Re: X Windows has strange color scheme

2003-02-20 Thread Robert Storey

>On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 04:17:22AM -0800, Phil Newcombe wrote:
>I can't seem to change color depths either.  No matter what I do - use

I know this is cheating, but what happens when you boot the machine with a Knoppix CD?

 - Robert Storey

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Re: How to duplicate a CD?

2003-02-20 Thread Robert Storey
On 20 Feb 2003 16:16:27 +
Shri Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 03:41, stan wrote:
> > I posted this a few months agoa, and got an answer involving cdparnoia, and
> > cdrecord. But I sem to have lost the emails, and I can't seem to get the
> > mailing list archive search engine to find it :-(
> > 
> > So, how can I duplicat an audio CD? 

XCDroast is found on Debian and most every other distro, and works fine for audio CDs. 
This (and many other) CD burner programs are happiest when you run as root - running 
as a user is possible, but requires more configuration. If you're not able to access 
your CD burner and/or CDROM drive, make sure you have SCSI emulation set up.

 - Robert Storey

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Chinese input

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Storey
Inspired by the question on Japanese input, I'd like to know if anybody has a good 
solution for Chinese input? So far, the only way I've found is with Xemacs (using 
mule) but that doesn't help me when I need Chinese input in Mozilla.


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Re: Newbie administrator

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 15:13:59 -0500 (EST)
Mike Dresser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Phil wrote:
> > >I think this should work, anyways :)
> > >
> > do I have to do this individually for each user? (all 120 of them)  is
> > there a way to do this in the skel directory in. the future
> Well, set it for one user, and see if others can get into the directory or
> not.  If not, you can do a
> chmod 700 *
> while in /home, and it will set all directories to drwx--
> permissions.

Considering all the subdirectories in /home, it would probably be better to do this:

  chmod -R 700 /home/*

 - Robert

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Re: Newbie administrator

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 17:42:43 -0800 (PST)
Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Robert Storey wrote:
> > Considering all the subdirectories in /home, it would probably be better to do 
> > this:
> > 
> >   chmod -R 700 /home/*
> after you learn from your mistakes ... and have everybody mad at you...
> how do you recover ??? 
>   - think you're in for a long list of mistakes ... :-)
>   if the above chmod -R was a serious command to execute
> find /home -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
> find /home -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
> find /home -type l -exec chmod 777 {} \;
>   -- i think you need to fix your symlinsk too

Dear All,

OK, thoroughly chastised. I deserve 40 lashes, plus the "Sysadmin Blunder of the Week" 
trophy. But I'm probably the only English-speaking Linux user within 100 miles of 
where I live, and I learn only from reading books (and getting flamed on mailing 
lists) - so have mercy.

Thanks Alvin, your clever use of the find command works.

Now, one bash question I've been meaning to ask for a long time...

I keep seeing this...
  {} \;

...on the end of lines in bash scripts. I don't have a good bash book, and I don't 
know what this means, and obviously "man {} \;" isn't going to help. Can anyone reveal 
for thick-headed "programmers" like me what that does?

After I receive an answer, I'll go join a convent and do three years of penance.

 - Robert

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Re: Newbie administrator

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 17:42:43 -0800 (PST)
Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> and if i was admining your box... i'd "chmod 750 /sbin /usr/sbin"
> and hide/remove root passwds so that i can sleep late or wont be
> paged because something broke

Two questions:

1) OK, I understand why "chmod 750 /sbin /usr/sbin". Makes sense to keep users out of 
there, but it creates problems for users, such as this:

   /usr/bin/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied
   /usr/bin/pon: exec: /usr/sbin/pppd: cannot execute: Permission denied

2) "hide/remove root passwds" - you've lost me here. Obviously, I can't hide or remove 
/etc/passwd or /etc/shadow. Please give me some more details.


> flame suit on...
> c ya
> alvin

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Re: About to go all Deb

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
Shri Shrikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > /tmp2gig
> /tmp get used only during boot and such and like boot, doesnt usually
> require a seperate partition. If you are going to provide a seperate
> partition, it could be alot smaller. 512Mb should be enough

If you burn CDRs (and almost everybody does these days), you'll probably want at least 
1 GIG of space in /tmp since that's the logical place to put your temporary images 
files during the burning process. If you've got room to spare on your hard drive, then 
2 GIGs in /tmp is reasonable.

 - Robert

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Re: Chinese input

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 21:11:30 +0800
Arne Goetje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> xcin. it works with rxvt and comes with a script which starts rxvt in 
> chinese mode. start your applications for which you want to have chinese 
> input from there and you are off... I use it all the time. :)
> just start xcinterm-big5 or xcinterm-gb, depends if you want traditional or 
> simplefied chinese.

Dear Arne,

Thank you for your reply. I installed xcin (apt-get install xcin). Plus I have 
installed the deb package xfonts-intl-chinese, which is what gives me Chinese fonts in 

However, when I try to start xcin (from an xterm) I'm running into a locale problem, 
and maybe a font problem. Here's the output I'm getting:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xcinterm-big5 
xcin: error: C locale "zh_TW.Big5" is not supported by your system.
/usr/bin/crxvt -fm "taipei16" -fn "-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1" -im "xcin" -bg black -fg 
white -geometry +0+0 -T "rxvt Chinese terminal (xcin, zh_TW.Big5)"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/xcinterm-big5: /usr/bin/crxvt: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xcinterm-gb
xcin: error: C locale "zh_CN.GB2312" is not supported by your system.
/usr/bin/crxvt -fm "hanzigb16fs" -fn "-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1" -im "xcin-zh_CN.GB2312" 
-bg black -fg white -geometry +0+0 -T "rxvt Chinese terminal (xcin, zh_CN.GB2312)"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/xcinterm-gb: /usr/bin/crxvt: No such file or directory

Not sure what else I need to do to get it working. I'd appreciate any insights you can 


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VCDs (was Newbie Functioning In Debian)

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
On 27 Feb 2003 11:05:05 -0500
"Mark L. Kahnt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> with my options to ./configure, I can sit back and watch my business and
> news channels over the Internet 24/7, and check the vcds I'm burning of
> my parents' home movies (they converted 8 mm film that had broken
> numerous times to VHS, which the vcr then proceeded to eat. Since there
> is no audio, each two hour vhs tape is comfortably fitting on a single
> vcd.)

Greetings Mark. You piqued my interest when you mentioned "burning VCDs." Under Linux, 
I have not been able to either copy or roll-my-own VCDs. Xcdroast, for example, seems 
to copy VCDs fine - but the copies won't play. Most any Windows burner program I've 
used can at least copy a VCD without a hiccup. What software are you using? Is there a 
FAQ you can point me to that gives some info on how to convert VHS tapes to VCDs?


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backing up hidden files

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
I've been trying to find a clever way to back up or copy hidden files such as .emacs, 
.xinitrc, and so on, along with my other data files. The problem is that tar and cp 
ignore hidden files if you use * as a wildcard. And if you try something like this:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp$ tar -cvf target.tar * .?*

tar will "walk upwards" to the root directory thanks to the dual function of "." (for 
hiding files, and for representing the current directory).

I've found some Mickey Mouse solutions, but nothing very elegant, and I was wondering 
if anybody has a clever way to do this.

 - Robert

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2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey

> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Daymien wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > i complete my instalation of debian linux.
> > i will use my old celeron pc at server for all pc in the house.
> > For remote control i use ssh if apm works i tray to install a x-server and
> > controll the pc over vnc but at the moment if i shuting down the pc will
> > stop at  "you can push off butten" screen. how can i install apm ?? so that
> > the pc will power off by himself ???  i use kernel 2.4 how can help my it's
> > urgen, please.

>From the Debian Reference Manual:

For auto power-off:

If apm is compiled as a module, as in Debian default 2.4 kernels, run
 `# modprobe apm power_off=1' after boot or set `/etc/modules' by:

  # echo "apm power_off=1" >>/etc/modules

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Re: Chinese input

2003-02-27 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 21:31:24 -0800
Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did you create locale from root?
>  # dpkg-reconfigure locales

Thanks Osamu, that solved the locale problem. The situation is improved now, but I'm 
still not quite out of the woods yet. This is what I get:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$  xcinterm-big5
   XCIN (Chinese XIM server) version 2.5.3-pre2.
   (module ver: 20010918, syscin ver: 2210).
   (use "-h" option for help)

   xcin: locale "zh_TW.Big5" encoding "big5"
   xcin: XIM server "xcin" transport "X/"
   xcin: inp_styles: Root OverTheSpot 
   /usr/bin/crxvt -fm "taipei16" -fn "-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1" -im "xcin" -bg black
   -fg white -geometry +0+0 -T "rxvt Chinese terminal (xcin, zh_TW.Big5)"
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/xcinterm-big5: /usr/bin/crxvt: No such file or 

If I understand the error message correctly, there should be a file named 
/usr/bin/crxvt, but there is no such file. I can't find any package in the Debian 
package list with a name like crxvt (which I assume means "Chinese rxvt").

Despite the error message, a box pops up on my screen with the Chinese characters 
"yinshu banxing", but I can't see any way to use it to input Chinese characters.

I'm think I'm getting close, but hoping that somebody can supply the missing link.


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Re: Chinese input [95% SOLVED]

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Storey

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache depends xcin
> xcin
>   Depends: libc6
>   Depends: libdb3
>   Depends: libtabe2
>   Depends: xlibs
>   Depends: locales
>   Suggests: libtabe-db
>   Suggests: xfonts-base
>   Suggests: xfonts-intl-chinese
>   Suggests: xbase-clients
>   Suggests: x-ttcidfont-conf
>  |Suggests: ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp
>   Suggests: ttf-arphic-bkai00mp
>  |Suggests: ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp
>   Suggests: ttf-arphic-gkai00mp
>   Suggests: xfonts-cmex-big5p
>   Recommends: rxvt-ml
> install all of them if you want to have a proper working chinese system.
> rxvt-ml should solve your problem.

Dear Arne,

Great! I definitely owe you one. Xcin works well for me now on BIG5, which is what I 
use 95% of the time. The last 5% of my problem is GB. When I type "xcinterm-gb" it 
does indeed open up a Chinese xterm, but the input line (the box that says "yinshu 
banxing" in BIG5) is nowhere to be seen. If you can enlighten me as to what I'm doing 
wrong, I'd be eternally grateful.

By the way, once I do get this working 100%, I will be happy to write up a HOW-TO and 
post it somewhere (maybe on the Debian site?) so that others will be informed about 
how to set up Xcin.

TIA (hopefully for the last time),

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Re: Chinese input [100% SOLVED!]

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Storey
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 22:24:23 +0800
Arne Goetje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attached is my xcinrc (/etc/), it has root-over-the-spot only by default.

Dear Arne,

Hi, after this post, we should probably take this discussion off-list because maybe 
the general Debian users might not be interested. If you're not using your real Email 
address on this list, please contact me.

