Re: Encrypted Filesystems

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 02:05:41PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
> Quoth Rog?rio Brito, 
> > I'm also interested in encrypted filesystems and I think that
> > the only way to go (reasonable one, that is) is to use the
> > international kernel patch available at
> >
> I remember seeing a project recently which was a kernel module which
> allowed you to have encrypted loopback devices with patching the kernel
> of using the international kernel patch.

Not sure if this is it, but I've been playing around just with the 
international patch using a loopback device (in the standard kernel).
(I compiled them all as modules, but I think you meant some other 
non-standard kernel patch / module.) Anyway, there's a howto on, Loopback-Encrypted-Filesystem-HOWTO.

Mike McGuire

Re: Firewall program for Debian?

2001-08-22 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 05:11:32PM -0400, dman wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 01:48:11PM -0700, Brandon High wrote:
> | On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:58:57PM -0400, Han Yoo wrote:
> | >
> | > Basically, I have the 2.2.19 kernel.
> | > Is any of the programs that you mentined easy enough to be utilized by a
> | > Debian novice without going into the heavy-duty configuration?
> | 
> | 2.2.x uses IP-chains for its packet filter. This will allow you to block
> | certain ports and provide IP masquerade functions, but won't give you the
> | alerting provided by ZoneAlarm. You'll need to install an IDS (intrusion
> | detection system) as well.
> ipchains and iptables have a logging facility so you can log packets
> if you want to.  It is still up to you to actually read the logs
> though.
> | I can't recommend one offhand, but you may want to ask on debian-security.
> tripwire is one I've heard mentioned here before.
Tripwire is not a firewall..rather it warns you about unexpected
file permission changes etc. 

Tripwire is a file integrity checker - a utility that com-
   pares a designated set of files  and  directories  against
   information  stored  in  a  previously generated database.
   Added or deleted files are flagged and  reported,  as  are
   any files that have changed from their previously recorded
   state in the database.  When run against system files on a
   regular  basis,  any  file  changes  would be spotted when
   Tripwire is next run, giving system administrators  infor-
   mation to enact damage control measures immediately.
"End Quote"

> -D
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-22 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 08:32:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In linux.debian.user, you wrote:
> > hello:
> > 
> > i have managed to insert a bullet in my poda courtesy of tar and my 
> > ineptness!  that is, i did:
> > 
> > tar -cvIf --remove-files /tmp/ /opt/tmp
> > 
> > silly me filled up my current directory with a file called 
> > "--remove-files". 
> > my question is: how the heck to i get rid of this beast
> > 
> > i've tried
> > rm -f "--remove-files"
> > rm -f '--remove-files'
> > rm -f "\\-\\-remove\\-files"
> > rm -f "\-\-remove\-files"
> > rm -f '\\-\\-remove\\-files'
> > rm -f '\-\-remove\-files'
> > 
> > all with the same lack of success!
> > 
> > any assist in this would be most appreciated.
> > 
> > -- 
> > regards,
> > allen wayne best
> Another way to remove it would be to go to the directory and run 'mc'
> (midnight commander)  Highlight the offending file and do F8.
> Anita
This is amazing :)
Someone ought to write a HOWTO on this.
"How to remove files with problematic filenames" 

The "--" feature is obviously the *right* way, but the least
There are other little challenges for the reader.
Create a file whose name is "backspace" or has a clear screen
sequence as it's name and try to delete it, using "rm -i" is cheating.
Remember the only disallowed characters in a filename are NULL
and "/"
Keep on rocking

> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fixing demand-dialing ppp

2001-08-22 Thread Forrest Cahoon
I have the same problem that is described in bug #103843: my woody box
can't do demand-dialing ppp.

While the bug is still open, the maintainer 
(Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) posted this response:

> The reason is the kernel-mode-pppoe patch, having removed it
> the pppd seems to start fine.

I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.  I got pristine 2.2.19
sources from and built a kernel with make-kpkg, but
I still have the problem.  I've tried both building ppp into the
kernel and building it as a module, but both fail.

A couple of points that might be relevant:

1) My woody box that is having this problem is running ip masquerade.

2) I've been building these kernels on a sid box with make-kpkg, then
   installing them on my woody box.

Anyone have any suggestions?

| Forrest Cahoon  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |--|
| 850 21st Ave SE |--| Only unbalanced people   |
| Mpls MN  55414-2514 |  |can tip the scales... |

OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Rick Macdonald

We have a Linux cluster of 1000 nodes. I wasn't involved in setting it up.
They use RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.19. Dual AMD 1.2GHz, 2GB memory, 2GB swap,
GB ethernet.

Several nodes hang and/or get kernel errors every day. The first causes
that come to mind are bad RAM and running out of virtual memory. I've
pasted some logs below. 

The slaves mostly run FORTRAN code compiled with Lahey F95 v6.0 and g77

What else could cause these errors? Are there special kernel config issues
for AMD chips? 

I've run Linux for 9 years, always used Intel CPUs, used Debian since
before the first official release ("buzz"), but never heard of so many

ch_binary_handler+67/168] [do_execve+417/516] [sys_execve+75/124]
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Code: f6 46 24 01 74 52 8b 4c 24 68 39
4e 14 75 49 8b 4c 24 64 31  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs inetd[458]: pid 11124: exit signal 11
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
at virtual address 00ff0024 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 1463e000, %cr3 =
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: *pde =  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Oops:  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: CPU:0 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: EIP:
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: eax: 94629b04   ebx: be6b35a0   ecx:
94629a94   edx: 947f6920 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: esi: 00ff   edi: 942157c0   ebp:
94629b04   esp: 93a9bc28 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Process in.ftpd (pid: 11125, process
nr: 30, stackpage=93a9b000) 
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Stack: 942157c0 bcc13f60 94629b04
94629a94 8012699a 94785f00 93a9a000 94785f00  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel:fff7 0202 93f45aa0
00013000 93f45a40 2aabf000 93f45adc 80135619  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel:80135626 93f45a40 08085fc0
0806b800  bcc13f60 80126991 be6b35a0  
Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Call Trace: [filp_close+82/92]
[load_elf_interp+677/708] [load_elf_interp+690/708] [filp

Aug 21 04:02:00 hou000721cs anacron[5515]: Updated timestamp for job
`cron.daily' to 2001-08-21
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
at virtual address 11008010 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 145aa000, %cr3 =
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: *pde =  
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Oops:  
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: CPU:0 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: EIP:0010:[d_lookup+100/224] 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010217 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: eax: beee9a88   ebx: 11007ff8   ecx:
0022   edx: bee0 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: esi: 322f6ef6   edi: ac72f00a   ebp:
11008010   esp: 8542bf3c 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Process slocate (pid: 5612, process
nr: 18, stackpage=8542b000) 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Stack: ac72f00a  beee9a88
ac72f000 322f6ef6 000a 8012df0c aa7363e0  
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel:8542bf84 8542bf84 8012e187
aa7363e0 8542bf84  ac72f000 ac72f000  
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel:8542a000 7c38 ac72f000
000a 322f6ef6 8012e284 ac72f000 aa7363e0  
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Call Trace: [cached_lookup+16/84]
[lookup_dentry+275/488] [__namei+40/88] [sys_newlstat+42/140] 
Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Code: 8b 6d 00 8b 74 24 18 39 73 48 75
5c 8b 74 24 24 39 73 0c 75  

Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
at virtual address d2040200 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 11c09000, %cr3 =
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: *pde =  
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Oops:  
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: CPU:0 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: EIP:0010:[flush_old_exec+196/552] 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: eax:    ebx: 9b04   ecx:
9b041e5c   edx: 11c09000 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: esi:    edi: 801e59c3   ebp:
9a5c4000   esp: 9b041ca0 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Process crond (pid: 15182, process nr:
24, stackpage=9b041000) 
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Stack: 801e59c3 befddf80 
9b04 80135d52 9b041e5c 8021e718 fff
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel:9b04  
 00030003 0001 1990 003
Aug 19 12:10:00 hou00

Re: glibc version

2001-08-22 Thread John L. Fjellstad
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 05:56:58PM -0700, Jason Majors wrote:
> but anyway...your answers:
> glibc == libc6
> Woody meets that requirement.
> You might need libc6-dev too for headers and such.

Are there different versions of libc available? What if you are using
Woody (glibc 2.2), and need support for glibc2.1?
I know you can do both libc5 and libc6 (glibc2.x), but can you do
different versions of glibc? My understanding is that
glibc2.1 and glibc2.2 broke binary compatibility.

Looked for it earlier (to unstaill SimCity3000), and couldn't find

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648

#  I'm subscribed to this list, no need to cc:  ##

a woodied gnumeric

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Wohler
  Any word on when woody will have an installable gnumeric?

Bill Wohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
Maintainer of FAQ and mh-e. Vote Libertarian!
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

Re: debian linux and SMP

2001-08-22 Thread John L. Fjellstad
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:59:11PM -0500, nick lidakis wrote:
> I have heard of numerous quirks with certain video cards. I wanted to run a 
> tyan
> 230 with a radeon 32Mb video adapter. Do you have any problems
> as far as the machine locking up or behaving in a strange manner? There aren't
> that many reviews of this board online. A google search turns up little.
> Would your recommend this board for running Debian? Any special 
> considerations?
> I plan on swaping this boards into a Antec SX830 (300W PS), Radeon 32 Mb AGP
> DDR, 512Mb Micron Ram, 3com NIC and ensoniq ES 1371 sound card.

Well, I have a Tyan Tiger 100 (not exactly what you have) with a
Diamond Viper 770 (NVidia TNT2?), and haven't had any problem so far (had
it for 2+ years... ever since Intel 450 PIII was new).

I haven't heard anything special about Radeon (which chipset, do you know?).
Micron Ram should be fine, 3COM Nic should be fine (although not the
cheapest.  I've tried with the Realtek too,and several brands of nics.
All works).
Used to have Ensoniq sound card (Soundblaster 128?), and those works fine.

Seems your system should work fine with Linux.

These days, if you buy from namebrands, it pretty much works with Linux.
Only pieces of hardware I have had problems with are with new techs, like
USB etc.  The only thing is, you might have to go to 2.4.x to make some
of the newer hardware work (some of the later nics etc. ).

Let me know if you have any more questions.

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648
Yahoo Messenger: jfjellstad

Re: kdev 2.2 debs for testing distributions....

2001-08-22 Thread John Foster
Nicolas Salvagno wrote:
> hi ,
> i'd like to install kde 2.2 on my workstation, but i don't want to be in sid 
> version??
> so.
> Where can i find theses deb for testing version??

The ones in sid work fine in testing.
At least for me so far:-)

Re: VMware and Debian

2001-08-22 Thread Dan Pomohaci
Thanks for answers but they don't solve my problem (but they are very good
hints for later operations).
I downloaded the VMware-2.0.4-1142.tar.gz from their site. I read the
INSTALL file where it is written:

  To install/upgrade VMware for Linux, run the program "".

But I didn't find any file an uninstall file).
Where did you find it?


Re: forgot root password on head- and keyboardless machine *blush*

2001-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Stig Brautaset wrote:

> * dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> > On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 06:02:07PM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
> > | I have a head- and keyboardless machine running debian potato that I
> > | used to log into with ssh. Now I have forgotten the password. *blush*
> > 
> > The easiest way is to borrow a head and keyboard from somewhere and
> > boot into "single" user mode.  Hmm, now if you had a way to reboot ...
> I know that this is a solution but I don't have a keyboard. I have a
> screen I could use, but I really don't want to buy a new keyboard just
> to do this... (my friends all have ps/2 keyboards, whilst my machine
> uses the old din-style).
But it is surely preferable that you have a keyboard attached. When
situations like this happens, you need to safely reboot the computer, NOT
just hit reset.


