On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 23:40:10 -0600
Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> mikan:~> galeon
> GConf Error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted:
>  Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error:
> and i get a dialogue box telling me it "cannot find a schema for
> galeon preferences.  Check your gconf setup, look at the galeon FAQ
> for more info."  i've checked out the faq for that question at
> http://galeon.sourceforge.net/support/answers.php?faq=gconf, and my
> setup is just as they say it should be.  i've tried reinstalling, and
> it seems like i have all the libraries i possibly can have.  help?
You killed your X-session without quiting gnome, did you?
I think the problem lies in some files in your homedir. IIRC
there is a directory called ~/.gconf if you move that out the way and
restart gnome you're galeon will start just fine.
Maybe it is possible to repair the problems in a more intelligent way,
but this seems to do the trick.

grts Tim

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