Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] fix localized build on OpenBSD

2012-08-20 Thread Pascal Stumpf
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:25:12 +, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Pascal Stumpf wrote:
> > Well, LANG already gets reset to a sensible value.  If it does indeed
> > work on FreeBSD with LC_CTYPE set, then this is probably an OS-dependent
> > problem.
> No, I do not change any of LC_* variables.
> I was not sure what is your goal here.

Fixing the build.  It breaks for me if I have LC_CTYPE set to something
like en_US.UTF-8.

> If we just want to avoid the user setting other LC_* variables,
> then LC_ALL is the solution; but I am not sure we should use
> that in the build scripts.

LC_CTYPE should be enough to change program behaviour.  Besides, this is
only in a subshell.  It does not tamper with the actual environment.

> //Marcin

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] [PATCH] DtWidget: Improve portability of Motif interface

2012-08-20 Thread Marcin Cieslak
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:

> I propose that I take those header from the LGPL motif I have, add the
> appropriate license headers, and put them in imports/motif/include/

You are right - I included them to push my change out fast (I dislike
WIP to be stuck forever in my working tree) only to find out
that my next set of patches (for dtwm) also needs some Motif

I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the 
same source directory anyway).

There are two possibilities:

1) We can link them:

So instead of doing right now

ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
(on FreeBSD)

I would need to

mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
and then

ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/

where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution

2) or - as you suggest - we can import them into the 
CDE distribution. 

Below is the list of all files in lib/Xm/*.h,
"exists" means it is a public header that goes into
 and "NOT FOUND" it's a private one.