Debian install - How to create a 'floppy module' for Raid controller?

2001-08-22 Thread JP Rignault - Smerwick Ltd.

Hello everybody, 
I am trying to install Debian 2.2r3 on a new server with AMI 

Express 500 Raid controller. 
As the install program doesn't find any HDD, I am asked to 

"preload essential modules from a floppy", aka my Raid 

controller driver. I have ".c" and ".h" driver files for 
My question is : how to make such a "module floppy"? 

What should be found on such a floppy? 
Thank you for your help! 
    Jean-Pascal RIGNAULT
    Smerwick Ltd. Taiwan Branch.

Re: Apt - Segmentation faulty Tree

2001-08-22 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 22 2001, cdpye wrote:
> I have been using apt-get for some time without trouble, however now (after
> doing update) when I go to install update,etc. I get this error
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Segmentation faulty Tree... 50%
> Tried -f & it comes to same error.

I have also seen much more segmentation faults from apt-get
now than, say, six months ago. Strange.

Anyway, I think that the solution for this would be to
download a newer (or older) apt package from the Debian
repository and then use dpkg -i to install it. I think that
this would help, but I'm not sure.

Hope this helps, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 21 2001, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> Several nodes hang and/or get kernel errors every day. The first causes
> that come to mind are bad RAM and running out of virtual memory. I've
> pasted some logs below. 

I guess that the best solution would be for you to run these
Oops through ksymoops (apt-get install ksymoops) and send some
detailed reports of the situations with the decoded Oops
attached to the Linux Kernel mailing list.

They would have more potential to solve your problems.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Xwindows color depth

2001-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, David Frischknecht wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm having trouble trying to get XWindows to load up
> in  any color depth higher than 16bpp.  I have my
> Win98SE setup for 24bpp color, but XWindows doesn't
> want to load up in that color depth.  Can someone help
> me out?  Thanks.
Do you use the same resolution? What does the screen section say? It
should look like something:
Section "Screen"
Identifier  "Default Screen"
Device  "Diamond Fire GL1000 Pro"
Monitor "Relisys"
SubSection "Display"


Re: Debian install - How to create a 'floppy module' for Raid controller?

2001-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, JP Rignault - Smerwick Ltd. wrote:

> Hello everybody, 
> I am trying to install Debian 2.2r3 on a new server with AMI 
> Express 500 Raid controller. 
> As the install program doesn't find any HDD, I am asked to 
> "preload essential modules from a floppy", aka my Raid 
> controller driver. I have ".c" and ".h" driver files for Linux. 
> My question is : how to make such a "module floppy"? 
> What should be found on such a floppy? 
First you have to compile these modules using a 2.2.19 kernel. For this,
you need an installed Linux distro. Then format a floppy with ext2 fs,
copy the compiled module (.o) to it and start the installation.

Do not use the module floppy option, but switch to the second console and
activate it. Mount the floppy and do an ordinary 'insmod /floppy/raid.o'.
When loaded succesfully you can continue the installation on the first
console. After the drivers have been installed you can copye the module to
/target/lib/modules/2.2.19/scsi/ or something.

Note that if you install Linux on this raid, it should probably be
compiled in the kernel and not as module, but I am not sure.


Re: loading Galeon seems to have killed X

2001-08-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 06:54:39PM -0700, James A. Hilsenteger ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I received some help earlier but still struggling.  I downloaded and installed
> Galeon and even got Galeon running except fo the fact that my fonts within X
> were all screwed up.  I decided to reboot to see if that might clear up the
> issue.
> I rebooted, and on some advice, I ran
> /usr/sbin/locale-gen
> That did something..  but now I can't run X.I type 'startx' and get the reply
> 'command unknown'.
> I looked in usr/X11R6/bin and usr/bin/X11 and startx is not even shown.

Please stop posting HTML to this list.

Is the package xbase-clients installed?  startx is part of this package.

Check with:

dpkg -s xbase-clients

...if it *is* installed, you've managed to lose files, which is not a
good thing.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Can't get Quake-3dfx to run

2001-08-22 Thread Steven Farrier

I have been trying to run Quake-3dfx. But whenever I do I get this

Removing symlink ./idsw/pak0.pak
Removing symlink ./idsw/base
ln: `/home/tachys/.quake/./idsw/pak0.pak': File exists
ourbase /usr/share/games/quake/idsw
basename of ourbase idsw
QuakeForge (UQuake) v0.1.1
Added packfile ./base/pak0.pak (339 files)
FindFile: can't find gfx/pop.lmp
Console initialized.
UDP Initialized
Exe: 04:26:17 Feb 27 2000
16.0 megabyte heap
/dev/dsp: No such device
Could not open /dev/dsp
S_Startup: SNDDMA_Init failed.
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SST/usr/games/quake-3dfx: line 
59:   785 Segmentation fault  $0.real $@

I am running Xfree86 4.1.0 and have a Voodoo 3 3000 board

Re: glibc version

2001-08-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:01:12PM -0700, John L. Fjellstad wrote:
> Are there different versions of libc available? What if you are using
> Woody (glibc 2.2), and need support for glibc2.1?
> I know you can do both libc5 and libc6 (glibc2.x), but can you do
> different versions of glibc? My understanding is that
> glibc2.1 and glibc2.2 broke binary compatibility.

You're thinking of glibc2.0 to glibc2.1, and even then it only broke
some programs that used undocumented interfaces to the library. glibc2.1
to glibc2.2 is perfectly fine; there are lots of packages in Debian that
haven't needed new uploads since glibc2.2 arrived and that still work,
and I've just spent the last day and a half testing proprietary code at
work that was compiled for glibc2.1 and running on glibc2.2 without any


Re: Exim catch-all recipient

2001-08-22 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Brooks R. Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Okay, I give up.  I've RTFM.  I've tried.  I've played.  How do you get
>Exim to redirect mail from an unknown non-user to a given account instead of
>bouncing it.  I need a catch-all recipient, and I can't figure it out.  An
>example for that added clarity [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets bounced.  I want it
>([EMAIL PROTECTED]) sent to (valid) [EMAIL PROTECTED] or some other

In /etc/exim.conf (or /etc/exim/exim.conf if you're running woody),
in the DIRECTORS part, at the end (after the localuser: director)
add a catch-all director that matches all addresses that the
previous directors couldn't resolve:

  driver = smartuser
  new_address = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.. that's all

"Answering above the the original message is called top posting. Sometimes
 also called the Jeopardy style. Usenet is Q & A not A & Q." -- Bob Gootee

Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-22 Thread frankie
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 02:26:37PM -0700, allen wayne best just ramblin in his 
amx wrote:
> hello:
> i have managed to insert a bullet in my poda courtesy of tar and my 
> ineptness!  that is, i did:
>   tar -cvIf --remove-files /tmp/ /opt/tmp
> silly me filled up my current directory with a file called "--remove-files". 
> my question is: how the heck to i get rid of this beast
rm -- --remove-files
(-- turns the option processing off - man getopt)
The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get
as smart as men but that we will meanwhile agree to meet
them halfway.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Encrypted Filesystems

2001-08-22 Thread Iain Smith
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 01:39:41AM -0400, Mike McGuire wrote:
> > I remember seeing a project recently which was a kernel module which
> > allowed you to have encrypted loopback devices with patching the kernel
> > of using the international kernel patch.
> Not sure if this is it, but I've been playing around just with the 
> international patch using a loopback device (in the standard kernel).
> (I compiled them all as modules, but I think you meant some other 
> non-standard kernel patch / module.) Anyway, there's a howto on 
>, Loopback-Encrypted-Filesystem-HOWTO.

Anyone happen to know the current state of the crypto patches? I haven't seen
a new patch for 2.4 since april... for 2.4.3!


Re: Firewall program for Debian?

2001-08-22 Thread Sam Varghese
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:58:57PM -0400, Han Yoo wrote:
> Basically, I have the 2.2.19 kernel.
> Is any of the programs that you mentined easy enough to be utilized by a 
> Debian
> novice without going into the heavy-duty configuration?

there is something called pmfirewall.

(Sam Varghese)

Re: Bad signature on partition table

2001-08-22 Thread Johann Spies

I have used parted with success in a situation where I got the same
error message from cfdisk.

Maybe it can help here also.

> c. cfdisk hda gives the error message 'Fatal Error:
>Bad Signature on partition table - press any key 
>etc. to leave'
>fdisk hda gives no message - just locks Potato
>completely. If I try to re-login (as opposed to
>reboot), the message 'hda: lost interrupt' keeps

Johann Spies  Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord
  so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall
  say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh 
  upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and 
  they shall not escape."  I Thessalonians 5:2,3 

Re: Soundblaster 16

2001-08-22 Thread Markus Hansen
Bob Nielsen
i tried to install my isa pnp soundblaster like you discribed, a sound system
should be activated in the kernel...
(now it is a different installation)
i used the things you wrote but it said
output dma timeout
probably irq/dma conflict
what can i do?
i already used different settings for dma16 and irq

> Many SB16 cards can be configured to select PnP or a fixed IRQ.  If
> yours has that capability, you should definitely use a fixed IRQ.  In
> my case, I created /etc/modutils/sb with the following line:
> options io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=330
> I then ran 'update-modules' (which creates /etc/modules.conf) and
> 'insmod sb' and sound was working.
> I put this line in /etc/modules, so sound would be enabled after boot:
> sb #Soundblaster 16
> Bob
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:22:17AM -0400, Adam Bell wrote:
> > I have the same card.
> >
> > Probably your problem is that it's in plug and play mode, and since it's
> > an ISA card that is suckland for Linux.
> >
> > You need a package called isapnp (apt-get install isapnp), which might
> > already be there.  Then you need to dump the output of pnpdump --config
> > into /etc/isapnp.conf (as root).  Then you should be set recognizing the
> > card (IF isa plug and play is enabled in your kernel...which it should
> > be.  If not, check modconf / recompile kernel with isapnp support).  Try
> > isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf.  It should recognize some crap and your sound
> > card, and tell you your settings (dma, dma16, io, irq)  Write down those
> > 4 things, then go into modconf.  The module you want is "sb" in with all
> > the other cards (It'll automagically get sound-core and all that other
> > crap).  For parameters, pass it all those 4 things ("io=0x220 dma=1
> > dma16=5 irq=5" for example).
> >
> > Now it should be recognizable, BUT probably only to root.  Anyone whom
> > you wish to make able to use the card needs to be added to the "audio"
> > group.
> >
> > OR, you could use ALSA, but I don't know how.  :)
> >
> > --adam b.
> >
> > BTW, you don't strictly have to have the kernel call isapnp; it's just a
> > lot cleaner.  You can also use preloads in your system init scripts, and
> > you can find how to do this on the net.  I didn't need to...I just added
> > isapnp.conf to /etc and everything worked after I installed the sb
> > module.
> >
> > Hi
> > I have got a Debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato on my PC.
> > My problem is the soundcard while using KDE2.
> > I have a Creative Soundblaster sb16
> > I am not able to get the card working.
> > As I am a real linux-greenhorn I do not know how to do nearly anything,
> > but you all know the start is the hardest... If you could send me a list
> > of the things I have to do I would be very glad.
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> > Yours Markus Hansen.
> >
> > German Version:
> >
> > Hi ich habe ein Debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato installiert.
> > Mein problem ist momentan der sound.
> > Ich habe eine Creative Soundblaster sb16.
> > Ich habe KDE2 und weiss nicht wie ich die karte zum laufen kriege. Es
> > waere sehr nett von Euch, wenn ihr mir eine art Anleitung oder so
> > schreiben koenntet. Ich bin der (fast) totale Linux Anfaenger und somit
> > bitzte ich Euch um Nachsicht.
> >
> > Vielen dank im voraus
> > Euer Markus Hansen

Re: VMware and Debian

2001-08-22 Thread Eduard Bloch
Dan Pomohaci wrote on Wed Aug 22, 2001 um 09:49:17AM:

>   To install/upgrade VMware for Linux, run the program "".
> But I didn't find any file an uninstall file).

