> Absent any first-hand experience, I think I'll try manual programming for 
> local repeaters, and if that gets too tedious, I'll just order the 
> BlueMax49ers cable.

I don't have first-hand experience, but I can offer second-hand experience 
recently. When converting the ft90 driver for chirp-next, I was working with a 
guy and we did get it working, so I think it's fine. It's not a popular (or 
common) radio and the driver doesn't support more than basic memory editing, 
but did seem to work.

That said, I would encourage you to not cheap out on a cable (which you seem to 
realize is smart) on this one, even more so than normal. The ft90 is a weird 
arrangement where it requires power from the computer on one of the signal 
lines to work properly. Most radios only use a two or three-wire connection for 
the data lines, but this requires one of the hardware signaling lines. So, 
BlueMax49ers is the way to go, IMHO.

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