On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:25:12 +0000, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2012, Pascal Stumpf wrote:
> > Well, LANG already gets reset to a sensible value.  If it does indeed
> > work on FreeBSD with LC_CTYPE set, then this is probably an OS-dependent
> > problem.
> No, I do not change any of LC_* variables.
> I was not sure what is your goal here.

Fixing the build.  It breaks for me if I have LC_CTYPE set to something
like en_US.UTF-8.

> If we just want to avoid the user setting other LC_* variables,
> then LC_ALL is the solution; but I am not sure we should use
> that in the build scripts.

LC_CTYPE should be enough to change program behaviour.  Besides, this is
only in a subshell.  It does not tamper with the actual environment.

> //Marcin

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