Then your tarball is corructed while downloading, or has not full
extracted or whatever.

> Where did you find it?

/tmp # tar zxf /download/VMware-2.0.4-1142.tar.gz
/tmp # ls vmware-distrib/
bin  man
doc  FILES  installer  lib

Das wahrlich arnoootische daran ist, das wahrscheinlich _alle_
Regulars diesem Thread absolut faziniert folgen, nur traut sich keiner
was zu sagen, weil man die beiden ja offiziell im Killfile hat.
Alexander Stielau in de.alt.arnooo

Re: fixing demand-dialing ppp

2001-08-22 Thread Eduard Bloch
Forrest Cahoon wrote on Wed Aug 22, 2001 um 12:41:58AM:

> > The reason is the kernel-mode-pppoe patch, having removed it
> > the pppd seems to start fine.
> I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.  I got pristine 2.2.19

NOT the patch IN THE KERNEL! The pppd was patched in order to use the
kernel support some weeks ago, but the patch is broken and makes
dialing-on-demand unuseable.

> 1) My woody box that is having this problem is running ip masquerade.

Then you don't the demand keyword in your options file.

Möchten Sie Ihre Festplatten formatieren?
 [J]etzt nicht
 [N]a klar

launch apps with special keys

2001-08-22 Thread Martin Würtele

i mapped my compaq armada's special keys (info, home, search, mail) but now
i'd like to know how i can launch an app when i press one of those keys in

i read about xevd but there's no sample config file available (google didn't
help ether) and i also can't find anything in the windowmaker docs on how to
map the mail key to something like xterm -e mutt.

any ideas?
tia martin
factline Krisper Fabro Harnoncourt OEG (

Re: VMware and Debian

2001-08-22 Thread Alexis Roda
Eduard Bloch wrote:
> /tmp # tar zxf /download/VMware-2.0.4-1142.tar.gz

A related question. Does vmware-2.0.4-1142 run with 2.4.7 kernel? When I
run I got compilation error messages. Anyone has
experienced the same problem? Any hint?

 (@ @)
Los pecados de los tres mundos desapareceran conmigo.
Alexis Roda - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Reus, Tarragona (Spain)

Re: Soundblaster 16

2001-08-22 Thread Steven Yap
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 12:27:29PM +0200, Markus Hansen wrote:
> Bob Nielsen
> i tried to install my isa pnp soundblaster like you discribed, a
> sound system should be activated in the kernel... (now it is a different
> installation) i used the things you wrote but it said output dma timeout
> probably irq/dma conflict what can i do? i already used different settings
> for dma16 and irq
> > Many SB16 cards can be configured to select PnP or a fixed IRQ.  If
> > yours has that capability, you should definitely use a fixed IRQ.  In
> > my case, I created /etc/modutils/sb with the following line:
> >
> > options io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=330
> >
> > I then ran 'update-modules' (which creates /etc/modules.conf) and
> > 'insmod sb' and sound was working.
> >
> > I put this line in /etc/modules, so sound would be enabled after boot:
> > sb #Soundblaster 16

Another posibility you could try is installing the sndconfig package.
I know it available in sid (unstable) but I don't know if it's packaged
for stable.

steven yap

pilot-xfer stopped working after kernel upgrade to 2.4.9

2001-08-22 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I have upgraded my Debian box to kernel 2.4.9
I have added:
deb potato main
deb-src potato main   

to my /etc/apt/sources.list and upgraded the necessary packages.

Now, when I run the pilot-xfer, it displays the message:
Waiting for connection on /dev/pilot (press the HotSync button now)...
And waits forever. I've stated that the appropriate modules are loaded:
(Output from lsmod:
Module  Size  Used by
ircomm-tty 32080   1  (autoclean)
ircomm 14576   0  (autoclean) [ircomm-tty]
But I've noticed that serial interrupts are not activated:
(Output from cat /proc/interrupts:
  0: 128286  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   4372  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  9:  0  XT-PIC  eth0
 10:   7160  XT-PIC  es1371, eth1
 12:  37128  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:   7780  XT-PIC  ide0
 15: 41  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0 
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
So it seems that irda modules do not communicate properly with the serial
I've tried to load "irport" or "irtty" modules by hand but it didn't help
The BIOS is probably configured properly, because IrDA works with Win98.

Everything worked perfectly before the kernel upgrade :-(
TIA & Regards,
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  <--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Build your FREE Data
Acquisition System

Re: pilot-xfer stopped working after kernel upgrade to 2.4.9

2001-08-22 Thread thomas

> Now, when I run the pilot-xfer, it displays the message:
> Waiting for connection on /dev/pilot (press the HotSync button now)...
> And waits forever. I've stated that the appropriate modules are loaded:
> (Output from lsmod:
> Module  Size  Used by
> ircomm-tty 32080   1  (autoclean)
> ircomm 14576   0  (autoclean) [ircomm-tty]
> [...]
> )
> But I've noticed that serial interrupts are not activated:
> (Output from cat /proc/interrupts:

What kernel did you run before? Did you use 'make oldconfig' before you
made the new kernel? Are the modules for the serial modules in
/lib/modules/2.4.9? Did you forget to compile them in the kernel?
'dmesg | grep serial' after a reboot might help.


Re: pilot-xfer stopped working after kernel upgrade to 2.4.9

2001-08-22 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 02:04:34PM +0200, thomas wrote:
> What kernel did you run before? Did you use 'make oldconfig' before you
> made the new kernel? 
I used "make menuconfig" and configured the kernel by hand (having read
the configuration from the old 2.2.18 config), was it wrong?
Does "oldconfig" makes some magic conversions from old version of

>Are the modules for the serial modules in
> /lib/modules/2.4.9? Did you forget to compile them in the kernel?
> 'dmesg | grep serial' after a reboot might help.

No my serial driver is configured into the kernel
dmesg | grep serial outputs nothing, but 'dmesg | grep 165' reports:
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

When I use my own program using the serial port or "minicom" the serial
interrupts get activated (in /proc interrupts:
  0: 570951  XT-PIC  timer
  1:  16118  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  4:  9  XT-PIC  serial
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  9: 138453  XT-PIC  eth0
 10:  35904  XT-PIC  es1371, eth1
 12: 221904  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:  37033  XT-PIC  ide0
 15: 41  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0 
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

So it is not a problem with serial drivers probably. (Anyway irport should
work even without serial driver, but didn't)
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  <--> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Use Linux - save your data and time

Re: HTML composer ?

2001-08-22 Thread Andre Berger
* Daniel Toffetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-08-21 09:31 +0200:
> Is there any graphical HTML composer which runs happily on Woody and 
> KDE ?  I don't need any advanced features, only lists, performatted 
> paragraphs and the like. I just want to avoid typing the tags...
> Daniel

Do you know bluefish? The potato version seems to be uncapable of
syntax higlighting, the woody version might be(?).

A. B.  andre DOT berger AT web DOT de

Description: PGP signature

Re: fixing demand-dialing ppp

2001-08-22 Thread John Hasler
Forrest Cahoon quotes Eduard Bloch:
> The reason is the kernel-mode-pppoe patch, having removed it
> the pppd seems to start fine.

And writes:
> I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.  I got pristine 2.2.19
> sources from and built a kernel with make-kpkg, but I
> still have the problem.

He means the kernel-mode-pppoe patch for pppd, not for the kernel.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: launch apps with special keys

2001-08-22 Thread Jason Healy
At 998502913s since epoch (08/22/01 06:55:13 -0400 UTC), Martin W?rtele wrote:

> i mapped my compaq armada's special keys (info, home, search, mail) but now
> i'd like to know how i can launch an app when i press one of those keys in
> x.

After much fooling around with my Microsoft Natural keyboard, I found the
"hotkeys" package to work quite well.  I've set it to start up with X, and
now it sits in the background and waits for those special keys to be pressed.

You can also try to assign the keys through the window manager (IceWM can do
this), but this requires the keys to be mapped correctly.  Hotkeys does not
require the keys have X11 Mappings; you can just use the raw keycodes.


LogN Systems   |

Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Nathan Goss



I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty setting up my Network Card.


I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX
  PCI  10/100 network card.


It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with the current Potato
release. I have read that it should be auto-detected.


It doesn’t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian Install.


How do I go about configuring it?





Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Jeff Reed
On Wednesday 22 August 2001 09:08, Nathan Goss wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty setting up
> my Network Card.
> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI  10/100 network
> card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with
> the current Potato release. I have read that it should be
> auto-detected.
> It doesn’t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian
> Install.
> How do I go about configuring it?
> Cheers,
> Nathan

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

READ my friend

good luck!


//--  Jeff Reed
//--  One of those Linux People
//--  Metro West Boston Linux User Group


Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Wes Byne
I think the driver's for this card are only included in the compact kernel.  Go 
grab the compact rescue and root floppies and try again.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:08:02PM +1000, Nathan Goss wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty setting up my Network Card.
> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI  10/100 network card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with the current Potato
> release. I have read that it should be auto-detected.
> It doesn’t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian Install.
> How do I go about configuring it?
> Cheers,
> Nathan

Wes Byne
Water Quality Modeling and Watershed Assessments
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (voice):706-542-6041

Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Hall Stevenson
> I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty
> setting up my Network Card.
> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI
> 10/100 network card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed
> with the current Potato release. I have read that it
> should be auto-detected.
> It doesn't seem to be detected and set up in the
> Debian Install.
> How do I go about configuring it?

Try disabling the "Plug-n-Play Operating System" setting in
your BIOS, if you have one. It may be worded differently, but
you should get the idea...

I *think* (and I'd like to know the answer for sure in case
anyone knows) that the kernel drivers for various pieces of
hardware only looks at 'x' number of settings, i.e. IRQ and IO
address. They're considered 'standard' settings for that
particular device. If you have 'PnP O/S' setting enabled in
your BIOS, it doesn't assign the settings, but instead, lets
the operating system do it.


backspace problem

2001-08-22 Thread Jeroen Valcke

I recently upgraded my debian (unstable) and some things broke. I was
able to fix most of it. I have a rather annoying problem that I can't
solve. Seems like the backspace key is messed up.
I functions properly in applications like pan, mozilla, ... and at the
commandline but when I press backspace in vim I keep getting this weird
This also happens with the less viewer
Any ideas?


Jeroen Valcke   
ICQ# 30116911   Home page:

Sound cards & Linux?

2001-08-22 Thread David Frischknecht
I just want to express my appreciation for all the help I've gotten from the members of this list.  I'm practically a Linux newbie, so all of the configuration that's needed to get it up and running is unfamiliar to me.  I'd like to know how I could get my ESS Audiodrive sound card to work with Linux.  I know it's SoundBlaster compatible, but I'm not sure which SoundBlaster protocol it's compatible with.  Could somebody help me out with this?  Thanks a bunch.  :-)David A. Frischknechthttp://www.fishnetonline.freeurl.comDo You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $0.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: DNS and BIND 8.2.3

2001-08-22 Thread Chris Nestrud
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 09:09:30PM -0400, Michael W. Cole wrote:
> I am using BIND8 trying to set up a DNS server (authoritative) for my
> domain (  Linux v2.2.19.  The network of two hosts are
> connected via a hub which is then connected to an Internet Router.
> I can ping all the hosts locally and distant sites.  I can telnet in and
> out.  But when I try to use my Netscape browser from my Mac host, I get
> stopped at the router and have to enter the username and password and
> then it takes me to the router setup page. 

