On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Frederic Koehler wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:40 PM,  <ibid...@lavabit.com> wrote:
>>> I think they should be put together with the "official" ones
>>> in $top/imports/motif/include/Xm  (they live in the
>>> same source directory anyway).
>>> There are two possibilities:
>>> 1) We can link them:
>>> So instead of doing right now
>>> ln -s /usr/local/include $top/imports/motif/include
>>> (on FreeBSD)
>>> I would need to
>>> mkdir -p $top/imports/motif/include/Xm
>>> and then
>>> ln -s $xm/*.h $top/imports/motif/include/Xm/
>>> where $xm is "lib/Xm" from the openmotif distribution
>> Somehow I suspect imports/motif was intended as a link to the Motif TOPDIR
> Indeed on Fedora using the rpmfusion rpm's we have to symlink
> /usr/include/openmotif to imports/motif/include. The files got moved
> to avoid conflict with lesstiff, I think. So it would be nice not
> to break that, however possible [e.g. use a different directory?].

This is a good point.  Easy to use something like priv_include/ or
some such.

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