I think the driver's for this card are only included in the compact kernel.  Go 
grab the compact rescue and root floppies and try again.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:08:02PM +1000, Nathan Goss wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Debian, and am having difficulty setting up my Network Card.
> I currently have a 3Com  3C905-TX   PCI  10/100 network card.
> It is apparently supported in the kernel distributed with the current Potato
> release. I have read that it should be auto-detected.
> It doesn’t seem to be detected and set up in the Debian Install.
> How do I go about configuring it?
> Cheers,
> Nathan

Wes Byne                    
Water Quality Modeling and Watershed Assessments
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          (voice):706-542-6041  

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