The problem is 100% solved, and I couldn't have done it without your help! The sample 
/etc/xcinrc provided me with the final clue, though I was not able to simply 
substitute your file for mine (indeed, that broke xcinterm-big5 as well). The problem 
was indeed with the /etc/xcinrc file, and I had to edit it by hand to fix it.

Running xcinterm-gb from an xterm, I was getting (along with the standard output) this 
error message:

   xcin: error: /etc/xcinrc:
   IM section "array30": SETKEY: value not specified.

After examining my /etc/xcinrc file and comparing it to yours, I noticed many 
differences, but the line that seemed relevant was this:


I changed this to read:

   (define [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's all. Everything worked fine after that.

So all is well, except that I think I should file a bug report. This really seems like 
a bug to me, because I didn't do anything other than "apt-get install xcin" - I made 
no attempt to tweak the default settings. I'm not sure if this bug report should go to 
Debian or Xcin. Can you suggest where I should file it?

My packages came from Debian stable 3.0r1, if that gives any clues.

thank you again for all your help,
Robert Storey (in Taiwan)

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Re: Libranet to Sarge

2003-03-07 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:35:56 -0500
Keith Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By the way, is there some reason Debian can't adopt the Libranet 
> installer and tweak it for the Debain defaults intead of the Libranet 
> defaults?  The installer is very nice.

Libranet is a commercial distro (and a very good one too - it's what I
use). Anyway, the installer and configuration utilities are the property
of the owners, so Debian can't simply adopt it without permission. The
free version 2.0 that you downloaded is free because the Libranet owners
have generously chosen to make it so (presumably, to encourage you to
eventually purchase the newer version 2.7, or the upcoming 2.8).
However, just because 2.0 is available free doesn't mean that it was
released under the GPL, as Debian is. Also, I would presume that
Libranet hasn't released the source code for their installer, since they
are not required to (under the GPL, you are obliged to release the
source code).

You can, of course, continue to upgrade your Libranet installation with
apt-get. I'm not real sure what happens when you mix and match programs
from gcc 2.95 with binaries that were compiled under gcc 3.2. Maybe
someone else more technically astute can answer that.

I understand that Debian will be adopting a new graphical installer in
the future, but I don't know the details.

 - Robert


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Re: Linux enigma

2003-03-07 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 09:36:39 -0500
Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> remove.  In the windows partition of this machine, I have a linux
> directory where suse created a suse directory and a setup directory
> therein (windows/linux/suse/setup  -  when viewed from the now
> installed debian partition). Inside of the setup directory is an
> entity called '/linux' that I have tried to delete with rm and rmdir
> and get an error message:
> How does one deal with entities like this?

You didn't say if your Windows partition was NTFS or FAT32. If I'm not
mistaken, there has been much said about how NTFS is a Microsoft secret
proprietary file system, and Linux support for it is still not 100%. For
this reason, lot of distros only mount NTFS partitions as read-only. I
don't know if this is your problem, but it's the first thing I'd look
into if I were you.

If it is an NTFS partition, you'd probably be safer dealing with it
under Windows than from Linux.


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Re: Help! partition table!

2003-03-07 Thread Robert Storey
On Fri, 07 Mar 2003 23:34:43 +
"Hugo Ideler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's ext3, but I must add that the formating of wasn't very far when I
> hit the power-off. But I suppose this won't make much of a difference?

This probably won't work, but you could boot with a rescue CD (Knoppix
is kind of good for that, Slackware even better), then try mounting the
partition you want to rescue. The trouble is that inodes have been
overwritten - I'm not really sure what you'll find.

> So i'd be happy enough if I could just recover my home directory. :)

Though this won't help you in your current predicament, this is one more
good reason for creating a separate partition for /home. That way, you
can totally crash and burn your Linux installation and still recover
/home without a hiccup.

Sorry if this isn't a great answer.

 - Robert

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Bad CRC [was Debian freezes]

2003-03-08 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 06:49:50 -0500
Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am clueless as to find why the X is freezing.  Sometimes it uses 99%
> CPU while other times it simple freezes the system. 
> Cntrl+Alt+Backspace will do nothing.  I have to power down the system
> and in worst cases (when the system did not respond to the "power"
> button) I had to pull the power cord, to restart the system.

Sorry to hijack your thread, Subba, but this might be the source of your

I started experiencing freezing too, and at first I blamed my Debian
installation. I did a reinstall, but the problem continued, and indeed
seemed to grow gradually worse. I also have a (seldom-used) Windows
partition - I started using it just to see what would happen, and sure
enough, experienced the freezing there too.

I noticed during Debian's boot-up that an error message would flash by
(too fast to read). I explored his further, like this:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg | grep error
   hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
   hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
   hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
   hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }

After doing some searching on Google, I found that a lot of people had
reported these errors. The consensus of opinion seemed to be that this
could be a fading hard disk or bad controller, but many people suggested
installing a new hard disk cable before trashing the hard disk itself. I
did install a new cable, and the freezing problem has gone away.
However, the "BadCRC" errors are still being reported during bootup.

There were suggestions to turn off dma with hdparm, like this:

# hdparm -d0 /dev/hda

I tried that but it didn't stop the error messages, so I've turned dma
back on again.

# hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

Another suggestion was to turn off dma by inserting this into GRUB's
menu.lst configuration file:


This led to a "kernel panic" error. I removed the offending line from
menu.lst, and my system boots up again as normal, but the CRC error
messages remain. The machine is usable and no more freezes since I
replaced the cable. But I wonder if I'm taking a risk just doing nothing
- should I be prepared to deploy my hard disk for use as a paperweight,
or should I just muddle along and not worry about this? I'd be
interested to know what others who have encountered these error messages
and/or freezing problem have to say.


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Re: OK, I did my homework and red your answers carefuly

2003-03-09 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 09 Mar 2003 12:54:00 +
Glyn Millington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Teilhard Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > USB modem uses device ttySL0 as default and Win Modem uses ttyLT0. I
> > just want to ask whether wvdial looks in those device entries,
> > because it finds no modems in my system when I make it search for a
> > modem. Thanks.
> No idea where wvdial looks by default.  The manpage doesn't say.

My /etc/wvdial.conf file has a line like this:
   [Dialer Defaults]
   Modem = /dev/ttyS1

You should be able to tweak that to whichever device you like.


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Re: acard driver

2003-03-09 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 21:32:04 +0100
"George Stolk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a acard IDE controller card aec 6280 ant I have down load the
> driver from the site of the manufacturer but debian wont recon ice the
> driver what can I do to make it work.

I would have thought the BIOS would recognize an IDE controller by

I happen to have an Acard SCSI controller, which uses the module driver
atp870u.o. To get Debian to recognize it:

  modprobe atp870u

That statement can be added to /etc/modules.

Maybe the solution for your problem is similar.

 - Robert

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Re: Newbie questions

2003-03-09 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 17:02:24 -0500
> Even better, use "most"; it supports color. I would have turned my
> nose up at that, until read a few man pages.
> Kevin

On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:45:02 -0500
Brian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now would be a great to mention update-alternatives too. :-)
> update-alternatives(8) (when you get man working)
> (~)% update-alternatives --config pager

I'm nominating Kevin and Brian jointly to share an award for "Debian's
hot tip of the month." I unstalled "most," then used
"update-alternatives" to config my pager, and my man pages now look
spectacular. Now if only Debian had a tool to make me look this good.

 - Robert

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Re: How can I check which services are on or off.

2003-03-10 Thread Robert Storey

 > Well, as the subject say, I'm wondering how can I see which
 > services are on or off


> and how can I stop them or make them run.

Also "rcconf", but run it as root.

Of course, you first need "rcconf" installed:

   apt-get install rcconf

 - Robert

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Re: kinda OT: Web Hosting

2003-03-14 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 08:22:20 -0600
"Jeff Hahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Didn't someone here mention a favorite web hosting company recently??
> I think it was 750 MB storage and 20 GB traffic for a very reasonable
> price.
> Any favorites or companies to avoid???
> Thanks,
> -Jeff

I use which is based in London. They charge around US$21 per
YEAR (not per month). Can't remember now just how much space & traffic
usage that gets me (my needs are light), but I'm mostly interested in
the 10 free Email accounts that it includes. Look on their web site for
the current rates. It seems like quite a good deal, and I've been happy
with the speed and customer service support.

 - Robert

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filesystem encryption

2003-03-15 Thread Robert Storey
I've been considering creating a partition on my hard drive with an
encrypted filesystem for storing my financial data. Looking through the
literature on how to do this, it appears that there are several
competing systems around. This is something I've never done before, so
I'm a little perplexed about which system is best.

Right now, the most up-to-date information I have comes from an article
in LinuxFormat Magazine, December 2001 (pages 30-37). It was the cover
story in that particular edition, and I think you can still download it
as a PDF file from their web site (

Anyway, they seem to favor installing the cryptoapi modules at, plus the utilities at It looks rather
complicated, but I'm willing to try it.

My question is whether or not this is the best way to go? The
LinuxFormat article is more than a year out of date. I've looked through
the Debian (stable) packages list, and it says nothing about cryptoapi,
though a search on the word "crypt" reveals a number of other
cryptographic packages such as cfs 1.4.1-7 which is also a cryptographic

Any pointers on this topic (and suggested online references) would be
greatly appreciated.


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libtrash & anacron

2003-03-15 Thread Robert Storey
I recently installed Libtrash (it creates a trash can for Linux!). For
some reason, the deb package (version 0.8) in Woody is way out of date
(current version is 2.0) and the deb package only seems to include the
documentation rather than the usable program. So I downloaded the source
tarball from here:

It installed fine. I'm pleased to have a trash can, but of course it
keeps growing in size, wasting hard disk space. Fortunately, Libtrash
comes with a Perl script called cleanTrash which deletes files from the
trash can when the junk reaches a specified size. Although cleanTrash
could be run manually, it's more convenient to run it as a cron job. And
since my computer isn't on 24 hours a day, I figured anacron was better.

So, actually, I have two questions:

1) Is the only thing I need to do to get cleanTrash to run (as a cron
job) is to stick it in /etc/cron.daily?

2) I did "apt-get install anacron" - it installed fine, but do I need to
do anything else to configure anacron? Or is it just pre-configured to
take over from cron? I suspect it is, considering the contents of my
/etc/crontab file:

# m h dom mon dow user  command
25 6* * *   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report
47 6* * 7   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report
52 61 * *   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report


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Centrino [OT]

2003-03-22 Thread Robert Storey
A lot of people on this list are probably aware of this issue, but in case anybody 
missed it, those "cool new Centrino" laptops are something to avoid, unless you're 
content to run Windows XP only. The situation could change in the future, but for now 
it's like this:

 - Robert

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Re: help with playing a midi file

2003-03-23 Thread Robert Storey

On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 22:18, Paul Scott wrote:
> My sound card works.  I am using KDE on the 2.4.20-k6 kernel.  I have a 
> number of midi players installed - kmid, rosegarden.  They all look like 
> they are playing midi files but I get no sound.

Silly as this might sound, before you go any further, run aumix and set volume and pcm 
to maximum, then see if you've got any sound. I encountered the same (embarassing) 
issue when I first installed Debian.


