On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:40 PM,  <ibid...@lavabit.com> wrote:
>> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
>> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
>> same source directory anyway).
>> There are two possibilities:
>> 1) We can link them:
>> So instead of doing right now
>> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
>> (on FreeBSD)
>> I would need to
>> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
>> and then
>> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
>> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution
> Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR

Indeed on Fedora using the rpmfusion rpm's we have to symlink
/usr/include/openmotif to imports/motif/include. The files got moved
to avoid conflict with lesstiff, I think. So it would be nice not
to break that, however possible [e.g. use a different directory?].

>> 2) or - as you suggest - we can import them into the
>> CDE distribution.
>> Below is the list of all files in lib/Xm/*.h,
>> "exists" means it is a public header that goes into
>> <Xm/...> and "NOT FOUND" it's a private one.
> Are there any private headers your patches would need, and why are they
> needed?
> I tend to think something's wrong if you can't use just the public headers.
>> I will modify my patches to assume ALL the header files
>> are already available as <Xm/....>.
>> //Marcin
>> From: Jon Trulson <j...@radscan.com>
>> I would only want to include those that we actually use... The
>> normally exported headers will already be usable as-is without any
>> changes as long as the openmotif devkit is installed.
>> However, while adding the ones mentioned in your patches, I came
>> across XmStrDefsI.h.  This one is a problem, since it is automatically
>> generated during a motif build.  And if you look at the contents, it
>> could be different for any given build, so a way must be found to avoid
>> this one.
> Hmm...why is this one being added? It isn't included anywhere now,
> according to grep. And it's only #define's.
> (I've lost the email with the patch.)
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