Could this have something to do with your router's configuration?

hdparm problem

2001-08-22 Thread tek know


For some reason Hdparm stopped working in two of my Debian machines (one 
kernel 2.2.19-ide, another kernel 2.2.19pre17-idepci ). Testing (hdparm 
-t/T) works fine but any parameter i try to change, (e.g., hdparm -c 1 
/dev/hda1) fails (eg., HDIO_SET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument). But these 
were working fine some time ago.

Any suggestions? help?



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Killing your keyb.controller... was: Re: forgot root password on head- and keyboardless machine *blush*

2001-08-22 Thread Emil Pedersen
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 10:24:34PM +0200, Emil Pedersen wrote:
> >
> > Just to add some more noice to the list ;-)
> >
> > [statement] Hot-plugging keyboards works _MOST_ of the time.
> >
> >   It is true for at least PS/2-keyboard, since the only machine I've
> > managed to destroy this way is an Digital Celebris 590.  My other
> > machines with PS/2 have survived, so for ps2 types the statement is
> > true.
> >
> > When it comes to DIN-keyboards, I have NOT been able to kill any machine
> > this way.
> >
> > Finaly, since I have one more Celebris 590 I _could_ verify that these
> > machines DO die when keyboard is hot-swapped, but I think it might be a
> > waste of computers if I succeed... ;-)
> Erk. I must be lucky, since mine hasn't died the few times I've hotswapped
> ps2 stuff on it. Hrmm. Need to get it netbooting one of these days, or
> find a disk for it, and have spare CPU cycles.
> What do you run for disk on yours? These appear unable to correctly
> resolve anything over 8GB for booting.

Hehe, I don't actually run anything on the machine yet.  The disk in it
is an 600-650MB, so it's recognized.  I intenden to shit in two smaller
disks and use it as a firewall, but I think now it's going to be tough
informing the bios that the new disks should be accepted.  Perhaps I'll
use it as webserver or some other silly task.  Hmm, just got an idea;
gott'a go look for a VNC server for OS2...

// Emil

Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Iain Smith
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:08:02PM +1000, Nathan Goss wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty setting up my Network Card.
> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI  10/100 network card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with the current Potato
> release. I have read that it should be auto-detected.
> It doesn?t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian Install.
> How do I go about configuring it?

The driver is complied as a module, rather than into kernel... just run 
insmod to install it:

insmod 3c59x

Note that you'll need to include it in /etc/modules to have it insmod'ed at

echo 3c59x >> /etc/modules

You can now configure it with ifconfig, or edit /etc/network/interfaces to 
have it configured at boot-up. Read the ifconfig(8) and the interfaces(5)
man pages for details.

Checking out the Ethernet-HOWTO at would be a smart move also...


Choosing a Debian Variant

2001-08-22 Thread Avdi B. Grimm
This is a message I /should/ have sent before I even tried
to install Debian.  Oh well, better late than never.

Here's the deal: I want Debian on my machine.  Mandrake is
in many ways wonderful; it has the best install in the
world (in my experience); it has loads of bundled software;
and it does a great job of detecting and configuring
existing hardware.  However, it's a toy OS.  Administration
can be confusing and goofy; there's rarely a canonical
Mandrake Way to do common tasks like there is a Debian Way;
upgrading is a joke; and besides, it has no Policy. After
doing a lot of reading, I've come to the conclusion that
Debian is the most technically superior distro out there.

So, I want Debian, and I'm determined to install it. 
However, there are some requirements I have. There are
certain things I want on my new Debian system, and I don't
want to dick around with configuring them after the
install, or waiting hours or days for large packages to
download over my measly 56k connection.

Here's what I want out-of-box:

ReiserFS: I've had great experiences with this on Mandrake.
It's fast, and when the power goes out unexpectedly I
needn't worry about disk integrity.  I want to be able to
format my boot/system partition with ReiserFS during the

KDE 2.2(Preferred)/KDE 2.1(Acceptable):  I use both KDE and
GNOME apps, and I don't want to wait hours to upgrade to a
recent KDE.

GNOME 1.4(preferred)/GNOME 1.2(acceptable): See above.

XFree86 4.*: Must include drivers for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2

Kernel 2.4.*


GRUB as the default bootloader: I like GRUB.  It's less
finicky than LILO.

The other things I want in a Debian variant:

A good installer.  Not necessarily a super-easy one; but
one that people have found is solid and doesn't do anything
nonsensical (like overwrite your MBR after asking a single,
non-obvious question *cough*Progeny*cough*).  Also one that
either a) auto-detects hardware *WELL*, or b) prompts the
user for hardware info. Not one that does a half-assed job
of hardware detection, and leaves the system

I want it to be very Debian-Compatible. By which I mean, I
want to be able to grab packages from standard Debian
"testing" or "unstable", and have them install without
conflicts.  Basicly I don't want a lot of unnecessary
proprietary tweaks.

So, there are my requirements.  What I'm trying to figure
out is, which Debian Variant to install. I've already tried
Progeny, and found it lacking in many respects. What I'm
asking is, should I go with Libranet? Or should I chance
using Stormix, even though they are out of business?  Or is
Progeny really my best bet, and I should stick with it?  Or
should I just tough it out and get an Official Debian CD,
and suffer through hours of package downloads?  Is there
any Debian-based distro I'm missing? (I have no interest in
Corel, that's why it's not listed)

Thanks for your time,

-Avdi Grimm

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: home firewall problems

2001-08-22 Thread Stefan Janecek
On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 07:13:56 -0500 (CDT)
Gene Gallistel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  i'm setting up a firewall for my home network and i'm having problems w/
> my network cards. 
>  eth0 connects to the internal LAN w/ address
>  eth1 connects to my cable modem gets a dhcp address
>  the problem: if both cards are listed in /etc/network/interfaces eth1
> will error out on its configuration. this happens both at boot time
can you post some error messages etc.?

> network configuration and if i restart the networking service. eth0 will 
> work fine and be able to communicate with all workstations on the
> internal network. 
>  if i remove eth0's entry from the interfaces file and reboot eth1
> will work perfectly. this has been confusing me for the last few days, so
> if anyone has ideas i would really like to hear them. 
>  below is a copy of my /etc/network/interfaces file:
> # The loopback interface
> iface lo inet loopback
> #eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
>   address
>   netmask
>   network
>   broadcast
> # The first network card-this entry was created during the Debian installation
> iface eth1 inet dhcp

What does 'ifconfig' say? Are both interfaces listed or just one? Your problem
could be a simple interrupt conflict.

If both interfaces are listed, pls post the output of 'route -n', I noticed
you do not have a 'gateway' line in your interfaces file.

HTH, Stefan.

How can I upgrade

2001-08-22 Thread Greg
*formerly GECOS *
SUCCESS --- `aptget' is a work of art...thanx

Re: Choosing a Debian Variant

2001-08-22 Thread Tom Massey
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 07:29:39AM -0700, Avdi B. Grimm wrote:
> Here's what I want out-of-box:

No, I really shouldn't say it. But anyway. What you've just asked for
reads almost exactly like the specs for Mandrake 8.1 (due out in a month 
or so). In my experience, you're not going to get this out-of-box from
Debian, because it tends to focus on stability rather than bleeding
edge (though you always have the option of moving to testing/unstable
via apt-get and friends), whereas Mandrake sticks the latest version of
everything in and tries to make it work together. Both paths have
merits. But if you want the latest stuff, you're not going to find it
in standard Debian without a fairly long upgrade process. Possibly
Progeny and others have more recent packages while still being based on
Debian, you might have some joy with them.

logout problem

2001-08-22 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Hi to all!

sometimes, when I logout, the monitor freezes with a black background and 
blue vertical lines. Nothing else can be done, and I am forced to reset the 
system. What could be the problem? I run potato 2.2.r3 + ximian gnome. 
Thanks in advance for the help!

Marcelo Chiapparini

Re: OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Jason Majors
I just got an AMD chip and noticed that witht the RAM set to 133MHz in the
BIOS it would lock under Debian or Win98. It happened on my box and my
girlfriend's identical box. I'd suggest checking the memory settings.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:59:06PM -0600, Rick Macdonald scribbled...
> We have a Linux cluster of 1000 nodes. I wasn't involved in setting it up. 
> They use RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.19. Dual AMD 1.2GHz, 2GB memory, 2GB swap, 
> GB ethernet. 
> Several nodes hang and/or get kernel errors every day. The first causes 
> that come to mind are bad RAM and running out of virtual memory. I've 
> pasted some logs below.  
> The slaves mostly run FORTRAN code compiled with Lahey F95 v6.0 and g77 
> (0.5.24-19981002). 
> What else could cause these errors? Are there special kernel config issues 
> for AMD chips?  
> I've run Linux for 9 years, always used Intel CPUs, used Debian since 
> before the first official release ("buzz"), but never heard of so many 
> problems. 
> ch_binary_handler+67/168] [do_execve+417/516] [sys_execve+75/124] 
> [system_call+52/56]   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Code: f6 46 24 01 74 52 8b 4c 24 68 39 
> 4e 14 75 49 8b 4c 24 64 31   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs inetd[458]: pid 11124: exit signal 11 
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request 
> at virtual address 00ff0024  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 1463e000, %cr3  
> 1463e000  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: *pde =   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Oops:   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: CPU:0  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: EIP: 
> 0010:[locks_remove_posix+44/152]  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: eax: 94629b04   ebx: be6b35a0   ecx: 
> 94629a94   edx: 947f6920  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: esi: 00ff   edi: 942157c0   ebp: 
> 94629b04   esp: 93a9bc28  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Process in.ftpd (pid: 11125, process 
> nr: 30, stackpage=93a9b000)  
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Stack: 942157c0 bcc13f60 94629b04 
> 94629a94 8012699a 94785f00 93a9a000 94785f00   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel:fff7 0202 93f45aa0 
> 00013000 93f45a40 2aabf000 93f45adc 80135619   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel:80135626 93f45a40 08085fc0 
> 0806b800  bcc13f60 80126991 be6b35a0   
> Aug 21 06:35:07 hou000752cs kernel: Call Trace: [filp_close+82/92] 
> [load_elf_interp+677/708] [load_elf_interp+690/708] [filp 
> Aug 21 04:02:00 hou000721cs anacron[5515]: Updated timestamp for job 
> `cron.daily' to 2001-08-21 
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request 
> at virtual address 11008010  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 145aa000, %cr3  
> 145aa000  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: *pde =   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Oops:   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: CPU:0  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: EIP:0010:[d_lookup+100/224]  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010217  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: eax: beee9a88   ebx: 11007ff8   ecx: 
> 0022   edx: bee0  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: esi: 322f6ef6   edi: ac72f00a   ebp: 
> 11008010   esp: 8542bf3c  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Process slocate (pid: 5612, process 
> nr: 18, stackpage=8542b000)  
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Stack: ac72f00a  beee9a88 
> ac72f000 322f6ef6 000a 8012df0c aa7363e0   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel:8542bf84 8542bf84 8012e187 
> aa7363e0 8542bf84  ac72f000 ac72f000   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel:8542a000 7c38 ac72f000 
> 000a 322f6ef6 8012e284 ac72f000 aa7363e0   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Call Trace: [cached_lookup+16/84] 
> [lookup_dentry+275/488] [__namei+40/88] [sys_newlstat+42/140]  
> [system_call+52/56]   
> Aug 21 04:02:01 hou000721cs kernel: Code: 8b 6d 00 8b 74 24 18 39 73 48 75 
> 5c 8b 74 24 24 39 73 0c 75   
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request 
> at virtual address d2040200  
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 11c09000, %cr3  
> 11c09000  
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: *pde =   
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: Oops:   
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: CPU:0  
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: EIP:0010:[flush_old_exec+196/552]  
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246  
> Aug 19 12:10:00 hou000669cs kernel: eax:    ebx: 9b040

Re: Sound cards & Linux?

