On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:35:56 -0500
Keith Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By the way, is there some reason Debian can't adopt the Libranet 
> installer and tweak it for the Debain defaults intead of the Libranet 
> defaults?  The installer is very nice.

Libranet is a commercial distro (and a very good one too - it's what I
use). Anyway, the installer and configuration utilities are the property
of the owners, so Debian can't simply adopt it without permission. The
free version 2.0 that you downloaded is free because the Libranet owners
have generously chosen to make it so (presumably, to encourage you to
eventually purchase the newer version 2.7, or the upcoming 2.8).
However, just because 2.0 is available free doesn't mean that it was
released under the GPL, as Debian is. Also, I would presume that
Libranet hasn't released the source code for their installer, since they
are not required to (under the GPL, you are obliged to release the
source code).

You can, of course, continue to upgrade your Libranet installation with
apt-get. I'm not real sure what happens when you mix and match programs
from gcc 2.95 with binaries that were compiled under gcc 3.2. Maybe
someone else more technically astute can answer that.

I understand that Debian will be adopting a new graphical installer in
the future, but I don't know the details.

 - Robert


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