Next question, where do i look for it's logfile?

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Re: how to determine hd partitioning?

2003-01-20 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 18:30:24 -0500
Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had my *newest* computer's motherboard crap out on me Friday night,
> and I'm trying to grab the data from its hard drive. I've thrown it
> into my older machine, and it's being recognized fine as /dev/hdd --
> but I can't remember its partitioning scheme, and thus don't know what
> partition(s) to mount and what fs they each use (it had dual-booted
> windows and debian before, hence the need for both partition and
> fs-type).
> How can I determine the drive's partition scheme?

Like the rest said, I think it's trial and error this time... But next
time you can _label_ you're ext(2|3) partitions with 'e2label' or
'tune2fs -L'. This than will show up in cfdisk and friends. You can also
use these labels in /etc/fstab instead of device names. This is really
handy if you swap your ide connectors. Now the partition has changed
name from/dev/hda1 to/dev/hdc1 for example, but has still the same label
name and will still be mounted on the right mount point.

grts Tim

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ISPs are blocking port 445?

2002-10-09 Thread Tim Dijkstra


This is slightly offtopic, but I didn't got a relevant answer in other places, so I 
thought lets ask my debian friends ;) 

I had my apache listening on port 445 for https connections, this worked
perfectly for a long time. Today I got a message from a user stating
that he couldn't get a connection. I have since then reproduced the
problem from a few domains. Then I checked everything: firewall, apache
logs, etc, but couldn't find a problem with my conf. Could it be that
there are some ISP's that are blocking 445? I found some reference to
DoS attacks on windows machines targeted at port 445..

thnx Tim

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Re: ISPs are blocking port 445?

2002-10-09 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 18:13:42 +0200
Tim Dijkstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is slightly offtopic, but I didn't got a relevant answer in other
> places, so I thought lets ask my debian friends ;) 
> I had my apache listening on port 445 for https connections, this
> worked perfectly for a long time. Today I got a message from a user
> stating that he couldn't get a connection. I have since then
> reproduced the problem from a few domains. Then I checked everything:
> firewall, apache logs, etc, but couldn't find a problem with my conf.
> Could it be that there are some ISP's that are blocking 445? I found
> some reference to DoS attacks on windows machines targeted at port
> 445..
I know it's rather silly to reply on your on post, but I did some more research... It 
seems that our M$ using friends have some problems. Win2k/XP have a filesharing 
protocol on 445, and because most users of M$ products are so enlightend to choose a 
blank admin password, this is a security issue.
So apperently some ISP's have chosen to 'protect' their users from these attacks and 
are dropping these packets...

grts Tim

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Re: logitech iTouch keyboard

2002-10-11 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 18:31:13 +0200
Mirek Dobsicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to ask if  Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard
> is running under Sarge. A friend of mine warned me about that the
> extra keys can generate unknown scancodes and cause problems.
>   Mirek Dobsicek
Although I don't have the exact keybord you use I think there's no problem. I'm  using 
the Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro without any problems, and all keys are working... 
The story your friend told you is nonse IMHO. 
You'll have to read some manpages to get it all the keys to work the way you want it, 
but taking the default will still give you a working keyboard.

grts Tim

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Fonts in netscape and acroread menus

2002-11-06 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Recently one of the users of my machine (running testing) has been
experiencing problems with fonts. Now I must say there have been some
changes regarding fonts, xfree had a update also I have thrown away some
non-free fonts, etc. 

To be more specific, in both netscape and acroread she is seeing squares
instead of the correct glyphs. The weird thing is that I'm not having
this problem. So my question is, what personal config files could be
influencing the fonts netscape and acroread use in their menus? In the
case of acroread it's not .acrorc, I tried that.

thnx Tim

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Re: Noob question -- setting up home folders

2002-11-08 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 09:53:23 -0600
"Dan Gapinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1-I made a different top-level directory called ./private. Then I gave
> the command:
> useradd -D -b /private -g groupname
> and then added users this way
> useradd user1
> The problem is that although the account logs in (via an ftp client),
> it goes straight to the root directory. In the console, I can log in
> and get a "No directory, logging in with HOME=/" message.
Do de dirs actually exist? They probably should have been made by
useradd, but just checking...

> 2-How dow I make a webmaster account go straight to /var/www?
edit /etc/passwd, its the 6th field. I think you can also do it with
> Many thanks,
> Dan

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Re: Securing debian

2002-11-11 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 18:06:22 -0700
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Proulx) wrote:

> Joyce, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-11 10:03:10 +1100]:
> > To be able to send and receive emails.  SMTP
> Port 25
Also for ssl.
> > To access email via IMAP and POP3, including ssl.
IMAP: 143, IMAP over SSL:993
POP3: 110, POP3 over SSL:995
May I add, that it's no use to do ssl partly. If there is one service
still insecure, there are still passwords flying around the internet. So
just keep only S-IMAP and S-POP3.

grts Tim

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bind8 vs bind9

2002-11-18 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Is there any reason to stick with bind8 other then convenience? I'm
asking this because bind9 seems pretty mature, but the default bind is
still bind8 I think...

grts Tim

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Re: bind8 vs bind9

2002-11-18 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:39:47 -0700
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Proulx) wrote:

> Tim Dijkstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-18 17:14:38 +0100]:
> > 
> > Is there any reason to stick with bind8 other then convenience? I'm
> > asking this because bind9 seems pretty mature, but the default bind
> > is still bind8 I think...
> What is "convenient" about bind8?  That is a serious question and not
> meant to be snide.  Please educate me.
I meant that it's convenient to stay with what you have, which is bind8
in my case.

> With the many security advisories that have been posted against bind8
> recently I find bind9 much more convenient since I have not needed to
> update those servers as often.
That was exactly my motivation to switch, but a other post by Gary
Henningan seems to suggest that bind9 receives just as many advisories.
> Perhaps you did not know that bind9 uses the exact same configuration
> file as bind8 in almost all cases?  
No I didn't know that. Now, if somebody can convince me bind9 is more
secure I'll switch.

grts Tim

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[OT] undeleting on FAT32

2002-11-21 Thread Tim Dijkstra

This is slightly OT, but the file _was_ deleted with rm ;)

OK, so here's the problem: My girlfriend accidently deleted a file on a
windows drive (which is not backuped). We managed to find 'cluster' and
size of this file, now can I copy it somehow with this info. Perhaps
with dd? Just shooting in the dark here...

Thnx Tim

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Re: [OT] undeleting on FAT32

2002-11-21 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:31:51 +
"Joshua Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> kill your girlfriend, then kill yourself.

Girlfriend speaking here:

It was a bug in konqueror: after a gz action konqueror refreshed and
both items, .gz and normal were displayed. I (mea culpa, mea maxima
culpa) then deleted the .gz item because some collegues only understand
winzip...(and de gzip command in in my fingers (although I am a simple
user, I do type fast)) And indeed, all was gone... and still displayed
in konqueror.

I am very sorry for the fact I incidently have to use windows. But part
of this _ignorant_ world only wishes to understand or communicate with
windows and its vassals unfortunately.