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Re: Searching for an editor...

2003-10-25 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 22:24:11 -0400
Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 04:22, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> >
> > > Not to start a flame war, but I don't think XEmacs is more
> > > graphical than Emacs21 (Emacs20, yes, but not Emacs21).
> > 
> > I don't think I have used emacs21 but I don't remeber, so I can't
> > tell. I also don't know how their gui comapare.
> > Do you know the differences (main ones)?

As far as I can tell, the most visible difference is that Xemacs seems
to do a better job with handling fonts. To be more specific, Xemacs has
more beautiful fonts and lets you change default font size. But Emacs is
also good, and of course has the advantage of working on the command
line as well as in X. There's no reason why you can't install both,
since the commands are almost identical.


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Re: Insidious Spam/swen/Garbage

2003-10-26 Thread Robert Storey
Try Animail. I don't see it on the list of Debian packages, but you can
download it from Sourceforge as a .deb binary or source tarball. It is
much easier to use than Fetchmail, and it can delete spam from the mail
server without having to download.

Another option (which I haven't tried yet) is Mailfilter. I see it
listed in the Debian packages on Now that you've piqued my
interest, I think I'll give Mailfilter a try.


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Re: Insidious Spam/swen/Garbage

2003-10-26 Thread Robert Storey
Try Animail. I don't see it on the list of Debian packages, but you can
download it from Sourceforge as a .deb binary or source tarball. It is
much easier to use than Fetchmail, and it can delete spam from the mail
server without having to download.

Another option (which I haven't tried yet) is Mailfilter. I see it
listed in the Debian packages on Now that you've piqued my
interest, I think I'll give Mailfilter a try.


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Re: Insidious Spam/swen/Garbage

2003-10-26 Thread Robert Storey
> > But even for non-root users of the same system, all they'd have to
> > do is do 'cat ~/.muttrc', unless .muttrc is only owner-
> > readable(like .fetchmailrc).
> > 
> Sure, but that can be fixed, as you say, with permissions changes. 
> You can't fix the fact that superusers can read your password.

In .bash_profile for every user I've included this line:

 umask 077

That will cause ALL new files to be only user readable. Does anyone know
why this isn't the default?

 - Robert

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Re: Searching for an editor...

2003-10-26 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:01:43 -0600
Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Robert Storey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > To be more specific, Xemacs has more beautiful fonts and lets you
> > change default font size.
> I don't see why you can't change the default font size in
> Emacs... you can change the default font, and with it the size.  Is
> XEmacs using fontconfig these days?  If not, the fonts are coming
> from the same place.  XEmacs does seem to default to displaying more
> things in proportional fonts than Emacs does, though I'm not sure
> that's a good thing.

OK, you can change it in Emacs too, but not so easily or elegantly. Font
handling is something Xemacs is actually good at. I type in Chinese
sometimes, and the Chinese fonts look terrible in Emacs, but are quite
acceptable in Xemacs.
> > But Emacs is also good, and of course has the advantage of working
> > on the command line as well as in X.
> Well, so can XEmacs.

OK, you've got me there.

Now I have a question. Does anyone know why in text mode, M-<
(beginning-of-buffer) and M-> (end-of-buffer) don't work? They work fine
in text mode in some other distros, but not in Debian or Slackware. In
X, they always work in every distro (Debian and Slackware included).


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Pan - connection failed

2003-10-27 Thread Robert Storey
I'm having trouble getting the newsreader Pan to work. The funny thing
is, first time I used it, it worked fine - I was able to grab a list of
all the groups on the news server. After that, I've been unable to get a
connection even though I've changed no settings. It's baffling. Here is
a portion of the log...

Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:09 - Pan 0.13.4 Started
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:09 - Directory "/home/bob/.pan/messages/cache"
contains 0.0 MB in 0 files
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:09 - Directory
"/home/bob/.pan/messages/folders/pan.sendlater" contains 0.0 MB in 0
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:09 - Directory
"/home/bob/.pan/messages/folders/pan.sent" contains 0.0 MB in 0 files
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:09 - News server connection count: 0
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:19:10 - Loaded 41628 groups for server "hinet" in
0.7 seconds (56345 groups/sec)
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:20:45 - New connection 0x966d278 for, port 119
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:20:45 - New connection 0x9678c70 for, port 119
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:20:45 - New connection 0x96776c0 for, port 119
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:24:04 - Handshake: 200
InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.4unoff4 05-Mar-96 read
y (posting ok).
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:24:04 - Handshake: 200
InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.4unoff4 05-Mar-96 read
y (posting ok).
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:24:04 - Authentication failed: 502 Authentication
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 20:24:04 - Authentication failed: 502 Authentication

A google search didn't turn up anything useful. I'd be curious if anyone
has seen this error and has any suggestions.


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2003-11-03 Thread Robert Storey
I've had my LAN working well for a long time using static IP addresses
(specified in /etc/hosts).

Now I would like to play with dhcp, but I found the info in the Debian
reference manual  pretty minimal and I admit I don't really know what
I'm doing. But this is what I've done so far:

On both machines (desktop and laptop) I installed Debian packages "dhcp"
and "dhcp-client". I edited /etc/default/dhcp like this...


...and then rebooted. The boot-up messages indicate the server is
starting. Remember that this is on both machines - perhaps that isn't
correct and I should only run the server on one? Anyway, one machine has
a hostname and the other is From sonic,
typing "ping ibm" produces the message "ping: unknown host ibm" (ditto
for the fully qualified host name). Without the benefit of /etc/hosts
I'm not sure how the server is going to know the names of the clients.

Any help would be appreciated. Even pointing me to a FAQ or other online
source would be cool.


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kernel recompile - correct syntax

2003-09-09 Thread Robert Storey

I'm writing an article about Debian which will be published in a few days (on a 
well-known GNU/Linux web site). I'm trying to work out the best way to recompile a 
kernel. I don't want to give out an misinformation, so I need to be sure about the 

To compile a kernel, I originally thought that all one needed to do (to generate a deb 
file) was this:

  "make-kpkg clean kernel_imag"

I walked this past a Debian guru, who sent me this reply:

   I suggest that you get people to use a --revision flag for
   make-kpkg and also an
   --append-to-version=- so that things
   will work the way they expect wrt LinuxOLD. If you dont use
   --append-to-version and just increment the revision then the
   new kernel when you install it will overwrite the current
   one and the current one will not become LinuxOLD. You need
   to change the version in order for the Linux/LinuxOLD thing
   to work as you might expect.

I'm a little unclear about his syntax. I looked in file 

  "make-kpkg --append-to-version -custom.${VER} --revision custom.${VER}
   clean kernel_image"

And I assume here that ${VER} means a number I must supply (1.0 or 10, or whatever).

So what I'm asking is: what is EXACTLY the best syntax to use. Like I said, I'm 
writing an article - readers will rake me over the coals if I give out information 
that is ambiguous or unclear in any way.


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Re: FTP only with Windows? Why not Linux?

2003-09-13 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:43:12 -0400
Peter Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does that Winsock reference mean that only software running under
> Windows can get through???  I've used Kbear and Konqueror successfully
> to ftp to other sites...

I encountered something like this once. Somebody suggested that I use
"ncftp" (there's a Debian package) and it worked. I can't tell you just
why, but ncftp seems pretty good.

best regards,

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Re: Windows multiboot (aaargh!)

2003-09-14 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 21:23:47 +1200
cr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought DOS could only handle partitions of up to ~500MB  (512? 
> 528?).   I must be wrong, it happily formatted 600MB, at least for
> partition 3.   

DOS (that is, FAT16) can handle partitions up to two gigabytes in size.
And you can have four of them, so eight gigs can be used. But as I
understand it, when you get to that size a lot of space gets wasted
(very inefficient block size, or something like that). 

> But anyway, this is the revised scheme:
> 1   Pri DOS   500MBBootableDOS6.22
> 2   Pri DOS   600MB W95
> 3   Pri DOS   600MB W98
> 4  Extended 5   DOS 500MB
>   6   DOS 800MB

FWIW, under Linux you'll have to live with the same fudge - three
primary partitions maximum, and one extended partitions with numberous
(I think 64 is the max) logical partitions. This is a limitation of the
Intel architecture.

> > > Or, could I just use Linux fdisk?

You'll probably find cfdisk to be much easier to use.

> Well, I've found that GRUB is extremely benign (once sorted).   It
> took me a 

Take a look at this excellent article if you want to install Grub:


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2003-09-15 Thread Robert Storey
A few days ago somebody had a question about ftp, and I accidentally
lost that message. But anyway, the gist was that the original poster
could use ftp in Windows but not in Debian, and couldn't figure out why,
and he was getting a lot of advice about passive vs. active mode.

A thought occurred to me that it could be the firewall. Be sure you
haven't blocked outgoing ftp. I had the same issue with ssh - couldn't
get it to work despite lots of helpful advice from people, only to
discover (to my acute embarassment) that I was blocking ssh with my


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Re: Linux defragmenter?

2003-08-19 Thread Robert Storey
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 03:03:36 -0700
Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 08:23:04PM -0500, Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> > I just realized that I've never heard of a hard drive defragmenter
> > for Linux (ext2/ext3). Do I really live under a rock, or are they
> > really not used? If not, why?
> My understanding is that ext2 and ext3 do a good job at keeping
> themselves from getting fragmented.

This question gets asked a lot. Linux filesystems defragment themselves automatically 
- human intervention isn't needed. But to make it work properly, you do need to be 
sure that you keep some empty space (about 20%) on your partitions. The command "df 
-h" should tell you how much space is being used. Note that even with a Windows 
defragmenter, you still have this issue of needing empty space.


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Re: Unicode: is it safe to use it ?

2003-08-19 Thread Robert Storey
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:37:29 +0200
Xavier Maillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It seems that 10 years after its creation, Unicode is not as used as it
> should be (my opinion) and so, I am not sure many software
> (communication software) are "aware" of Unicode stuff. Except bloated
> piece of software such as Outlook, is there any risk I can encounter by
> using utf-8 in my daily default encoding system ?

Dear Xavier,

I'd be interested to know how to use Unicode as the default system. You mean just by 
setting the locale, or is there more? I'd be interested in setting up all my apps to 
use it, and would report back (on this list) how well it worked (or didn't work).


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Re: root login How ???

2003-08-22 Thread Robert Storey

> I found out that after debian 3.0r1 installed,
> try to login as root and passwd at the GNOME Desktop Manager
> and it said " The system administrator is not allowed to login form
> this screen"
> How to login with root account to run some utility from graphic mode
> ???

I know that most Debian users disdain the idea of ever logging in as root, but there 
are a few times when I've found it useful (I'll probably get flamed to a crisp for 
saying that). The best way I know of to log in as root is to kill gdm and log in using 
text mode. You can always start the graphics with "startx".


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unprivileged user

2003-08-25 Thread Robert Storey
Dear All,

Sometime back somebody told me there was a way to add a user account where the user 
was very limited in what he could do. As I remember, the user would not even be able 
to change directories.

