Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:24 PM Aris Merchant
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:12 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
>  wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
> >  wrote:
> > > This gets me thinking of a potential big and maybe-interesting-maybe-not
> > > big change to the order of things... what if officers presumptively had 
> > > the
> > > ability to rule on their areas of gamestate, in a more active manner than
> > > our ratification system? Possibly a bit more of a shift towards a 
> > > pragmatic
> > > philosophy as well.
> >
> > We've had a couple conversations along similar lines in the last year
> > or two and people were generally positive.  Specifically two ideas
> > came up:  (1) making each officer the "primary judge" on disputes
> > about their reports, with some language that judges can only overrule
> > the officers if their decisions are "arbitrary and capricious" (or
> > some other legal standard of choice that we can set precedents about -
> > "arbitrary and capricious" is one used in U.S. government
> > regulations).  (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
> > are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
> > (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
> > "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
> > category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
> > within their defining category).
> >
> > I think the only barrier is no one sat down and did the deep work of
> > implementation...
> A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> the details.
> -Aris
> --
> Title: Administrative Adjudication
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
> Adjudication",
> with the following text:
>   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
>   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
>   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
>   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.

Come on everyone, comments?


Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO vague—are these 
rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened platonically, but with 
no actual platonic effect) or ratification-like? How is arbitrariness and 
capriciousness defined/judged? What about “official area of concern?”

This seems like a particularly bad place for CFJ hell. When we inevitably end 
up with a dispute over whether a memorandum is valid, can that dispute itself 
be resolved by memorandum, by either the original officeholder or the Arbitor?

The idea doesn’t seem immediately bad (although I’m not sure I prefer it 
either) but I think such an important area is not suitable for the “write 
something simple and let CFJs figure it out” strategy. 


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 9:09 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:24 PM Aris Merchant
>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:12 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
>>>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
>>>  wrote:
 This gets me thinking of a potential big and maybe-interesting-maybe-not
 big change to the order of things... what if officers presumptively had the
 ability to rule on their areas of gamestate, in a more active manner than
 our ratification system? Possibly a bit more of a shift towards a pragmatic
 philosophy as well.
>>> We've had a couple conversations along similar lines in the last year
>>> or two and people were generally positive.  Specifically two ideas
>>> came up:  (1) making each officer the "primary judge" on disputes
>>> about their reports, with some language that judges can only overrule
>>> the officers if their decisions are "arbitrary and capricious" (or
>>> some other legal standard of choice that we can set precedents about -
>>> "arbitrary and capricious" is one used in U.S. government
>>> regulations).  (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
>>> are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
>>> (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
>>> "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
>>> category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
>>> within their defining category).
>>> I think the only barrier is no one sat down and did the deep work of
>>> implementation...
>> A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
>> complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
>> fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
>> the details.
>> -Aris
>> --
>> Title: Administrative Adjudication
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Aris
>> Co-authors:
>> Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
>> Adjudication",
>> with the following text:
>>  Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
>>  which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
>>  have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
>>  concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.
> Come on everyone, comments?
> -Aris

Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
Seems reasonable to me.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 12:09 PM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:24 PM Aris Merchant
>  wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:12 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
> > >  wrote:
> > > > This gets me thinking of a potential big and
> maybe-interesting-maybe-not
> > > > big change to the order of things... what if officers presumptively
> had the
> > > > ability to rule on their areas of gamestate, in a more active manner
> than
> > > > our ratification system? Possibly a bit more of a shift towards a
> pragmatic
> > > > philosophy as well.
> > >
> > > We've had a couple conversations along similar lines in the last year
> > > or two and people were generally positive.  Specifically two ideas
> > > came up:  (1) making each officer the "primary judge" on disputes
> > > about their reports, with some language that judges can only overrule
> > > the officers if their decisions are "arbitrary and capricious" (or
> > > some other legal standard of choice that we can set precedents about -
> > > "arbitrary and capricious" is one used in U.S. government
> > > regulations).  (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
> > > are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
> > > (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
> > > "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
> > > category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
> > > within their defining category).
> > >
> > > I think the only barrier is no one sat down and did the deep work of
> > > implementation...
> >
> > A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> > complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> > fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> > the details.
> >
> > -Aris
> > --
> > Title: Administrative Adjudication
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors:
> >
> > Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative
> Adjudication",
> > with the following text:
> >
> >   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
> >   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
> >   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official
> area of
> >   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor
> capricious.
> Come on everyone, comments?
> -Aris

Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion
Aris wrote:
> A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> the details.
> -Aris
> --
> Title: Administrative Adjudication
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
> Adjudication",
> with the following text:
>   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
>   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
>   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
>   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.

I like the idea too!

Regarding the implementation, these are very similar to regulations. Why not 
reuse the entity class? Something like this:

  Each officer CAN, with notice, enact a memorandum, which is a type of
  regulation. A memorandum has the power to resolve bindingly any matter
  within its office's area of concern.

  An attempt to enact a memorandum is INEFFECTIVE if it is arbitrary or

  /* maybe */ A memorandum is automatically repealed when all matters it
  regards are resolved.

This has the advantage of also automatically tracking memoranda and providing 
mechanisms to amend or repeal them.

Gaelan wrote:
> I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO vague—
> are these rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened
> platonically, but with no actual platonic effect) or ratification-
> like? How is arbitrariness and capriciousness defined/judged? What
> about “official area of concern?”

My understanding of the original proto was that the rulings were supposed to be 
binding, i.e. capable of modifying the gamestate, and that the other things 
were intentionally left vague to allow judges to rule in the best interests of 
the game.

Gaelan wrote:
> This seems like a particularly bad place for CFJ hell. When we
> inevitably end up with a dispute over whether a memorandum is valid,
> can that dispute itself be resolved by memorandum, by either the
> original officeholder or the Arbitor?

This is a good point - if judges are supposed to have authority over memoranda, 
the rule needs some way to stop memoranda from having authority over judges. 
Unsure of the best way of doing that.


Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
On 1/8/20 12:08 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
>>   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
>>   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
>>   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
>>   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.

Actually, does this need to specify that the memorandum takes effect in
order for it to change the gamestate? Otherwise, it's just something
capable of changing the gamestate that doesn't actually do it.

Jason Cobb

Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 10:34 AM Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
> On 1/8/20 12:08 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> >>   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
> >>   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
> >>   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area 
> >> of
> >>   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.
> Actually, does this need to specify that the memorandum takes effect in
> order for it to change the gamestate? Otherwise, it's just something
> capable of changing the gamestate that doesn't actually do it.

I think what's being keyed off here is the "resolve" in R217's "formal
process to resolve matters of controversy".  Colloquially, we map that
R217 "formal process" onto CFJs, but that's not the only means - for
example a Proposal is a formal process to resolve a controversy (via a
vote) and it could be argued that ratification is as well.  So saying
that a memorandum generically "resolves" things is likely too generic,
especially because it's not clear what "bindingly resolve" or "power
to resolve" means in a CFJ context - i.e. does a judge have a "power"
or "binding" ability to resolve given that e can be overruled?  (I
don't think so - CFJs are purposefully toothless.  So is a "binding"
as described more like a CFJ, or a ratification?)

A possible way forward is to say that officers may issue memoranda,
and then add to R217 that "the current officer's memoranda" is part of
the consideration for rules interpretation (somewhere alongside the
"past judgements" part, though some refactoring of R217 may be needed
to get in concepts like arbitrary and capricious).  This would also
have the feature of making an officer's memoranda an election issue.
 There should also be a way for a Player who's not the officer to
"request a memorandum" or for a judge or Arbitor to say "you know
what, this CFJ should be the subject of a memorandum let's get the
officer's take first and I'll only overrule that if it's ridiculous".