Don't bother to answer, gonna kill myself now. But if you do know the
answer, please give it to my boyfriend, because he doesn't deserve it
(he NEVER uses windows)


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Re: [OT]: is this crap? -> wininformant headline "Most Insecure OS? Yep, It's Linux"

2002-11-28 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:19:32 -0600
Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/28/02 10:07 AM, "Walter Tautz" wrote:
> > 
> > Thought you might be interested in the FUD being reported at > >
> > wininformant. The link to the story is:
> >
> > 
> > 
> I have been saying this for the last 6 months that Redmond is behind >
> finding all these exploits on Open Source. Who better stands from
> these exploits then M$??

We should thank them than, after all they are improving our software
this way...

grtjs Tim

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Re: Where to view bootup info ? dmesg ??

2002-12-04 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 20:53:27 +
daves debian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to view the bootup screen, it goes by so fast

If you're looking for something like on a redhat system, where every
script in /etc/rc?.d/ leaves it's result in a logfile, I don't think we
have something like that on debian. There are however the usual logings
in /var/log/syslog and such. 
> Somewhere about when fstab is mounted
As for mounting of filesystems, I think you can find that in o.a.

grts Tim

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Re: galeon won't start

2003-01-04 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 23:40:10 -0600
Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> mikan:~> galeon
> GConf Error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted:
>  Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error:
> and i get a dialogue box telling me it "cannot find a schema for
> galeon preferences.  Check your gconf setup, look at the galeon FAQ
> for more info."  i've checked out the faq for that question at
>, and my
> setup is just as they say it should be.  i've tried reinstalling, and
> it seems like i have all the libraries i possibly can have.  help?
You killed your X-session without quiting gnome, did you?
I think the problem lies in some files in your homedir. IIRC
there is a directory called ~/.gconf if you move that out the way and
restart gnome you're galeon will start just fine.
Maybe it is possible to repair the problems in a more intelligent way,
but this seems to do the trick.

grts Tim

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Re: root or non-root for make-kpkg?

2003-01-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 12:02:19 +
Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed a new kernel as per:
> as non-root.  make-kpkg failed, with this error:
> need root priviledges
> make: *** [kernel-image-deb] Error 1
> Is there a simple solution to this?  

yes there is:

  apt-get install fakeroot

and then:

  fakeroot make-kpkg 

grtjs Tim

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Re: dselect purge

2003-01-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 12:48:02 +0100
willem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> The thing is that after the purge/remove process has finished i still
> have quite a lot of dirs like gnome...afterstep...etc etc directories
> in my regular home dir. 

These files are indeed not removed, and that's a good thing IMHO. You
don't want to mess around with users personal files...

> And during purging i also see the 'blahblah
> dir not empty so not removed'  message flash by...with dirs outside
> home.

This is a known bug in dpkg and I think a saw a patch for it some time
ago, so this is or will be fixed.

grts Tim

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Re: Network trouble

2003-01-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 12:56:57 +0100

> Im using a winmodem and wvdial for internetconnections. i don't 
> think it should matter but I'm using wvdial from debian-potato, since 
> the woody release didn't work.
> -->
> /etc/resolv.conf has the by my internet provider supplied 
> nameservers:
> name server
> name server
> <--
I hope the file says:


so without the space between 'name' and 'server'.

If that's not it, I should look into you're dialin app. Some have the
habit of changing /etc/resolv.conf when dialed in.

grts Tim

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Re: installing GEM

2003-01-16 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 13:32:46 +
"James William Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to install GEM, got past the ./configure stage and all
> is well.  Just when I enter ./install-sh I get the following error:
> bash: ./install-sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permisson denied
> what do I do?
This a RFAQ...

./install-sh is not executable. 
  chmod a+x install-sh
will fix this.


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Re: Debian update?

2002-09-03 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 15:32:47 +0100
Anthony Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some people seem to have had problems with loadlin, but it's always
> worked perfectly for me (for several years now). In fact, even if I
> didn't need DOS at all (I do, just for one thing) I'd keep a small DOS
> partition just to be able to boot from it. What I like about it is
> that if a kernel doesn't work for any reason it's extremely simple
> just to reboot with the previous kernel.
It's also easy with lilo. In my lilo.conf I keep multiple entries:

* self-compiled newest kernel (2.14.18), 
* a recent debian kernel-image 
* the kernel from the base system
* windowz (Can't seem to get wine working for that one win app I need
for banking stuff) 

At boot time you can choose any one of them. And defaults to the first

grts Tim

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Re: Worried about Exim, my mail is dissappearing?

2002-09-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:35:03 +1000
Lucas Barbuto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Sonny,
> On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 11:21:58PM -0500, Sonny Kupka wrote:
> > Looking closer at my problem.. Those users whose mail found its way
> > to mailq spool was because they didn't have a /home/username ...
> > Exim was looking for the .forward file in /home/username.. not
> > finding /home/username.. it would spool to queue..
> I don't think this is the problem, all my users have real home
> directories.  Are you talking about an incoming queue for local
> delivery?  I didn't know such a thing existed.  I thought that
> messages received on my MTA just got delivered straight to the user's
> Maildir. If there's a spool somewhere I'd like to check it out... i've
> found/var/spool/exim/input --- is that it?  There's nothing in there.

exim -bp 

will show messages in the queue. See manpages for more details...

grts Tim

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Re: PAM use by non root applications

2002-09-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Wed, 04 Sep 2002 19:33:25 -0500
Hanasaki JiJi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does Woody allow non-root id applications to to PAM auth?

No, I don't think so. At least I think it will not allow for auth
against files that need root read permissions (or any other you don't
have for that matter). So if you're using shadow passwords you're   
authenticating against /etc/shadow for which you need:
-rw-r-1 root shadow741 Jul 24 16:49 /etc/shadow
So only if the authenticating process  has egid shadow or euid root
it'll work.

Hope that helps,


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Re: woody's kde erratic

2002-09-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 12:37:44 +0200
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> does anyone of you have an idea why the kde installation on a woody
> machine which hosts two users, works fine for one but doesn't even
> start for the other -- *even* after i removed *all* .kde and related
> settings from that users home?
> the symptoms are that after a kdm login, the startup screen of KDE
> indicates that it's establishing communication (stage 1) and then
> initializing system services (stage 2). it might hang there for
> a while before "initializing peripherals" (stage 3), where it will
> definitely hang for a long time. after that long time, the stages 4-6
> are completed in a flash, the startup screen disappears, and nothing
> but the user's background bitmap are shown. no KDE.
> kdm.log shows no anomalies.
> any clues?
Are there any differences in the groups the users are a member of? Maybe
it's a permission thing (on something in  /dev/ for example).

