Re: [chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-12-21 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It has been reported that the models supported by the
> driver module are missing from today's build. I have verified this and
> they are gone. Reverting back to the previous build restores them.
> The missing radios are still available when running "chirpw" from the
> up-to-date chirp.hg folder of my Windows 7 CHIRP development computer.
> Could this be somehow related to the "future module" since this driver
> module requires it?

Nothing has changed in this module in today's build, meaning nothing should be 
different from this vs. the last build. Sounds like it's just missing from the 
windows installer-based build? Anything in the debug log during chirp startup? 
I'll have to get my hands on a windows machine to try to reproduce and debug,  
but nothing stands out as a likely reason.

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Re: [chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-12-21 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Nothing has changed in this module in today's build, meaning nothing should 
> be different from this vs. the last build. Sounds like it's just missing from 
> the windows installer-based build? Anything in the debug log during chirp 
> startup? I'll have to get my hands on a windows machine to try to reproduce 
> and debug,  but nothing stands out as a likely reason.

Okay, sure enough, in the build logs I see that the process wasn't able to 
install the future module:

>   Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None)) after 
> connection broken by 
> 'ConnectTimeoutError(  object at 0x0131B0B0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect 
> timeout=15)')': /simple/future/
>   Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement future (from 
> versions: )

This turns out to be related to a smallish change in the network topology where 
the build environment runs, which prevented the build from accessing the public 
internet. I've fixed that now and have regenerated today's build and updated 
the files in the build directory:

Thanks for the attention to detail from all involved!

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Re: [chirp_users] New Daily Build

2021-02-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> An issue was just opened because the recently added AnyTone radio
> models are missing. Could the same thing have happened causing the
> "future" module to be missing in the Mac build?

Well, this is different in that the Mac build is frozen and is the thing 
missing the module. The App gets built just by jamming the updated python files 
in during the build on a non-mac machine, whereas the windows installer is 
built from pieces each time on an actual windows system. I could jam the future 
module in there as well, but there are other problems with that. I really want 
to try to get us off the legacy mac stack if possible, but it's complicated.

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Re: [chirp_users] RepeaterBook query fails with 502 error

2022-12-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> when I click on Radio -> Query Source -> RepeaterBook, then I choose my state 
> and county I get an error message "Got error code 502 from server"

RepeaterBook was down for an hour yesterday and several hours today, so I 
suspect they're having trouble. The 502 is the chirp proxy's response when 
repeaterbook itself returns a 50x error, meaning "I'm broken." It's actually 
getting "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" from repeaterbook itself, so I 
suspect it's related to the other outage(s) lately. I'd say give it a little 
more time to stabilize and then we can reach out to the repeaterbook owner.

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[chirp_users] What's next for CHIRP

2022-12-31 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi all,

I'd like to announce the availability of what I'm calling the "CHIRP-next" 
build for the new year. If you're not aware, some of the libraries that CHIRP 
depends on have been orphaned such that CHIRP was a bit stuck in time for many 
years. Overcoming this obstacle required a lot of changes to CHIRP's core, 
drivers, and the GUI has had to be completely rewritten as a result. This has 
been a ton of work, and we still have a lot left to do.

However, it's time to rope you, the users and power users, into the effort. 
Several of us have tested hundreds of radios over the last few months getting 
ready for this, but we need your help to flesh things out. Over 90% of the 
radios that get used most often with CHIRP have been tested, but there are 
still plenty left that need to be confirmed (or fixed). Similarly, the GUI has 
been tested fairly well amongst the developers at this point, but there are 
surely still plenty of bugs to find and fix.

Ultimately, this new build will become what is today the "daily" builds, and 
the current version of chirp will be renamed "legacy". As of now, all new 
development is being done on the "next" builds and only critical bug fixes will 
be considered for legacy. If CHIRP-next works for you and your radios, we want 
you running it as soon as possible.

I've put together a page that describes in more detail why we're having to do 
this, how you can help, and what to look for and report:

Also, here's a page that describes some of the changes you can expect in the 
new version:

While we're not doing this specifically to add features, the "opportunity" to 
redesign some things has allowed us to add some improvements. Further, being on 
newer dependent libraries has allowed us to add some features we never had 

If you're on MacOS or Linux, you will almost certainly want to be running the 
new build immediately. It uses modern dependencies and also behaves much more 
like a native application on all platforms.

We really need your help testing and vetting this new version, so if you feel 
comfortable, please consider giving it a try and letting us know what you run 
into. I'm getting the word out here to the users groups a little early, before 
we start offering it on the download page specifically. Feel free to forward 
this to your own groups, facebook pages, etc to get more visibility than just 
the users here.

You can find the CHIRP-next builds here:

As always, you'll want to stay up-to-date with these, as things have been 
moving fast!

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-02 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I would think it would be good to make it clear this "next" version of 
> Chirp is made for Windows 10 and doesn't work on Windows 7.

It's on the page that describes the new builds, with a rationale:

Unfortunately, it's really out of our control. There is only one version of the 
runtime we depend on that works on Windows 7, and we would have to use a 
compatibility library to even use that. That version will lose support soon as 

It's important that the build system run a supported version of windows, so 
that it can be fully patched, and have all its security fixes applied. That's 
safety for every user that downloads chirp. In order to do that, it has to be 
running a supported windows and a supported runtime.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-02 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I've been playing around with the new Chirp. I like that the import from 
> RepeaterBook includes an option for coordinates, but I wish the previous 
> import options were kept. When I'm preparing for a trip, I'm more likely 
> to know the county or zip code of my destination than I am the 
> coordinates. Yes, I can get the coordinates, but it's more cumbersome 
> (YMMV). However, if I need to make changes once I'm at my destination, 
> finding coordinates is much easier,  but then I can just use the 
> RepeaterBook app instead.

Okay, I generally find it harder to figure out the county of a remote location, 
as I usually have to find a town's web page or something, which sometimes links 
to their county site. Or find a county map and guess where I'm going. Going to 
google maps, clicking on a place and grabbing the coordinates is easier (for 
me). Also, sorting by coordinates means I have a much better idea how far 
repeaters are from where I'm going to be, since I won't know any of the local 
names. I actually rarely used the chirp query for travel for this reason, but 
find the new one a lot more helpful.

Searching by zip code is only supported (currently, could change) in the 
special repeaterbook chirp interface, but we don't get the richer data from 
their API that way. The new interface lets us show nearby landmarks, towns, 
*and* the coordinates of the repeater so we can sort by distance. Geocoding 
coordinates from zipcode actually costs money (the USPS charges *annually* for 
access to that information, if you can believe it).

That said, please open a Feature Request for this and include the above 
justification and I'll see what I can do.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-02 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this!

And thank you for the feedback :)

> I'm willing to give the new way a try. It sounds like figuring out the 
> coordinates for me is a "hassle" just like figuring out a county is for 
> you. Not a slam...just making a comparison.

Absolutely understand. Getting lat/longs used to be quite laborious for sure. 
Nowadays there is one tool that can tell you anywhere on the planet. I guess 
technically the same tool (google) can tell you the county, but not in the same 
consistent workflow, depending on where it is. Of course, being able to query 
based on any field would be ideal, but repeaterbook supports countries all over 
the world with different municipal divisions, post codes, etc and I want to 
extend that search to allow more than just north america at some point. Every 
bit of UI work to allow searching and filtering is more complexity, so I just 
want to try to be judicious about it.

> I'm a map guy at heart, so I 
> understand your logic behind the coordinate search. I'm sure I'll get 
> use to it over time.

Thanks, I surely won't rule out further support in the future. At the moment, I 
probably need to prioritize drivers that aren't converted yet, but I'm open to 
a feature request for other stuff, especially with good explanations of why 
it's worth a change.

> Yeah, I'm not surprised the PO charges for "public" data. I can see why 
> the zip code import was dropped.

Yeah, the zip code stuff was done on the repeaterbook side for us, but it's not 
free and thus wasn't in the general query bit for that reason. It's too bad our 
own data isn't available to us, but alas :/

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-02 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi John,

> I put this reference together over the weekend.
> I can enhance it if you think necessary.

Thanks for doing this, it looks great to me!

On the desktop shortcut note - is the installer not putting an icon in the 
start menu (or whatever you call it on windows these days)? Or are you just 
suggesting that for people that want it on the desktop too?

I thought common practice on windows (installers) was not to clutter up the 
desktop with launcher icons. I could look into making the installer optionally 
do this if you ask for it, but probably better after we take care of more of 
the urgent items.


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Re: [chirp_users] Nice!

2023-01-04 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Please tell me there is some way to change the font used by Chirp Next? The 
> default font hurts my eyes!

Not currently, but please check tomorrow's build. The short story is, being a 
developer, I like tabulated and structured data to appear in fixed-width (i.e. 
typewriter) font so that everything lines up. I'm starting to gather the 
impression that my preference is not shared by many other people in the 
community :)

So tomorrow it will change to the system-default variable-width font. Please 
let me know if that addresses your concern.

If there are users here who prefer the fixed-width font the way it is today, 
speak up and I'll make a way for you to choose which one is used. If I'm the 
only one, then I won't bother :)

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Re: [chirp_users] Nice!

2023-01-04 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I MUCH prefer fixed width fonts.
> My personal preference would be to default to a fixed width font, but allow 
> the user to choose something different, if desired.

Okay, well, glad some other people here like the fixed-width :)

I'll work on making it an option. For tomorrow, it'll be variable width only, 
but sometime later, it'll be optional.

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Re: [chirp_users] chirp-next radio reference options

2023-01-07 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Not sure if this has been asked, and I apologize if this topic has been 
> discussed.
> Would it be possible to implement a zip code option for proximity search as 
> one of the options from Chirp legacy?

Are you talking about radioreference (per your subject) or repeaterbook (which 
had a zip code before but doesn't anymore)?