AccColorT.h exists.
AccTextT.h exists.
ActivatableT.h exists.
ArrowB.h exists.
ArrowBG.h exists.
ArrowBGP.h exists.
ArrowBP.h exists.
AtomMgr.h exists.
BaseClassI.h NOT FOUND.
BaseClassP.h exists.
BitmapsI.h NOT FOUND.
BulletinB.h exists.
BulletinBI.h NOT FOUND.
BulletinBP.h exists.
ButtonBox.h exists.
ButtonBoxP.h exists.
CacheP.h exists.
CallbackI.h NOT FOUND.
CareVisualT.h exists.
CareVisualTI.h NOT FOUND.
CascadeB.h exists.
CascadeBG.h exists.
CascadeBGP.h exists.
CascadeBI.h NOT FOUND.
CascadeBP.h exists.
ClipWindowP.h exists.
CntrbmI.h NOT FOUND.
ColorObjI.h NOT FOUND.
ColorObjP.h exists.
ColorP.h exists.
ColorS.h exists.
ColorSP.h exists.
Column.h exists.
ColumnP.h exists.
ComboBox.h exists.
ComboBox2.h exists.
ComboBox2P.h exists.
ComboBoxP.h exists.
Command.h exists.
CommandI.h NOT FOUND.
CommandP.h exists.
ContItemT.h exists.
Container.h exists.
ContainerP.h exists.
ContainerT.h exists.
CutPaste.h exists.
CutPasteI.h NOT FOUND.
DataF.h exists.
DataFP.h exists.
DataFSelP.h exists.
DesktopP.h exists.
DialogS.h exists.
DialogSEP.h exists.
DialogSP.h exists.
DialogSavvyT.h exists.
Display.h exists.
DisplayI.h NOT FOUND.
DisplayP.h exists.
DragC.h exists.
DragCP.h exists.
DragDrop.h exists.
DragIcon.h exists.
DragIconI.h NOT FOUND.
DragIconP.h exists.
DragOverS.h exists.
DragOverSP.h exists.
DragUnderI.h NOT FOUND.
DrawP.h exists.
DrawUtils.h exists.
DrawingA.h exists.
DrawingAI.h NOT FOUND.
DrawingAP.h exists.
DrawnB.h exists.
DrawnBP.h exists.
DropDown.h exists.
DropDownP.h exists.
DropSMgr.h exists.
DropSMgrP.h exists.
DropTrans.h exists.
DropTransP.h exists.
EditresComI.h NOT FOUND.
Ext.h exists.
Ext18List.h exists.
Ext18ListP.h exists.
ExtObjectI.h NOT FOUND.
ExtObjectP.h exists.
ExtP.h exists.
FileSB.h exists.
FileSBP.h exists.
FontS.h exists.
FontSP.h exists.
Form.h exists.
FormP.h exists.
Frame.h exists.
FrameP.h exists.
Gadget.h exists.
GadgetI.h NOT FOUND.
GadgetP.h exists.
GadgetUtiI.h NOT FOUND.
GeoUtilsI.h NOT FOUND.
GrabShell.h exists.
GrabShellP.h exists.
Hierarchy.h exists.
HierarchyP.h exists.
IconBox.h exists.
IconBoxP.h exists.
IconButton.h exists.
IconButtonP.h exists.
IconFile.h exists.
IconFileP.h exists.
IconG.h exists.
IconGP.h exists.
IconH.h exists.
IconHP.h exists.
ImageCachI.h NOT FOUND.
JoinSideT.h exists.
Label.h exists.
LabelG.h exists.
LabelGP.h exists.
LabelP.h exists.
LayoutT.h exists.
List.h exists.
ListP.h exists.
MainW.h exists.
MainWP.h exists.
Manager.h exists.
ManagerI.h NOT FOUND.
ManagerP.h exists.
MapEventsI.h NOT FOUND.
MenuProcI.h NOT FOUND.
MenuProcP.h exists.
MenuShell.h exists.
MenuShellI.h NOT FOUND.
MenuShellP.h exists.
MenuStateI.h NOT FOUND.
MenuStateP.h exists.
MenuT.h exists.
MenuUtilI.h NOT FOUND.
MenuUtilP.h exists.
MessageB.h exists.
MessageBI.h NOT FOUND.
MessageBP.h exists.
MessagesI.h NOT FOUND.
MultiList.h exists.
MultiListP.h exists.
MwmUtil.h exists.
NavigatorT.h exists.
Notebook.h exists.
NotebookP.h exists.
Outline.h exists.
OutlineP.h exists.
Paned.h exists.
PanedP.h exists.
PanedW.h exists.
PanedWP.h exists.
Picture.h exists.
PictureP.h exists.
PointInT.h exists.
Primitive.h exists.
PrimitiveI.h NOT FOUND.
PrimitiveP.h exists.
Print.h exists.
PrintSP.h exists.
Protocols.h exists.
ProtocolsI.h NOT FOUND.
ProtocolsP.h exists.
PushB.h exists.
PushBG.h exists.
PushBGP.h exists.
PushBP.h exists.
RCLayoutP.h exists.
RCMenuP.h exists.
ReadImageI.h NOT FOUND.
RegionI.h NOT FOUND.
RepType.h exists.

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] [PATCH] DtWidget: Improve portability of Motif interface

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Marcin Cieslak wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:
>> I propose that I take those header from the LGPL motif I have, add the
>> appropriate license headers, and put them in imports/motif/include/
> You are right - I included them to push my change out fast (I dislike

I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.

However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
this one.

Any suggestions?

Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] CDE from git master working on RHEL 6.3 x86_64 (fwd)

2012-08-20 Thread David Cantrell
On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 11:47:01PM -0600, Jon Trulson wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, David Cantrell wrote:
> >On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Irek Szczesniak  
> >wrote:
> >>On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 12:37 AM, David Cantrell
> >> wrote:
> >>>On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Lionel Cons
> >>> wrote:
> On 18 August 2012 14:23, Irek Szczesniak  wrote:
> >On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Joshuah Hurst  
> >wrote:
> >>On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 3:12 AM, Jon Trulson  wrote:
> [...]
> >>>
> >>>I intend to continue working on making it work better on RHEL and
> >>>Fedora for my own use, but make available the packages I build to RHEL
> >>>and Fedora users.  I think that would be a good metric for judging
> >>>actual interest.
> >>>
> Thank you David, that would be excellent.
> I had no idea that forwarding your email would send so much crap your
> way, my apologies.