Just shooting in the dark here ;)

grtjs Tim

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Re: apache + mod_ssl

2002-09-09 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 12:04:03 +0100
Keith Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
> and then added the following lines:
> DocumentRoot /var/www/site.virtual/htdocs/mystats
> ServerName
> SSLEngine on
> SSLCertificateFile  /etc/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt
> SSLCertificateKeyFile   /etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key
> SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
> CustomLog /var/log/apache/ssl_request_log "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x
> %{SSL_CIPHER} x \"%r\" %b"
> However, when I restart apache (apachectl restart), port 443 remains
> closed.
> Shouldn't this port open upon restarting apache?
You missed 'Listen 443' there...

grts Tim

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Re: Login to home from work

2002-09-09 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Sun, 08 Sep 2002 21:14:26 -0600
Phil Reardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What needs to be set up in order to login to my home box from work? 
> At home there is a cable modem, then a router, then two linux boxes,
> with mine running debian (sid). I have a 192.168.2.xx ip address.

I assume you just want a command line login (or maybe even
X-forwarding). You then need to run a ssh-deamon on you're box at home
(that's 'apt-get install ssh' I think.) From you're work you can then
start a ssh-session to you're box at home. So you need to type
somewehere 'ssh  or '. But it seems you have assigned an
ip adres to you're box that is not visible from the internet. If you do
have a fixed ip adres, I suppose you have to set up you're
router(/firewall?) to do portforwarding. 

grts Tim

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Re: packages installed today/yesterday

2002-09-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 22:57:06 +0200
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is it possible to get a list of packages that were installed today, or
> yesterday?
> i remember this vaguely, but it's not happening...
I asked the same thing a few weeks ago. The answer then was: no. Some
solutions came up:
Running a nightly cronjob saving the output of dpkg -l | grep ^ii and
diffing it with the one of the night before. 
Or just poking around  /var/lib/dpkg/status and /var/lib/dpkg/status-old

Hope that helps,


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Re: tracing PAM?

2002-09-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 13:46:06 +0200
Christian Hammers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> Has anybody a good idea how to trace/debug PAM? I use postfix and
> courier pop3/imapd as well as in future passwd to authenticate user
> agains an LDAP database and use PAM for this. Sadly everything between
> passing the credentials to PAM and getting a return value is one big
> black box :-(
I don't know about PAM, but LDAP has extensive logging features. see man
slapd en /etc/ldap/slapd.conf.

grts Tim

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Bogus spaces inserted when pasting to VIM

2002-09-22 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I have this annoying problem when using VIM. If I select in one instance of VIM (using 
the mouse) some text that starts with some spaces, like:

  driver = appendfile
  group = mail
  mode = 0660
  mode_fail_narrower = false
  envelope_to_add = true
  directory = ${home}/Maildir/.$h_X-gotmail-folder
  maildir_format = true

And than paste (clicking the middle button) in another instance, it inserts spaces at 
the beginning of the lines, which results in:

  driver = appendfile
group = mail
  mode = 0660
mode_fail_narrower = false
  envelope_to_add = true
directory = ${home}/Maildir/.$h_X-gotmail-folder
  maildir_format = true
Does anybody have seen this before and, more importantly, does anybody know a fix for 

grts Tim

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w e i r d f o n t b e h a v i o r in multi-gnome-terminal

2002-09-26 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I have some weird font behavior in multi-gnome-terminal (from testing).
If i choose any other font than:
-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-*-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15 (if I use
for example the M$-font arial) the text I type on the command line
displays with a lot of space between characters, like this:
a p t - g e t  u p d a t e

Oddly enough the prompt comes out right...

I think it has something to do with gtk2, because the only other (i
think) gtk2 app I have is freeciv, which does the same in some dialogs.

I hope somebody knows what's going on..

grts Tim

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Re: Kazaa and sid

2002-09-28 Thread Tim Dijkstra

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 14:03:03 +0200
Pierre Dupuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everyone :)
> I had try the kazaa for linux, unfortunally when i launch it, it say
> me a disgusting 'version not suported', I run a sid debian with a
> 2.4.18 kernel.
> Some idea ???
> Thanx for answers :)
IIRC kazaa stoped the support for the linux version a while ago...


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Auth with PAM

2002-02-11 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I'm trying to get some app to use PAM to authenticate against the 
/etc/shadow. Shouldn't it be enough for the app to
be a member of the 'shadow' group for this to work? Or are there any 
other restrictions.
(Works fine when I make /etc/shadow world-readable, but don't want that 
of course)

Thnx Tim

Re: Auth with PAM

2002-02-12 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Eric G. Miller wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 12:35:27 +0100, Tim Dijkstra 

>>I'm trying to get some app to use PAM to authenticate against the
>>/etc/shadow. Shouldn't it be enough for the app to
>>be a member of the 'shadow' group for this to work? Or are there any
>>other restrictions.
>>(Works fine when I make /etc/shadow world-readable, but don't want that
>>of course)
> It doesn't sound right to add anything to group shadow.  Is this
> application PAM aware?  According to the docs, it needs to have code
> specifically for doing PAM authentication and session management.
It does, it has a set of functions for doing pam authentication. It's 
about exim. The problem is it runs as mail:mail so it can't handele 

This is a known problem and people give as advice to use a sepparate 
password file it can access, but I do not like that idea. Then I have to

maintain that file also and figure out a way to get the passwords in 
there changed. And all together it doesn't sound that much saver to me.

grts Tim

Re: pppd + exim question

2002-02-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:


1) when I try to use pon from a normal account I get a message saying that I 
have not privileges to run /usr/sbin/pppd. If a modify the attributes of 
/usr/sbin/pppd to let "ohers" to run it I get a message that I have not 
privileges to open /etc/peers/my_ISP_provider. Of couse, as root I have not 
problems. I have added myself to the dialup group but the two problems 
persists. What is the correct way to fix them? is only a matter of modify the 
privileges or there is another way?

On my system both file have these permisions:

-rwsr-xr--1 root dip218524 Sep 29 14:00 /usr/sbin/pppd*

-rw-r-1 root dip   579 Feb  9 14:10 /etc/ppp/peers/provider

So if you put yourself in group dip, you should be able to call out just 

$ adduser YOU dip

2) Does anyone have a version of exim.conf which works with and ISP over a 
dialup connection? I will very grateful if anyone could email it to me.

I think the simplest way is to run eximconfig as root and choose 2) in 
the first menu.
Furthermore you should have a file  /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim  that runs the 
que every time your

ppp link goes up.

Hope that helps,


Re: pppd + exim question

2002-02-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:

> Hi,
> 1) when I try to use pon from a normal account I get a message saying 
that I

> have not privileges to run /usr/sbin/pppd. If a modify the attributes of
> /usr/sbin/pppd to let "ohers" to run it I get a message that I have not
> privileges to open /etc/peers/my_ISP_provider. Of couse, as root I 
have not

> problems. I have added myself to the dialup group but the two problems
> persists. What is the correct way to fix them? is only a matter of 
modify the

> privileges or there is another way?

On my system both file have these permisions:

-rwsr-xr--1 root dip218524 Sep 29 14:00 /usr/sbin/pppd*

-rw-r-1 root dip   579 Feb  9 14:10 

So if you put yourself in group dip, you should be able to call out just
$ adduser YOU dip

> 2) Does anyone have a version of exim.conf which works with and ISP 
over a

> dialup connection? I will very grateful if anyone could email it to me.