RadioReference is still via zip code, so I'm confused if that's what you're 

RepeaterBook's formal API, which I switched to in -next gives us a ton more 
information than the old chirp-specific one. The old one did have a zip-code 
option, but it was only for CHIRP, and it requires a lot of work and expense 
(for RepeaterBook) as ZIP code information is not free. It could be added back 
in (but we need RepeaterBook to do that), but it would be better if we can 
avoid it. There was a discussion about this earlier on the list.

The new repeaterbook query box has a search field where you can put cities, 
counties, and even landmarks to filter the results. The lat/lon is optional, 
but if you put it in, it will sort by distance from you. I think if you leave 
everything blank, but choose a state and type a county name that should be 
fairly close in functionality to before, no? Where I am, my zip code is pretty 
small, but my county is big, which gives me a much better sampling of "local 

That said, if you (or anyone else) feels like zipcode searching is absolutely 
critical, please file a feature report and I can work with the RepeaterBook 
owner on it. No promises, but, the process starts there :)


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Re: [chirp_users] chirp-next Repeater Book options

2023-01-07 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> My apologies, I actually meant to say RepeaterBook.   Not sure what sort of 
> brain dyslexia cause me to mixed the two up. 
> But I guess this filter is a new feature added in the newer build .  Prior 
> which I think only had a latitude and longitude boxes.  
> The new filters are pretty nice, and indeed much better as a zip codes filter 
> does not necessarily fine tune the search results as good. 

Yep, I added the search filter after the previous discussion here. Glad it's 
working for you :)

> However, I do notice another useful filter that might be useful. Band filter? 
> But instead of a drop down menu, perhaps  it could come in a form of checkbox 
> so that one can select just 2m and 70cm or whatever band combination to be 
> included? 
> Persistence state that it would remember the next time use it, and an all / 
> none button? Maybe not really need it , as realistically there really aren’t 
> that many bands be a chore to select.  

Yeah, I've thought about this, but the bands differ across the globe. Listing 
them all would be a chore, selecting more than one makes the interface complex 
and larger. I haven't moved on anything for this yet just because I can't think 
of the best way to represent it.

Out of curiosity, and I know this sounds strange, but.. why do you want to 
filter that way? I say that because I never just query a source and then dump 
all the results into my radio - I pick the one I'm looking for, or the ones in 
the area where I'm going. Also, almost everything in my area is 2m/70cm, so 
filtering out all but those would not change the list a whole lot. I guess 
maybe if you're looking for only 2m repeaters you might not want to see all the 
70cm ones?

Anyway, please do open a feature request and I'll do some more thinking. If 
other people have thoughts on this, let me know.

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Re: [chirp_users] chirp-next Repeater Book options

2023-01-07 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> The check all or none selection mostly for lazy bulk selection or 
> deselection.  As for why I would have a selection , where I live and the 
> place I’ve been traveling to tends to have a large variety of different 
> bands.  In the San Francisco bay area, there’s lot to pick through for 
> un/wanted results.Legacy version allowed me to say just grab just 220 
> bands, or sort by frequencies via memory slots page, and trim out what I need 
> and dont need.  Chirp-Next doesnt seem to have either functions.  Its more a 
> quality of life thing, I guess? 

Okay, fair enough.

> I’ll do that, and my best to articulate the logic around it. 

Thanks, I've got something to push up for tomorrow against that when I see it. 
It's not perfect, but hopefully it will at least partially address the concern 

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Re: [chirp_users] Regarding Chirp Software For Yaesu System Fusion C4FM Radios.

2023-01-08 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Chirp doesn't recognise ANY digital repeaters and doesn't program the digital 
> side of any radio.

CHIRP has supported D-STAR radios (including repeater configs) since 2008.

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Re: [chirp_users] chirp-next - Row selection on banks tab

2023-01-11 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I was just doing some work on my image file for a Yaesu FT-60R. I was 
> assigning memories to banks, and I somehow got multiple rows in the table 
> highlighted. I think I may have clicked and dragged slightly to cause this.
> I can not un-highlight the rows, nor do I see the point of highlighting rows 
> in the banks table. If there is not anything useful to be done after 
> selecting multiple rows of this table, would it be possible to just disable 
> the row selection there?

Yeah, multi-select shouldn't be enabled there. If you can open a bug that would 
be helpful.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> [3046399+kk7ds] Add DN to mode list for Yaesu System Fusion
> [3046399+kk7ds] Make RepeaterBook return YSF (DN mode) repeaters
> [3046399+kk7ds] Add DN mode support to FT1, FT2, FT3

I'm not sure if anyone noticed this, but these are the first radios to have any 
sort of Yaesu System Fusion support in CHIRP. Honestly, it's a bit of a tough 
thing to wedge in, as YSF is a little strange. I'm not a YSF guy, so I'd 
appreciate any feedback on this (here if positive, and in a bug if you find an 

I tested this with an FT3, but I'm hopeful that it works for the FT1 and FT2. 
If anyone has one of those models and can confirm, that would be helpful.

Hopefully some of the other developers who contributed the other YSF radios 
will be able to circle back and extend those to support it as well in time.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I have a 7250, so if you get YSF support for that radio, I’d be happy to test 
> it!

Have you tested it at all with CHIRP? There's a bug report open that makes the 
driver look super broken, but I'm wondering if it's a firmware version issue:

I'd love to know if it works for you, as I didn't write the driver so I don't 
know much about it. If it does work for you, that driver inherits from the FT1 
base class like the others, so I *hope* enabling the YSF stuff for it would be 
easy if there's a tester handy.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Since you've brought up Yaesu & System Fusion...   I have an FTM-400 that I 
> love. (Though I haven't set it up since I moved about 6 months ago).
> Has any work been done on supporting the FTM-400 in chirp? Is it technically 
> possible?

I haven't done any work but it looks like there are plenty of requests and some 
start was made years ago:

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Re: [chirp_users] Importing a CSV file into the memory of an Alinco DJ-G7T

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> To even get Chirp to talk to the Alinco, I needed to patch it (I think
> this will preclude me using a pre-made "binary"):
> diff --git a/chirp/drivers/ b/chirp/drivers/
> index 7bfffa39..b3350653 100644
> --- a/chirp/drivers/
> +++ b/chirp/drivers/
> @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ class AlincoDJG7EG(AlincoStyleRadio):
> TMODES = ["", "??1", "Tone", "TSQL", "TSQL-R", "DTCS"]
> # This is a bit of a hack to avoid overwriting _identify()
> -_model = b"AL~DJ-G7EG"
> +_model = b"AL~DJ-G7T"
> _memsize = 0x1a7c0
> _range = [(50, 13)]

This clearly means that your DJ-G7 is some other flavor than the one for which 
a driver has been written. I'm guessing the one in the tree is the european 
version and yours is...something else?

Feel free to open a new feature request for that model to help get it included 
in chirp as a first class citizen.

> If I load up my CSV file, the upload option is greyed out.  So clearly
> I don't directly open the CSV file, I have to "import" it somehow.

You can't upload a CSV to the radio, for sure, as mentioned in the Beginner's 

That also covers how to get memories into your radio's image via copy and paste.

> If I try to copy the repeaters into the image from the radio, even just
> one repeater, Chirp segfaults.  So clearly it's not a matter of copy
> and paste.

Yes, copy and paste is how you do it. A segfault in a python application means 
something is very wrong, but almost surely with the stack of non-python stuff 
underneath it (wx, GTK, etc, etc). I've not seen a segault using CHIRP in I 
can't even remember how long. Last one was absolutely with the GTK/cocoa stuff 
from the python2 years, as that has always been a bit tipsy. Since copy and 
paste interacts with your system clipboard, if that's where the segfault 
happens I'd guess there's some mismatched libraries involved.

Feel free to open a bug and provide more information to help track down the 
segfault if you'd like.

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Re: [chirp_users] Importing a CSV file into the memory of an AlincoDJ-G7T

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> How far below "file" is "import"?  I don't see it.  I see "open" --
> this lets me open a CSV file, but won't let me load it into a radio.

There is no File->Import in chirp-next. Glenn is thinking about chirp-legacy.

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Re: [chirp_users] Importing a CSV file into the memory of an Alinco DJ-G7T

2023-01-12 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I believe others already have, at least two or three times looking at
> the bug tracker, many of which have patches.  I didn't want to clutter
> it with duplicates.

Fair enough. I've never taken patches through the bug tracker as a general 
rule, although people attach them there sometimes. That's why those issues 
aren't open and have comments about following the process. I also need a test 
image of the radio in order to add it to the tree, not just a patch. If you can 
muster the github steps to get that submitted that would be great. However, if 
you can either test one of the existing patches and attach your test image, or 
open a new one with your image and patch, I can work the process for you.

> As far as I know this is the US version of the DJ-G7.  Here in
> Australia we have a 4MHz-wide 2m band (144-148MHz) and nearly all the
> FM repeaters are in the upper 2MHz.
> The other difference is the European DJ-G7 uses 9kHz spacing for MW
> broadcast reception -- whereas the US DJ-G7 uses 10kHz (annoying,
> because Australia has had a 9kHz spacing on MW since 1978).
> Other than that, I suspect the two sets are practically identical.

Neither of those are likely to impact CHIRP, so yep, should be okay.

> I'll have to do some investigation then.  The files I'm working with
> are here (patch, image dump from radio and my repeater listing):

I can probably turn that into a patch, but I need someone to test it before 
I'll put it in. If you'll open an issue for this, we can collaborate on getting 
something tested and into the tree.

> I guess a feature to allow one to import memory channels from a CSV
> (overwriting existing ones) would be handy as copying and pasting
> channels gets cumbersome.

Feedback from the legacy version was that copy and paste was far more flexible 
and user-friendly, and even being a CLI and developer type myself, that's how I 
do it. I rarely want to import everything from my master list into every radio, 
given a non-overlapping set of supported features, bands and modes.

The legacy version had a very complex import mechanism, which I never used, and 
if you watch some of the youtube videos people have made, it far complicates 
for them what would be much easier with copy and paste. The mere existence 
seemed to make people think they had to do import instead of copy/paste. Having 
a just-overwrite-everything import is an option and I could add that, and may 
in the future, but for the moment copy and paste is the workflow.