I've been trying to figure out how to do this, and a few Google searches did not turn 
up what I was looking for. I wondering if anyone could enlighten me. Note that I'm not 
sure "unprivileged user" is the correct name for this type of account, so if I've got 
the terminology wrong, please let me know.


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Re: unprivileged user

2003-08-26 Thread Robert Storey

> > Sometime back somebody told me there was a way to add a user account
> > where the user was very limited in what he could do. As I remember, the
> > user would not even be able to change directories.
> Try googling for "chroot user"
> Rgds
> Rus

Thanks Rus. It turns out that what I was looking for is rbash. But chroot is also 
interesting, though a bit more complicated.

best regards,

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Re: some reality about iptables, please

2003-08-27 Thread Robert Storey
On 26 Aug 2003 23:54:06 -0400
Bret Comstock Waldow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you for this.
> My apologies to all for broadcasting my frustration.  It's not the
> best way to handle things.
> Bret

For what it's worth, I also found iptables pretty murky as well. I
cheated, I installed Guarddog
(apt-get install guarddog) from Unstable - works like a charm.


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Re: Power off

2003-08-27 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 00:29:15 +0200
Nicos Gollan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 26 August 2003 21:50, Frank Hrebabetzky wrote:
> > My computer doesn't switch off upon 'shutdown -h now', so I looked
> > around on the net and found:
> >
> > To switch the power off on shutdown in Linux:
> > - Compile apm into the kernel
> > - Add the following line in /etc/lilo.conf: append="apm=on
> > apm=power-off"- Enter 'lilo' on the command prompt

No need ot compile apm into the kernel. Just append this line to
/etc/modules and it should just work:

   apm power_off=1


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TrueType fonts (again)

2003-08-28 Thread Robert Storey

Dear All,

I know the issue of TrueType fonts has been covered many times before,
but I 
looked in the archives and didn't find the solution to my specific
Which is:

I upgraded to Sid. Mozilla, which previously had bitmapped fonts, now
TrueType fonts - apt-get dist-upgrade" seems to have handled this 
automagically . That's great, but Konqueror, Kmail, and Sylpheed (among 
others) are still stuck in bitmap mode. I tried installing a Chinese
font (I use Chinese occasionally) from Sid, and Mozilla recognized it
a hitch. Again, the other apps mentioned above did not.

I'm perplexed as to why some apps would recognize the fonts while others
not. Sometime to do with the fontpath perhaps? But how to correct it?


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Re: Libranet-2.7-classic -> Pure Debian/sid kde broken

2003-09-03 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 17:49:35 -0400
Bradley M Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 03:57:18PM -0400, Luc Lefebvre wrote:
> > Hi Bradley,
> > 
> > I know that for Woody there is a meta package fore  kde called "kde"
> > which Description: The K Desktop Environment
> >  A metapackage containing dependencies for the core suite of KDE
> >  including kdelibs, kdebase, kdeadmin, kdegraphics, kdemultimedia,
> >  kdenetwork, kdepim, koffice, and kdeutils.  Provides Suggests and
> >  Recommends for all other KDE based packages.
> Yeah, looks like something is broken. When I try to get kde, I get 
> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> or been moved out of Incoming.
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   kde: Depends: kdemultimedia but it is not going to be installed
> E: Broken packages

Libranet 2.7 is sort of a mix, with stuff from Woody and Sarge. Others
have reported broken packages when they tried upgrading to Sarge or Sid.
The situation is much improved with Libranet 2.8 (but that one isn't
free). With 2.8 I'm able to install packages directly from Sid (no need
for a dist-upgrade), and so far I haven't run into any dependency


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Re: Is my hard drive dying?

2003-03-25 Thread Robert Storey
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 22:16:28 -
"Andrew Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been looking through the logcheck on one of my machines, and I've seen
> a lot of these types of messages:
> Mar 24 17:14:51 orion kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady
> SeekComplete Error }
> Mar 24 17:14:51 orion kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 {
> UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=3994439, sector=63232
> Mar 24 17:14:51 orion kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:01 (hda),
> sector 63232
> Does this mean my drive is dying? I've not had any problems with the machine
> till now.

I had these exact same error messages, starting about two weeks ago. I assumed the 
hard drive was dying, but it turned out to be a bad motherboard. Actually, I wish it 
had been the drive - hard drives are cheaper (and easier) to replace than motherboards.

If possible, try to test the drive in another computer before tossing it out. But like 
others have said, back up your data IMMEDIATELY.

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Re: bootmanager madness

2003-03-30 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:14:08 +0200
Roman Joost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried to install grub to boot my linux or windows partition.
> Unfortunatly it won't work. 
> Now, grub boots the grub shell, but nothing more. I've to tell him where
> the configfile is 
> configfile /grub/menu.lst
> My menu appears and i can boot Linux. What i'm doing wrong, that grub
> wont load the configfile?
> I installed grub like with the grub-shell or with grub-install. 
> shell:
> root (hd0,4)
> setup (hd0)

AT the "grub" prompt, try doing this:

  grub> root (hd0,4)
  grub> setup (hd0)
  grub> quit

Then reboot. The above will only work if (hd0,4) is the location of the /boot that you 
are planning to use. If it's not, adjust accordingly.

> The second thing is, that i can't boot my windows anymore. After
> choosing the menu option, it won't any further :( Should it be
> reinstalled? 

Before reinstalling, first try adding "makeactive" to the Windows 98 setting, like 

  rootnoverify (hd0,0)
  chainloader +1

Let us know if this works.


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Re: undelete

2003-03-30 Thread Robert Storey
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:40:33 +1000
"Joyce, Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have foolishly deleted a file I did not want to.
> It was created this morning, so it is not backed up.
> is there an undelete util ?

Although it's too late to help you recover the data you've already deleted, you (and 
most users) would be wise to download and install Libtrash. It's a Linux trashcan, and 
unlike the ones in KDE and Gnome, it works everywhere, even from the console. You can 
find it here:


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Re: Why am I no longer receiving the digest?

2003-04-05 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 5 Apr 2003 16:46:02 +0100
Pigeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 11:25:15AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 04:12:36AM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> > > Thanks, that's useful to know... so presumably when it does get going
> > > again, I'll receive 100 digests in a lump? duplicating a few thousand
> > > messages? But if I block the duplicates, the list server gets error
> > > returns and automatically unsubscribes me (or so I understand). Oh well.
> > 
> > No need to return errors on the duplicates. You could just drop them
> > into /dev/null.
> Sorry, I know that. I'm thinking of actually not downloading them over
> dialup from the POP3 server. I know more or less nothing about the
> inner workings of email transmission and delivery, but the consensus
> on this list as to what to do with spam seems to be to deliver it to 
> /dev/null as anything else either returns errors to the spammer which
> they can use for evil purposes, or accidentally spams with error
> messages some innocent whose address has been forged in the From header

I think the solution to your problem would be to download and install Animail:

I installed Animail a few months ago, and I'm very enthusiastic about it. Among it's 
notable features, it's got the ability to delete (without downloading) email messages 
and attachments over a certain size that you specify. Since the digests are likely to 
be pretty large, you can send all big messages to trash without losing smallers 
messages that you might want to read.

Hope this helps,

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Re: D-Link DFE-530TX under 2.4.16-686

2003-06-05 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 18:10:59 -0400
ScruLoose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 09:45:43PM -0400, xavier renaut wrote:
> > |Wanting to replace my prehistoric 10base-T card with something that
> > |can do 100, I bought myself a D-Link DFE-530TX and stuffed it into a
> > |free PCI slot. So I Googled for drivers and I keep being told that
> > |the card*is* supported, and uses the via-rhine drivers/module.  But
> > |modprobe via-rhine fails.

I also have a D-Link DFE-530TX. When I bought it three years ago, it
didn't work even though it was a "supported card." Then it worked when the
2.4 kernel was released (with the Via-RhineII driver). If yours is very
new, it might not work. The fact is that D-Link is notorious for changing
their chips sets every couple of years but not bothering to change model
numbers. That is probably what you are encountering now, but of course I
can't say for sure.

good luck,

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Re: Debian hosting

2003-06-07 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 12:52:02 +

> Dear Debian community,
> My requirements are pretty specific.
> I don't need much bandwidth at all.
> I don't need anything faster than 400 MhZ
> I don't need more than 128Meg
> But I want my own server, not shared.
> The hosting service should, of course, specialize in Debian.

A friend of mine uses this service for Debian dedicated hosting:

I'm not sure if Debian is the default, but you can request it and they will comply.

And just for the record - no, I don't work for this company or own their stock. In 
fact, I don't use this service because I don't need a dedicated host for my meager 

good luck,

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2003-06-09 Thread Robert Storey
Dear All,

When I start X, the whole screen image is displayed slightly too far to
the right. Although I could use the buttons on the monitor to adjust the
image further left, that would create problems because I have other
distros installed on this computer, and these distros have the image
properly centered. So what I need are software settings to move the image

Xvidtune does just that. I can position the image anywhere I like on the
screen. The problem is that I don't see any way to save these settings. I
can get the image properly centered afgter hittings the "apply" button,
but there is no "save", and next time I boot up my new improved settings
are gone.

Xvidtune with the "-show" option produces these settings:

  "800x600"  49.50800  816  896 1056600  601  604  625 +hsync

I tried editing file /etc/X11/XF86Config to make these settings permanent,
but that doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what else to try, and I'd
appreciate any suggestions.


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Re: get cdrom information

2003-06-11 Thread Robert Storey
> > Is there any way to get some information about the cd inserted in the 
> > cd-rom drive?
> > I want to know the creation date, and the volume label etc... 

If you have XCDRoast installed, you can view this information when you
click on the "Read CD" tab, it will also show you the session information.


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Re: kdm locale problem

2003-06-11 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:35:17 +0200

> echo $LANG
> I get "hu_HU".
> That is why I can not understand this problem. It seems,
> that I am using hu_HU locales, but the kde programs, and other (for
> example Xchat, or Licq) programs doesn't recognise the hu_HU locales,
> and falls back to english. And this is all because I started kde from
> the kdm login manager, and not from console with startx.

I'm not sure if this will cure your problem or not, but try running this
from a console and see if you have the system locale set properly:

  dpkg-reconfigure locales


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Xterm behavior

2002-12-20 Thread Robert Storey
Dear All,

Forgive me, I'm new to Debian. On other distros I've used, I can control the behavior 
(somewhat) of Xterm with the settings in .bashrc, but that doesn't seem to work in 
Specifically, two things:

1) The prompt. Under Debian, the Xterm prompt is: sh-2.05a$
How can it make it obey this setting:  PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

2) Xterm ignores my settings in .bashrc and /etc/profiles concerning aliases. For 
example, I would like to add these settings:

  alias rm='rm -i'
  alias cp='cp -i'
  alias mv='mv -i'
  set -o noclobber

I noticed that under Debian, my aliases in .bashrc are ignored, but I can set them 
system-wide in /etc/profiles. That seems weird - any ideas?

best regards,
Robert Storey

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Xterm behavior - SOLVED!