2001-08-22 Thread Jason Majors
Most SB compatibles mean the SB16 'standard'.
You need to add the lines
to /etc/modules to get it to load at boot.
and run "insmod soundcore" and "insmod sb" to get it to run now.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 06:53:35AM -0700, David Frischknecht scribbled...
> Hello, 
> I just want to express my appreciation for all the help I've gotten from 
> the members of this list.  I'm practically a Linux newbie, so all of the 
> configuration that's needed to get it up and running is unfamiliar to me. 
>  I'd like to know how I could get my ESS Audiodrive sound card to work 
> with Linux.  I know it's SoundBlaster compatible, but I'm not sure which 
> SoundBlaster protocol it's compatible with.  Could somebody help me out 
> with this?  Thanks a bunch.  :-) 
> David A. Frischknecht 
> - 
> Do You Yahoo!? 
> Make international calls for as low as $0.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger. 
> --0-320775342-998488415=:76913 
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii 
> Hello, 
> I just want to express my appreciation for all the help I've gotten 
> from the members of this list.  I'm practically a Linux newbie, so 
> all of the configuration that's needed to get it up and running is 
> unfamiliar to me.  I'd like to know how I could get my ESS 
> Audiodrive sound card to work with Linux.  I know it's SoundBlaster 
> compatible, but I'm not sure which SoundBlaster protocol it's compatible 
> with.  Could somebody help me out with this?  Thanks a 
> bunch.  :-)David A. Frischknecht href="";>  
> size=1>Do You Yahoo!? 
> Make";>international calls for as 
> low as $0.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger. 
> --0-320775342-998488415=:76913-- 
> --0-1621698773-998488415=:76913-- 
> --  
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Ask for information

2001-08-22 Thread CIFARMA

I am writing to ask this information:
I want to know if it is possible to convert 
Informix 2.1000B Software Development Kit (SDK) in Debian Gnu-Linux 2.2r3 
If it is possible, please, tell me where I can find 
any resource.
Your help is foundamental to decide to buy a Debian 
distribution, in fact I want to use O.S. Linux to run Informix 
Any help are welcome.
    Cifarma S.r.l.
        Phone +39881661186
        Fax +39881663487
ofanto 212 - 71100 Foggia (Italy)

Network install switching to ppp access

2001-08-22 Thread mullena

I like Debian.

I have at home a computer I installed Debian from floppy.  And I now connect
to the internet via ppp with no problem.  Unfortunately the software 
is kind of slow.

So for a second computer I found T1/T2 access and after the floppy install
I upgraded via the network.

*Much* faster.

But the machine is intended for dial-up use only.  With perhaps another
trip to the rj45 for additional major software upgrades.

I first used wvdial to make the connection.  After disconnecting the rj45.
 But I couldn't access the internet.  I rebooted the computer with no network
connection.  Still no luck via modem.  I then went through pppconfig/pon.
 Still no network response.

Where should I look for the answer to my dilemma?  Which is; how to make
a network-installed Debian box access the internet via modem?

And for that matter.  I'd like to take my home machine in to the same rj45
for faster updates/upgrades.  How can I make that ppp-installed Debian box
access the intenet via nic?

I'm not a dumb man.  So if someone could point me in the right direction
I'll be off and running!

Tony -

Visit - the Internet's largest guaranteed cash giveaway! Click
here now for your "Thank You" gift:,2612,,00.html?t_id=20157

kde source list for potato

2001-08-22 Thread Alejandro Diego Garin

I have this entry in my sources.list
deb potato main crypto
for download KDE packages and since two days ago I am experimenting timeouts 

could you tell me if this url has been changed?

Any type of help will be appreciated

Alejandro Diego Garin
GNU/Linux user #151577
Licq #2502623

Re: Ask for information

2001-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan

> I am writing to ask this information:  I want to know if it is possible
> to convert Informix 2.1000B Software Development Kit (SDK) in Debian
> Gnu-Linux 2.2r3 "Potato".  If it is possible, please, tell me where I
> can find any resource.  Your help is foundamental to decide to buy a
> Debian distribution, in fact I want to use O.S. Linux to run Informix
> 2.1000B.  Any help are welcome. 

Please enable line wrap at 72 chars. thanx.

Well, I took a look at their website (
and there seem to be much different versions available. I think it is more
wise to contact them and ask which version would be best for you.

Every ordinary program that runs under Linux, also runs under Debian. If
the program is packed (e.g. .rpm) you could use 'alien' to convert it to a
Debian package.

BTW: how do you mean 'buy'? It is free and can be downloaded. At most it
will cost you $5 for the first CD, which should be enough to try. No big


Re: Network install switching to ppp access

2001-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Greetings;
> I like Debian.
> And for that matter.  I'd like to take my home machine in to the same rj45
> for faster updates/upgrades.  How can I make that ppp-installed Debian box
> access the intenet via nic?
If you have a gateway on the lan, it is very simple. Switch to an active 
console during second stage installation an log in as root. By hand:
# insmod (or modprobe <...>)
# ifconfig eth0 netmask up
# route add default gw eth0

and edit /etc/resolv.conf:

with your favorite data. You should be able to have a network connection.

When this works, you can use 'modconf' to configure your network card and
edit /etc/network/interfaces:
iface eth0 inet static


Re: Firewall program for Debian?

2001-08-22 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko
* Sam Varghese ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:58:57PM -0400, Han Yoo wrote:
> > 
> > Basically, I have the 2.2.19 kernel.
> > Is any of the programs that you mentined easy enough to be utilized by a 
> > Debian
> > novice without going into the heavy-duty configuration?
> > 
> there is something called pmfirewall. 
> sam
> -- 
> (Sam Varghese)
  Also there is rcf firewall based on ipchains. Config file could not be
simplier and it is virtually bug-free. I've used it for over a year now
and have no complaints at all. I think the website is
I think they have a Debian package, but I always use their install
script. It's all well done.


Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread George Karaolides


On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Nathan Goss wrote:

> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI  10/100 network card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with the current Potato
> release. I have read that it should be auto-detected.
> It doesn’t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian Install.

I just had the same problem with an Intel Etherexpress Pro 100 card which
I know is supported and autodetected because I've done the same
installation on other machines a number of times.

My problem was caused by the card not seating properly in its slot.  I
tried it in two different slots so I thought that couldn't be the problem.

Never rule out really silly causes of problems...

George Karaolides   8, Costakis Pantelides St.,
tel:   +35 79 68 08 86   Strovolos, 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Nicosia CY 2057,
web:  Republic  of Cyprus

USB/Scanner, how to start?

2001-08-22 Thread Jan Torben Heuer
hmm, what I have to do, to make my USB Scanner working?
It's an Agfa SnapScan 1212

there is no /proc/pci
there is no usb entry at /proc/interrupts
however usb support ist generally compiled as module, but which modules do I 
really need?

Any hints?


 | (Elektronik, Perl, Linux)|
 |   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

VISIT:  - Das Internetradio rund um Linux - Entwicklung unter KDE

Re: C library not found!

2001-08-22 Thread Mart van de Wege
On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 00:06:13 -0400 (EDT)
Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 21 Aug 2001, Yong Jing Hung wrote:
> > Does anyone know why the C library doesn't work? I try to do 'man
> > fork' but it doesn not pick up. It simply says that there isn't any
> > manual page for it? Can someone help me here? Thanks.
> You want the libc info manual. Install the deb package glibc-doc (at
> least
> that is what it is called on potato), and fire up your favourite info
> viewer. The node you want is called libc. In emacs you do
> Ctrl h and then i. Type m for menu. Then enter libc at the prompt.
> Or you could use 
> info -f libc
> at a shell prompt (stand-alone info viewer).
> For fork you might want to look at the node "Creating a Process".
> Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.
Another possibility I might mention: the manpages for the library
functions are in the package 'manpages-dev'.


'Quoth the mailserver: 554!'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Peoplestreet/Microsoft/Quantum

2001-08-22 Thread Mart van de Wege
On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:55:46 -0400
"Tina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We will certainly welcome your donation to 'Software In The Public
Interest'. See for details.


'Quoth the mailserver: 554!'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Encrypted Filesystems

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 10:13:02AM +, Iain Smith wrote:
> Anyone happen to know the current state of the crypto patches? I haven't seen
> a new patch for 2.4 since april... for 2.4.3!

Yeah, that's it, I guess. Maybe they got it right the first time. :)
One minor problem (too minor to bother fixing, apparently) is that 
the kernel makefile changed slightly somewhere between 2.4.3 and now. 
So the patch fails on a chunk of Makefile. Editing by hand works. If 
you're trying and don't quite know how to do that, here's what it 
should look like:


CORE_FILES  =kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o fs/fs.o ipc/ipc.o
CRYPTO  =crypto/crypto.o

SUBDIRS =kernel drivers mm fs net ipc lib crypto



Mike McGuire

Re: OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Michael B. Taylor
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:59:06PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> We have a Linux cluster of 1000 nodes. I wasn't involved in setting it up.
> They use RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.19. Dual AMD 1.2GHz, 2GB memory, 2GB swap,
> GB ethernet.
Quoting the latest Kernel Traffic (, which
summerizes the kernel development list:
'But Alan Cox pointed out, "Athlon SMP will actually not always
work with 2.2.'

I suggest pointing this out to the one who *did* set up the
cluster, and perhaps persuading him/her to move to 2.4 and a
distro that supports it.

As for your hardware, I am jelous.  Where do I sign up for an
account? :)


Re: Choosing a Debian Variant

2001-08-22 Thread Bruce Mobarry
Avdi B. Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's what I want out-of-box:

Libranet is the closest debian solution to your requirements: ReierFS,
up-to-date kde, gnome, etc. A new version will be out by the end of
August, according to their newsletter. I use it at home because I
don't have a broadband connection :-(. You'll have to grab grub
separately from debian, because it's not included in
Libranet. Libranet's installer isn't as flashy as Mandrake or Progeny,

Bruce Mobarry

dual displays

2001-08-22 Thread Andrew Austin
I'm thinking about getting the ATI RADEON VE Dual Display video card but 
haven't been able to find much info on running it in linux.  I have heard that 
the RADEON series needs xserver 4.1.0 but this dual display card is a little 
different.  Has anyone got dual displays running in debian using a single dual 
display card?  If so, how is it? Are there any other dual display cards that 
you know of that do work in debian?  Any info would be a great help.  I'm 
currently running woody.


Re: a woodied gnumeric

2001-08-22 Thread Michael B. Taylor
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:17:43PM -0700, Bill Wohler wrote:
>   Any word on when woody will have an installable gnumeric?
Gnumeric has been updated in sid a couple of times in the past
few days.  I am told that sid -> woody typically takes two weeks
if all goes well, so maybe in two weeks.


Re: Why so big(2)

2001-08-22 Thread Bruce McIntyre
* dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:51:16PM +0100, P Kirk wrote:
> | I don't have anything other than samba and python installed.  How can
> | /usr/share be so big?
> Actually you have a lot of stuff installed that you don't need if the
> machine is only going to be a samba server and/or gateway/firewall.
> Also remember that all documentation goes in /usr/share as well.

[long list snipped]

> This list is things that I don't think you need on this system.  If
> you intend to have a nice, useful desktop system then they are good to
> have but are probably not going to be used on a firewall/gateway
> system.  It all depends on how the system is going to be used, which
> only you know.  I also noticed that you have 3 different vi clones
> installed -- you probably only need 1.  You could probably also remove
> a bunch of other libraries, but you'll need to check the dependencies
> that apt reports when you try and remove them.