No problem here.  I understand people have their opinions, suggestions,
requirements, and complaints.  I spend most of my days sifting through
reports at  :)


David Cantrell 

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] CDE from git master + Marcin Cieslak's patches bringup on freebsd9 64bit

2012-08-20 Thread Jubal Skaggs
Thanks Marcin for reviewing :-)  I figured it would make a good start for a
working draft once it makes it up into the wiki.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Marcin Cieslak  wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Jubal Skaggs wrote:
> > Here we go, after applying Marcin's patches, I can bring up Xsession
> using
> > these notes - can we make a wiki page for FreeBSD?  :-)
> Thanks for writing this up!
> > 1. Install freebsd9-amd64, get lib32 and ports
> >
> > 2. Add your hostname to the localhost line in /etc/hosts (I have a dhcp
> > address)
> >
> > 3. Update your ports tree with portsnap
> >
> > 4. install packages
> > pkg_add -r xorg
> >  pkg_add -r git
> > pkg_add -r iconv
> > pkg_add -r bdftopcf
> >  cd /usr/ports/shells/ksh93; make; make install
> >
> > 4. build openmotif from ports, fix the Makefile first (fixes a problem
> > building dtpad and dtmail related to XmPrintCallbackStruct)
> >  cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/open-motif
> > vi Makefile
> > change the line
> > to:
> > -I${LOCALBASE}/include
> >
> > make
> > make install
> >
> > 5. add to /etc/rc.conf
> > hald_enable="YES"
> >  dbus_enable="YES"
> > rpcbind_enable="YES"
> > rpc_lockd_enable="YES"
> >  rpc_statd_enable="YES"
> Do we really need dbus if we have ToolTalk? :)
> (My server works without hal as well but you
> are right about the package)
> > 6. reboot your machine.
> >
> > 8. clone the source from the git repository (I'm doing all of this as
> root
> > on an expendable machine.)
> >  cd ~
> > git clone git:// cdesktopenv-code
> >  9. make symlinks
> > cd ~/cdesktopenv-code/cde/imports
> > mkdir -p x11
> >  cd x11
> > ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin .
> > ln -s /usr/local/include .
> >  ln -s /usr/local/lib .
> > cd ~/cdesktopenv-code/cde/imports/motif
> >  mkdir -p include
> > cd include
> > ln -s /usr/local/include/Xm .
> Until everything is fixed I would say you have to do
>   ln -s /usr/local/bin/ksh93 /bin/ksh
> > 10. pull down sapers patches from the news server (hopefully these will
> be
> > fit to be merged into the mainline soon.)
> > cd ~/cdesktopenv-code/cde
> > git apply patch from:
> >
> >  git apply patch from
> >
> >  make World
> > 11. do the installation
> > # Install CDE
> >  cd ~/cdesktopenv-code/cde/admin/IntegTools/dbTools
> > ./installCDE -s /path/to/cdesktopenv-code/cde/
> I am using
>  sudo ksh93 ./installCDE -s /path/to/cdesktopenv-code/cde/
> >
> > # It seems this dir needs to be writable by every user of CDE
> > chmod -R a+rwx /var/dt
> Works for me as is : here's my ls -ld /var/dt:
> drwxr-xr-x  4 bin  bin  512 19 sie 23:05 /var/dt
> > # Directory required for calendar service
> > mkdir -p /usr/spool/calendar
> My personal preference based on old UNIX experience:
> mkdir /var/spool/calendar
> ln -s /var/spool /usr/spool
> >  mkdir -p /etc/tt
> > cp ~/cdesktopenv-code/cde/programs/tttypes/types.xdr /etc/tt
> >
> > 12. Fire it up :-)
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> or ldconfig -m /usr/dt/lib
> > export PATH=/usr/dt/bin:$PATH
> >  export LANG=C
> > startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession
> I was still using my hacked up Xsession
> but you are right - this one works.
> //Marcin

