> Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this!

And thank you for the feedback :)

> I'm willing to give the new way a try. It sounds like figuring out the 
> coordinates for me is a "hassle" just like figuring out a county is for 
> you. Not a slam...just making a comparison.

Absolutely understand. Getting lat/longs used to be quite laborious for sure. 
Nowadays there is one tool that can tell you anywhere on the planet. I guess 
technically the same tool (google) can tell you the county, but not in the same 
consistent workflow, depending on where it is. Of course, being able to query 
based on any field would be ideal, but repeaterbook supports countries all over 
the world with different municipal divisions, post codes, etc and I want to 
extend that search to allow more than just north america at some point. Every 
bit of UI work to allow searching and filtering is more complexity, so I just 
want to try to be judicious about it.

> I'm a map guy at heart, so I 
> understand your logic behind the coordinate search. I'm sure I'll get 
> use to it over time.

Thanks, I surely won't rule out further support in the future. At the moment, I 
probably need to prioritize drivers that aren't converted yet, but I'm open to 
a feature request for other stuff, especially with good explanations of why 
it's worth a change.

> Yeah, I'm not surprised the PO charges for "public" data. I can see why 
> the zip code import was dropped.

Yeah, the zip code stuff was done on the repeaterbook side for us, but it's not 
free and thus wasn't in the general query bit for that reason. It's too bad our 
own data isn't available to us, but alas :/

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