A good way to semi-automate cleaning up unneeded libraries is with orphaner, 
the frontend for deborphan.


Re: how to make exim run queue only when ppp link is up?

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 02:21:19AM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
> Diald keeps bringing up the link on request from exim. I have only had
> this problem since I made a fresh install about a week ago. Earlier, the
> exim cron-entry that run the queue was controlled by a set of scripts
> in diald's ip-up.d and ip-down.d directories, but not so now. Why is
> that? I could of course move the thing myself, but I want to do this the
> debian way. I have tried dpkg-reconfigure exim, but that didn't work...

I think what you're looking for is the exim cron job that runs every 
15 minutes. I'd look into disabling that, but I don't remember if 
there's some special Debian way to edit cron entries. Here's where it 
is: '/etc/cron.d/exim'. I *think* if you change it, it either won't be 
updated or it'll ask you to when exim inevitably gets updated.

I probably would have looked into it when I was messing with diald a 
while back, but I just gave up instead. Not to discourage you or 
anything, I'm just lazy. :)

Mike McGuire

FortranPlus F95 Compiler Packs: New Release now shipping

2001-08-22 Thread NAS Marketing
Dear support customer,

As a previous user of our customer support service, we hope you would be 
to  know that Release 2.22a of our FortranPlus F95 compiler is
 now shipping. 

This new release has substantial enhancements to the Student Pack capability,
 and to the support software included with the Standard and Professional Packs.
Enhancements (with prices) include:

Student Pack (GBP45.00 boxed, 40.00 online)

Now has an enhanced compilation limit: 2000 lines per file.
Still the best value around; now better suited to graduate student use. 

Standard Pack (GBP160.00 boxed, 135.00 online: academic discount applicable)
Now shipping with the revised Fortran95 CaseBook and Release 3 of MATHLIB - 
a major upgrade which includes:
New linear algebra routines
New: 1-D and 2-D Splines
New: Polynomial and Chebyshev curve fitting
New optimisation and ODE routines.

Professional Pack (GBP285.00 boxed: academic discount applicable)
Now shipping with revised Casebook and MATHLIB Release 3, plus new Encyclopaedia
CoCo: Conditional Compilation facilities
VPA: Variable Precision Arithmetic module, including numeric intrinsics 
(sin, cos, exp etc)
Plus online volumes:
Programming in Fortran90/95 (Morgan & Schonfelder)
Numerical Methods in Practice (New: Hopkins & Phillips)


Most documentation has been revised and reformatted for this release.
Enhancements include:

Revised Fortran95 Casebook: new sections on
Accessing MATLAB graphics
Using CoCo

New Online volume:

Numerical Methods in Practice using the Fortran Encyclopaedia
by Chris Phillips and Tim Hopkins

Suitable as a text or as a companion to the MATHLIB and SFLIB 
volumes of the Encyclopaedia.

Upgrade Prices

For existing customers, version upgrade prices are available as follows:

Student to V2.22a Student:  GBP15.00
Standard to V2.22a Standard:GBP50.00
Professional to V2.22a Professional:GBP75.00

Upgrade prices are also available if you need a higher level Pack: examples

Student to Standard GBP115 (GBP92 academic)
Standard to ProfessionalGBP135 (GBP108 academic)

All prices exclude VAT and P/P.
For more details, go to 

Should I Upgrade?

We have tried to avoid sending this email to existing customers; but just in 

If you have the previous Student Pack: the new version allows much larger 
to be compiled.

If you have a Standard or Professional Pack: consider upgrading for the enhanced
support software.

If you have the V2.22 compiler, and are happy with your current support 
software: there is no need to upgrade to V2.22a.

We want to email only interested persons.
To be removed from this email list:
please reply with REMOVE in the subject line

SoundBlaster Live not recognized!

2001-08-22 Thread Juan Antonio

Well I am getting crazy. I do not know how to 
install my SoundBlaster Live Card. I do not know how to configure the kernel and 
what libraries or programs I need. If anybody can help me and explain step by 
step what I should do in the kernel and what files I have to install I will be 
very pleased.
I use Gnome.
Thank you very much

Re: SoundBlaster Live not recognized!

2001-08-22 Thread Jason Majors
To get my SBLive to work I had to compile a special kernel. I didn't see it in
2.2.17, so I got 2.2.19 (2.4.x would work too if you have that).
On the soundcard page of the kernel config, look for soundblaster live, it will
build an emu10k1.o module for you.
If you don't know how to rebuild the kernel, read this:

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 07:07:38PM -0500, Juan Antonio scribbled...
> Live Card. I do not know how to configure the kernel and what libraries
> or programs I need. If anybody can help me and explain step by step what
> I should do in the kernel and what files I have to install I will be
> very pleased.
> I use Gnome.
> Thank you very much

Removing folder in KMail

2001-08-22 Thread Daniel Toffetti
I've imported an Outlook 5 folder into KMail. Now I want to delete this 
folder, but the Remove option in the Folder menu in grayed out.
Other folders I've created previously in KMail (not imported) don't 
have this problem, but inbox, outbox an the other 'system' folders do, 
so I guess perhaps the importing utility is causing the problem.

Any ideas ? Thanks in advance !!

"There is no spoon..." - The Matrix

launching mozilla from Pine

2001-08-22 Thread Faheem Mitha
Dear People,

This might be offtopic, but...

I am currently using Mozilla 9.3, and Pine 4.21. I want to launch Mozilla
from Pine using the url-viewer feature. I currently have

# List of programs to open Internet URLs (e.g. http or ftp references).
url-viewers="/usr/bin/mozilla -remote 'openURL(_URL_)'",
"_TEST("test -n ${DISPLAY}")_ /usr/bin/mozilla _URL_"

The corresponding lines with netscape seemed to work Ok, but it doesn't
seem to work right with Mozilla. I want

a) Mozilla to start up if not already started. 
b) If Mozilla is already running, it should be used in preference to
starting up a new copy.

Is there anyone who is using this combination and can help me? Thanks in
advance. I did a little searching on but didn't come up with

   Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

[Potato] IRQ/DMA/IO config with ISA PnP card (Was: Re: Soundblaster 16)

2001-08-22 Thread Phil
hello everybody  ;)

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 01:10:02PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> From: Markus Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Soundblaster 16
> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 12:27:29 +0200
> i tried to install my isa pnp soundblaster like you discribed, a sound system
> should be activated in the kernel...
> (now it is a different installation)
> i used the things you wrote but it said
> output dma timeout
> probably irq/dma conflict
> what can i do?
> i already used different settings for dma16 and irq
> > Many SB16 cards can be configured to select PnP or a fixed IRQ.  If
> > yours has that capability, you should definitely use a fixed IRQ.  In
> > my case, I created /etc/modutils/sb with the following line:
> > options io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=330
> > I then ran 'update-modules' (which creates /etc/modules.conf) and
> > 'insmod sb' and sound was working.
> > I put this line in /etc/modules, so sound would be enabled after boot:
> > sb #Soundblaster 16
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:22:17AM -0400, Adam Bell wrote:
> > > I have the same card.
> > > Probably your problem is that it's in plug and play mode, and since it's
> > > an ISA card that is suckland for Linux.
> > > You need a package called isapnp (apt-get install isapnp), which might
> > > already be there.  Then you need to dump the output of pnpdump --config
> > > into /etc/isapnp.conf (as root).  Then you should be set recognizing the
> > > card (IF isa plug and play is enabled in your kernel...which it should
> > > be.  If not, check modconf / recompile kernel with isapnp support).  Try
> > > isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf.  It should recognize some crap and your sound
> > > card, and tell you your settings (dma, dma16, io, irq)  Write down those
> > > 4 things, then go into modconf.  The module you want is "sb" in with all
> > > the other cards (It'll automagically get sound-core and all that other
> > > crap).  For parameters, pass it all those 4 things ("io=0x220 dma=1
> > > dma16=5 irq=5" for example).
> > >
> > > Hi
> > > I have got a Debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato on my PC.
> > > My problem is the soundcard while using KDE2.
> > > I have a Creative Soundblaster sb16

  well, I get a similar problem with my laptop (Clevo 668 Multimedia
Notebook), and with a Potato.
The soundcard is :

. controller : ESS1879
   (proprietary driver), PnP, 16-bit stereo,
   full-duplex 16-bit ADC, 3 DACs for audio,
   music synthesis and I²S zoom-video max. record & playback
   up to 44Khz stereo (WAVE audio) 20-voice FM music
   (ESFM(tm) technology)   
. wavetable : ESS692
. compatibility : Sound Blaster Pro(tm) 3.01, 16-bit FM,
  MU401(UART mode), MS Windows Sound System(tm)

  I have tried :

pnpdump -rDim :
# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1.21 1999/12/09 22:28:33 fox Exp $
# # Release isapnptools-1.21 (library isapnptools-1.21)
# #
# # This is free software, see the sources for details.
# # This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# #
# # For details of the output file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# #
# # For latest information and FAQ on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# #
# #
# #
# # Trying port address 0273
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0
# # ff ff - bit 00, goodaddress 0 *** 00
# [...]
# Trying port address 03f3
# [...]
# fc fc - bit 00, goodaddress 0 *** csum *** 00
# No boards found

  "No boards found"...! But, so, I got :

  <- beginning of my /etc/isapnp.conf ->
#(READPORT 0x3bb)
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x3e8)) (INT 0 (IRQ 12 (MODE +E))) (A
CT Y)))
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 0 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 1 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
# Try to force logical device 2 (which doesn't exist)...
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 1 (REG 7 (POKE 2) (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
# .. hence this gives an error
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 2 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
  <- end of my /etc/isapnp.conf ->

  then I reboot to have a look at the BIOS ; it offers the following
settings :

Audio Port Addresses : 220h-22Fh (default value)
Midi Port Addresses : 300h-303h (default value)
Audio/Midi IRQ : IRQ 5 (default value)
 IRQ 7
 IRQ 9
 IRQ 10
Audio DMA CH1 : DMA 0
DMA 3 (default value)
Audio DMA CH2 

install problems on an lcIII

2001-08-22 Thread Troy Elseth

Ive ran linux before on an x86, but this has me 
baffeled.  I want to get linux going on an old Mac lcIII, but i have no 
internet software on it and I can't for the life of me get a boot floppy 
working.  I have a floppy but no cdrom on this thing.  The only other 
computer i have is a pentium 2 500 running windows 2k.  
Please help

Re: OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Kent West

Jason Majors wrote:

I just got an AMD chip and noticed that witht the RAM set to 133MHz in the
BIOS it would lock under Debian or Win98. It happened on my box and my
girlfriend's identical box. I'd suggest checking the memory settings.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:59:06PM -0600, Rick Macdonald scribbled...

I got an FIC motherboard with an AMD 1.2GHz Athlon; the mobo has a 
jumper to switch between 100MHz and 133MHz bus speed. If I set it to 
133, I can then go into CMOS and watch the temperature monitor climb and 
climb until the machine locks solid. Switching it back down to 100 
allows the machine to work properly.

I later got a hint that there's a 233-FSB flavor of 1.2 GHz Athlon, and 
a "normal" flavor. I suspect I got the wrong flavor. Mind you, I'm not 
very literate on modern hardware, so I may be speaking complete nonsense.


Re: how to make exim run queue only when ppp link is up?

2001-08-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 02:21:19AM +0100, Stig Brautaset ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Diald keeps bringing up the link on request from exim. I have only had
> this problem since I made a fresh install about a week ago. Earlier, the
> exim cron-entry that run the queue was controlled by a set of scripts
> in diald's ip-up.d and ip-down.d directories, but not so now. Why is
> that? I could of course move the thing myself, but I want to do this the
> debian way. I have tried dpkg-reconfigure exim, but that didn't work...