2002-12-21 Thread Robert Storey
Sincere thanks to all who replied.

The problem was indeed that bash was not installed as the default
shell (I was a bit surprised by that!). Using "chsh" to install
bash did the trick.

Robert Storey

> On Friday 20 December 2002 01:46 am, Robert Storey wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > Forgive me, I'm new to Debian. On other distros I've used, I
> > can control the behavior (somewhat) of Xterm with the
> > settings in.bashrc, but that doesn't seem to work in Debian.
> > Specifically, two things:
> >
> > 1) The prompt. Under Debian, the Xterm prompt is: sh-2.05a$
> > How can it make it obey this setting:  PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
> >
> > 2) Xterm ignores my settings in .bashrc and /etc/profiles
> > concerning aliases. For example, I would like to add these
> > settings:

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killing the penguin (framebuffer)

2002-12-21 Thread Robert Storey
Humble apologies for newbie ignorance.
With that said...

On bootup, I simply want to boot into a text console. I've turned
off gdm, and that gets rid of the graphical login. Unfortunately,
it seems that I boot into a VESA framebuffer. At the console
there is a penguin on the top left corner, and my text is not
proportional (the bottom line of text scrolls off the bottom of
the screen). I want to be able to see all the text, and kill this
penguin (OK, I like animals, but not on my computer screen -
reminds me of Microsoft's Clippy).

In SuSE and Mandrake, I've seen this before. It's usually due to
a line in lilo.conf (or grub's menu.lst) saying "vga=771" or some
other number. Setting it to "vga=normal" gets rid of it. But that
doesn't work in Debian. Somewhere is a setting to turn off the
VESA framebuffer so I can just boot into plain text, but I
haven't been able to find it.

I'll be eternally grateful to anybody who can tell me how to kill
the penguin.

Robert Storey

On 20 Dec 2002 14:48:52 -0500
Bret Comstock Waldow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've just installed Woody r1.  (At least I was connected to an
> apt-source on the net while installing and it downloaded a lot,
> so I assume it's r1).
> I've been using Redhat 7.3 and SuSE 7.3 before that, and I've
> been using framebuffer support for my console sessions (Alt-F1,
> etc).
> I get my 1024x768 display (128x48 text) just fine.
> During install of Debian, there was a question about using
> framebuffer for consoles, and I believe the answer was 'yes'
> (whatever it was, I thought it made sense at the time).
> Now, I boot to a GUI, but my consoles are unreadable.  They're
> simply blank as installed.  If I add "vga=791" to lilo.conf, I
> get full-screen scrambled versions of some of my GUI screen.
> I don't even know where to start.  Is this an X86 problem, a
> Debian specific issue, what was installed to do with
> "framebuffers" by Debian I might need to look at, unscrew,
> uninstall, re-install?
> Any pointers would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bret
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Blackbox/Fluxbox, no EXIT command

2002-12-21 Thread Robert Storey
Hi all,

Seems that the Debian default installation of both Blackbox and
Fluxbox doesn't include an "Exit" command. The only way I can get
out of X is to hit ctrl-alt-backspace, which is not very elegant.
Does anyone know what I should stick into my .blackbox or
.fluxbox directory that can cure this little problem?

thanks in advance,
(and while I'm at it, happy holidays)

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Re: killing the penguin - SOLVED!

2002-12-21 Thread Robert Storey
Thanks Andrej!!! Your solution worked. Placing the parameter:


into GRUB's menu.lst file (or lilo.conf for anyone who still runs
lilo) gets rid of that nasty framebuffer console. My console is
now just text - no more penguins floating around the screen.

Robert Storey

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 12:04:15 -0200
andrej hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 07:49:23PM +0800, Robert Storey wrote:
> > On bootup, I simply want to boot into a text console. I've
> > turned off gdm, and that gets rid of the graphical login.
> > Unfortunately, it seems that I boot into a VESA framebuffer.
> > At the console there is a penguin on the top left corner, and
> > my text is not proportional (the bottom line of text scrolls
> > off the bottom of the screen). I want to be able to see all
> > the text, and kill this penguin (OK, I like animals, but not
> > on my computer screen - reminds me of Microsoft's Clippy).
> If this is the only problem, try playing around with fbset or
> use a different driver for the framebuffer.
> > 
> > In SuSE and Mandrake, I've seen this before. It's usually due
> > to a line in lilo.conf (or grub's menu.lst) saying "vga=771"
> > or some other number. Setting it to "vga=normal" gets rid of
> > it. But that doesn't work in Debian. Somewhere is a setting
> > to turn off the VESA framebuffer so I can just boot into
> > plain text, but I haven't been able to find it.
> Maybe video=vga16:off helps?
>   andrej

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kernel recompile

2002-12-31 Thread Robert Storey
I've just recompiled my kernel and it failed at the very last
step (installing the kernel). My procedure:

1) Use "make xconfig" to choose my settings
2) make dep clean bzImage modules
3) make install modules_install

I received no error messages until the very end when make install
tried to write to LILO and couldn't find it (because I don't use
LILO, I use GRUB). It offered to make a bootable floppy, and I
chose "yes". The floppy was made, but Debian crashes immediately
when I boot off that floppy.

I tried copying the file "vmlinuz" on the floppy and putting it
into /boot, but that leads to the same problem - instant crash.

Should I conclude that the new kernel I created, "vmlinuz", is
screwed? Or is there something else I need to do to install my
new kernel?

By the way, is there some good documentation on this? I'm just
using an old Redhat book as my guide, but I'd prefer something
Debian specific.

thanks in advance,

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kernel recompile

2003-01-02 Thread Robert Storey
In the continuing saga of my kernel recompile, I did this:

  make xconfig
  make-kpkg clean
  make-kpkg kernel_image
  dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.18_10.00.Custom_i386.deb

Everything seemed to go well. There were no error messages, and I found
myself with a newly compiled kernel named vmlinuz-2.4.18 in my /boot
directory. But on attempting to boot, the kernel would instantly crash
and reboot again, and again, etc, ad nauseum. I could only recover by
editing GRUB to point back to the old kernel.

Can't see what I did wrong, other than possibly that my settings somehow
conflicted. I actually changed very little - I used the stock kernel,
and just added support for sound, parport, scsi, and my ethernet card.

Has anyone else had this experience? Can I just use my old kernel and
somehow get these other things to work by loading modules?

thanks in advance,
Robert Storey

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Re: kernel recompile - SOLVED

2003-01-03 Thread Robert Storey

> try setting the cpu type to 386.  rebooting before the kernel even
> starts doing anything usually means the wrong cpu type was selected.
> hmm, but if the kernel name has i386 in it, this might not be the
> problem...

Thanks, that was indeed the problem. My processor is an AMD-K6, but the
default setting was the Intel Celeron Coppermine. Even though it
produces a kernel name including the phrase "i386", I guess that only
means as opposed to the "ia64" or "ppc" or whatever.


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no modules after kernel compile

2003-01-04 Thread Robert Storey
Hi all,

Part 3 of my "kernel compile saga."

My new kernel compiles OK, it boots OK, but there are no modules. Typing
lsmod shows no modules loaded, even though /etc/modules says:


A look in directory /lib/modules/2.4.19/kernel/drivers confirms that the
directory is empty. I can find compiled drivers in
/usr/src/linux-2.4.19/drivers, but I don't know how to get these to
install. Can I get away with just copying them one by one into their
proper location? Seems like a very Micky Mouse solution - I'd like to
know why they didn't install when I installed the kernel.

Hoping someone can enlighten me.

best regards,

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Re: avi, mpeg

2003-01-05 Thread Robert Storey
For mpegs, I like gtv better than xine. The package for installing it is
not called "gtv" but rather "smpeg-gtv". Nevertheless, from an xterm,
you invoke it with the command "gtv".


On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 16:42:22 -0800 (PST)
"nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Antonio Rodriguez said:
> > What would be the best to see some avi or mpeg movies? Or converter
> > from avi to mpeg?
> > Using woody 3.0

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Re: Real Text-Mode

2003-01-05 Thread Robert Storey

> On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 08:56:41AM +0100, Harald Wopenka wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to tell debian it should not switch to graphic
> > mode?(640x480 16 cols) I want it to boot in ordinary textmode, but I
> > wasn't able to do it. vga=normal in lilo.conf did not work. Using
> > rdev to alter the kernel file did not work either...

Ah, yes, I asked the same question a few weeks ago on this list, and
some kind soul responded with the correct answer (sorry, I can't
remember his name, but I remember his answer).

Rather than "vga=normal", try using this:


Don't know exactly why it works, but it works.


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Re: Real Text-Mode

2003-01-05 Thread Robert Storey
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 03:35:50 +0100
"Harald Wopenka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> Thanks, sounds good, but Lilo complains about a parameter "video" in
> lilo.conf. Did you enter it somewhere else?
> regards, Harry

Dear Harry,

I use Grub rather than Lilo. I'd be surprised if this parameter is
Grub-specific, but anyway, the following is my Debian setting in

  title   Debian
  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19 root=/dev/hda8 ro video=vga16:off

If you still can't get it to work, perhaps you should show us your
entire lilo.conf?


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2003-01-06 Thread Robert Storey
Dear All,

Just discovered Animail today. It is wonderful, and solves a number of
problems I've been contemplating for awhile.

It does, more or less, the same thing as Fetchmail, but comes with
several major advantages. For one, it's easier to set up, but that's a
minor issue. What's really great is that you can configure it to limit
the size of file attachments. For me, that's been a big issue. During
this Christmas season, one friend bought a new digital camera and
proceeded to bombard me with high-resolution photos (around 11 megabytes
per photo) of his family and Christmas tree. I don't have broadband, so
just one photo was a 2-hour download! Another friend, who uses Windows
exclusively, sent me an 8-megabyte Unix program that somebody told him
was "good" though he didn't know the name of the program or what it was
for. With friends like this, who needs enemies.

Anyway, with Animail, this problem has disappeared. I can limit all file
attachments to any size I choose, and if the attached file exceeds that
size, it's automatically deleted from the mail server, so no need to
download it. Superb!

You can also use it to filter out (without downloading) messages from
people you'd rather not hear from (perhaps after this rave, you'll use
it to filter out messages from me?).

I found an Animail deb package here:
 and here:

Sorry if I'm foaming at the mouth. I'll go now.


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Re: windows apps under debian

2003-01-07 Thread Robert Storey
> On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 22:53, John Griffiths wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I'm about to attempt a desktop linux trial in my office and 
> > need some advice on approaches to applicaiton portability.

I know I'll get shot for saying this (on this list), but if this is
going to be a desktop trial at an office where everybody is currently a
Windows user, you might want to look at Xandros rather than pure Debian.
Xandros is Debian-based, so you can apt-get all the Debian packages.
Crossover Office is included with Xandros, and that should handle most
of your Windows apps until you can migrate to 100% Linux. But Xandros
costs money (US$99) while Debian is free.

Good luck.