Jubal Skaggs
Finsight, LLC
P.O. Box 23361
Juneau, AK 99802
Phone: (206) 905-9437
Cell: (907) 957-1762
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] CDE from git master + Marcin Cieslak's patches bringup on freebsd9 64bit

2012-08-20 Thread Christopher Turkel
Since I'm not a coder, can someone tell me how to apply the FreeBSD patches 
mentioned in those two emails?

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] Import Motif headers

2012-08-20 Thread ibid_ag
> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
> same source directory anyway).
> There are two possibilities:
> 1) We can link them:
> So instead of doing right now
> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
> (on FreeBSD)
> I would need to
> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
> and then
> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution

Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR
> 2) or - as you suggest - we can import them into the
> CDE distribution.
> Below is the list of all files in lib/Xm/*.h,
> "exists" means it is a public header that goes into
>  and "NOT FOUND" it's a private one.
Are there any private headers your patches would need, and why are they
I tend to think something's wrong if you can't use just the public headers.

> I will modify my patches to assume ALL the header files
> are already available as .
> //Marcin

> From: Jon Trulson 

> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
> this one.
Hmm...why is this one being added? It isn't included anywhere now,
according to grep. And it's only #define's.
(I've lost the email with the patch.)

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] Import Motif headers

2012-08-20 Thread Frederic Koehler
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:40 PM,   wrote:
>> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
>> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
>> same source directory anyway).
>> There are two possibilities:
>> 1) We can link them:
>> So instead of doing right now
>> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
>> (on FreeBSD)
>> I would need to
>> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
>> and then
>> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
>> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution
> Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR

Indeed on Fedora using the rpmfusion rpm's we have to symlink
/usr/include/openmotif to imports/motif/include. The files got moved
to avoid conflict with lesstiff, I think. So it would be nice not
to break that, however possible [e.g. use a different directory?].

>> 2) or - as you suggest - we can import them into the
>> CDE distribution.
>> Below is the list of all files in lib/Xm/*.h,
>> "exists" means it is a public header that goes into
>>  and "NOT FOUND" it's a private one.
> Are there any private headers your patches would need, and why are they
> needed?
> I tend to think something's wrong if you can't use just the public headers.
>> I will modify my patches to assume ALL the header files
>> are already available as .
>> //Marcin
>> From: Jon Trulson 
>> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
>> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
>> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
>> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
>> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
>> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
>> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
>> this one.
> Hmm...why is this one being added? It isn't included anywhere now,
> according to grep. And it's only #define's.
> (I've lost the email with the patch.)
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
> threats.
> ___
> cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] CDE from git master + Marcin Cieslak's patches bringup on freebsd9 64bit

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Christopher Turkel wrote:

> Since I'm not a coder, can someone tell me how to apply the FreeBSD patches 
> mentioned in those two emails?

The easiest way is using 'git am '...

To avoid possible issues with further updates (especially when these
are fixed and can be added), I'd probably use a branch...  Somthing

git co -b fbsd-testing
git am patch1.patch


Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] Import Motif headers

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, wrote:

>> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
>> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
>> same source directory anyway).
>> There are two possibilities:
>> 1) We can link them:
>> So instead of doing right now
>> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
>> (on FreeBSD)
>> I would need to
>> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
>> and then
>> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
>> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution
> Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR

Originally, it was intended to link to a motif builds exports/ dir.

>> 2) or - as you suggest - we can import them into the
>> CDE distribution.
>> Below is the list of all files in lib/Xm/*.h,
>> "exists" means it is a public header that goes into
>>  and "NOT FOUND" it's a private one.
> Are there any private headers your patches would need, and why are they
> needed?
> I tend to think something's wrong if you can't use just the public headers.