I think the simplest way is to run eximconfig as root and choose 2) in
the first menu.
Furthermore you should have a file  /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim  that runs the
que every time your
ppp link goes up.

Hope that helps,


Re: Messenger

2002-02-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Curtis Vaughan wrote:

Is there an application that will allow me to communicate with people using 
MS Instant Messenger (or whatever it's called)?  One that will let me log in 
to as well?


Everybuddy is an app that will work for you. It is having some problems 
with other protocols (ICQ,), but MSN works perfectly.
It is now in the middle of a extensive rewrite and will get a lot more 
features in the future, but the package in woody (

 everybuddy 0.2.1beta6-2) works great now.
The only thing I currently miss is the ability to chat in a group. For 
questions you can always contact the mailinglist:

Everybuddy mailing list

grts Tim

Which Kernel 2.4.* or 2.2

2002-02-18 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Is there any reason, not to run a 2.4.* kernel?

thnx Tim

Re: Exim configuration

2002-02-21 Thread Tim Dijkstra

R.Pac wrote:

> Obviously, any machines that use us as a smarthost have to be excluded
> from the relaying controls, as using us to relay mail for them is the
> whole point.
> Are there any networks of local machines you want to relay mail for?
> If there are any, enter them here, separated with spaces or commas. You
> should use the standard address/length format (e.g.
> If there are none, say `none'.
> I dont understand the question.
> Hox  should I answer this ?

say 'none'

Eximconfig asks you if there are any domain names (for example other than the local ones
for which you want to accept mail for and then relay them to their final
destanation. This is for example usefull if
you're the backup mailserver for these domains. But I think this is not
your set-up.

> eximconfig talks about a visible name for the system is itmy ISP domain
> name ?

No it's the name of your machine. Probably something like: .

> "Are there any domains you want to relay mail for---that is,"
> what is it ?
> See you
> Pac

Re: exim

2002-02-21 Thread Tim Dijkstra

David Richards wrote:

   how would i set up exim to recieve email for the domain
and put it all in [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox ? so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] will
catch all the email for the domain


You 'll have to make an alias file with an entry for 


If I recall corectly, but you can always check

grts Tim

Re: Exim in Woody

2002-02-23 Thread Tim Dijkstra

hanasaki wrote:

Does anyone have information as to what options this was built with?  It 
does not seem to support PAM.  I installed exim via apt-get and it could 
not authorize users to send mail.  I built exim from source and it 
authenticated fine.


You should be able to see it from the scripts that are used to build the 
.deb, which you get when
you 'apt-get source exim'. But I think PAM _is_ compiled in, cause I use 
it know. The only problem
I had, is that it couldn't auth against /etc/shadow because exim runs as 
mail:mail out of the .deb.
Am I right when I think you have compiled exim to run as root, that 
would explain why it works

now all of a sudden.

grts Tim

Re: mount nfs with root privileges

2002-02-26 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I'm trying that server A backs up server B mounting B via NFS. But, to copy
completely all files, server A needs to access server B with root
So far, I have used the option no_squash_root but server A still can't copy
files only readable by owner (chmod 600).

What I have to do to backup up server B completely.

If there are other ways to backup via NFS please suggest me.



This is not backup via NFS (I read 'suggest other ways to backup' ), but 
it works for


I use rdist to mirror some of my dirs on an other server, this can be 
used as a backup.
The only thing you need for root to use this method is a way to execute 
command as
root on the target server. I let rdist use ssh to make a secure 
connection, while root

can log in with a key on my target server.

Hope this helps,


Re: CorelDRAW replacement

2002-03-01 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Paolo Falcone wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm trying to look for a replacement for my CorelDRAW suite. What I
> need is a program that would convert .CDR files to some open
> format, then maybe another vector/spline based program that would
> do somehow the same thing as CorelDRAW does.
> Is there any free software that does such anyway? So that I could
> start migrating...
I remember somebody I know thrying to find a replacement for coreldraw
and found something. Not sure how it worked out though, but I think you can
find it with the search packages function on

Hope this helps


can't unmout cleanly because of nss-ldap

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I got a strange problem on a set of machines that use ldap queries as
authentication. In the file nsswitch.cof they have:
passwd: files ldap
group:  files ldap
shadow: files ldap

All works fine, but if I want to unmount /usr (something that happens at
reboot or halt) that fails because the device is 'busy'. I suspect
this has something to do with ldap related libraries that are still in
memory and live in /usr/lib. Now the question is: How do I fix this,
I'm really fed-up with the fsck every reboot...

Thnx Tim

Re: can't unmout cleanly because of nss-ldap

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Dijkstra

nate wrote:
>>All works fine, but if I want to unmount /usr (something that
>>happens at reboot or halt) that fails because the device is 'busy'.
>>I suspect this has something to do with ldap related libraries that
>>are still in memory and live in /usr/lib. Now the question is: How
>>do I fix this, I'm really fed-up with the fsck every reboot...
> try to verify this by installing fuser or lsof(reccomended),
> going to runlevel 1(init 1)
> and try to umount /usr
> if it says device busy do lsof  | grep /usr
> and it should tell you what is using /usr
> I have nss-ldap installed on my laptop and have not had
> this problem(woody), i have nss-ldap installed on a couple
> potato machines but have not rebooted them yet.
> nate

lsof -D /usr says:
bash  5628 root  memREG3,6  150200 472179
bash  5628 root  memREG3,6   36812 472178
bash  5628 root  memREG3,6   41296 471131

By the way it is a woody machine...

Thanks Tim

Re: Kernel-source

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Florian Struck wrote:
> Hi i just saw that there is a kernel-image 2.4.18 available on the 

> but not the source package...
> should i change my mirror? Or is that purpose?
> Thanx
> Florian

just download from

Re: Generic file finder question ..what tool or database

2002-03-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Harry Putnam wrote:
> If I have the name of a file like xpm.h and want to know what package
> contains it.  And I find that `apt-cache search xpm.h' doesn't know
> about it.
> And dpkg -S xpm.h doesn't either

I'm not sure about this, but don't you have to give the complete path, so

dpkg -S /path/to/xpm/h

> I'm assuming that means it isn't here but might be in a
> package in the distro on line somewhere.
> Where is the database with this kind of information?
> isn't the right place I don't think

is ...

> One can compile a (rough) list of all file names in the install with:
> Something like:
> dpkg -L $(dpkg -l|awk '{gsub(/^/,"",$0);print $1}')
> And with a little script, print the package name on each line too.
> But where is a database that contains that kind of information for all
> packages in a distribution? That is, a list of all the file names in
> all the packages of a distribution.
If you really want lists of files, I think there in


grts Tim

Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-14 Thread Tim Dijkstra

(I'm not sure if this is on topic, but hey, I'am debian-user...)
I used to use netscape's messenger to read my mail, but I've had it with
that one. Then I tried pine for a while, but I'm not sure about that one
So I thought before trying all MUAs there are, I just ask you what you
think is the best one.