Two tacks that I could suggest.

One is to run exim only when your PPP connection is up.  Unfortunately,
this has the side effect of disabling local deliver.  You can specify
commands to run on up and down actions in ppp-up.d and ppp-down.d.

The other is to configure diald to ignore exim network requests.  Note
that this may cause exim timeouts.

I've looked at diald from time to time but never actually configured it.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

[Potato] IRQ/DMA/IO config with ISA PnP card (Was: Re: Sound cards & Linux?)

2001-08-22 Thread Phil
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 08:42:10AM -0700, Jason Majors wrote:
> Most SB compatibles mean the SB16 'standard'.
> You need to add the lines
> soundcore
> sb
> to /etc/modules to get it to load at boot.
> and run "insmod soundcore" and "insmod sb" to get it to run now.
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 06:53:35AM -0700, David Frischknecht scribbled...
> > Hello, 
> >  
> > I just want to express my appreciation for all the help I've gotten from 
> > the members of this list.  I'm practically a Linux newbie, so all of the 
> > configuration that's needed to get it up and running is unfamiliar to me. 
> >  I'd like to know how I could get my ESS Audiodrive sound card to work 
> > with Linux.  I know it's SoundBlaster compatible, but I'm not sure which 
> > SoundBlaster protocol it's compatible with.  Could somebody help me out 
> > with this?  Thanks a bunch.  :-) 

  see :
Subject: [Potato] IRQ/DMA/IO config with ISA PnP card (Was: Re:
Soundblaster 16)
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 19:37:11 +0200

  any links/docs ?

Re: Ethernet Card Setup

2001-08-22 Thread Erdmut Pfeifer
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 09:34:43AM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> > I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty
> > setting up my Network Card.
> >
> > I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI
> > 10/100 network card.
> >
> > It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed
> > with the current Potato release. I have read that it
> > should be auto-detected.
> >
> > It doesn't seem to be detected and set up in the
> > Debian Install.
> >
> > How do I go about configuring it?
> Try disabling the "Plug-n-Play Operating System" setting in
> your BIOS, if you have one. It may be worded differently, but
> you should get the idea...
> I *think* (and I'd like to know the answer for sure in case
> anyone knows) that the kernel drivers for various pieces of
> hardware only looks at 'x' number of settings, i.e. IRQ and IO
> address. They're considered 'standard' settings for that
> particular device. If you have 'PnP O/S' setting enabled in
> your BIOS, it doesn't assign the settings, but instead, lets
> the operating system do it.

I recently fought with a similar problem while trying to get the NIC
of my new notebook working (an ASUS L8400K with onboard RTL8139 chip).
I'm not entirely sure whether this has much to do with the original
problem -- but anyway, just for the record:

The card was being detected and I could load the appropriate driver
module. But when trying an ifup or ifconfig, I always got a
"SIOCSFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable".

A google search provided converging evidence that this has to do with
an IRQ conflict, which made me take a closer look at the messages
being output while the card was being detected. There I saw, that the
PCI BIOS had assigned IRQ 0 (!) to the NIC -- no surprise there were

Further googling revealed that this is a M$-made PnP issue, so I looked
for a way to disable PnP in the BIOS.  Unfortunately, it took me while
to realise that this ridiculous "Win98/W2K" vs. "Other" OS option in
the Phoenix-BIOS (which I had not taken seriously before) really meant:
"PnP enabled" vs. "PnP disabled"...
Setting it to "Other" immediately solved the problem.

To quote one of the NIC driver gurus, Donald Becker:

  "The PnP OS problem occurs because Microsoft has convinced BIOS
  makers to modify their PCI device configuration from the previous
  rational standard, to one that works well only with Microsoft
  operating systems. Where previously the BIOS allocated resources for
  and enabled the PCI device by default, it now does so only for boot
  devices and audio devices. (Why are audio devices specifically an
  exception? Because MS-Windows can't handle the resource allocation
  for them!)
  The solution is to either update to the latest driver, (the drivers
  are being re-worked to enable the devices) or to disable the "PnP OS"
  setting in the machine's BIOS setup.
  The reason Microsoft had to have this change implemented for them was
  that MS-Windows still handles some devices with "real-mode" drivers,
  and this change makes it easier to mix real-mode and protected-mode
  device drivers. This is an excellent example of Microsoft using its
  dominant position in the software industry force a technical change
  that is detrimental to other operating systems."

  (Donald Becker, )


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing ag

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

mplayer opengl

2001-08-22 Thread harsha
   When I do ./configure for compiling mplayer it says GL includes
missing and opengl support is missing. I have a Riva TNT2 card and using
the binary drivers from nvidia. How do I get mplayer to compile with
opengl support. Actually is it neccessary that I compile it with such a
support. What would be the advantage?


Chaos is found in the greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
It always defeats order for it is better organized.

Re: SoundBlaster Live not recognized!

2001-08-22 Thread Scott_Patterson

>Well I am getting crazy. I do not know how to install my SoundBlaster =
>Live Card. I do not know how to configure the kernel and what libraries =
>or programs I need. If anybody can help me and explain step by step what =
>I should do in the kernel and what files I have to install I will be =
>very pleased.
>I use Gnome.
>Thank you very much

To upgrade your kernel to 2.2.19 without recompiling, do an "apt-get
install kernel-image-2.2.19". Then rerun lilo via "/sbin/lilo". If the
output of LILO reported no errors, you've probably upgraded your kernel
fine. Of course, be extra careful here and have a boot floopy available
before you reboot as you can render your system unbootable (that's where
your boot floopy comes to the rescue).

After rebooting into your new 2.2.19 kernel, as root, type "modconf". From
here you want to select the module "emu10k1". That's the module for the
Soundblaster Live.

Good luck:)


Creating Install CD with reiserfs

2001-08-22 Thread Christopher S. Swingley

I noticed that the most recent woody boot disks include a directory
for Reiserfs support.  How would one create a Debian install CD
(with the debian-cd package) that uses this kernel / boot image?


Christopher S. Swingley 930 Koyukuk Drive
System / Network ManagerUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks
IARC -- Frontier ProgramFairbanks, AK 99775

phone: 907-474-2689 fax: 907-474-2643
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]GNUPG and PGP2 keys at my web site

Description: PGP signature

Re: a woodied gnumeric

2001-08-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:17:43PM -0700, Bill Wohler wrote:
>   Any word on when woody will have an installable gnumeric?

I've had gnumeric (0.64-1) running in woody for several months without
problems.  I don't recall having to install any non-woody packages to
get it to install, but I have installed several unstable packages in
other instances and possibly one of these was needed for gnumeric
without my realizing it.

Re: VMware and Debian

2001-08-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 09:49:17AM +0300, Dan Pomohaci wrote:
> Thanks for answers but they don't solve my problem (but they are very good
> hints for later operations).
> I downloaded the VMware-2.0.4-1142.tar.gz from their site. I read the
> INSTALL file where it is written:
>   To install/upgrade VMware for Linux, run the program "".
> But I didn't find any file an uninstall file).
> Where did you find it? is a symlink to bin/ (but it also
works to install).

Re: Mounting MS-DOS on bootup.

2001-08-22 Thread Andrew Agno
Karsten M. Self writes:
 > Add them to your /etc/fstab with 'auto' mount options.

Which might catch the msdos file system instead of the vfat (Win95/98) 
filesystem module.  Try the vfat option instead:

/dev/hdb10 /mnt/dos/win98c vfat rw,gid=dos,umask=002 0 0

This will mount /dev/hdb10 as /mnt/dos/win98c and be read write for
the dos group, which may or may not exist on your system, so make sure 
you create it, first, or change it to some other group.


Re: forgot root password on head- and keyboardless machine *blush*

2001-08-22 Thread Stig Brautaset
* Sebastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> High,
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Stig Brautaset wrote:
> > * dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> > > On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 06:02:07PM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
> > > | I have a head- and keyboardless machine running debian potato that I
> > > | used to log into with ssh. Now I have forgotten the password. *blush*
> > > 
> > > The easiest way is to borrow a head and keyboard from somewhere and
> > > boot into "single" user mode.  Hmm, now if you had a way to reboot ...
> > 
> > I know that this is a solution but I don't have a keyboard. I have a
> > screen I could use, but I really don't want to buy a new keyboard just
> > to do this... (my friends all have ps/2 keyboards, whilst my machine
> > uses the old din-style).
> > 
> But it is surely preferable that you have a keyboard attached. When
> situations like this happens, you need to safely reboot the computer, NOT
> just hit reset.

Of course :) but I had to take it with me on a plane, and didn't want to
lug around on a lot of stuff I didn't need. I set it up before I left so
that it booted up and accepted connections via ssh, and planned to do
shutdowns via the network. I wasn't actuallly *planning* to forget the
password you know :P

Regards, Stig


Re: Upgrade

2001-08-22 Thread Shaul Karl
> Shaul Karl wrote:
> > 
> > > Is there any way to upgrade to a higher version of debian ? I always get
> > > lost in `dselect' or `apt-get' . Greg
> > >
> > 
> > Which version of debian are you currently using? What is your
> > /etc/apt/sources.lists looks like? What is the output of apt-get when you 
> > are
> > trying to use it?
> > 
> > Basically, apt-get and dselect are the tools you have got.
> > Perhaps you should start with apt-get and post more specific questions? 
> > Since
> > apt-get does not requires much human intervention I tend to say that once 
> > you
> > will post some specific questions and get answered to you will be using
> > apt-get frequently.
> > 
> > >
> > > --
> > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've gotten as far as `apt-get dist-upgrade', but it ended on a `file
> (pkg) not found'. As for my version of debian it's (CorelLinux)2.1, I
> bought the install disk for $10 Cdn at a used PC shop...please excuse my
> incomplete reply I'm a little tired and this is one of those things that
> gets lost in the mail bag if I don't respond...running `apt-get' was
> good though...I've found the packages in /var/cache/apt...thank you for
> your reply and any other words of advice/encouragement are
> welcomed/appreciated...g.b.

I have no experience with CorelLinux. I know that it is a derivative of Debian 
but I do not know how much it is different from a native Debian system.

Doesn't Corel have a CorelLinux web page and mailing list? Perhaps it would be 
easier to use a native Debian CD and reinstall?

Basically, on a native Debian machine all one has to do is to write a suitable 
/etc/apt/sources.list, run `apt-get update' and then `apt-get dist-upgrade'.

As to what you got, I guess that lines prior to the `file (pkg) not found' are 
significant. Could you copy and paste a complete session and post it here?

What else is there in /var/cache/apt? Here is what I got from today apt-get:

bash-2.05# ls -R /var/cache/apt/
archives  pkgcache.bin  srcpkgcache.bin

adduser_3.41_all.deb  mime-support_3.12-1_all.deb
autotools-dev_20010809.1_all.deb  partial
lock  wenglish_2.0-2_all.deb



Re: OT: AMD chips cause kernel errors and hangs?

2001-08-22 Thread Brandon High
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 01:03:05PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> I got an FIC motherboard with an AMD 1.2GHz Athlon; the mobo has a 
> jumper to switch between 100MHz and 133MHz bus speed. If I set it to 
> 133, I can then go into CMOS and watch the temperature monitor climb and 
> climb until the machine locks solid. Switching it back down to 100 
> allows the machine to work properly.

That's right, there are two separate types of Athlons - 100/200 MHz FSB and
133/266 MHz FSB. The speed that the chip is actually running at is
determined by the FSB and the fixed[1] multiplier in the chip.