Sometimes simpler is better, especially in a GUI app.

> Another prospect might be a CLI interface, so I could just prepare the
> file, then tell `chirp` to download from the radio (or load from an
> existing image), replace the channels, then upload it back to the
> radio.

There is a CLI in the git tree and some people do use it. If you find it 
useful, feel free to file a feature request to have it included in the source 

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Re: [chirp_users] chirp-next: howto update correctly

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I switched to chirp-next and I installed it with success in Linux Mint 'Vera' 
> (21.1) and Debian 10 by downloading tar.gz file running sutup.
> The only question I have now is:  how to update my installation wthi the new 
> daily releases? Is it ok download the new version running, for this setup 
> again?

Yes, but you can also use pip to install it instead of setup, and pip has 
uninstall and upgrade routines.

We probably need to do some work updating the site for chirp-next and linux.

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Re: [chirp_users] help running chirp-next on RPI

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Any answers to this request?. I'm seeking elucidation too ! 73 Mike

Try this:

$ sudo apt install git python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-serial python3-six 
python3-future python3-requests python3-pip

Then grab the tarball and run "pip install" on the tarball. Let me know if that 
works on the pi and I'll update the website docs.

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Re: [chirp_users] help running chirp-next on RPI

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Dan, dont you mean 'pip3 install'.

It depends on the system, but if you have a pip3, then yes.

> It ran ok but with the warnings below. I have no idea where is put the 
> files though. I cannot see them in my 'home' directory tree.
>  WARNING: Built wheel for chirp is invalid: Metadata 1.2 mandates PEP 440 
> version, but 'next-20230114' is not
> Failed to build chirp
> Installing collected packages: zipp, yattag, importlib-resources, chirp
> Running install for chirp ... done
>   DEPRECATION: chirp was installed using the legacy ' install' 
> method, because a wheel could not be built for it. pip 21.0 will remove 
> support for this functionality. A possible replacement is to fix the wheel 
> build issue reported above. You can find discussion regarding this at 
> Successfully installed chirp-next-20230114 importlib-resources-5.10.2 
> yattag-1.15.0 zipp-3.11.0
> pi@RPi4-3:~/Downloads $

If you ran it as your own user, then ~/.local/bin is where they are. If you run 
it as root, it should put it in /usr/local/bin.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp installation under Ubuntu error messages

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I believe that I have all of the required dependencies installed but 
> perhaps I've missed something.
> :~/.local/bin$ ./chirp
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/phil/.local/bin/./chirp", line 33, in 
> sys.exit(load_entry_point('chirp===py3-20221124', 

This looks like you have some super old version installed? Or possibly a mix of 

Probably better to open a bug for this in case it turns into something 
actionable so I can reference a fix against it.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp installation under Ubuntu error messages

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I did have an old version that I removed with apt and I did have a a 
> flatpak version that I think I had removed some time ago. I'll check.

The flatpak would be completely isolated from this, so that's not related. And 
definitely no apt package was going to be installing that super old version 
into python 3.10, and in your home directory.

> This has probably been answered many times, how does one submit a bug 
> report? On git hub I suppose.

File a bug here:

That way we can figure out where you got what you're installing, how you're 
installing it, and what you had before to try to get you squared away.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp installation under Ubuntu error messages

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> :~/Downloads$ pip3 install chirp-py3-20221124.tar.gz

This is insanely old (in chirp-next time frames). You should be using the 
latest from here:

Looks like you're going to the bottom to get the first, but that's the oldest. 
Purge again and get today's build.


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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp installation under Ubuntu error messages

2023-01-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Silly me again Dan, sorry to have bothered you.

No worries, I was wondering where you got that old tarball until I realized it 
was the oldest build dir. We can blame Rich NE1EE for *forcing* me to reverse 
the sort in that directory. Just kidding Rich, it was the right call :)

So you're good now?

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Re: [chirp_users] help running chirp-next on RPI

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> (chirp:2413): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 04:58:49.028: 
> gtk_distribute_natural_allocation: assertion 'extra_space >= 0' failed
> ERROR:  raised unexpected 
> exception
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chirp/wxui/", 
> line 448, in run_safe
> return fn(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chirp/wxui/", line 
> 386, in open_file
> editorset = ChirpEditorSet(radio, filename, self._editors)
>   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chirp/wxui/", line 
> 119, in __init__
> edit = self.MEMEDIT_CLS(radio, self._editors)
>   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chirp/wxui/", 
> line 465, in __init__
> self.set_cell_attrs()
>   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chirp/wxui/", 
> line 482, in set_cell_attrs
> attr.SetFitMode(wx.grid.GridFitMode.Ellipsize())
> AttributeError: 'GridCellAttr' object has no attribute 'SetFitMode'

This is likely due to an insufficiently new wx library. Please file a bug!

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[chirp_users] RepeaterBook Worldwide

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi all,

In continuing this weekend's RepeaterBook theme, I wanted to point out that 
today's build contains support for RepeaterBook's worldwide directory, That 
means the list of countries in the drop-down box has gone from three to over a 
hundred, with hundreds of repeaters listed for many countries. Again this is a 
volunteer-maintained database, so it's only as good as you make it, but if 
you've never had the ability to query sources in CHIRP, give it a try!

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Re: [chirp_users] Problem on Linux Mint with Mate desktop

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Chirp about info is: CHIRP-next-20230115 on Python 3.10.6 wxPython 4.0.7 gtk3 
> (phoenix) Wxwidget 3.0.5
> Any help?

This is the same issue Lynda faced, and is likely because your wxPython is 
older than what we're using in the bundled builds. Someone please file a bug 
and I'll add an exception for your older library.
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Re: [chirp_users] RepeaterBook Worldwide

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Please confirm this is in CHIRP Next?

CHIRP-next only yep!

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Re: [chirp_users] Problem on Linux Mint with Mate desktop

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I am using Mint 20.02 based on Ubuntu 20.04 and had the same issue with old 
> wxPython. I used this to successfully update wxPython and resolve the issue.
> pip3 install -U  -f 
> wxPython

This will work for x86_64 machines, but won't work for systems like the 
Raspberry Pi. But yeah, this gets you on a newer wxPython, which is good for 
several reasons. I've added this as an optional step to this page:


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Re: [chirp_users] help running chirp-next on RPI

2023-01-15 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Was just going to open a new issue, but looks like you’ve already beat me to 
> it.
> Do you want me to add any additional information to the ticket as you sort of 
> already know the wxPython version is the issue?

I was able to reproduce it so I figured I'd just open it since nobody else had 
yet, so I'm good thanks.

> Further more, Im running the current 32bit Raspbian (armhf).  I’ll hold off 
> upgrading to the new ARM64 architecture until we’ll get the base installation 
> working first. 

Shouldn't make any difference, FWIW.

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Re: [chirp_users] Query RepeaterBook - Limit Band option only lists 10m band

2023-01-16 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Query RepeaterBook - Limit Band option only lists the 10m band.
> Am I missing something obvious? If not I can investigate further.

I build the list by looking at the bandplan and including any whole bands that 
are named "XX Meter Band" above 27MHz. So look at your bandplan object and 
either fix the names so they match, or add them if they're missing.

> Freq Step is always 5KHZ - I have raised this with Garrett.

This is probably something I can fix in the module by determining the proper 
step for the frequency during import. I don't think this is something 
RepeaterBook needs to care about.

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Re: [chirp_users] Bullseye 64 Chirp-next build

2023-01-20 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> After a seemingly successful Buster 64 buil and install,
> all seems OK, but I have the following in the terminal
> window:
> (chirp:9399): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:30:16.961: 
> gtk_distribute_natural_allocation: assertion 'extra_space >= 0' failed
> Is this a concern?  If yes, how to fix it?

No, GTK has a long history of unceremoniously barfing warnings and errors to 
the console, much to the chagrin of app developers that use it. They also seem 
to have a different definition for "critical" as clearly the error is.. not 
critical :)

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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-80AD HT - Assigning Channel Banks

2023-01-27 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Am I missing something on how to edit the index numbers?

Yes, you're missing the step where you click on the index in the GUI and change 
it to something sensible. However, your query made me realize that this was 
broken back in December and nobody noticed until now! I imagine maybe you 
clicked a couple (thousand) times on the index thinking maybe you could change 
it, and assumed you were missing something else. My apologies :)

Can you file a bug? I'll get a fix cooked up for tomorrow's build.


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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-80AD HT - Assigning Channel Bank

2023-01-28 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Thank you Dan, the fix works exactly as expected.

Glad to hear it, thanks!


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Re: [chirp_users] kenwood tk-768 (N)

2023-01-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I have kenwood tk-768(n) and I use ch340 module (Prolific USB to Serial, 
> Driver details; ser2pl64 (version  serenum.sys (version 
> 10.0.22621.1)) I use chirp (daily-20221217) but doesn't read from radio. On 
> the lcd appear -pc- and than it stays there. On the PC an error; "radio 
> refuse to enter into program mode after a few tries" pops up
> Please help me, what am I doing wrong?

What's wrong is you're using the daily version :) Please install the latest 
next build and try that as there have been fixes for those drivers recently 
(they never actually worked for me until those fixes).

If it doesn't work, please file a bug and attach debug logs and other 
information there. That's the best place for us to troubleshoot actual issues.

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Re: [chirp_users] Should I file a bug report - can't program a frequency in chirp that I can from keypad

2023-01-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Please advise if this is an easy fix and I will generate a bug report.

Easy or not, the appropriate place for this is a bug report, yep. I suspect the 
the person that wrote the ID-80 driver didn't cover all the modes and the full 
limits of the bands. If you can attach debug logs and images (and tell us what 
is in each memory according to the radio) I might be able to do it in the 
blind. I don't have an ID-80 to test with, but with some help from you, I might 
be able to figure it out.

