I posted something about this problem a while ago, but I'am still stuck.
The problem is that X-forwarding stopt working when I upgraded from
potato to testing. I tried downgrading ssh and the x-server, but didn't
help. I now even tried ssh-nonfree, still nothing.
OK, what is supposed to happen when I fire an X-app? Is there supposed
to be some X-server proces running (because I do not see any), or is ssh
just setting up some 'virtual' server? Is all data going over the same
connection or is ssh supposed to make a new one specialy for X?
If I fire up an X-app, it just sits there in TOP, being happy, doing
nothing. They don't complaing about non-existing displays, so something
must be out there, but I just do not get a GUI on my desktop.
By the way I don't get any errors. When start with ssh -v, I get lots of
harmless output which ends with:
debug1: RSA authentication accepted by server.
debug1: Requesting pty.
debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
debug1: Requesting shell.
debug1: Entering interactive session.
Is that enough? Does anybody with X-forw working correctly gets the same
Maybe some ideas where to look?
Mijn dank zal groot zijn!