I have the same problem that is described in bug #103843: my woody box
can't do demand-dialing ppp.

While the bug is still open, the maintainer 
(Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) posted this response:

> The reason is the kernel-mode-pppoe patch, having removed it
> the pppd seems to start fine.

I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.  I got pristine 2.2.19
sources from ftp.us.kernel.org and built a kernel with make-kpkg, but
I still have the problem.  I've tried both building ppp into the
kernel and building it as a module, but both fail.

A couple of points that might be relevant:

1) My woody box that is having this problem is running ip masquerade.

2) I've been building these kernels on a sid box with make-kpkg, then
   installing them on my woody box.

Anyone have any suggestions?

| Forrest Cahoon      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |------------------------------|
| 850 21st Ave SE     |----------------------| Only unbalanced people       |
| Mpls MN  55414-2514 |                      |        can tip the scales... |

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