On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 09:36:39 -0500
Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> remove.  In the windows partition of this machine, I have a linux
> directory where suse created a suse directory and a setup directory
> therein (windows/linux/suse/setup  -  when viewed from the now
> installed debian partition). Inside of the setup directory is an
> entity called '/linux' that I have tried to delete with rm and rmdir
> and get an error message:
> How does one deal with entities like this?

You didn't say if your Windows partition was NTFS or FAT32. If I'm not
mistaken, there has been much said about how NTFS is a Microsoft secret
proprietary file system, and Linux support for it is still not 100%. For
this reason, lot of distros only mount NTFS partitions as read-only. I
don't know if this is your problem, but it's the first thing I'd look
into if I were you.

If it is an NTFS partition, you'd probably be safer dealing with it
under Windows than from Linux.


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