They are being used for prototype defs and such... Needed for DtWidget
and dtwm.  It's not too surprising they dig into motif internals...

>> I will modify my patches to assume ALL the header files
>> are already available as .
>> //Marcin
>> From: Jon Trulson 
>> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
>> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
>> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
>> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
>> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
>> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
>> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
>> this one.
> Hmm...why is this one being added? It isn't included anywhere now,
> according to grep. And it's only #define's.
> (I've lost the email with the patch.)

It's included in one of the private headers.  Yes, a compiletime
generated defines into a string table.

Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] Import Motif headers

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Frederic Koehler wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:40 PM,   wrote:
>>> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
>>> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
>>> same source directory anyway).
>>> There are two possibilities:
>>> 1) We can link them:
>>> So instead of doing right now
>>> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
>>> (on FreeBSD)
>>> I would need to
>>> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
>>> and then
>>> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
>>> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution
>> Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR
> Indeed on Fedora using the rpmfusion rpm's we have to symlink
> /usr/include/openmotif to imports/motif/include. The files got moved
> to avoid conflict with lesstiff, I think. So it would be nice not
> to break that, however possible [e.g. use a different directory?].

This is a good point.  Easy to use something like priv_include/ or
some such.

Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] [PATCH] DtWidget: Improve portability of Motif interface

2012-08-20 Thread Marcin Cieslak
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
> > On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:
> > 
> > > I propose that I take those header from the LGPL motif I have, add the
> > > appropriate license headers, and put them in imports/motif/include/
> > 
> > You are right - I included them to push my change out fast (I dislike
> [...]
> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
> this one.
> Any suggestions?

Looking at the trouble involved and the fact we just need some externs
what about producing a special file (maybe automatically
generated from Motif headers on request) with all the extern declarations

I don't think we need any complex type declarations or macros.
And this way we can kind of avoid copyright issues (not that 
I personally believe that a list of externs can be subjected
to copyright but that's another matter).


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] CDE from git master + Marcin Cieslak's patches bringup on freebsd9 64bit

2012-08-20 Thread Marcin Cieslak
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Christopher Turkel wrote:
> > Since I'm not a coder, can someone tell me how to apply the FreeBSD patches 
> > mentioned in those two emails?
> >
> >
> The easiest way is using 'git am '...
> To avoid possible issues with further updates (especially when these
> are fixed and can be added), I'd probably use a branch...  Somthing
> like:

Given the interest in the FreeBSD version I will push my
work in progress to the respository clone on SourceForge.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
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Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] fix localized build on OpenBSD

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Pascal Stumpf wrote:

> See patch.


Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

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Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] [PATCH] DtWidget: Improve portability of Motif interface

2012-08-20 Thread Jon Trulson
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012, Marcin Cieslak wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
>>> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Jon Trulson wrote:
 I propose that I take those header from the LGPL motif I have, add the
 appropriate license headers, and put them in imports/motif/include/
>>> You are right - I included them to push my change out fast (I dislike
>> [...]
>> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
>> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
>> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
>> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
>> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
>> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
>> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
>> this one.
>> Any suggestions?
> Looking at the trouble involved and the fact we just need some externs
> what about producing a special file (maybe automatically
> generated from Motif headers on request) with all the extern declarations
> needed?
> I don't think we need any complex type declarations or macros.
> And this way we can kind of avoid copyright issues (not that
> I personally believe that a list of externs can be subjected
> to copyright but that's another matter).

If you know what these are, I can't see how this would be a licensing
problem at all.  I think this might be a better way to go, thereby
avoiding these internal motif headerfile issues.

I don't think there is any need to autogen them, just stick them in a
file (or the c files that actually need them :)

Jon Trulson

Atoms are what make us matter.

Live Security Virtual Conference
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