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Re: Turning off printer and other daemons

2003-01-07 Thread Robert Storey
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 17:48:10 -0600
Jeffrey Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a general way to disable start up of specific daemons at boot
> time.  I know I can rip the whole package out, or do a "update-rc.d -f
> remove lpd", but is there a more elegant way?  Some have files in
> /etc/default with XYZRUN=no.  Does this work in general?

The most elegant (and easy) way by far is to just run the command
"rcconf".  I don't think rcconf is installed by default, so you might
have to first "apt-get install rcconf".

rcconf is Debian specific (also works with other Debian-based distros
like Knoppix and Libranet). In the Redhat/Mandrake world, there's
"ntsysv" and "chkconfig" which do basically the same thing.


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2003-01-08 Thread Robert Storey

> On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 06:50, Johan van der Walt wrote:
> > Can someone please give me advice on how to access FLASH RAM.

The following works for me:

  mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /mnt/flash

I'm not sure, but I think the flash disk might have to be present when
you boot up.

The flash disk was sold preformatted with vfat, though you can reformat
it with ext2:

  mkfs /dev/hde1

Hope this helps,

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Re: dual-boot redhat/debian

2003-01-09 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 07:42:15 -0500
Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ignoring, for the moment, why I would do such a thing, I want to set
> up a machine (laptop) to dual-boot both Redhat 8.0 and Debian
> (testing/unstable mix). I'd also like to share as much as possible
> between them. I can obviously share the entire /home directory.

There are some major annoyances in sharing a /home directory between two
distros.  Redhat and Debian may have different versions of KDE (or
Gnome, Blackbox, etc) installed and different desktop settings. The big
problem is with hidden files/directories like .bashrc, .kde, .Xdefaults
and so on, which control these settings.


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Re: Chinese Big5

2003-01-10 Thread Robert Storey
On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 13:50:40 +0800
"Jack Chang\(±i³Ó»|\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi dear
>  Where can I download the Dedian Chinese Traditional installing
>  manual ?
> thanks

Dear Jack,

This will bring you to the main Chinese (Big5) page on the Debian web

The documentation page is here:

Almost every page at has (at the bottom, left side) a place
where you can click on the language you want to read.

Since you're in Taiwan, you should check out which is
the Taipei Linux User's Group. They have a meeting usually on the third
Saturday of every month, and some of the people there are good at


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Re: My Debian box can't connect Internet

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
Dear Stephen,

You didn't say what kind of broadband you want to connect to. There would be a 
difference between adsl and cable, as well as pppoe and adsl with a fixed address.

I'm not an expert, but I just yesterday connect to adsl (using pppoe). If that 
describes your situation, try running "pppoeconf" - it's fairly intuitive and it 
worked well for me.

As for using "ping", I understand that many web sites are blocking the ping command 
(or am I wrong about this?).  I'm using Guarddog as a firewall, and I've also got ping 


On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 00:29:33 +0800
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> My Debian box can't connect Internet, Broadband connected.  
> # ifconfig
> showed connecting ISP
> I played around with following files without a solution;
> # cat /etc/network/ifstate 
> lo=lo
> eth0=eth0
> # cat /etc/network/interfaces 
> # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration
> file for ifup(8), ifdown(8) 
> # The loopback interface 
> auto lo 
> iface lo inet loopback 
> # The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian
> installationauto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> # cat /etc/network/spoof-protect
> LOCAL_IFACES="eth0 eth1 ppp0"
> (Remark: having tried;
> #LOCAL_IFACES="eth0 eth1 ppp0"
> LOCAL_IFACES="eth0 ppp0"
> After each change made
> # /etc/init.d/networking restart 
> Reconfiguring network interfaces: done)
> # cat /etc/network/interfaces.dpkg-new 
> # (no output, an empty file)
> # cat /etc/network/options 
> ip_forward=no 
> spoofprotect=yes
> syncookies=no
> (having tried;
> ip_forward=yes
> spoofprotect=no
> syncookies=yes)
> # ping -c 3
> ping: unknown host
> # /etc/init.d/iptables stop
> Aborting iptables load: unknown ruleset, "inactive".
> iptables has not been configured yet
> Kindly advise how to fix the problem.
> Thanks in advance.
> B.R.
> Stephen Liu
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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spurious interrupt

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
For some reason, when I logged on today I received this message:

  "spurious 8259A, interrupt: IRQ7"

I'm not sure if this is anything to worry about at all. Anyone have an idea what it 


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Re: How do I get sound?

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey

> Mark Healey wrote:
> >Have no sound.  What tool do I use to get it?
> >-

Something like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> apt-get install sndconfig

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> sndconfig

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> adduser mark audio

mark must log out and log back in for this to go into effect

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>aumix   (to adjust volume and pcm)

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Re: spurious interrupt

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
Dear Andy,

Thanks for the reply. I'm embarassed that I didn't do a proper job of searching for 
the answer myself.

One possible source of the problem may be that I have a routing conflict between irq 7 
and irq 9 caused by my sound card clashing with the sound device built into the 
motherboard (dmesg tells me this). But if I remove the sound card, I get no sound - 
the sound port on the motherboard doesn't seem to work.

Thanks again for the help.

best regards,

On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 08:09:17 -0500
Andy Firman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 06:47:01PM +0100, Robert Storey wrote:
> > For some reason, when I logged on today I received this message:
> > 
> >   "spurious 8259A, interrupt: IRQ7"
> > 
> > I'm not sure if this is anything to worry about at all. Anyone have an idea what 
> > it means?
> I did a little searching for you.  There was a recent thread on this.
> Then I found this for you:
> spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ14
> Short summary: It's a hardware problem (usually). Transient Line-noise/crosstalk 
> persuades the PIC
> that something happened; this can result in a 'dummy' interrupt being raised, which 
> happens to be IRQ7
> with intel's 8259 design.The problem could possibly also be caused by (or instead be 
> caused by) a device
> driver not properly masking its interrupts before servicing, this would be the 
> suspect if the IRQ7's were
> happening in bursts, or more often than 'several' per day. (Source and additional 
> information)
> Since the message itself is harmless, it's enough to adjust the default loglevel 
> outplut of klogd (the
> -c opion) in the syslogd bootscript. See man klogd for details. You can also try 
> recompiling the kernel
> and unset CONFIG_LOCAL_APIC.
> -Andy
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: dosemu: access denied

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
Dear Boudewijn,

It's been awhile since I used dosemu, but as I recall...

The "C: drive" is an image file that you specify, or you could specify a partition. 
You make this setting in file /etc/dosemu.conf, for example:

in file /etc/dosemu.conf: $_hdimage = "/dev/hda1"

In the above example, I've specified a partition. You could just specify a file. Make 
sure that file is writable - if it's read only, you'll have problems.

You should be able to start dosemu with the command: dos -k

And exit with the command "exitemu"

good luck,

On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 11:44:04 +0100
Boudewijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed dosemu into my Sarge system.
> Commands like dir work, but whenever I need disk access, for example
> C:\> md myprogs,I get:
> C:\> md: access denied
> I retried as root, + I tried commenting out  of /etc/dosemu/users
> "all nosuidroot c_all# disallow suid access by default"
> And "all suidroot".
> I do not understand where the C: drive is located, but root should 
> surely have access.
> Shellscript /usr/bin/dosemu + executable /usr/bin/dosemu.bin are 
> root:root and -rwxr-xr-x.
> md is probably part of /usr/lib/freedos/command
> which is a "link to unknown" (?) root:root and lrw-r--r--
> and al commands in freedos/bin are root:root and -rw-r--r-
> some of these, say touch, should also access the drive.
> Should here be some x'es?
> Found a log in /tmp:
> Running unpriviledged in low feature mode
> kernel CPU speed is 2399000798 Hz
> Running on CPU=586, FPU=1
> using stderr for debug-output
> debug flags: -a
> debug flags: -dARWDCvXkiTsm#pQgcwhIExMnPrSgZ
> ERROR: X: Unable to open font "vga"ERROR: X: Unable to open font 
> "vga"ERROR: , trying "vga"...
> ERROR: , trying "vga"...
> ERROR: X: Unable to open font "vga"ERROR: X: Unable to open font 
> "vga"ERROR: , trying "9x15"...
> ERROR: , trying "9x15"...
> These fonts seem not the problem.
> Ideas anybody? Boudewijn
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: My Debian box can't connect Internet

2003-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:02:16 +0800
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Stephen,

I told pppoeconf that I didn't want to start the network at boot. To start it anytime: 
Open an xterm, su to root. Then try this:

  pon dsl-provider

You can use the "plog" command to see what effect this had, or "ifconfig ppp0"

Similarly to kill the connection:

  poff dsl-provider

That's what works for me. The next thing (actually, a question I want to ask on this 
list) is how to do this without becoming root.


> Hi Robert,
> Thanks for your advice.
> The Debian box is connected to broadband via a ADSL modem with dynamic
> IP.  I ran  'pppoeconfig' to setup the connection.  Up to this point it
> seemed without problem, ISP connected and confirmed with 'ifconfig'. 
> But connection to Internet was blocked.  I searched around to find out
> whether the gateway in the network card has entry which will mislead
> looking to the gateway and could not find it.  '/etc/init.d/iptables
> stop' reconfirmed firewall having not started (I have not configured
> firewall yet).
> I could not discover the cause of blocking connection to Internet.
> B.R.
> Stephne

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Re: Grub problems

2003-12-14 Thread Robert Storey
If I understand correctly, you've created a grub floppy? If not, you can
download a floppy image file
( and use the dd command to
create the floppy. With the floppy, you should be able to boot. You'll
have to manually type the commands (unless you can use Knoppix to grab a
copy of your /boot/grub/menu.lst and put it on the floppy). Anyway, boot
with the grub floppy, and trying typing something like this:

grub> root (hd0,5)
grub> kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 ro
grub> boot

Hopefully that will bring up Debian. You then should be able to run
grub-install if you have it on the hard disk. You can copy your
/boot/grub/menu.lst to the floppy, and install grub to the hard drive
like this...

reboot with the GRUB floppy. If GRUB starts in menu mode, press c to go
to command-line mode. Enter the following commands at the grub prompt: 

grub> root (hd0,5)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub> quit

That should do it.


On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 21:58:25 -0600
"Damon L. Chesser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I blew up my grub with the debian installer, and it (the installer)
> does not rigth lilo to hda.  How do I repair my grub?  I know the
> drive lay-outs, I can load knoppix chroot and do a grub-floppy.  But
> with the floppy then what do I tell grub?  the home of the grub config
> file is hda6 (or hd0,5) /boot/grub.  I can not chroot and run
> grub-install.  The dev are all null!
> Anybody know how to make the installer write lilo to a floppy?
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: My Debian box can't connect Internet

2003-12-15 Thread Robert Storey
Dear Stephen,

It's very odd that you can't change this file as root. The only thing I
know of that would cause this is if the immutable flag is set. The way
to find out is with the lsattr command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc> lsattr resolv.conf
s---c resolv.conf

As you don't see an "i" that means the immutable flag is not set, so no

Changing the immutable flag is done with the chattr command.