A super-lightweight may might be to say that the Arbitor SHOULD assign
CFJs pertaining to an office to that Officer and that judges SHOULD
seek the officer's opinion.  (But where's the fun in that - we want
administrative law, and we want it... well, we want it with 7 days
public notice following a comment period...).


Re: DIS: [Promotor] Draft

2020-01-08 Thread Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
On Tue., Jan. 7, 2020, 23:34 Aris Merchant via agora-discussion, <> wrote:

> 8280   Murphy, Jason Cobb   3.0   Resolve the troubles v1.1

> 8281   Gaelan   1.0   Nothing to see here, Rule 1030 v2

> 8282   Falsifian1.0   Let's do this the hard way v1.1

> 8283   Alexis   3.0   Ex Post Ribbon

> 8284   Alexis   3.0   Line-Item Power

> 8285   Alexis   3.0   Line-Item Roulette

> 8286   Aris 1.0   I Forbid Vetos!

Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 9:59 AM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
> I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO vague—are 
> these rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened platonically, 
> but with no actual platonic effect) or ratification-like? How is 
> arbitrariness and capriciousness defined/judged? What about “official area of 
> concern?”

I was afraid someone would say that. I just thought it might be fun to
have major, game altering precedents. Arbitrariness and capriciousness
kind of have to be vague (and is in the US legal system too), and it
wouldn't make much sense to write out the official areas of concern of
each office, though I could (maybe I'll put the current ones in a
comment). I was going to leave the platonic/pragmatic thing for CFJs,
but it would probably be better to just explicitly define it as

> This seems like a particularly bad place for CFJ hell. When we inevitably end 
> up with a dispute over whether a memorandum is valid, can that dispute itself 
> be resolved by memorandum, by either the original officeholder or the Arbitor?

Presumably not without being arbitrary or capricious. :) If you're
really worried about it, I can add

> The idea doesn’t seem immediately bad (although I’m not sure I prefer it 
> either) but I think such an important area is not suitable for the “write 
> something simple and let CFJs figure it out” strategy.

What's the fun in that? Seriously, if the CFJs don't have a major
impact on the future of the game, it's just boring. This way is more

> > On Jan 8, 2020, at 9:09 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
> >  wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:24 PM Aris Merchant
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:12 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
> >>>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
> >>>  wrote:
>  This gets me thinking of a potential big and maybe-interesting-maybe-not
>  big change to the order of things... what if officers presumptively had 
>  the
>  ability to rule on their areas of gamestate, in a more active manner than
>  our ratification system? Possibly a bit more of a shift towards a 
>  pragmatic
>  philosophy as well.
> >>>
> >>> We've had a couple conversations along similar lines in the last year
> >>> or two and people were generally positive.  Specifically two ideas
> >>> came up:  (1) making each officer the "primary judge" on disputes
> >>> about their reports, with some language that judges can only overrule
> >>> the officers if their decisions are "arbitrary and capricious" (or
> >>> some other legal standard of choice that we can set precedents about -
> >>> "arbitrary and capricious" is one used in U.S. government
> >>> regulations).  (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
> >>> are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
> >>> (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
> >>> "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
> >>> category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
> >>> within their defining category).
> >>>
> >>> I think the only barrier is no one sat down and did the deep work of
> >>> implementation...
> >>
> >> A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> >> complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> >> fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> >> the details.
> >>
> >> -Aris
> >> --
> >> Title: Administrative Adjudication
> >> Adoption index: 3.0
> >> Author: Aris
> >> Co-authors:
> >>
> >> Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
> >> Adjudication",
> >> with the following text:
> >>
> >>  Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
> >>  which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
> >>  have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
> >>  concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.
> >
> > Come on everyone, comments?
> >
> > -Aris

