On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:59:06PM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> We have a Linux cluster of 1000 nodes. I wasn't involved in setting it up.
> They use RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.19. Dual AMD 1.2GHz, 2GB memory, 2GB swap,
> GB ethernet.
Quoting the latest Kernel Traffic (kt.zork.net), which
summerizes the kernel development list:
'But Alan Cox pointed out, "Athlon SMP will actually not always
work with 2.2.'

I suggest pointing this out to the one who *did* set up the
cluster, and perhaps persuading him/her to move to 2.4 and a
distro that supports it.

As for your hardware, I am jelous.  Where do I sign up for an
account? :)


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