I think I prefer something graphical, and able of using multiple



X-forwarding with ssh doesn't work

2001-11-15 Thread Tim Dijkstra


I posted something about this problem a while ago, but I'am still stuck. 
The problem is that X-forwarding stopt working when I upgraded from 
potato to testing. I tried downgrading ssh and the x-server, but didn't 
help. I now even tried ssh-nonfree, still nothing.

OK, what is supposed to happen when I fire an X-app? Is there supposed 
to be some X-server proces running (because I do not see any), or is ssh 
just setting up some 'virtual' server? Is all data going over the same 
connection or is ssh supposed to make a new one specialy for X?

If I fire up an X-app, it just sits there in TOP, being happy, doing 
nothing. They don't complaing about non-existing displays, so something 
must be out there, but I just do not get a GUI on my desktop.

By the way I don't get any errors. When start with ssh -v, I get lots of 
harmless output which ends with:

debug1: RSA authentication accepted by server.
debug1: Requesting pty.
debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
debug1: Requesting shell.
debug1: Entering interactive session.

Is that enough? Does anybody with X-forw working correctly gets the same 

Maybe some ideas where to look?

Mijn dank zal groot zijn!


Re: X-forwarding with ssh doesn't work

2001-11-16 Thread Tim Dijkstra

nate wrote:

Tim Dijkstra said:

debug1: Requesting pty.
debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
debug1: Requesting shell.
debug1: Entering interactive session.

Is that enough? Does anybody with X-forw working correctly gets the
same  output?

pretty much. how bout when you start an X app?

sample output from one of my servers:
debug1: Received X11 open request.
debug1: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: fd 4 IS O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 0: new [X11 connection from port 3106]
(here i see the X app load on my local system)

I get no output at all. Think that's not good.

I can't say much about your probs... my own are worse I think.


Re: X-forwarding with ssh doesn't work

2001-11-17 Thread Tim Dijkstra

For people who care: I figured it out.

It  seems that since I upgraded to testing lo (loopback interface) isn't 
broadup at boottime. I don't understand why by the way. I have a line 
saying 'auto lo' in my /etc/network/interfaces.

Further more I had to make a line 'ALL :' in my 
etc/hosts.allow to make it work. Otherwise the TCP-wraper woudn't allow 
the connection.


Euro and Fonts in X and KDE

2002-01-28 Thread Tim Dijkstra

I'm trying to get the euro symbol working on my box. I read the
Euro-HOWTO and got it working in the console, but for X the HOWTO is a
little scarce. This is what i've got so far.

I think I got the keyboard configured OK:
$ xmodmap -pk | grep -i euro
  26 0x0065 (e)  0x0045 (E)  0x20ac (EuroSign)

But when I type AltGr+e I just get a question mark (in konsole and other
apps). So it seems the font does not have the symbol for 'EuroSign', but
I have the correct fonts available

ii  xfonts-100dpi-t 4.1.0-13100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from
ii  xfonts-75dpi4.1.0-1375 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi-tr 4.1.0-1375 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from
ii  xfonts-base 4.1.0-13standard fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base-tra 4.1.0-13standard fonts for X (transcoded

 and my locale is correct (I think).

$ locale

And I have selected in KDE config
Country: NL
Lang: NL
Charset: iso8859-15

Any help would be great...


Re: cd writer setup questions (SONY CRX175A2)

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:53:19 -0800
"Erik Steffl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I tried to use the SCSI emulation but cannot find the docs how to do
> it, I enabled the drivers, the kernel help mentions that there has to be
> a kernel option hdc=scsi, but when I included this option in lilo (in
> append) it errored out.
>   line from /etc/lilo.conf
> append  = "hdc=scsi"
I think it has to be:

append = "hdc=ide-scsi"

Hope that helps a bit,


mailto: in konqueror

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra

Does anybody know how I can make my favorite mail agent pop-up when I press 
klik on a mailto: link in konqueror?



Re: Strange messages on all terminals

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On 12 Mar 2002 12:31:48 -0500
"Scott Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having a problem with all my virtual terminals(ctr-alt-F<1-6>)  For
> some reason a constant stream of information is sent to all of them.  It
> seems to be something to do with my internet connection, because its
> specifying MAC addresses and a couple of other things which makes me
> think its displaying all incomming packets to the terminals.  Now this

Sounds like your firewall is telling you something. Take a look at your 
iptables rules..

iptables -L

grts Tim

Re: How to power off the PC after shutdown

2002-03-14 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:35:07 +0100

> How to power off the PC after shutdown under Debian. I know that Red
> Hat does it.
> Thanks
> Josep
Depends on your kernel (if I remember correctly), for a 2.4.* kernel you need 
to load the apm module, for the 2.2.* you need the following line 
in your lilo.conf (or add apm=on to the append line if you allready have one).
And then of course give the correct command, something like  poweroff or 
shutdown -h. I like to type ctr-alt-del on the command line, for that to work 
(the default is reboot) you have to change the line in /etc/inittab
beginning with 'ca:'

Good luck,


Daylight saving troubles

2002-04-01 Thread Tim Dijkstra

I live in the Netherlands and this weekend we had to put our clocks one hour 
forward (daylight saving time). I have two machines running debian/woody and 
one of them is now showing the correct time, but the other is two hours late. 
The system time of both machines is UTC and show the correct time, but I can't 
figure out where the translation is made from UTC to localtime. I did find a 
symlink /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/timezone/Europe/Amsterdam but that's a 
binary. My question is: where do I configure these things?

Grtjs Tim

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xemacs menu has LARGE fonts

2002-04-01 Thread Tim Dijkstra

I use xemacs for general purpose editing, but since my last apt-get upgrade 
(which upgraded a lot of packages) the menu bar has a really big font. I can't 
find a way to change the font it's using, can anybody help me with this?



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Sorting apps with the Pager in KDE?

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Dijkstra

With the pagers I used to work with in other session|window -managers you can 
sort your apps (move them to other desktops for example) by dragging them 
around in the pager. This doesn't seem to work with the pager in kde 2.2.2, or 
am I missing something? If not, is there a way to use other pagers with kde?

Thnx in advance,

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Re: alternative web browser to netscape

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 12:44:12 +0200
"François Chenais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, 
>   I'm under Woody and looking for an alternate web browser for 
>   replacing Netscape.
Then go for...


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Re: Reducing font size in X

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 08 Apr 2002 05:52:12 +0100
"Jason Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Changing the 100dpi/75dpi fonts around is the answer but as you're 
> running an x-font server, you need to edit it's configuration file to
> do that.
> The config file is /etc/X11/fs/config and you need to look for a line 
> starting 'catalogue =' - this is a list of font paths in the order it 
If I remember correctly this depends on your font server, it also possible you 
find the config file at:

> uses them. Remember to restart the font server (xfs) as well as X
> itself.
To have X reread the font databases just say:
xset fp rehash
So restarting X isn't needed.