Fwd: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
Oops, this somehow ended up being a reply to just Aris. In the future, please 
avoid cc’ing me if possible—I have rules configured to dump all Agora messages 
in a folder, and ccing directly to me breaks that. 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gaelan Steele 
> Date: January 8, 2020 at 11:56:43 AM PST
> To: Aris Merchant 
> Subject: Re:  DIS: ratifying honour etc.
> I’d probably be at least a PRESENT on this if there was some provision that 
> CFJs were the ultimate arbiter of how this mechanism works. I’m just worried 
> about some sort of “constitutional crisis” situation where we have two 
> systems both claiming that they have jurisdiction over the other one, and no 
> independent way to resolve the conflict. 
> Gaelan 
>>> On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:51 AM, Aris Merchant 
>>>  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 9:59 AM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
>>>  wrote:
>>> I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO vague—are 
>>> these rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened platonically, 
>>> but with no actual platonic effect) or ratification-like? How is 
>>> arbitrariness and capriciousness defined/judged? What about “official area 
>>> of concern?”
>> I was afraid someone would say that. I just thought it might be fun to
>> have major, game altering precedents. Arbitrariness and capriciousness
>> kind of have to be vague (and is in the US legal system too), and it
>> wouldn't make much sense to write out the official areas of concern of
>> each office, though I could (maybe I'll put the current ones in a
>> comment). I was going to leave the platonic/pragmatic thing for CFJs,
>> but it would probably be better to just explicitly define it as
>> platonic.
>>> This seems like a particularly bad place for CFJ hell. When we inevitably 
>>> end up with a dispute over whether a memorandum is valid, can that dispute 
>>> itself be resolved by memorandum, by either the original officeholder or 
>>> the Arbitor?
>> Presumably not without being arbitrary or capricious. :) If you're
>> really worried about it, I can add
>>> The idea doesn’t seem immediately bad (although I’m not sure I prefer it 
>>> either) but I think such an important area is not suitable for the “write 
>>> something simple and let CFJs figure it out” strategy.
>> What's the fun in that? Seriously, if the CFJs don't have a major
>> impact on the future of the game, it's just boring. This way is more
>> fun.
>> -Aris
> On Jan 8, 2020, at 9:09 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:24 PM Aris Merchant
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:12 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
>>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
>>  wrote:
>>> This gets me thinking of a potential big and maybe-interesting-maybe-not
>>> big change to the order of things... what if officers presumptively had 
>>> the
>>> ability to rule on their areas of gamestate, in a more active manner 
>>> than
>>> our ratification system? Possibly a bit more of a shift towards a 
>>> pragmatic
>>> philosophy as well.
>> We've had a couple conversations along similar lines in the last year
>> or two and people were generally positive.  Specifically two ideas
>> came up:  (1) making each officer the "primary judge" on disputes
>> about their reports, with some language that judges can only overrule
>> the officers if their decisions are "arbitrary and capricious" (or
>> some other legal standard of choice that we can set precedents about -
>> "arbitrary and capricious" is one used in U.S. government
>> regulations).  (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
>> are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
>> (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
>> "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
>> category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
>> within their defining category).
>> I think the only barrier is no one sat down and did the deep work of
>> implementation...
> A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> the details.
> -Aris
> --
> Title: Administrative Adjudication
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
> Adjudication",
> with the following text:
> Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
> which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
> have the power to resolve bindingly any matter with

Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 11:51 AM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
> > The idea doesn’t seem immediately bad (although I’m not sure I prefer it 
> > either) but I think such an important area is not suitable for the “write 
> > something simple and let CFJs figure it out” strategy.
> What's the fun in that? Seriously, if the CFJs don't have a major
> impact on the future of the game, it's just boring. This way is more
> fun.