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Re: [chirp_users] kenwood tk-768 (N)

2023-01-30 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It worked(chirp next-20230130), or better half worked. Worked the first time, 
> but know the Radio does not show -pcp- anymore and I get an error;  Error 
> downloading from radio

Well, as I mentioned, a bug with a debug log is the next step. There's really 
nothing anyone on the list can do for you with just that error message.


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Re: [chirp_users] Bricked UV82HP & BF-F8HP

2023-02-01 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
>> I was using a tidradio bluetooth programming adaptor and after programming 
>> the scan feature stopped working and the programmed channels wouldn't 
>> program and a lot of other issues that I assume come with a bricked radio. I 
>> tried resetting both radios from the menu but it didn't help. I'm assuming 
>> the firmware is messed up somehow.
>> UV82HP -
>> Hold down #3 and power on- US2S35
>> Hold down #6 & power on- 150602N
>> BF-F8HP -
>> Hold down #3 and power on- F8HP-1
>> Hold down #6 & power on6- 160102
>> I'm not sure if there's a way to do a hard reset in chirp to get everything 
>> back to factory settings or if I have to do something with the firmware? Any 
>> help would be appreciated. I'm better at seeing how it's done on video 
>> rather than following steps but anything is worth a try right now.
>> Thanks, Jeff
> They are not "bricked". Email me directly and I will help you to get
> them working again.

It's also worth pointing out that chirp does not upload or modify firmware in 
*any* radio and thus can't "mess up" the firmware. It's possible for chirp to 
upload some *memory data* that the firmware running in the radio can't 
understand, and some low-quality radios are not very robust about error 
checking or handling unexpected data if that were to happen, but that can 
usually (read: almost always) be corrected.

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Re: [chirp_users] IC-7100 programming

2023-02-08 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I understand the LIVE reminder when reading the IC-7100 memory banks 
> into Chirp, but how do I load a data file to program the damn thing?. 
> Either I'm thick or I'm missing something, or both !

Open the data file and the radio at the same time. Then copy and paste the 
memories you want between the tabs. You can open any sort of data file (even an 
image of another radio) to use, but I assume you have a CSV file to load from?

By the way, we're still looking for confirmation that the 7100 works on -next, 
which it sounds like it does, so if you wouldn't mind creating a chirp-next 
report "bug" on the website to document that you're using it successfully, I 
can get it marked off the list.


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Re: [chirp_users] Kenwood TH-D72, glitches

2023-02-10 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Is there anything here I should file a bug report on, or am I just 
> experiencing growing pains ? ;-)

All of it! It's difficult for anyone here to provide support for these kinds of 
unexpected probably-not-usage-related issues. We need images, debug logs and 
some back and forth. The bug tracker is the place to do that.

I've had lots of good success with the D72 driver myself (although I didn't 
write it) but I can't speak to the FT-70 driver. But, I'm definitely interested 
in you reproducing all the things you describe here and including debug logs 
for them so I can try to address them.

So, yeah, to the issue tracker please! You can file one for this whole process 
if you want and I'll create sub-issues for each of the things we find.

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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-02-13 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I'm using Win10 and Avast Antivirus (obviously). I'm guessing it's a false 
> positive, but what other information do you need? 

Yep, it's a false positive, as they all are. The builds are all sandboxed from 
a fixed starting snapshot so the differences day to day are incredibly minor :)

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Re: [chirp_users] IC-7100 programming

2023-02-16 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Sorry for the delay, Dan. I have used Chirp-next on the IC-7100 a few 
> times now. I havnt seen any abnormal behaviour so afaic its a tick in 
> the working box for the Icom IC-7100.

Excellent, thanks I'll get it marked off.

> I had a silly idea the other day, 
> while the IC-7100 cannot be programmed in the normal way, the SD card 
> can. How about something to write the data to the SD card for loading 
> into the 7100 ?. I did say a 'silly idea'

It's not silly, and we support that for other Icom radios with SD cards. 
However, someone will need to decode the raw memory format of the 7100 in order 
to support that in order to do it, which is non-trivial. If you get a chance, 
file a feature request and attach an export from the SD card as well as the 
matching chirp CSV from talking to the radio. That might be enough for someone 
to get started.



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Re: [chirp_users] The meaning of CHIRP...

2023-02-17 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I have often wondered about the name. I sent a message to that web page 
> developer. I appreciate Jim being able to post. I am still left wondering why 
> it was named that...I continue to hope that someone will step up with real 
> history, as trivial as this subject is...if Jim's stuff goes back to 2008, it 
> is not likely that we will find the original reason for the name, unless some 
> original developers are lurking about.

I think I qualify:

That was when my working name for it was 'repidr'. A few days later it got the 
CHIRP name:

The meaning of CHIRP is known to me. I'll confirm it if I see it posted here.

I can confirm it does NOT stand for "CHinese Radio Project". As Jim notes, the 
first chinese radio wasn't supported until long after the project started.

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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Try just turning it on without going into clone mode.  Then tell chirp to 
> connect.  If the radio is supported by chirp and your drivers are correct it 
> should connect.

No, that's not how Yaesu radios work. They have to be in clone mode and they 
require the user to do a coordinated dance to trigger the process at the right 
time. It's almost exclusively a Yaesu behavior and, yes, it is supremely 

We had to add the instruction box to chirp purely for Yaesu radios, as for 
basically every other brand it just works like you describe.

> Then, you hit the band key and it tries to communicate
> with the radio.

Jim, make sure you have clicked OK on the chirp instruction box before you hit 
the band key. CHIRP has to be "waiting" before you press the band button on the 
radio to send the image, and it's not ready until you click pass the 
instruction box.

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Re: [chirp_users] Need Help with Yaesu VX-3 and CHIRP

2023-03-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Strange, I don't remember needing to do that for my FT-65.  I did have a 
> Yaesu cable for it and am using Ubuntu so no driver silliness.

The FT-4 derived radios (of which the FT-65 is) may be different in this 
regard, as they are very different than typical Yaesus in general (and I think 
based on the same stuff a Baofeng is?). From the instructions in that driver, 
I'd guess so, and it's the only exception I know of. I can certainly confirm 
that the VX-3 is a typical Yaesu, requiring the dance.

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Re: [chirp_users] installing CHIRP-next problems

2023-03-09 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It would be nice if detailed instructions for Fedora and rpm based distros 
> were included since the site only shows how to do an install on Ubuntu.  
> Package names are not the same and several necessary dependencies are not 
> listed.

It would be nice if users of other distros would contribute instructions 
relevant to them for the good of the community. Please message me your username 
(privately) and I'll give you wiki edit access.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp-Next updates?

2023-03-22 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> OK Chip, that's good to know in case I have to revert back to
> the snap-installed version.

The snap and flatpak were largely created for legacy chirp because the distros 
were removing the underlying platform that we had to use, and those formats 
provided us a way to bundle them. There are other reasons to run those 
packages, but for modern chirp-next, I really think you should install from 
source and follow our instructions here:

It's validated on ubuntu and derivatives (and now Fedora, thanks to Jeff) so it 
should work for you. It's much easier to iterate on problems you have when 
starting from a known-working formula than going it alone.

Also, I could be wrong, but I think the snap that Tony is publishing is still 
legacy chirp, so installing it will set you back a lot from where everyone else 
is right now.

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Re: [chirp_users] KG-UV9D Mate issues, debug, and proposed change

2023-03-25 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Jonathan,

> I'd like to report some issues with the KG-UV9D Mate support.
> I have debugged some channel memory loading issues and would like to report 
> my findings and suggested changes. I can report what works for my scenario 
> but of course you may have more information about previously reported issues 
> with this radio so my proposed changes are only suggestions on how to deal 
> with the issues.
> My testing and debug has all been done with CHIRP-next from 
>, commit 60f989ccb337ad4a36a24bcc964948ae453c47cf
> and using the "KG-UV9D Plus" driver as recommended on a table I found on the 
> website.

This is a users list with a couple thousand non-developers on it. It would be 
better if you could open an issue[1] on the website to discuss, and then a PR 
with the actual changes and we can discuss and loop the right people in there. 
Alternately you could post this to the devel list (see [2]) but if you've got a 
patch we might as well just go straight there.



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Re: [chirp_users] CI-V port flow control RTS on DigiRig

2023-04-10 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I don't like the bug tracking system. Dan closed the ticket without allowing 
> any further discussion or addition of additional evidence and I find it rude 
> and frustrating. and other issue tracking systems allow comments 
> even after an issue is closed without changing the status of the issue.

You should still be able to comment on the bug even in its current state. I can 
-- if you really can't, please let me know (off list) and I'll look into why. I 
certainly did not mean to cut off discussion, but rather just categorize the 
ticket appropriately.

> Regarding this part: "If RTS or DTR are getting set, it's not because CHIRP 
> is asking for it...  But, since CHIRP is already requesting neither 
> assertion, there's nothing more it can do."
> Icom Memory Manager v1.1.0.14 can read the radio memories and it does not 
> asset RTS unless you tell it to in the app - same USB serial port - Silicon 
> Labs device driver.
> Perhaps CHIRP NEXT is not "asking" for RTS but it is being turned on when 
> CHIRP runs anyway. That could be because it is not specified so could be the 
> USB driver turns it on by default if not specified.
> Perhaps a toggle on the CHIRP Radio connect dialog to specifically set it low 
> would work?

There's nothing to toggle because it's asking for RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR 
handshaking to be disabled.

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-04-25 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Any ideas?

Those instructions are not updated for 23.04, which (along with upstream 
python) has fundamentally changed how installing python packages works. You can 
look at this bug for more details:

I have on my todo list to update that with instructions for 23.04 but for the 
moment you'll have to pick out the details from the discussion there.

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-04-25 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Is this a new install or an upgrade.?
> If an upgrade you should be able to do 'pip install --upgrade 
> /path/to/chirp-20230425.tar.gz' and it should work.
> If a new install then Dan's comment above applies.
> If, by chance, you did an original install as a system-wide install using 
> sudo then the upgrade also would require sudo.
> Note that one should always be in their home directory when doing a local 
> install as those instructions show.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the new-or-upgrade has anything to do with 
this. The managed flag will block even user-based installs using the system 
environment (which is supremely annoying, but alas).