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Re: Reducing font size in

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 00:07:15 -0700 (PDT)
"Florentin Ionescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My understanding is that "unix/:7100" is necessary if you run
> xfstt server - from documentation I thought that is necessary to
> run xfstt if you want support for all true type fonts. Is this
> true or false ?
I think that support for TrueType fonts is included in xfree86 version 4. I'm 
not sure at which version number it was included exactly though. I use 4.1.0-14 
without fs and that works fine.

grts Tim

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Re: alternative web browser to netscape

2002-04-09 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 07:49:01 +0100
"Phillip Deackes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 14:22:25 +0200
> Luca Pasquali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Galeon is the only substitute that I've in mind by now, links rox
> > :-) keta
> Depends whether you do 'real-world' bowsing or not. There is no
> browser in Linux which can correctly display all web sites thrown at
> it. AFAIK Konqueror, for example, can't display secure web pages,
That's not true. I'm using it for all my https:// browsing, although it is a 
little strict on what it thinks is a valid certificate.

> ruling it out for things like on-line banking etc.. I need to use
> Opera, Galeon and Netscape 6 to cover most sites, and Netscape 4 is an
Unfortunately this is true, you need multiple browsers if you want to see 
everything (konqueror helps to give you a bigger range), but then you've also 
got sites that refuse to work with anything other than ie. 
That's only because there are a lot of worthless/lazy web builders out there. 
If you try it isn't really that hard to let something comply with w3c standards 
and to write a script that works on both ie and mozilla (and the sort). But 
it's a fact that most web builders only think ie. The one thing you can do is 
try to make the people who paid for such a site understand that they paid for a 
broken product.
> Galeon is probably the best at the moment - but it has a way to
> go.
I personally like konqueror, but it too isn't there yet...



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artsd crashes on start

2002-04-11 Thread Tim Dijkstra

I've got some problems witg artsd. I do not have root access to the machine, 
but I'm trying to find out what's the problem so I can point the computer guys 
in the right direction. 

My machine has the following soundcard:
Multimedia audio controller: Yamaha Corporation YMF-724F [DS-1 Audio  
Controller] (rev 03)
and has the 'ymfpci' module loaded, with a host of other modules that have 
something to do with sound
ymfpci 36768   0
uart401 6224   0 [ymfpci]
sound  57504   0 [uart401]
soundlow 464   0 [sound]
soundcore   2608   5 [ymfpci sound]
ac97_codec  7472   0 [ymfpci]

Now the problem is this: When I try to start artsd it crashes with the 
following message:

bash$ artsd -l 0
autodetecting driver:
 - oss: 10
 - null: 0
... which means we'll default to oss
device capabilities: revision0
buffering: 2 fragments with 2048 bytes (audio latency is 23.2 ms)
AudioIOOSS: failed prefilling audio buffer (might cause synchronization 
problems in conjunction with full duplex)
device capabilities: revision0
buffering: 2 fragments with 2048 bytes (audio latency is 23.2 ms)
AudioIOOSS: failed prefilling audio buffer (might cause synchronization 
problems in conjunction with full duplex)
audio format is 44100 Hz, 16 bits, 2 channels
unix_connect: can't connect to server 
Arts::MidiManager registered successfully.
There are already artsd objects registered, looking if they are active...
unix_connect: can't connect to server 
... cleaned 5 unused mcop global references.

artsd: void Arts::AudioSubSystem::handleIO(int): Assertion 
`len == can_write' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Sound does work okay with esd/gnome, but I want to use kde and that means arts 
(or not, can use esd instead?).

Does anybody has a clue what is going on?



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Re: exim config b0rken

2002-04-12 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 1:44:20 EDT
> [...]
>  and i'm trying to run exim an SMTP server. the weird thing is, 
> a few days ago, exim was sending mail.
> i'm attaching my exim.conf file, 
I don't see no attachment.

What helped me a lot while configuring exim, was running it from a terminal in 
daemon mode spewing a lot of debug messages. 

exmi -bd -d9 

If you normally run it from inetd (which the standard debian way), you'll have 
to disable it in /etc/inetd.conf first.

Then try sending a message with your favorite MUA or try talking to exim 
yourself: telnet localhost 25.
You'll have to speak a little SMTP yourself though.

Exim gives a lot of debug messages, so try to work with that.

grts Tim

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Re: upgrade to ext3 ?

2002-04-15 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:30:25 -0700 (PDT)
"Lars Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My woody system has the pre-compiled debian kernel-image 2.4.17-k7. 
> Is support for ext3 compiled into this kernel? If so, is it correct
> that all I do to upgrad is,
> tune2fs -j /dev/...
> and replace ext2 in /ect/fstab by ext3 ?
Just curious (I'm not really into file systems): Why should I want ext3 instead 
of ext2? Is it speed, stability?


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Re: upgrade to ext3 ?

2002-04-15 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 11:15:38 +0200
"Johann Spies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 02:06:22AM -0700, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
> > On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> > 
> > > Just curious (I'm not really into file systems): Why should I want
> > > ext3 instead of ext2? Is it speed, stability?
> > 
> > A little of both.
> I thought ext3 might be a little bit slower especially under heavy
> load.  It has got extra work to do.  But I may be wrong...
> Another by product of ext3 is that you will have less disk space
> available using ext3 than ext2 - also less than reiserfs.
Let I put the question differently: Is it recommended for me to upgrade the 
file systems on my desktop and 'small' server to ext3 or should I stick with 
ext2. Or is this really a "depends-can't say-see for yourself" question?


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Logging iptables

2002-04-24 Thread Tim Dijkstra

I was wondering if I could get iptables to log to a separate log file instead 
of /var/log/messages. When I am working on my firewall /var/log/messages 
sometimes gets flooded with messages...   

I understand that iptables uses the 'kern' syslog facility, does this mean I 
can't separate it from the rest of the kernel messages? Or is there maybe some 
hack/config option to get iptables to use something else...



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Re: Logging iptables

2002-04-24 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 00:31:04 +1000
"mdevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, one way of doing this is to set the log-level in your logging
> chains and then configure syslog to log entries for that level to a
> separate file.  For example, you would have a logging chain like:
> $IPTABLES -N logdrop
> $IPTABLES -A logdrop -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "Log_Drop"
> $IPTABLES -A logdrop -j DROP
> And then you edit /etc/syslog.conf and append the following line:
> kern.=warning   -/var/log/firewall.log (Nb. line up with tabs)
> Then the firewall will log to /var/log/firewall.log as well as syslog
Thanks, that works. I chose log-level 7 (debug), I'm not going to do any kernel 
debugging so I can safely send that to another file and not to 
/var/log/messages. So that file keeps clean when I'm experimenting with my 
firewall rules.

> The other possibility is to look into the ulog target.  This may give
> more configurability, but I haven't used it yet.
Maybe this is a nicer way of doing it, but this means you have to write a 
program that listens to a socket, right?

Grts Tim

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Re: "keyboard: unknown e1 escape sequence"

2002-04-28 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 01:10:55 -0400
"Paul Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm using a Logitech iTouch cordless keyboard and I keep getting
> messages to the console saying "keyboard: unknown e1 escape sequence"
> .. they're driving me crazy, as it is extremely anonying when I'm
> editing something, etc.  Someone posted having this problem before,
> but there were no replies.  Does anyone know how to solve this
> problem?
I've got the same keyboard, but no problems here. I did got messages like  
kernel: keyboard: unknown scancode e0 5f  at the console when I pushed the 
audio buttons, but that's not really annoying, just don't push does buttons... 