Your proposal wording leaves things pretty similar to how Lindrum
pulled off Lindrum World - by declaring that, since the game as a
whole had an impact on the minor matter in eir jurisdiction, a request
to resolve a minor matter (i.e. in an official capacity) could be
extended to a ruling on the whole game - e.g. "since Regulated Actions
impact my report, I have domain on whether any regulated actions
succeed."   At the very, very least, there has to be a process during
the Notice period for halting/stopping the memorandum from taking
effect.  But once you've got that, this becomes (effectively)
ratification without N objections or without a judge's objection
(whatever the threshold).  After all, we could model this entirely
under the current ruleset by just agreeing that "we don't object to an
Officer ratifying a "false" report if they give a good reason, and
we'll call that reason a memorandum".

To make it truly "administrative law" level of interesting (did I just
type that oxymoron) we need something like precedent to be coded -
e.g. that judges defer to officers, or that memoranda are part of a
record of precedent (that might get reset), etc.  Just a little more
than the bare minimum, but enough to give some direction to how this
can play out.


Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 14:51, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 9:59 AM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
>  wrote:
> >
> > I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO
> vague—are these rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened
> platonically, but with no actual platonic effect) or ratification-like? How
> is arbitrariness and capriciousness defined/judged? What about “official
> area of concern?”
> I was afraid someone would say that. I just thought it might be fun to
> have major, game altering precedents. Arbitrariness and capriciousness
> kind of have to be vague (and is in the US legal system too), and it
> wouldn't make much sense to write out the official areas of concern of
> each office, though I could (maybe I'll put the current ones in a
> comment). I was going to leave the platonic/pragmatic thing for CFJs,
> but it would probably be better to just explicitly define it as
> platonic.

My feeling was to go into the area of binding *interpretations*, which
can't inherently change underlying facts, but become conclusive on
questions of law and mixed law and fact (that is, how the law applies to
the facts). So for instance, in my recent bid "for Bernie", the ruling
would be binding that I was unsuccessful.

It would represent a major departure from the rather pure philosophy of
platonism that has characterized Agora for years, but one that in actual
judicial philosophy is hardly controversial. If we want to do it gradually,
probably the first step would be to figure out how to codify this into the
ruleset, likely adjusting ratification and inquiry cases appropriately (and
possibly codifying an approach to "is history part of the game state"). We
could then proceed to devolve some interpretation power onto officers,
likely in a very limited extent at first, without dislodging inquiry cases
as being the final deciders if needed. Then we could expand the scope of
officers' interpretation powers, eventually giving them exclusive primary
jurisdiction once we're sure that, as G. warns, we have sufficient
protections in place that we can't get Lindrumed (or that if we do, it was
a genuinely skilled scam and not just lazily copying Lindrum's arguments).

A parallel effort that would likely help would be unifying limited-scope
legal documents, along the lines of Jason Cobb's ideas. I don't think the
exact ideas there capture what I'm thinking of, but more along the idea of
"scoped" law. Regulations are a form of scoped public law, while contracts
are private law scoped to the parties. This might allow a framework for
e.g. contracts defining things that are
like-assets-but-don't-quite-follow-the-asset-rules, or for more
experimenting with different types of proposal voting schemes without
having to worry about the risk that the core rules become too much under
the control of one or more players. One common feature of administrative
law is that administrative actors can't make rulings of general importance,
such as on the interpretation of a nation's constitution. A good scoping
system could be used to help make this explicit, such as by providing some
limited scoping of an officer's authority to interpret rules that, while
they directly affect the area of the game for which they are responsible,
are fundamentally questions about the core rules generally.


Re: DIS: ratifying honour etc.

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 10:07 AM Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion
> Aris wrote:
> > A minimalist proto along the lines of #1 follows. This could be a
> > complex interconnected set of 15 rules, but I think it would be more
> > fun to leave it as minimal as possible at let the judiciary sort out
> > the details.
> >
> > -Aris
> > --
> > Title: Administrative Adjudication
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors:
> >
> > Enact a new rule, with power power 3.0, entitled "Administrative 
> > Adjudication",
> > with the following text:
> >
> >   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
> >   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
> >   have the power to resolve bindingly any matter within eir official area of
> >   concern, insofar as that memorandum is neither arbitrary nor capricious.
> I like the idea too!
> Regarding the implementation, these are very similar to regulations. Why not 
> reuse the entity class? Something like this:
>   Each officer CAN, with notice, enact a memorandum, which is a type of
>   regulation. A memorandum has the power to resolve bindingly any matter
>   within its office's area of concern.
>   An attempt to enact a memorandum is INEFFECTIVE if it is arbitrary or
>   capricious.
>   /* maybe */ A memorandum is automatically repealed when all matters it
>   regards are resolved.
> This has the advantage of also automatically tracking memoranda and providing 
> mechanisms to amend or repeal them.