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-04-25 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I have a question. I just pulled from git. I didn't see that whl file. 
> Is there a different way to install when pulling from git?

The wheel is built during the build process, so you can find them here:

Just FYI, installing from git will not get you everything you need as some of 
the assets get built and put into the right place only during the build 
process. It also means you don't get a version stamped into your chirp which 
makes it really hard for us if you report a bug, and may also impact some of 
the data query services where chirp reports its version to them during the 
query for compatibility and other type stuff.

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-05-09 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Same problem here - will not install on 23.04 as written:
>   $ sudo apt install git python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-serial python3-six 
> python3-future python3-requests python3-pip pipx
> cd into_the_directory_with_the_whl_file_I_downloaded
>   $ pipx install --system-site-packages ./chirp-20230507-py3-none-any.whl

I just updated the docs on the site, but they are exactly this. And it works 
for me, as expected, on 23.04. Of course just saying "will not install" doesn't 
give us anything to go on. We need an error or reason to help you.

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-05-09 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I DID send details via a screenshot and error-log contents, but that
> message was rejected by the site moderator, with no reason given
> for the rejection of the reply.

Likely because of its size. There are over 2000 people on this list and sending 
an image to all of them is a huge amount of bandwidth :)

Please copy and paste the text which is a tiny fraction of the size.

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Re: [chirp_users] Can't install on Ubuntu 23.04

2023-05-09 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> On May 9, 2023, at 4:20 PM, Jerry Rector - K4OAM  wrote:
> OK Dan -
> Here'tis:
> --
> --
> ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement 
> chirp-20230507-py3-none-any-whl (from versions: none)
> ERROR: No matching distribution found for chirp-20230507-py3-none-any-whl

This isn't really enough, we need to see exactly how you're running it as well. 
This sort of looks like the error you would get if it is interpreting the 
argument as a package name and not a file on disk. I just updated the 
instructions to be explicit, so try running pipx that way (i.e. with ./ in 
front of the filename). If that doesn't work, please show the exact command 
you're running and the full output.

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Re: [chirp_users] Programing Cable Drivers

2023-05-31 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> The Windows Device Manager (you may need to open the Control Panel and search 
> for that item) will give you a handy list of COM ports. Bring up Device 
> Manager, note the COM ports listed, plug the cable in, refresh the DM display 
> if needed, and you should see it, either under COM ports or as a change in 
> the list of USB items.

This only works for Windows, and can be confusing if you aren't familiar with 
device-manager or have lots of ports.

CHIRP-next has a function for this built in now. In the download box, choose 
the "Help Me" option in the port drop-down and it will guide you through this 
procedure from right inside chirp. Works on all platforms and will pre-select 
the port for you if it is able to determine the right one. I recommend people 
use (and suggest this procedure to newbies) instead of the device-manager one 
unless there's a specific reason otherwise.

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Re: [chirp_users] Bug report

2023-06-01 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Michael,

> I'd like to report an issue with the program where the row height in the 
> memory display is not sticky when the font size
> is changed to large font. If the large font is set and the program is exited, 
> when reopened the larger font is displayed in the narrow height, cutting off 
> the bottom of the characters.

Can you put this in a bug so we can capture more information about your 
operating system, library versions, etc? Please attach an image or CSV file 
you're using and your debug log per these instructions:


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Re: [chirp_users] Bug report

2023-06-01 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Yeah, sorry. I was in too much of a hurry. After I read the instructions I 
> submitted a proper bug report.

Thanks, there are too many variables in play without a debug log to show the 

I was able to reproduce and will have a fix for tomorrow.


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Re: [chirp_users] Upgrading CHIRP on Ubuntu 23.04?

2023-06-02 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> But the instructions as written, do not work for Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster).
> Now, I do realize that 23.04 is not an LTS (long-term-support) version of
> Ubuntu, so it may have its quirks.

It's not just that, it's that as of 23.04, the way python applications are (or 
can be) installed in a distro-managed python environment has changed 
fundamentally. This is not something we control nor chose. Since 23.04 (and 
Debian 11, etc) is the first distro where this new restriction has hit the 
masses, you can expect some bumps along the way. Feel free to submit your 
feedback to the distros and python community who have chosen this path for you.

> But the upgrade instructions, as written, do not work:
> "Once chirp is properly installed, upgrades to newer versions are done with 
> two
> simple steps:
> 1. Download the newer .tar.gz file.
> 2. Run pip install --upgrade ./chirp-.whl (use pipx if you used it
> above)

The command as provided is correct. Since pipx aims (seemingly) to be a 
stand-in for pip itself, the parenthetical *should* be correct, but clearly 

> First of all, they tell you to download the .tar.gz file instead of the
> preferred .whl file.

...which is fine, you can use either.

> Secondly, pipx does not have a --upgrade option to the "install" verb. 
> Instead,
> it uses the verb "upgrade". But as I noted in my initial post, when I tried:
> "pipx upgrade ./chirp-20230601-py3-none-any.whl"
> it responded:
> "'chirp' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing
> installation in '/home/jon/.local/pipx/venvs/chirp'. Pass '--force'
> to force installation."
> I tried the --force option which "seemed" to install chirp successfully, but
> chirp would not load. The only thing that worked was to explicitly uninstall 
> as
> I noted in the thread using pipx, then did a fresh install with pipx of the 
> new
> version.
> It may work fine on an LTS version like Ubuntu 22.04 using pip, but with 23.04
> using pipx, I had to uninstall the old version first.

Sounds like a bug (or quirk) in pipx, but I guess this is how it has to be for 
the moment. I've updated the instructions. David was echoing the general 
instructions on the download page that chirp itself has no such requirement, 
which is correct.

I hope you'll understand that the documenting ever-moving target and spectrum 
of how python applications are installed on Linux is a challenge. Also, Linux 
users represent less than two percent of CHIRP's userbase, which means issues 
with the newest one-month-old distro that has radically changed the landscape 
should be expected until a critical mass (like yourself) have bumped into them.

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Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-90 cable question

2023-06-05 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Absent any first-hand experience, I think I'll try manual programming for 
> local repeaters, and if that gets too tedious, I'll just order the 
> BlueMax49ers cable.

I don't have first-hand experience, but I can offer second-hand experience 
recently. When converting the ft90 driver for chirp-next, I was working with a 
guy and we did get it working, so I think it's fine. It's not a popular (or 
common) radio and the driver doesn't support more than basic memory editing, 
but did seem to work.

That said, I would encourage you to not cheap out on a cable (which you seem to 
realize is smart) on this one, even more so than normal. The ft90 is a weird 
arrangement where it requires power from the computer on one of the signal 
lines to work properly. Most radios only use a two or three-wire connection for 
the data lines, but this requires one of the hardware signaling lines. So, 
BlueMax49ers is the way to go, IMHO.

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Re: [chirp_users] Adding Groups of memories for KT-2140

2023-06-14 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I have one image from the KT-2140 where the memories are divided into 3 
> Groups, when I want to program the radio from blank, how do I create Groups, 
> cannot find any buttons or instructions.

Are you asking about the Kenwood TK-2140? Your subject and message say KT 
instead of TK.

This radio, like a number of other commercial radios that are sort of 
architecturally different than what chirp expects, are a bit odd. Under 
'Settings' you can increase the number of Zones (groups). But, you need to save 
the image and then close/re-load the image before chirp will notice and 
construct another memories tab for it.

I'm very interested in your experience with this radio. I have a single TK-3140 
myself and wrote this driver for it, but I have never known anyone else to use 
it. So, if you find issues please open bugs and if you have other comments 
(even if it's just "it works") I'd be interested to hear.

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Re: [chirp_users] Errors when trying to read from Icom IC-92AD

2023-06-16 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Anyone have thoughts or suggestions to try?  

Yes: please fill out a bug report with a debug log, per these instructions:

Describing the issues sounds nice, but the meat needed to actually see what is 
wrong and do something about it is in the debug log. I don't have an F6 so I 
may or may not be able to help with that. I do have a 92AD, which works for me, 
but I have to see that debug log as well to have any idea what's going on.

Also, the F6 and the 92AD are not the same cable, at least on the face of it. 
Are you using an adapter to go from the 92AD multi-pin connector to speaker/mic 
jacks and then putting those onto the F6 cable? If so, I'm surprised that works 
at all. I've only ever used the 92AD for programming with the data cable, so 
that's really all I can reproduce here.

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Re: [chirp_users] Errors when trying to read from Icom IC-92AD

2023-06-16 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Okay, I thought I read somewhere it was recommended to post here first.  Will 
> do that.

Fair enough. Usage questions here, bugs there :)

> I did post a link to my debug log for the 92AD in my first post - at least, 
> the file created when I ran 'chirp --log'.  I don't have a 'debug.log' being 
> generated in ~/.chirp/.

Please use the debug-log-getter in the help menu. It captures a snapshot and 
makes sure it's fresh.

> No, I have different cables for the two radios.  The actual Icom serial cable 
> for the 92AD and a third-party USB cable for the F6A.  Both radios exhibit 
> similar behavior when trying to read them in Chirp, so it seems to rule out a 
> cable or configuration problem with the 92AD.  I just noticed that these two 
> radios use "live mode" while the others I've successfully read/programmed all 
> used "clone mode" so thought maybe it was related to that.

Okay, I misunderstood and thought you were saying you were using the same one 
for both.

> FWIW, this evening I located my old RS92 CD and loaded the software to my Win 
> 10 laptop.  It works perfectly with the 92AD, so at least I do know for sure 
> that the problem isn't with the radio or cable.

Yep, from the log it looks clearly like not a cable problem. I see you opened a 
bug, thanks, we'll continue there. Please open a *separate* one for the F6 
because they're not related.