I have heard it said that crackers do mess with the immutable flag, but
it seems odd that your box would be cracked if you can't even get

By the way, my /etc/resolv.conf has nothing in it, but it works. When I
connect with the command "pon dsl-provider" a temporary address is
provided. I can see that address with the plog command. The only
annoyance I've had with pppoe is that I have to be root to issue the
pon/poff dsl-provider commands - there must be a way around that, but I
haven't found it yet. You could try running pppoeconf again and set your
system so it does NOT connect to the Internet on bootup, and use the
pon/poff dsl-provider command (it would be easier than reinstalling).

Good luck,

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:24:19 +0800
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for your advice.
> On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 04:13, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 11:54:22PM +0800, Stephen Liu wrote:
> > > # cat /etc/resolv.conf 
> > > search\000 
> > > nameserver 
> > 
> > Ah ha!  You might try adding a nameserver on the outside or make
> > sure that nameserver is able to get a connection to the outside
> > world.
> That is the original 'resolv.conf' file.  I have not touched it and
> also I was not allowed to alter this file even as ROOT.  This was very
> strange to me.  The said file can be opened with a Text editor, 'nano'
> or 'kedit', and editing also allowed.  'Saving changes' to the file
> was not allowed.  You can save the file but it only retains its
> original content.
> If no solution found then I think I have to make another clean
> installation of Debian 3.0 again.  I will use net-installation.  I am
> connecting to broadband of 3MB bandwidth.  If it is not installing
> from source code, like Gentoo 1.4, the download time won't be long and
> I can have the maybe uptodate packages.
> B.R.
> Stephen
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: clock oddity

2004-11-22 Thread Robert Storey
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 09:20:35 +
Anthony Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 22 Nov 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I've been reading man pages of hwclock, xclock, adjtime, and so on,
> > but cannot see how to adjust the time shown on teh icewm clock,
> > which is steadfastly 56 minutes ahead of the hwclock (which is set
> > reasonably correct).  Which utility controls this?

These four steps should do everything:

  1) tzconfig or tzsetup (set time zone)
  2) date MMDDHHmmCCYY (change the date & time)
  3) hwclock --localtime (set hardware clock to localtime)
  4) hwclock --systohc (set system time to hardware clock)

Of course, restart icewm after you've done all that.


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Re: Cannot connect to network now...

2004-11-22 Thread Robert Storey
Just out of curiosity, have you tried booting a Knoppix (or Kanotix, my
preferred) CD? I know the purists might not be amused, but that's a
pretty good way to find out if your hardware is Debian compatible
without having to go through configuration hassles. Not to mention that
I see nothing wrong with running Knoppix or Kanotix, and then just
apt-get yourself a full-fledged desktop system.


On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:51:33 -
"Brian Coiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, Ron, I have now got it working with the VESA driver, but not,
> unfortunately, with my USB mouse.  Trawling the archives reveals
> countless suggestions for getting a USB mouse working, all of them
> different, and none of them successful (at least, of the ones I've
> understood well enough to try).

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Re: how does mutt send?

2004-11-23 Thread Robert Storey
You can make Mutt work directly with SMTP, no need for Exim, by
installing "msmtp":

apt-cache show msmtp...
Description: light SMTP client with support for server profiles
 msmtp is an SMTP client that can be used to send mails from Mutt and
 other MUAs (mail user agents). It forwards mails to an SMTP server (for
 example at a free mail provider), which takes care of the final
 Using profiles, it can be easily configured to use different SMTP
 with different configurations, which makes it ideal for mobile clients.

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 22:02:22 +0100
"Jan C. Nordholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 08:31:17PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > When I compose a message in mutt and hit Y, it says "Sending
> > message..." and waits, apparently not sending anything until I hit
> > Q.  SO what does mutt do at this point?  I must have to configure
> > something, but I'm unclear what.
> Hi Richard,
> Mutt has no built-in SMTP support (and probably never will), so it
> sends mail by calling the locally installed MTA (exim4 in your case)
> and asks it to deliver the mail.

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Re: Can't SSH in to my machine from off site

2004-11-24 Thread Robert Storey
Is a firewall employed on either end of the system? Is the firewall
allowing port 22 connections?


On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 09:56:10 -0800
Chuk Goodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > >
> > >=248641
> > >
> > >
> > >>Does anyone have any suggestions about things I
> > >>might have overlooked?
> > >>Attempts to connect just timeout with no response.
> > >#nmap [external_ip]
> 22/tcp  open ssh
> > >you can see if sshd is listen on that interface!!
> > >
> > >
> > Or just do netstat -a | less
> > 
> > Look to see if you've got a line saying *:ssh  *:*  LISTEN
> *:ssh*:*  LISTEN
> is what netstat gives me.

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Re: suplusing a disk, how to 'clean' up? Overwriting data?

2004-11-24 Thread Robert Storey
Use DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke), available here:

Superb piece of software!


On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:02:57 -0500 (EST)
Walter Tautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please cc me on responses as I'm not on the list.
> Just wondering how one can accomplish cleaning
> up the disk? I.e. I want to overwrite
> the existing disk so that no information can
> be recovered. I've heard that dd has it's uses?
> Simply recreating file systems is not likely
> to be sufficient.
> walter> 

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Re: suplusing a disk, how to 'clean' up? Overwriting data?

2004-11-25 Thread Robert Storey
I've heard from a security expert that one pass of /dev/random won't be
enough. Seven passes is said to be sufficient that even the most
sophisticated equipment won't be able to recover the data.

Darik's Boot and Nuke runs three passes over the entire hard disk, so
running it three times would be more than enough. Even one run would be
nearly 99% effective, but do it three time if you're ultra paranoid.


On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:04:43 -0700
Paul E Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't use /dev/random . 
> The entropy pool in the kernel contains only 4096 bits,
> when these are used up, /dev/random blocks. wipe is
> a much better way to go, AND much faster than a blocked
> file transfer.
> The design premiss of wipe is that a thoughtfully designed
> data sequence will remove the remanent magnetization in 
> the skirts of the tracks. Using one pass of /dev/random
> leaves intelligible stuff in the skirts.

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Re: display problem

2004-12-03 Thread Robert Storey
Most likely you've messed up your XF86Config-4 file. As root, try
running "xf86cfg" and see if you can reconfigure it.


> Dudley Cooke wrote:
> > Since doing
> > apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
> > 
> > this morning my display has been ugly with horizontal streaks in X
> > and console (curses programmes where there are blocks of colour). 
> > I'd like to fix the problem or file a bug report, but don't really
> > know how to identify the cause of the problem.  Can someone point me
> > in the right direction please?
> > 

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Re: I Need Tips for Building Dual Opteron System

2004-12-04 Thread Robert Storey
Dear John,

I don't have any experience personally, but a close friend just bought
an AMD64 box. He says that at the moment, biggest problem is that most
binaries are compiled for i386, though 64-bit stuff is slowly coming.
Debian's work-around is to install these applications into a chrooted
environment with i386 libraries.

Gentoo is said to be the most advanced in 64-bit Linux at the moment,
mainly because of its source-based nature.

Of course, you can run everything for i386, you just don't get the full
advantage of the 64-bit chip. Anyway, all these hassles will go away
after time, and is to be expected when you're on the cutting edge of


On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 08:01:13 -0600
John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently doing research for building a new Dual Opteron system.
> Anyone on the list with positive/negative experience in using Linux
> (esp. Debian based) on this type of machine please reply. I am
> concerned about matching up hardware that all works. I plan to use
> this as a server/workstation for personal use and will be doing some
> design/CAD/CAM so huge amounts of memory are needed. I would
> appreciate a list of hardware configurations that you currently have
> working and any suggestions for specefic Debian dist. (yes, even
> commercial) are appreciated. Consider the term "Dream Machine" but
> temper it with real "currently working" technology-- 
> John Foster

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Re: switching X resolution modes?

2004-12-13 Thread Robert Storey
Dear Michal,

I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but here's my idea. If
you are starting X with the "startx" command, there is a switch
available for color depth:

   startx -- -depth 16

So in file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, you could define different resolutions
for different color depths. For example, depth 16 could be:

   Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"

and depth 15 could be:

   Modes "800x600" "640x480"

You could then write a one-line script

   alias startx='startx -- -depth15'

If your goal is for different users to have different resolutions, then
there is no need for a script. In each user's home directory, place a
file .xinitric with the above alias definitions. Of course, this only
works if you are booting up in text mode and starting X with startx. I
don't know if you can force this booting up in graphics mode. Perhaps by
modifying .xsession, but I don't know.


On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:54:19 +0100
"Michal R. Hoffmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is any application/script which can change modes in X? For example, I
> have defined in XF86Config-4:
> Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
> I know I can switch between them using Ctrl-Alt-GrPlus/GrMinus. I need
> to switch them with a script. Is it possible?
> Regards,
> Michal

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Re: localhost vanished

2005-04-30 Thread Robert Storey
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 19:07:39 +0530
Joydeep Bakshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 28 Apr 2005 6:43 pm, Kent West wrote:
> > Jpydeep Bakshi wrote:
> > >I have just checked  *ping* and have found  *network
> > > unreachable*
> >
> > What does "/etc/network/interfaces" look like?
> >
> > enjae[westk]:/home/westk> cat /etc/network/interfaces
> > # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8),
> > # ifdown(8)
> >
> > # The loopback interface
> > # automatically added when upgrading
> > auto lo
> > iface lo inet loopback
> I have the above lines in my /etc/network/interfaces
> >
> > # The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian
> > installation/etc/network/interfaces
> > # (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
> > # automatically added when upgrading
> > auto eth0
> > #iface eth0 inet static
> > #   address
> > #   netmask
> > #   network
> > #   broadcast
> > #   gateway
> >
> > iface eth0 inet dhcp

Are you getting any output when you run "ifconfig"? If nothing, probably
your Ethernet card is not being detected. A module for your card should
be found in /etc/modules. If it's not and you don't know the name of the
module, try this:

   dpkg-reconfigure etherconf

That assumes you have etherconf installed (very likely). If not, then:

   apt-get install etherconf

Also check to make sure /etc/init.d/networking is installed with correct
permissions (it starts networking, and should be there unless it somehow
got accidentally deleted):

   ls -l /etc/init.d/networking
   -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 2633 Jan 27 08:16 /etc/init.d/networking


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Re: AMD cooling utility in debian

2005-05-02 Thread Robert Storey
On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 23:33:02 +0530
Joydeep Bakshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have AMD Sempron 2200 processor on ASRock motherboard. my linux box
> is  debian-sarge. I have found some utilities to cool down the
> processor  temperature. some utilities warn having a performance loss
> like *noisy sound*,  *poor hard-disk response*, etc. etc.  may happen
> during its operation.
> could any user having such processor and colling utility please tell
> me the  *best* utility which I can use in my system ?

There is a Linux utility called Powernowd which I'm using on my
notebook. It slows down processor speed to 20% of normal when there is
little load, but automatically takes it up to 100% when demand requires.
I find it very useful, and have not noticed any appreciable slowness in
performance. As for how useful this is, I find that my cpu temperature
is 60 degrees Celsius without Powernowd, and 45 degrees Celsius with it.
So this is a major improvement.