Since you have a 1.2 GHz part, it's running a 12x multiplier (12 x 100).
When you set the FSB to 133 MHz, you're essentially increasing
(overclocking) your chip speed to 12 x 133, or 1.6 GHz. Without adequate
cooling, you *will* cook your chip. In other words, unless you know for sure
what you are doing, don't do it.

Another consideration is memory. If you have PC100 memory and are trying to
run it at 133, it may not work.

For more information on overclocking, see and

[1] There are ways to change the multiplier on the Slot A and Socket A
Athlons, but vary from simple to not so simple. See the above sites for more


Drink your Coffee! There are people in India sleeping.

Description: PGP signature

RE: fixing demand-dialing ppp

2001-08-22 Thread Shaun Crossley
I had this same problem, so I manually removed woody ppp and installed
potato ppp, then marked it 'hold' so that it wouldn't get replaced on the
next apt-get upgrade.  

Since then, ppp demand-dial has been working just great on my woody
ipmasq/demand-ppp 56k dail-out box.

If you don't need whatever functionality might be in the latest ppp, but do
need the demand-dial, then this might work for you as well.

Of course, perhaps you've already tried this; in which case nevermind. :-)

Shaun Crossley, Technician 
Kootenay Computers (1995) Inc.
250-365-2323 (voice)
250-365-0151 (fax)

-Original Message-
From: Forrest Cahoon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, Aug 21, 2001 10:42 PM
Subject: fixing demand-dialing ppp

I have the same problem that is described in bug #103843: my woody box
can't do demand-dialing ppp.

While the bug is still open, the maintainer 
(Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) posted this response:

> The reason is the kernel-mode-pppoe patch, having removed it
> the pppd seems to start fine.

I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.  I got pristine 2.2.19
sources from and built a kernel with make-kpkg, but
I still have the problem.  I've tried both building ppp into the
kernel and building it as a module, but both fail.

A couple of points that might be relevant:

1) My woody box that is having this problem is running ip masquerade.

2) I've been building these kernels on a sid box with make-kpkg, then
   installing them on my woody box.

Anyone have any suggestions?

| Forrest Cahoon  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 850 21st Ave SE |--| Only unbalanced people
| Mpls MN  55414-2514 |  |can tip the scales...

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Upgrade

2001-08-22 Thread Hall Stevenson
> > > Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I've gotten as far as `apt-get dist-upgrade', but it ended
> > on a `file (pkg) not found'. As for my version of debian
> > it's (CorelLinux)2.1...

> I have no experience with CorelLinux. I know that it is a
> derivative of Debian

Corel Linux is *dead*.

> Basically, on a native Debian machine all one has to do
> is to write a suitable /etc/apt/sources.list, run
> `apt-get update' and then `apt-get dist-upgrade'.

I've read that attempting to 'upgrade' a Corel Linux system
the normal Debian way will render the machine unusable. Again,
I've *read* this, but have no experience with it.


Re: mplayer opengl

2001-08-22 Thread Sean Quinlan
* harsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-08-22 19:40):
>When I do ./configure for compiling mplayer it says GL includes
> missing and opengl support is missing. I have a Riva TNT2 card and using
> the binary drivers from nvidia. How do I get mplayer to compile with
> opengl support. Actually is it neccessary that I compile it with such a
> support. What would be the advantage?

According to the mplayer readme, OpenGL output is only supported on
cards using Utah GLX, Matrox cards using DRI and ATI cards using DRI
CVS, so you're outta luck :)

I have a Geforce 2 myself, and I find that mplayer runs fine without
OpenGL output.  It would probably be faster, and reduce the load on
your CPU, but since Nvidia's drivers are not open source, I doubt
you'll ever see OpenGL output support from mplayer.

My $0.02...


Sean Quinlan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Gnome panel + sawfish = very slow ?

2001-08-22 Thread Neil Booth
I installed sawfish about 3 wks ago, and have installed a couple of
revisions of gnome panel since then.  However, if I bring up panel
after starting sawfish, dragging a window becomes jerky and slow.  I
don't remember this behaviour in WindowMaker.  Somtimes, but not
always, panel complains about Sawfish not being Gnome compliant.  So I
suspect it is trying to make up for the supposed non-compliance by
hooking into a lot of events it wouldn't otherwise.  Other
panel-related things are sluggish too, like menu drawing and tracing
them with the mouse.  Without panel, everything is snappy, but Sawfish
is a bit limited :-(

I know Sawfish is compliant, so what could be wrong?  

I'm running the latest debian unstable, XFree 4.1.


Re: FortranPlus F95 Compiler Packs: New Release now shipping

2001-08-22 Thread Gerhard Kroder
NAS Marketing wrote:

> Upgrade Prices
> ==

I wonder if they will offer a cross-grade/trade-in, i might giv'em g77


Re: Choosing a Debian Variant

2001-08-22 Thread Nathan Weston
Debian unstable should be able to give you all of the end results you are 
looking for. However, you also want to get these things easily -- ie, good 
hardware detection, ReiserFS by default during the install, etc. This you 
probably won't be able to do. I was recently in a similar situation to you 
(wanting to migrate from RedHat). From my experience, installing debian will 
be hard. You will spend long hours reading man pages and HOWTOs and banging 
your head against the keyboard. You will do lots of posting to this mailing 
list. But eventually, you will get everything to work right, and it will be 
worth it. And installing debian the second time will be easy.
  My recommendation is, if possible, to install debian on a separate 
partition, and keep mandrake around. This way you can take your time figuring 
debian out, and having a working computer in the mean time. Plus, you can 
steal important things like XF86Config from Mandrake, rather than dealing 
with the inferior configuration tools that debian provides.
  Once you have everything working in debian the way you want it, you can 
delete your mandrake install and reclaim those partitions for something else. 
Or, you can format and start over, after backing up your config files.
  The hardest part may be ReiserFS... AFAIK debian won't do this during the 
install... you will probably have to roll a custom kernel and migrate 
partitions after installation. But don't take my word on this... hopefully 
someone more knowledgeable will post on this issue.

Or, you might find that Libranet or Stormix fit your needs I don't really 
know anything about them.

Good luck,

On Wednesday 22 August 2001 10:29 am, Avdi B. Grimm wrote:
> This is a message I /should/ have sent before I even tried
> to install Debian.  Oh well, better late than never.
> Here's the deal: I want Debian on my machine.  Mandrake is
> in many ways wonderful; it has the best install in the
> world (in my experience); it has loads of bundled software;
> and it does a great job of detecting and configuring
> existing hardware.  However, it's a toy OS.  Administration
> can be confusing and goofy; there's rarely a canonical
> Mandrake Way to do common tasks like there is a Debian Way;
> upgrading is a joke; and besides, it has no Policy. After
> doing a lot of reading, I've come to the conclusion that
> Debian is the most technically superior distro out there.
> So, I want Debian, and I'm determined to install it.
> However, there are some requirements I have. There are
> certain things I want on my new Debian system, and I don't
> want to dick around with configuring them after the
> install, or waiting hours or days for large packages to
> download over my measly 56k connection.
> Here's what I want out-of-box:
> ReiserFS: I've had great experiences with this on Mandrake.
> It's fast, and when the power goes out unexpectedly I
> needn't worry about disk integrity.  I want to be able to
> format my boot/system partition with ReiserFS during the
> install.
> KDE 2.2(Preferred)/KDE 2.1(Acceptable):  I use both KDE and
> GNOME apps, and I don't want to wait hours to upgrade to a
> recent KDE.
> GNOME 1.4(preferred)/GNOME 1.2(acceptable): See above.
> XFree86 4.*: Must include drivers for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2
> Kernel 2.4.*
> Nice-To-Haves:
> GRUB as the default bootloader: I like GRUB.  It's less
> finicky than LILO.
> The other things I want in a Debian variant:
> A good installer.  Not necessarily a super-easy one; but
> one that people have found is solid and doesn't do anything
> nonsensical (like overwrite your MBR after asking a single,
> non-obvious question *cough*Progeny*cough*).  Also one that
> either a) auto-detects hardware *WELL*, or b) prompts the
> user for hardware info. Not one that does a half-assed job
> of hardware detection, and leaves the system
> half-configured.
> I want it to be very Debian-Compatible. By which I mean, I
> want to be able to grab packages from standard Debian
> "testing" or "unstable", and have them install without
> conflicts.  Basicly I don't want a lot of unnecessary
> proprietary tweaks.
> So, there are my requirements.  What I'm trying to figure
> out is, which Debian Variant to install. I've already tried
> Progeny, and found it lacking in many respects. What I'm
> asking is, should I go with Libranet? Or should I chance
> using Stormix, even though they are out of business?  Or is
> Progeny really my best bet, and I should stick with it?  Or
> should I just tough it out and get an Official Debian CD,
> and suffer through hours of package downloads?  Is there
> any Debian-based distro I'm missing? (I have no interest in
> Corel, that's why it's not listed)
> Thanks for your time,
> -Avdi Grimm
> __
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Re: pilot-xfer stopped working after kernel upgrade to 2.4.9

2001-08-22 Thread thomas
> I used "make menuconfig" and configured the kernel by hand (having read
> the configuration from the old 2.2.18 config), was it wrong?
> Does "oldconfig" makes some magic conversions from old version of
> configfile?

It only works from 2.Y.x -> 2.Y.x anyway (not 2.2.x -> 2.4.x) afaik (you
could try it out though). I think the problem might be the old 2.2.18
kernel to 2.4.9 upgrade. But since you upgraded all important packages
(like modutils etc.) from the url you mentioned i'm kinda clueless.
Maybe sth. went wrong. Pls check if lsmod -V gives 2.4.6 or higher. Does
everything work if you boot the old kernel again? If nothing helps then
build 2.4.9 again, you probably missed sth. during the config.


Re: launching mozilla from Pine

2001-08-22 Thread W. Paul Mills

I do not think this is unique to Pine. Seems to be a mozilla thing.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Faheem Mitha) writes:

> I am currently using Mozilla 9.3, and Pine 4.21. I want to launch Mozilla
> from Pine using the url-viewer feature. I currently have
> # List of programs to open Internet URLs (e.g. http or ftp references).
> url-viewers="/usr/bin/mozilla -remote 'openURL(_URL_)'",
> "_TEST("test -n ${DISPLAY}")_ /usr/bin/mozilla _URL_"
> The corresponding lines with netscape seemed to work Ok, but it doesn't
> seem to work right with Mozilla. I want
> a) Mozilla to start up if not already started. 
> b) If Mozilla is already running, it should be used in preference to
> starting up a new copy.
> Is there anyone who is using this combination and can help me? Thanks in
> advance. I did a little searching on but didn't come up with
> anything.

*  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*  that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *

Re: Upgrade

2001-08-22 Thread Paul Scott

Hall Stevenson wrote:

   Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've gotten as far as `apt-get dist-upgrade', but it ended
on a `file (pkg) not found'. As for my version of debian
it's (CorelLinux)2.1...

I have no experience with CorelLinux. I know that it is a
derivative of Debian

Corel Linux is *dead*.

Please say more.

Paul Scott

Re: USB/Scanner, how to start?

2001-08-22 Thread Adam Bower
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Jan Torben Heuer wrote:

> hmm, what I have to do, to make my USB Scanner working?
> It's an Agfa SnapScan 1212
> there is no /proc/pci
> there is no usb entry at /proc/interrupts
> however usb support ist generally compiled as module, but which modules do I
> really need?

You will need the USB module (or compiled into the kernel) and also the
usbscanner and some other bits. You will need to read this page you will need to create the device node
/dev/usbscanner and then install sane and xsane.

Good luck though as I had problems getting it working and in the end took
the Agfa back to the store and got an Epson scanner. I have heard other
people have had problems but stick with it as it should work.

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