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[chirp_users] CHIRP Tips Videos

2023-06-27 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi all,

There is a lot of useful content out on youtube that provides step-by-step 
instructions for some general workflows with CHIRP. However, there are a lot of 
other things you can do with CHIRP that never seem to get covered. Lately as I 
have helped people adjust to some of the things that are different in CHIRP 
next, I've been thinking that it might be nice to have a set of very short 
to-the-point videos that cover some of the more obscure features. Things you 
may or may not know about, or that you feel you don't quite understand enough 
to use properly, or things that have been added and gone unnoticed. Videos 
covering how to do something in CHIRP legacy may no longer be accurate or 
helpful today.

Now, I'm not an influencer and I never will be. I'm not a cinematographer, 
narrator, or artist. Videos I make will never have the pizzaz of HRCC or some 
of the other people in the business. I'm an engineer and I'm only good at 
drawing straight lines and right angles. I don't want to make movies, I want to 
work on CHIRP. But, I can make short low-budget demonstration videos with dry 
voiceovers and probably help explain things better, so I figured I might give 
it a go.

I've published the first video on custom stock configurations here:

It's a little rough and I promise the next one will be better. If these are 
useful to you, please let me know here and subscribe to the channel so I can 
gauge interest. I have at least a few other topics that I think are not often 
well understood that I can cover in future videos, and let me know if you have 
other ideas. I want to keep these mostly radio-neutral, meaning they should be 
about how to use CHIRP in general, and not how to program a UV-5R. Josh already 
has that sort of thing covered. If it seems like making more of these is worth 
the trouble, I'll do that.

Be gentle! :)

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Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP Tips Videos

2023-06-28 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Rich,

> 1. With both the installed and standalone, files can be saved anywhere, and 
> don't need to be saved in %appdata%...I keep mine in radio-specific dirs, 
> along with other files and docs pertaining to each radio. This includes radio 
> image files saved by other programs, such as Kenwood's MCP-2A.
> 2. In the standalone version, such files can be written to 
> "...\chirp-next-20230628-win32\chirp\stock_configs", where ... is any dir 
> tree leading to a specified dir, with no loss of functionality. My habit of 
> putting them in radio-specific dirs keeps them independent of version changes 
> of chirp and independent of radio. See also "...\Amateur Radio\generic radio 
> channel config files", where I save config file "snippets", such as those 
> supplied in chirp's "...\stock_configs".

You _can_ do this, but you shouldn't. The "personal" stock_configs directory is 
*only* in %APPDATA%\CHIRP, regardless of whether or not you use the standalone 
or installed version. If you put them in the extracted folder (or the 
equivalent installed one in Program Files) then your personal files will be 
erased when you upgrade. That's where chirp's shipped files live. If you put 
them in %APPDATA% then they will stay around across upgrades in perpetuity. 
Also, the personal ones (from the personal directory) sit above a divider line 
in the menu so you can quickly spot them as separate from the provided ones.

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Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP Tips Videos

2023-06-28 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It believe it would be useful for both Windows and Linux versions to be able 
> to define a custom path for stock config files.
> I use Nextcloud extensively and I created a folder for configurations for all 
> sorts of programs, Filezilla xml site definitions, mRemoteNG xml, etc. This 
> configuration folder is sync'd across every PC I use. This could be used for 
> any cloud integration like OneDrive or Google drive and is independent of 
> %APPDATA% and would never be lost unless you intentionally delete it.

Yep, I do something similar, so this makes sense to me. I've always kinda tried 
to keep CHIRP sort of "stateful" without a need for a prefs dialog, and things 
like this are hard to expose without one. But, there are a number of sort of 
"hidden" features that you can enable directly in the config, and this seems 
like a reasonable thing to add to that list:

So I'll work on that and add it to the list above when it's available.


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[chirp_users] CHIRP Tips: Advanced Editing

2023-06-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi all,

I posted another "CHIRP Tips" video, this time on advanced editing techniques. 
This covers a number of tools CHIRP provides for bulk editing, organizing, and 
arranging memories.

Hopefully there's at least one tip in there you didn't already know about!

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Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP Tips: Advanced Editing

2023-06-30 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I changed my 
> [prefs]
> stock_configs = E:\@online docs\Amateur Radio\CHIRP stock_configs
> as a test.
> ?? Something I did yesterday during my testing and installing the latest 
> standalone version emptied out my custom stock_configs dir (or I did it by 
> mistake) and cleared the [prefs] section so that when I started up this 
> morning, I got the default loc.

In the olden times, CHIRP would copy all of the distributed stock configs into 
the user's personal directory. That was a big problem because it was then hard 
for us to update those files when they change (and they do, such as the new 
GMRS rules a few years ago). It's also a minor problem in that it's harder to 
distinguish your files from the distributed ones in the same directory and 
deleting them would cause CHIRP to just copy them in again.

In next, the distributed ones are separate from the user's own stock configs, 
we read them out of each location, and that's also why they're separated in the 
menu so you can tell the difference. In order to avoid duplication for people 
who have stock configs that were copied into their personal directory by 
legacy, next will purge the stock configs from the personal location they exist 
there (and only if they are unchanged from the source file).

So, assuming you've copied some of the distributed files directly into your 
personal/overridden stock_configs directory, you'll see that purging activity 
happen because chirp assumes it was legacy that copied those files there. If 
you don't want that to happen, just make any change to those files (like put a 
comment somewhere in the file after the first header line, prefixed with a 
'#'). That should cause it to look modified and chirp will leave it alone.

> "Group" =? "section" ?

A library I use for reading these files calls them groups, but yes, you got it.

> Maybe [whatever] isn't really needed? CHIRP simply scans for keys? At any 
> rate, I decided that "group" means "section", and it worked fine.

No, the section/group *does* matter. You can't just put keys wherever you want, 
they have to be in the right place in order to be honored.

> BOM - yep. I tripped myself here. I have my editor set to change unknown file 
> types that are UTF-8 to use a BOM. Then when I saved the config file, CHIRP 
> threw a mysterious (at the time) error, saying that the first line had an 
> error. Of course, it didn't appear in the editor, so I was puzzled at first.

I should be able to fix this if you open a bug for the issue to "charge" it 
against. I think may be the only person that will notice, but it's an easy 
change in the encoding we use to read the file :)

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Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP Tips: Advanced Editing

2023-07-04 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> How specifically does chirp decide? For example, if I changed any of the 
> files...and I don't really see that happening...the timestamp would change.

It calculates a cryptographic hash of the file contents to decide if they match 
the hash of the source. It should be basically infallible for these files.

> So I am getting ready to submit the report. First I tested it, and got the 
> debug log to attach.

Great, a source file for me to test against would be helpful as well.

> Now I find that my user is 'unknown' on chirp...
> I see
> "Once you are logged in, click the 
> New issue link on the 
> menu bar above to get started. "
> but don't actually see the New issue link on any menu I clicked the 
> link, and that worked.
> Now if I can remember that bug report you asked me to submit quite a while 
> ago...I'll look thru my emails...

Contact me off-list if you can't figure it out and I'll help you find your 
account and get logged in.


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Re: [chirp_users] Can't print data

2023-07-11 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I completely re programmed all my channels. I want to print the list. I can 
> get the page preview just fine. But when it goes to print, an image flashes 
> on screen and disappeared. I can't see what the image is. 

Sounds like a bug, but it's hard to say why. Can you open a bug and attach your 
debug log from after the print fails, and include whatever file you're working 
from as well?


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Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-65 No upload, not a CSV tab issue - Download OK

2023-07-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I’ve scanned several monthly archives for "FT-65" and separately for  
> “upload”.  The only reports I can find is that users are trying to upload a 
> CSV tab (a common problem) and not the tab downloaded from the radio.  I’ve 
> added my channels to the FT-65 download tab and still no joy uploading.  Im 
> using a Mac OS Ventura 13.5 and an RTsystems (ZRT-USB-55) with current 
> drivers (verified with tech support) working in the Mac.  Chirp downloads 
> from the radio without any issue.  I see both TX and RX displayed on the 
> radio and CLONE OK but no changes are made to the memory locations.   I’ve 
> reset the radio to factory defaults and made only a single change to a memory 
> channel in Chirp to limit any input error without success.  Probably 
> something simple but I just don’t see it.  Any thoughts?

Perhaps related to this:

The FT-4 driver is the same as the FT-65. I still haven't gotten a straight 
story from the reporter about the clone part of the issue and he seems to have 
disappeared. Perhaps you can comment in there and provide some more information?

It sounds like the upload to the radio works exactly as expected but doesn't 
actually upload any changes? No errors on the radio during clone? Does a save 
and re-open of the image keep your changes? These are all questions I'd ask in 
the issue, so if you could just answer them in the issue and we can continue 
the conversation there.



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Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-65 No upload, not a CSV tab issue - Download OK

2023-07-30 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I didn’t see a place for me to add a comment to ticket 10744 below so adding 
> my answers.

You need to be signed in, and just click the edit link at the top right. I'll 
dig into this a bit based on your data, but progress will be reported in the 
bug there and I'll post a driver module there to test. It'd definitely be good 
if you can get yourself attached to that bug so we can collaborate further.


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Re: [chirp_users] Legacy support question--Programming Talkpod A36+

2023-08-07 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I am still using the last legacy version of Chirp.  I just acquired a Talkpod 
> A36+ but can't find how to program it manually and hooking it up to Chirp can 
> not talk to the radio but Talkpod is not in the list.  I tried Baofeng UV5R 
> but that did not work.  Has anyone else programmed the Talkpod A36+ using 
> Chirp?  I tried searching for programming instructions to do it manually but 
> all hits were to a youtube video and used Chirp.

The legacy version of CHIRP is unmaintained. That means there have been no 
changes since Dec 2022. The A36 was added in June 2023, which means it is not 
and will not be available in the legacy version.

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Re: [chirp_users] Kenwood TH-F7 and Chirp Next ...some bugs or ?

2023-08-22 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> hi, help me . a very espert on CHIRP Next program ? 
> the two BIG problems with my handy Kenwood TH-F7 are : 
>   - I connect the radio, download the all Memory  change and modify then 
> ... at the end , NOT appare in the menu the UPLOAD , why this ?  
> - in the menu in SAVE or EXPORT , chirp create not a "image" file IMG but in 
> both a .CVS file  why not the image IMG ??? 