>From apt-cache show powernowd:

Description: control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface
 This simple client controls CPU speed and voltage using the sysfs
 to the CPUFreq driver in v2.6 Linux kernels.  It does not depend on APM
 ACPI, and it doesn't try to do anything other than control the CPU.
 The name is somewhat misleading, as any CPUfreq capable processor will
 not just those from AMD.  However, it works better on CPUs that support
 than two speed steps, like those with AMD's PowerNow! or Intel's
Pentium M
 This daemon is less complicated than cpufreqd or cpudyn, at the cost of
 absolutely depending on a 2.6 kernel with the userspace governor and
 support enabled.

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Re: how to fix grub loader

2005-05-11 Thread Robert Storey
On Tue, 10 May 2005 11:05:54 -0700 (PDT)
Charles Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just use knoppix to do a HardDrive install, which
> uses lili, over a fedora install which uses grub. 
> Now, when I boot up, it hangs and I only see the word
> GRUB.  How do I fix this?

What's happened is that LILO should have overwritten GRUB in the MBR,
but for some reason did not. So Grub is still there, but can no longer
find the configuration files (which were on the Fedora partition that
you overwrote with Knoppix).

I'm going to guess that you mistakenly put LILO in the root partition
rather than in the MBR. If that's the case, you need to run LILO again.
You should be able to fix it like this:

1) Boot your Knoppix CD again.
2) Is your hard disk automatically mounted? (look in /mnt/ to see). If
not, then:
mkdir /temp
mount /dev/hda1 /temp  (this assumes that /dev/hda1 is where you
have installed Knoppix)
3) chroot /temp
4) lilo -v

If LILO installs OK (doesn't give you a bunch of error messages), then
reboot and remove Knoppix CD, and LILO should now work.


;mount /dev/hda1 /tmp/boot .
#chroot /temp lilo -v

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Re: Debian Installation

2005-05-11 Thread Robert Storey
Despite what some people have told you, it wasn't necessarily a waste of
time to download all 14 CDs. But true, most people will just need the
first CD and then do all the apt-get magic online.

If you want to use the CDs as your apt repository, then change name of
file /etc/apt/sources.list (maybe to /etc/apt/sources.list.original).
Then (as root) do this:

   apt-cdrom -d /cdrom add

You will be prompted to insert a CD. Insert the last one first (that is,
CD No. 14), hit , then you'll be prompted for the next CD. Repeat
until you've got to CD No. 1.

Now you will have a new /etc/apt/sources.list file. Next time you do
"apt-get install anything", the CDs will be your apt repository. You
could restore things to their original condition by returning
/etc/apt/sources.list.original to it's original name.


On Mon, 9 May 2005 11:10:32 -0700
"Yelamanchi, Yamuna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I downloaded the FULL CD set of 14 CDs from the Debian website for
> i386 processor.
> I installed the OS successfully using CD 1 (out of 14).
> During installation, it did not ask me to load the additional 13
> CDs... 
> I read the instructions on CD 2 on how to install it but they are not
> clear. 
> I am totally clueless about what to do with the remaining 13 CDs, why
> I need them, how to install them etc.
> Can you please help! I am trying to evaluate Debian to recommend it to
> my customers.
> Thanks,
> Yamuna

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Re: Internet (Once and for all)

2005-05-12 Thread Robert Storey
Sorry, I missed the beginning of this thread. But I know how to set up
pppoe. Assuming that your Ethernet card is already being detected (as
indicated by ifconfig), do this:

1) As root, run "pppoeconf"
2) When asked for your username, you probably need to put the whole
thing, like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (rather than just "myname")
3) And, of course, supply the password when asked for it.
4) You'll be asked if you want to start up pppoe on boot-up - I prefer
not to. You can start pppoe anytime with the command:

   pon dsl-provider

and stop it with the command:

   poff dsl-provider

A few notes: "dsl-provider" is literally just that. Don't substitute the
name of your ISP, type it exactly as I did above. Also, you probably
don't want to be root to use the pon and poff commands - in that case,
add yourself to "dip" group and relogin (dip - dial-up ip I think). Make
sure /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider is readable by group dip by doing:

  chmod 640 /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider 

Check the results:

  ls -l /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider 
  -rw-r-  1 root dip 250 Feb 26 10:57 /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider


On Thu, 12 May 2005 07:30:58 -0500
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David R. Litwin wrote:
> > Alright. I'd really like to get my Internet working so, please, help
> > me.
> I know nothing about pppoe, so don't rely too heavily on me.
> > I have given up on getting Debian to connect me to the internet; so,
> > I downloaded the software from Sympatico, my ISP (
> >
> >  > _id=99&content_id=1138>). It says to type in ifconfig eth0
> >  up -arp and says that will stop all IP activity.
> > Well, it may... but it is still broadcasting. How do I make it stop?
> What do you mean that "it is still broadcasting"? Do you have another
> computer on the LAN that sees it? Do you see it listed via "ifconfig"?
> What?
> I generally bring my network interface up or down with the networking
> rc script, like so:
> > enjae[westk]:/home/westk> /etc/init.d/networking stop
> or
> > enjae[westk]:/home/westk> /etc/init.d/networking start
> Perhaps this is relevant to you.
> > When I use the script /usr/local/bin/start-pppoe (one of the scripts
> > that is part of the software), it says no sir; eth0 still
> > broadcasting. I've tried to get rid of all of the changes that I
> > made (using pppoeconf as well as opening up scripts and putting in
> > things I thought appropriate) and it still won't work. There is also
> > a mysterious inet6 under both the lo (local loopback) and the eth0.
> > How do I get rid of this?
> inet6 is the next generation of TCP/IP addressing, to compensate for
> the low numbers of IP addresses available with the current version 4
> of the TCP/IP addressing scheme. 6 is used in a few places, but 4 is
> still the "standard". Sometimes computers will be configured to handle
> both, which seems to be the situation in your case.
> You should be able to prevent activation of your NICs by commenting
> out any lines referring to them in "/etc/network/interfaces" (but do
> this after running "/etc/init.d/networking stop"). However, as I say,
> I know nothing about pppoe, so my information my be wrong/incomplete.
> -- 
> Kent
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Internet (Once and for all)

2005-05-12 Thread Robert Storey
On Thu, 12 May 2005 22:30:44 -0400
"David R. Litwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is my problem. When I do this (I've done it countless times), the
> ppp0  does not show up in ifconfig. That is the problem. How do I
> solve it?

If you're not getting a ppp0 interface, that simply means you aren't
connecting to your ISP. The cause could be anything from
misconfiguration to wrong username or password, or even that the
Ethernet cable is disconnected. So let's diagnose this.

I'll assume that your Ethernet cable is connected and DSL modem is
turned on (otherwise, pppoeconf would error out and exit). The problem
could possibly be your /etc/network/interfaces file - feel free to copy

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

   # The loopback interface
   # automatically added when upgrading
   auto lo eth0
   iface lo inet loopback

   iface eth0 inet static

If you make any changes to /etc/network/interfaces, reboot (actually you
just need to restart the network, but rebooting is probably easier). Try
running "pon dsl-provider" - if it doesn't work, try running it as root
(to eliminate any possibility of a permissions error). If it's working
properly, this is the output you should see:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> pon dsl-provider
Plugin loaded.
RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.3 compiled against pppd 2.4.2

If it still doesn't work, please post the output of "ifconfig" and I'll
get back to you.

By the way, when you ran "pppoeconf", did it give you any error
messages, or did it accept your username/password and exit without

best regards,

> On 12/05/05, Robert Storey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry, I missed the beginning of this thread. But I know how to set
> > up pppoe. Assuming that your Ethernet card is already being detected
> > (as indicated by ifconfig), do this:
> > 
> > 1) As root, run "pppoeconf"
> > 2) When asked for your username, you probably need to put the whole
> > thing, like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (rather than just "myname")
> > 3) And, of course, supply the password when asked for it.
> > 4) You'll be asked if you want to start up pppoe on boot-up - I
> > prefer not to. You can start pppoe anytime with the command:
> > 
> > pon dsl-provider
> > 
> > and stop it with the command:
> > 
> > poff dsl-provider
> > 
> > A few notes: "dsl-provider" is literally just that. Don't substitute
> > the name of your ISP, type it exactly as I did above. Also, you
> > probably don't want to be root to use the pon and poff commands - in
> > that case, add yourself to "dip" group and relogin (dip - dial-up ip
> > I think). Make sure /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider is readable by group
> > dip by doing:
> > 
> > chmod 640 /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
> > 
> > Check the results:
> > 
> > ls -l /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
> > -rw-r- 1 root dip 250 Feb 26 10:57 /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
> > 
> > cheers,
> > Robert
> >

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Re: cdrecord invocation under kernel-2.6.11

2005-05-15 Thread Robert Storey
What kernel are you using? I think this will work only with 2.6 kernels
(because those don't need scsi emulation).

One test - what happens when you type "eject /dev/hdc" - Does the CDR
tray open.


On Sun, 15 May 2005 00:11:58 -0400 (EDT)
Ishwar Rattan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a linux box with an IDE cd-rw on secondary master
> (/dev/hdc), some how cdrecord balks at this device:
> # cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=/dev/hdc cdimage
> it does not like dev=/dev/hdc, so what is the correct
> device here?
> -ishwar
> -- 
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Re: webmin on debian testing.

2005-05-29 Thread Robert Storey
Are you using Konqueror to log into Webmin? If so, don't. Use Firefox. I had 
the exact same issue. Konqueror would not let me log in as anybody but root, 
but Firefox was OK. I probably should report this as a bug.


On Monday 30 May 2005 08:47, John Fleming wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steven Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "debian-user list" 
> Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:27 PM
> Subject: webmin on debian testing.
> Hi,
> I have an issue with webmin, I can login as root to with
> the unix root password, but I cannot login to its external IP,
> I have set allow= in miniserv.conf
> But still no joy.
> I tried to enable ssl and generate new joy but still
> works (mozilla on gives me warnings about new keys but
> connects OK)
> What happens when you try to login?
> The default webmin install in Sarge/testing has https enabled by default.
> When I first set mine up, I ssh'd in from home, then ran Lynx to get to the
> allow IP page and set my external IP that way.  Roundabout, newbie
> approach, but it does work.  Not sure what your exact problem is.
> Oh yeah - firewall OK?
> GL  - John
> What do I have to do to get webmin working on the external Debian box
> that differs to every other Unix/Linux?
> Regards
> Thing

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Fetchmail skips some messages

2005-06-01 Thread Robert Storey
I set up Fetchmail quite awhile ago, and it has worked well. But yesterday, I 
went to check my messages and about a dozen were skipped. Repeated attempts 
to fetch these messages failed, even though at least a hundred other messages 
came through fine. I finally got the "secret messages" by using plain old 
smtp, but Fetchmail couldn't help at all.

Anybody have ideas on how this could happen?


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