If you just don't want to see those messages on your console you can change the 
log level of messages that are thrown at the console. 
>From the klogd man page:
-c n   Sets the default log level of console messages to n.

In /etc/init.d/klogd, change 
to (for example)
KLOGD="-c 3"
and restart klogd

grts Tim

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Re: Exim file permission problem perhaps

2002-05-01 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:52:01 +0100
"Dave Whiteley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been having some problems with emails and exim on a Woody
> system. When I look at the ...exim/mainlog I see messages:-
>failed to open database lock file
>/var/spool/exim/db/wait-remote_smtp.lockfile: Permission denied
>(euid=8 egid=8)
> I looked at the /var/spool/exim/db/ directory, and saw that the files
> wait-remote_smtp.lockfile and wait-remote_smtp were owner and group
> root. When I compare them with another system that is not giving
> problems I see that these files are user and group mail.
> AKAIK I have not changed the owner of these files myself in the
> past. I have now changed them to mail:mail on the suspect system, and
> am waiting to see if problems change. Can anyone say who should own
> these files, and suggest which package has given them the wrong owners
> (if they were wrong)?
I had the same problem after upgrading exim to the last version and fixed it 
just like you did. After that I noticed that there is already a bug filed, so 
didn't bother to dig in it any deeper... But now i did, just looked in the 
postinst script and noticed that it 'upgrades' the databases to version Berkley 
DB 3 with db3_upgrade. Maybe that's got something to do with it?


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Re: "keyboard: unknown e1 escape sequence"

2002-05-01 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 01:55:59 -0400
"Paul Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hmm.. yeah, I get those messages too.  What keymap are you using?
That's the file in /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz, right? I remember changing 
some font related things when the Euro was introduced, but I don't know what 
exactly... I think I made my own keymap...


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Re: & Woody

2002-05-03 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 2 May 2002 23:53:58 -0700
"Jaye Inabnit ke6sls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Greetings:
> Has anyone been able to get (via the debs) installed
> and running on a Woody Intel box?
Not tried it yet, but I've got another question. Why isn't openoffice available 
via the debian mirrors? Is this because nobody ever bothered to package it 
properly or are there some licence issues? 


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Re: MS Outlook98: wrong place for mails from Debian-User-DE-list

2002-05-17 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Fri, 17 May 2002 09:12:06 +0200
"Walther, Christoph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Debian-interested conmunity,
> I'm subscribed in,
> incoming mails from this list are provided to be received in the
> folder Debian-User-DE Liste in my Outlook post-box.
> Unfortunately, some of this mails will be directlly allocated in the
> Outlook post-box instead in the Debian-User-DE Liste in my Outlook
> post-box. The rule in my rule-assistant seems to be correct:
> Nach Erhalt einer Nachricht,
> die an gesendet wurde,
> diese in den Ordner Debian-User-DE Liste verschieben
> und keine weiteren Regeln anwenden
I've never used outlook, so I can only guess what's going on...

I'm not sure what Mr Gates means by 'die an XXX gesendet wurde', if he
means 'if to: contains XXX then ...', that can be the problem. Maybe the
filter won't 'click' when the message was send to the list as a carbon
copy (cc).

I think the best thing to do is to sort messages on the X-Mailing-List
header. This uniquely defines the set of messages that went through the
mailing list system. It also solves the problem of what to do with
cross-posted (send to multiple mailing lists) messages.

Hope that helps,


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Re: spurious xterm windows on boot

2002-05-17 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 16 May 2002 18:08:11 -0400
"lists" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello all, 
> Every time I boot into my personal login, incrementally more xterm
> windows start up on my desktop. It doesn't happen when I just log in,
> only when I boot. 
> The same thing happens with the root account, except they're Nautilus
> windows instead of xterm. 
> I'm up to about a dozen Nautilus windows and 16 +/- xterm windows. I'm
> sure I'll come across what's doing this eventually, but by then there
> could be hundreds.. 
This all is really strange I'm not sure what's going on, but maybe
it has something to do with gnome 'restoring' the last session? What
happens if you kill all xterms and then say 'restore session'? This
doesn't explain the incrementing numbers though. Maybe that's got
something to do with a .xsession file containing a line that fires up a
xterm (but then, that should be the same for every time you restart a
X-session). I'm really puzzled


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Re: xemacs problems

2002-05-24 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Thu, 23 May 2002 18:20:55 -0500
"Glen Lee Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The font is something else - if I was legally blind it would easily be
> large enough for me to see it. I'd much prefer to be able to tweak it
> to a smaller size.
The font size of the fonts used in xemacs can be set via menu bar > options > 
font size Or options > edit faces. I do had some problems with the fonts of the 
toolbar itself, it took a while for me to find out I could use the .Xdefaults 
file. It now contains:
Emacs*fontSet: -*-arial-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-15

Hope that helps,


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Re: Which Package To File This Bug Report Under?

2002-05-27 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On 26 May 2002 20:52:06 -0400
"Ajit George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, 
> I'm currently running Debian Unstable...  I'd like to report a bug
> concerning a package but I'm a bit confused as to which package to
> file it under. 
> First, I don't think apt-get automatically logs its activities...  I
> can find no mention of that in the man page.  Correct me if I am wrong
> though.  I'd like the logs so I can put up the exact error messages I
> got. 
> I attempted to do an apt-get dist-upgrade and everything worked fine
> until it attempted to: 
> - install libsnmpkit2 (version 0.9-4).  Apt quit with an error saying
> that it was trying to overwrite a .so installed by libsnmpkit1 
> - So I tried to remove libsnmpkit1 and received another error, which
> was pconf-detect(0.5-4) depended on libsnmpkit1 
> -I tried to remove pconf-detect and got another error.  Couldn't
> remove pconf-detect because it depended on libprinterconf0 (0.5-4)
> which depended on libsnmpkit2 which wasn't installed yet 
> I tried using apt-get -f install.  No dice. 
> This appears to be the dependency sequence: 
> pconf-detect  
> Finally I used dpkg --remove pconf-detect a and removed everything
> down the line.  I installed libsnmpkit2 and then installed back up. 
> Everything seemed to work fine after that and apt didn't have a
> problem... 
> Any comments as to how to file this would be appreciated.  I'm
> thinking under libsnmpkit2 
I'm not really an apt know-it-all, but I think the bug is the fact that
libsnmpkit2 doesn't conflict with libsnmpkit1. If it did, libsnmpkit1
would have been removed when you tried to install libsnmpkit2. So this
seems to be a bug in libsnmpkit2.



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Re: Mac OS X package

2002-05-29 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:32:30 +0700
"Oki DZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Would that be based on APT? Or, is it any better compared to APT?
What is wrong with APT, I think (apt/dpkg) is the best
(installing/packing) system around...