The TH-F7 is a live radio. Edits are made in real time, which means no upload. 
Since the radio is live and not downloaded as an image, there is no way to save 
an image of the radio.

Thus, you're seeing expected behavior. Please see the first section of the 
Beginner's Guide page:

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp will not install

2023-10-20 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> No, Marc, it's not necessicarily a PC issue. We don't know yet, because when 
> he responds he has yet to give us the Type of Windows 10 he is running.

The installer is 32-bit and will run just fine on even a pretty old machine 
(32-bit and Windows XP), so there's really nothing about his system being 
incompatible that should be causing the behavior he's seeing. Thus, knowing the 
architecture and version of his OS is pretty immaterial at this point. I'd 
place serious money on it being some sort of "security" software killing the 
installer as soon as it sees it do something totally legit that it decides is 

For the rest of the readers in this thread, the installer we use is a separate 
thing and not under the direct control of the CHIRP project. It's a 32-bit 
application because it doesn't need to be a 64-bit one and gives the best 
opportunity to run everywhere as a result. However, I'm working on adding an 
architecture and OS version check to the script so that it will positively 
identify these unsupported situations in the future. That will rule out any 
need to suspect these sorts of issues when someone reports a problem.

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp will not install

2023-10-21 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> the 32 bit zip file works all the time for me, and doesn't need to be 
> installed. Just unzip and run.

Since this has come up a few times now and people are quite confused, I just 
wanted to clarify:

There is *no* 32-bit Windows version of CHIRP-next, and there hasn't been since 
we started at the beginning of the year. The zip file is named "win32" because 
that is what a lot of non-Windows people (i.e. me) have called the platform for 
decades. However, that's not proper terminology for 64-bit windows and what was 
inside that zip file is a 64-bit (only) binary. You can see it from task 

I've fixed that in today's build so it's now properly referred to as "win64".

Today's installer should also run on 32-bit machines and tell the user in no 
uncertain terms that 64-bit is required (if anyone has a 32-bit system around 
to help confirm, I'd appreciate it). It also checks the OS version and makes 
sure you're running windows 10 or later to avoid installing it only to find it 
won't run.

Hopefully that will clarify things a bit for the future!

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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp will not install

2023-10-21 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Dan - This is the error when trying to install today's next on a 32 bit Win 
> 10 system.

Perfect, thanks for the confirmation!

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Re: [chirp_users] Alinco DR-235

2023-12-08 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It seems to me this is likely something with the .python driver for this 
> particular radio

Yep, please file a bug. There's another person I know of who has been 
successfully using a DR235 with CHIRP-next recently, so I'm surprised you're 
having trouble, but a bug and debug log will tell us.

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Re: [chirp_users] Help in Code Modification and Information Gathering

2023-12-28 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Chris,

> anybody on the list active in programming and can tell me, how to get
> information aboput data structures and communication protocol on serial
> tty, to understand what is happening?
> I want to modify code to add support for anytone at  and have no
> idea how to get it.
> I thought about sniffing rs232 from a windows machine to reverse
> engineering, but have and want no windows machine here.
> Now i am searching for a short intruduction or some tips where to get
> the information without analyzing serial port communication.
> Maybe some handy developers are present on that list and can send me a
> bit information.

Please take this sort of discussion to the developer's mailing list. More info 

That said, I hate to tell you but reverse-engineering serial protocols and 
memory formats is how all of CHIRP was written. The best scenario is when the 
radio manufacturer hasn't actively tried to obscure the protocol, but some of 
them definitely have. You will need to *at least* sniff the OEM (usually 
Windows) software's communication, unless the radio has a clone function you 
can sniff. And that will only open the door to decoding the actual image 
contents once you get it.

Anyway, if you need specific help, please continue this discussion on the 
developer's mailing list from the link above.


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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-2100H, Excel spreadsheet, csv files, chirp-next-20240111-win64

2024-01-11 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I'm not a CHIRP developer, I merely pointed out that they appear to 
> discourage using CSV files, implying that fixing that facility may be a low 
> priority issue for the team...

No, we do not discourage them, and fixing CSV issues is a priority (for me at 
least) for sure. Jim and others' points are correct that CSV is not *necessary* 
just to transfer data between different models. CSV may be an unnecessary step 
if that's all you're using it for.

The CSV driver in CHIRP is different from others in that it can basically 
record any frequency on any band with any set of other attributes (like mode, 
tone modes, etc) which no real driver would ever allow. It's for that reason 
that I maintain my master frequency plan in a CSV file because the entire thing 
isn't accepted by any single radio I own. CSV is perfect for that.

The thing about CSV is that it is an _encoding_ and not a format. CHIRP has 
it's own method of using CSV to encode the data structures it needs to 
represent, and that of course, doesn't match with any other program. Excel (or 
other spreadsheet) can edit CSV files in a generic way and thus can be used in 
place of the CHIRP memory editor in principle. However, the user, or Excel (or 
both) can easily mess up the structure of the data while preserving the 
low-level CSV encoding (or could mess up the encoding as well) and make a file 
no longer readable in CHIRP. Within reason, those sorts of issues may be within 
the realm of something we want to fix, but of course, we can't and won't be 
able to read the mind of the person or tool that mangled one of our CSV files 
into doing the right thing.

Rich, you're wrong in your description of how we read a record and construct a 
memory from it (with respect to "defaults") for reasons I won't go into in 
depth here. You may (or may not) be right that we're choking on something that 
should be able to handle and thus could make a change. However, as you can see 
from the philosophical discussion here - this is probably not the best place to 
ask the question generically. If you think you've messed up your CSV file and 
want help with fixing it, then this might be the right forum (although without 
a sample of what you've got that doesn't work, nobody can provide anything 
useful). If you think what you've got should be accepted, then please open a 
bug, attach your log and the file you're trying to import, and let those of us 
that can do something about it have a look.

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Re: [chirp_users] email formatting

2024-01-11 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Wow, that's horrible.

Yep, they look fine to me and others, as Ken notes.

Before we get into a religious war about Rich's 20-year-old mail client, let's 
please go ahead and take this off-list. The 2000+ people subscribed here are 
looking for CHIRP discussion and not any more about this topic.


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Re: [chirp_users] Chirp Legacy EOL

2024-01-31 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Just out if curiosity, has Chirp-legacy reached s complete End of Lifecycle 
> and there will never be anything past chirp-legacy-20221217?  I’ve migrated, 
> for the most part, to Chirp-Next, but still occasionally use legacy and just 
> was curious.

Yep, I should probably refresh some of the language about this on the site. But 
yes, I'd say chirp-legacy is frozen forever at this point. I actually don't 
even have a build system that can generate those packages anymore, so it would 
take a huge effort to make that possible again.

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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-9R Pro - flashing causes severe squelch problem

2024-02-01 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Unfortunately it seems that flashing the unit causes some kind of strange 
> problem with squelch.

I can't help with your issue, but I would like to point out that chirp doesn't 
"flash" any radio. I assume you mean "program" instead of "flash" but to the 
developers there's a huge difference.

> I am happy to assist debugging if desired. Just trying to see if there is 
> anything I've missed before opening an issue.

I would just open an issue so we can direct it to the people who wrote and 
maintain this driver. Note that chirp keeps backups of every download, so the 
first step will be to ensure that uploading the backup back to the radio 
restores the problem. But let's please take that to an issue where we can get 
debug logs, image files, and the right people involved.


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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2024-02-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Getting an error message saying that I don't have the right drivers (?)

In addition to what Jim said, there's not really any error message chirp will 
tell you that is even close to "don't have the right drivers." Please show a 
screenshot and/or provide more detail so we can try to help you.

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Re: [chirp_users] Kenwood D74 MEM_FORMAT Oddity

2024-02-09 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Jacob,

This is a users list, and there are over 2000 people who are looking for usage 
content and not stuff like this. Please, let's take this to the chirp_devel 
list if you want to discuss further.

> Looking closely at the channel information starting at offset 0x4000, by my 
> math each of the channels takes up 40 bytes. This, combined with the 16 bytes 
> of padding for each "group" places 6 channels in one 256 byte page, 
> preventing channels from spanning pages makes sense to me. Then, there are 
> 210 groups/pages. This is where things get odd. 210 * 256 = 53760, plus the 
> offset of 0x4000 places the end of this region at 70144 (0x11200), which 
> overlaps with the "names" section that starts at offset 0x1.
> Am I missing something?

No, which is why chirp is logging this warning when loading a D74 image:

DeprecationWarning: Invalid negative seek from 0x11200 to 0x1

It's been a while since I wrote that driver, but I think the last group is not 
"whole" and thus overlaps the start of names. If and since we never reference 
those memories, there's no problem. The #seekto afterwards repositions us in 
memory for the start of names. That's bad form (hence the warning) and should 
be fixed, but not technically a problem. I have this on my todo list to 
address, I just haven't gotten to it, since it's just hygiene. Feel free to 
open a bug if you want and I'll tag it when I do.

Again, if you want to discuss further, please subscribe to the devel list and 
reply to this there.


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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-746Pro

2024-02-23 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I did verify that CI-V is turned on in the radio and the address is set 
> to 0x66.  (Speaking of which, how do I set the address in Chirp?  Maybe 
> that's the problem...)

You can't change the CI-V address in CHIRP, you'll have to set it in the radio. 
The CHIRP driver expects the 746 to be at address 56, so I would give that a 

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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-746Pro

2024-02-23 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Thanks, Dan.  That didn't work either.  You mean 56h (hex) or 0x56, right?


> When downloading from the radio, the channel numbers appear highlighted 
> in red with an exclamation point ahead of each one, presumably denoting 
> an error.  Nothing appears in the rest of the spreadsheet.
> I did notice that the error indications showed up a lot faster when the 
> address is set to 0x56 than when set at 0x66, so at least there is some 
> indication that changing the address had some effect.

The driver is marked as "746" not "746Pro" so it's very possible it won't work 
for your model (I didn't write the driver so I'm not positive). The presence of 
this bug indicates that's the case:

If the memory format changed at all between the two (which would not be 
unusual) then it won't work and the behavior would match what you describe. 
Effectively "I got a response but it was not what I expected, so error" when 
the address is right and "I never got a response" when it's wrong.

You're welcome to add your debug log to the bug above, which will give some 
hints for someone who might come along and want to implement the 746Pro. See:

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Re: [chirp_users] Icom IC-746Pro

2024-02-23 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I suppose that could be a misprint in the Icom user's manual (one or the 
> other) although that seems unlikely.

All the Icom (not just the CI-V) radios we support use the same low-level 
transport, which means none of them have transposed addresses. I can't imagine 
the 746Pro is an oddball in this regard, so I imagine it's a misprint.

> Anyway that would account for the errors I'm seeing.

I don't think it would, but again, without seeing the debug log, it's hard to 
say. The issue tracker is the right place to do that, not on this users' list 
with 2000+ people subscribed.


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Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2024-02-24 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi all,

Today, one time only, an extra-special two-for-one sale on builds!

Thankfully a user filed bug 11198 quickly identifying a silly mistake with the 
recent file handling re-work which would prevent new users from running chirp 
for the first time. So, the 20240224 build was regenerated with the fix for 
this (below) but otherwise has all the other stuff as reported about five hours 
ago as well, of course.


> On Feb 24, 2024, at 7:55 AM, wrote:
> Greetings,
> A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly 
> to the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, 
> etc. Unless you have a reason not to, we recommend using the latest build of 
> CHIRP-next at all times.
> You can get it from here:
> A list of changes since the last build are here:
> 0881 Fix "no section" error on fresh install
> Issues addressed in this build:
> [Bug 11194] small bug in File Open Recent Files when "&" in directory name
> [Bug 11198] When downloading installing Chirp onto windows 11, I'm getting an 
> "unhandled exception in script"
> --___
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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

2024-02-26 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Guys, I love bashing on my least-favorite band (Yaesu) myself, but we're pretty 
far off-topic here. Let's please respect the thousands of people who subscribed 
to hear about CHIRP stuff and take this somewhere else.

(tell me where and maybe I'll follow you to throw some punches! :P)


> On Feb 26, 2024, at 5:56 PM, Jerry Kuhn  wrote:
> Wow, that’s unfortunate.  I’m a but surprised they (Yaesu) didn’t cover it.  
> My FT3DR developed screen burn and they replaced it under their three years 
> warranty.  I’ll reconsider the VX-6R though.
> Sent from my iPhone Pro Max
>> On Feb 26, 2024, at 8:51 PM, wrote:
>> do not buy or even consider a vx-6r, if you need something waterproof!!! I 
>> speak from personal experience having owned one that THE VX-6R is NOT 
>> WATERPROOF!!  Yaesu and myself ended up in small claims court over this fact 
>> after I rolled a kayak in saltwater with one in my pocket.  Neither me nor 
>> the radio exceeded the 1 meter depth limit specified, yet yaesu put the full 
>> force of their lawyers behind not replacing the radio outright and 
>> threatened to appeal even if I had won.  Facing an onslaught of corporate 
>> lawyers and a seeming never ending battle ahead I was basically forced to 
>> settle for paying yaesu about $100 which was most likely about their cost 
>> for a new replacement VX-6R.  Bottom line, I will NEVER buy another yaesu 
>> product, I won’t own one used, and I will discourage anyone and everyone I 
>> know from giving Yaesu any of their business or owning any yaesu product.  
>> My experience demonstrated that Yaesu will not stand behind their products 
>> and are deceptive to say the least in their literature and advertising!  
>> eric - af6ep 
>> On 2024-02-26 17:17, Jerry Kuhn wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>  For a higher quality waterproof (even submersible), perhaps a Yaesu VX-6R? 
>>>  Considering one myself as they are selling now at $230.  Not sure about 
>>> the "most waterproof" Baofeng as I also have some UV-9R+'s and they 
>>> certainly aren't waterproof.  There are waterproof bags made specifically 
>>> for HT's sold on eBay though.  Would that suffice until getting something 
>>> like the VX-6R, perhaps?  I've used one myself and trusted it to protect my 
>>> Kenwood TH-D74 in the rain and it worked ok.
>>>   Sent from my iPhone Pro Max
 On Feb 26, 2024, at 8:11 PM, boicecf--- via chirp_users 
  I wouldn't trust any of them to be Waterproof long term, water resistant 
 at best!!
   On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 07:57:51 PM EST, 
 Hi folks, and thanks to Jim and others for prior answers.
 I am looking for recommendations of a Baofeng 'waterproof' model that 
 meets these criteria:
   * dual-band and TX capable (or unlockable) over a range similar to 
 old-school UV-5R
   * mature CHIRP driver and/or minimal history of firmware quirks
   * USB charging by port in the radio itself (no barrel plug dongles) if 
 I got a couple UV-9R Pro but found they have issues thus far, not sure if 
 CHIRP related, hardware related, or other, but it rules that model out 
 until I can figure out what the problem is.
 I got three GT-3WP and so far, while two of them work great, it looks like 
 I got three models with three sets of quirks (one of those being the null 
 set, but still, it doesn't inspire confidence)
 I got a UV-9R Plus and was afraid to program it for several months after 
 the UV-9R Pro problems, I finally did so today, and it appears to work 
 perfectly. But there's always the question of what will happen with the 
 next one.
 I understand these are very inexpensive radios and there is always going 
 to be a nonzero chance of getting one with strange new firmware. I'm 
 basically just looking for people's input on what they see as the most 
 solid choice in a 'waterproof' unit (yes I know they are only water 
 resistant) from the Baofeng brand, preferably with built-in USB charge 
 capability, with the lowest chance of upsetting surprises when I attempt 
 to program it with CHIRP.
 And again. I know they are cheap radios. The next phase of my project is 
 finding something that does all of the above (including a TX range 
 comparable to the UV-5R), but with higher build quality and better 
 durability. Feel free to pipe up if you have recommendations for that, 
 too. Although for right now I am specifically looking at Baofengs.
 Thanks again. This is a very helpful group.
 chirp_users mailing list

Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

2024-02-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> According to what I found on the Baofeng website, the BF1909 is a DMR radio.  
> CHIRP does not support any digital radio models.

Please be careful making authoritative-sounding statements like this to such a 
wide audience. I think you meant to say "CHIRP does not support any DMR radios" 
and that is probably true. However, it supports plenty of other D-STAR and YSF 
radios to make the claim about "any digital radio models" demonstrably false.

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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

2024-02-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> I will probably get rocks and sticks thrown at me but I sure wish Chirp 
> supported some of the common
> lower end DMR radios.

Nah Chuck, no rocks, Maybe a few sticks :) You're certainly not the first 
person to ask about it.

CHIRP supports something crazy like more than 400 models and it does that with 
a lot of common infrastructure. There are a few radios that don't work like 
most others that we support (like some of the newer Kenwood commercial radios), 
and making the infrastructure fit those is a real challenge. D-STAR, YSF, etc 
radios are generally organized internally like most analog channelized radios, 
but the DMR ones I've looked at are not so much. So it's certainly a 
possibility for the future, but it won't be a small undertaking. It's going to 
require people who possess both the *desire* to make it happen and the *skills* 
to do so (and a lot of patience from those of us that will have to help review 
and adapt the infrastructure to allow it).

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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

2024-02-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> Doesn't program digital functions on an FT-70. Doesn't even ack that digital 
> mode exists.

Yep, the FT-70 driver author has been kinda MIA for a while, and there are 
issues stacking up for that radio, including these two specifically calling out 
missing DN mode:

TBH, I kinda got the impression that the FT-70 driver isn't working for newer 
radios after some firmware change based on reports like this:

but if it's working for you, that's good to know. If I had one, I'd surely add 
DN support. If you want to capture some images with channels in DN and not DN 
mode to attach to one of the mode support issues, it's possible that it could 
even be sussed out remotely.

But, DN mode is supported for all its brothers, the FT-1, FT-2, and FT-3. The 
model matrix for the latest build shows 27 radios that support D-STAR and 11 
that support YSF:

All I'm asking is: let's not say things like "CHIRP doesn't support any digital 
mode radios". You said "often" which is certainly less than "any" (although not 
sure it's really supported by the data), but fair enough :)

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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

2024-02-29 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
> It has been my impression that Yaesu isn't exactly forthcoming about the 
> programming details of their radios, so it isn't especially surprising that 
> the digital modes haven't been reverse-engineered.

This is true, but also true of 99% of all the radios supported by CHIRP. 
They're almost all exclusively reverse-engineered the hard way.

It's an immense amount of effort every...single...time we add a radio. Not sure 
if that's a well-understood detail of this process, but the volunteers that are 
adding support for radios for you - they're staring at walls of binary for 
*hours* and *days* to suss out what each bit does. We don't (in almost all 
cases) get docs telling us what the bits do. We have to shake real hard and 
then pay close attention to see what falls out :)

The volunteers that do this are often working with borrowed radios, or do it 
with a radio they then pass on to someone and buy something else. This is why 
it's hard to go back and add something like DN mode later on a driver for 
someone like me who doesn't have a radio to test with.

I've thought about doing a conference talk about what is involved in adding a 
new radio to chirp so people can see how much effort it is. I guess maybe these 
days it should be a youtube video :)

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Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng (Radioddity) UV-5G GMRS export to cvs error

2024-03-03 Thread Dan Smith via chirp_users
Hi Terry,

> When I try to export to a cvs file I get the error message "Tx freq 0.00 
> is out of supported range", any help would be appreciated, I am considering 
> send it back if I cannot program with CHIRP. Thanks - your hard work is 
> appreciated!

We really can't help you here with so little info. Please open an issue on the 
site with your debug log, radio image, etc so we can look into it. Instructions 
are here:

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