Grts Tim

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Re: X server setup

2002-05-31 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Fri, 31 May 2002 01:45:26 -0400
"Slootbeek, Jule S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Oh like that
> i have no idea..i thougt it meant monitor, but i guess t doesn't...
> i know that i just want to know how to get rid of i and how to get X
> running..
> Jule
> -Original Message-
> Em Sex, 2002-05-31 às 02:33, Slootbeek, Jule S escreveu:
> >  It means there are no screens found i guess, can't explain it any
> > better...i just don't know how to a make X find my screen...i have a

>From the XF86Config man-page (really worth looking at;):

The config file may have multiple Screen sections. There must be at
least one, for the "screen" being used. A "screen" represents the
binding of a graphics device (Device section) and a monitor (Monitor

There's your answer... 

Grts Tim

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Re: Bind9 problem

2002-06-03 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On 03 Jun 2002 14:49:09 +0200
"Roxik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello
> I have a small problem about bind9 (9.2.0) source package.
First of all, I haven't got any experience with bind 9.X

> I'm installed and it is work, but when I change serial into my domain
> SOA zone and reload nameserwer, then recived this lines into log file:
> Jun  3 09:36:04  named[18684]: zone /IN: loaded serial
> 2001071501 
> Jun  3 09:36:04  named[18684]: zone /IN:  
> sending notifies (serial 2001071501)

> So my question is: Why this configuration does't send notify to
> secondary nameserwer? 
But it does, the second line from your logs says 'sending notifies'
So your problem is than probably on the other end. By the way, are the
secondaries mentioned in your Zone file for ? That will help.


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Re: How to change resolution in X-window?

2002-06-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 02:24:51 -0700 (PDT)
"Markus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a very simple but irritating problem: I have
> started (right after installation of Debian) startx
> and now it automatically starts every time the system
You probably installed kdm/xdm/gdm. You can either remove if you don't
wan't it, or temporarily stop it from starting every time you boot by
renaming the symlink in you're default runlevel from SXXkdm into
something that doesn't start with a 'S' (or 'K').> is started. The
resolution is though way too low> (340*240 or something) and this causes
huge> difficulties in trying to get even to the basic menus.
> Is there any easy way to change the resolution? 
Normally you can switch between 'modes' with 'ctrl alt +' or 'ctrl alt
-', but it sounds like you didn't configure X right, else it wouldn't
have taken such a low resolution. You probably have to edit
/etc/X11/XF86Config. I recommend reading the man page (man XF86Config)
and looking into /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see what X has to say about
you're set up. There's also a prog that can make a XF86Config file for
you (I think it's called xf86config, but my experience is that the best
thing is to edit it by hand.


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Re: What do I need for proxy email and firewall debian server?

2002-06-05 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 05 Jun 2002 08:14:28 +0800
"Motiv8d" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not really an expert on all the subjects, but have some experience
with e-mail/http/firewalls. So I hope more will give their opinion.

> been using MS packages. What I would like to do is have packages able
> to be implemented and executed at console level, but administered 
> (modified and viewed) through X or remotely through web
Just ssh to the firewall and do your admin stuff...

> This would be for following requirements
> 1) Firewall settings and hits, logs etc
I've you really want to do things the right way, learn about iptables
and make yourself a nice script. Iptables is in the 2.4.* kernels, by
the way. Ipchains was the 2.2.* version of iptables.

> 2) If possible would like to be able to restrict access to web sites
> and ports on a user/group basis.
I have no experience with that, but I think you can filter on owner of a
process in iptables, see man iptables and then 'owner'. But I'm not sure
if that's what you mean. If you're talking about securing your own
webpages you can best let users login. If you need to restrict websites
on the 'dangerous' internet you're talking about proxies, see 3).

> 3) Proxy settings and viewing cache hits and contents etc
Don't really know much know about that, I think you need squid..
> 4) Email server (prefer pop/smtp), adding/editing/removing users and
> groups etc
I like 'exim' for smtp, it is has a lot of config options. And I use
courier-imap,-pop as for imap and pop. 

> I would like something that can eventually work in tables, if I start
> using stable debian potato then change to stable woody once released
I'm not sure what you mean with this, but I would go for woody right
now. There's not going to change much when the release happens and that
will happen very soon anyway (I think..)

> Also they will be implemented on modem link and/or ADSL.
> Most client machines will be windows platform. for now anyway ;-).
Change that asap ;)

I think you should go to to read
somethings about networking and stuff...

Grtjs TIm

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Re: Security in NON-US Woody Distribution.

2002-06-11 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 18:55:54 +1200
"arthur_dent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it because Debian provides source code to their programs which is
> under export restriction from the U.S.?
> If so, does that mean that anyone wishing to use some form of high
> Encryption outside of the U.S. would be forced by default into using
> MS products, because they dont make the source available?
No they're not. There are some debian mirrors outside the USA that
contain all the crypto stuff, free for all to apt-get. 

>  Academic interest only, as I'm not intending to be arranging any big 
> servers, but I prefer to use Konqueror because it runs a lot quicker
> than Mozilla on my laptop.
If you want kde with crypto support, just apt-get kdebase-crypto.

grts Tim

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Re: https and ssl in Konqueror Browser

2002-06-12 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:44:51 +1200
"arthur_dent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm running Woody 3.0 and want to use Konqueror Browser to access the
> Hotmail and my Bank.
> Whenver I try to access either I get a message that my build of
> Konqueror does not support the https protocol.
> I tried(as suggested on this list) to install the kdebase-crypto
> package and this does not help though it says it has all manner of
> security/ encryption protocols now installed.
This is strange, it worked for me. But what do you mean by 'it says...'.

> I went searching Google and found a link that suggests to get https
> support for Konqueror go to the Sun Microsystems site and download a
> zipped archive called , unzip it then install the 3
> files created from the unzip, into a directory called "
This shouldn't be necessary... Although it's nice to have java around (I
need it for my bank things), you can add
to your /etc/apt/sources.list (see man apt) and 'apt-get j2re1.3' which
includes a plugin for netscape and mozilla (that works with konqueror).
You'll have to configure konq though (see settings >> configure konq >>
netscape plugins).

> says. As root ,create a dir under /usr/local/src and change the
> owner of that directory to your normal non root account.but he/she
For this see 'man chmod'

> doesn't say how to do this.  I really wish to use this O/S ,is there a
> decent book on Debian Linux, ie how to do common tasks once the system
> is installed? I brought a huge 1000+ page book on linux that says how
I think you really want to go to there's a
huge amount of info there, not always up-to-date, but good enough. I
think there is also some 'guides' on really basic stuff. And of course
you'll have to know the following commands: 'man' is useful to find out
the syntax of commands and 'apropos' to find them in the first place
(see man apropos;). On debian systems you'll have to know about apt-get
and dpkg (but I think you met them already), and apt-cache to find
useful things you haven't installed yet. 

> to do some things..say it will say "using linuxconf do so and so" ,
> but linuxconf is not installed on my system and from reading on the
> net its supposedly pretty insecure so I dont wish to install it..
You indeed don't want to install that...

> Thanks for any advise.

No thanks


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