TBH, I was thinking that they would be mostly instantaneous. However,
you're right that some might not be. I'll allow both.


> Gaelan wrote:
> > I’m intrigued by the idea. I’m a little concerned that it’s TOO vague—
> > are these rulings CFJ-like (a means of agreeing on what happened
> > platonically, but with no actual platonic effect) or ratification-
> > like? How is arbitrariness and capriciousness defined/judged? What
> > about “official area of concern?”
> My understanding of the original proto was that the rulings were supposed to 
> be binding, i.e. capable of modifying the gamestate, and that the other 
> things were intentionally left vague to allow judges to rule in the best 
> interests of the game.
> Gaelan wrote:
> > This seems like a particularly bad place for CFJ hell. When we
> > inevitably end up with a dispute over whether a memorandum is valid,
> > can that dispute itself be resolved by memorandum, by either the
> > original officeholder or the Arbitor?
> This is a good point - if judges are supposed to have authority over 
> memoranda, the rule needs some way to stop memoranda from having authority 
> over judges. Unsure of the best way of doing that.
> -twg

Re: DIS: [Promotor] Draft

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
Neither your votes, nor the promotor report, were to the public forum. 

Additionally, I ask that you reconsider your vote on 8281. I don’t have a 
force-through scam up my sleeve, and I would like to find out if my scam works. 
As far as I know, the rule should be fairly harmless. 


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:50 AM, Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> On Tue., Jan. 7, 2020, 23:34 Aris Merchant via agora-discussion, <
>> wrote:
>> 8280   Murphy, Jason Cobb   3.0   Resolve the troubles v1.1
>> 8281   Gaelan   1.0   Nothing to see here, Rule 1030 v2
>> 8282   Falsifian1.0   Let's do this the hard way v1.1
>> 8283   Alexis   3.0   Ex Post Ribbon
>> 8284   Alexis   3.0   Line-Item Power
>> 8285   Alexis   3.0   Line-Item Roulette
>> 8286   Aris 1.0   I Forbid Vetos!

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8277-8279

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
Yeah, the rules need to handle open-ended contracts better IMO. Contracts are 
written as entities that can gain and lose members at will, but there’s no 
clear way to bootstrap a contract. 


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 12:34 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-business 
>  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 11:38, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-business <
>> wrote:
>> Gaelan wrote:
>>> TTttPF
>>> Also, I create the following contract: {
>>> Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s behalf
>> as described below.
>>> Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
>> subject to the following conditions:
>>> * Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
>> message to a discussion forum
>>> * The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24 hours
>>> * Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by sending
>> a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was > not labelled as a
>> draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
>>> * No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after the
>> message to the discussion forum
>>> Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.
>>> }
>> I join/agree to this contract.
>> -twg
> I CFJ { As a result of the quoted messages, Gaelan and twg are parties to a
> contract with the text in Gaelan's message. }
> Arguments: The rules explicitly prohibit a contract with only party.
> Therefore, even if Gaelan's ISTID would succeed, e could not have made a
> contract containing only one party, and if e did, the rules would have
> destroyed it. On the other hand, e clearly expressed the intent to be bound
> by the contract, and therefore arguably twg's acceptance was actually what
> brought such a contract into existence.
> Alexis

Re: DIS: [Promotor] Draft

2020-01-08 Thread Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 16:07, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> Neither your votes, nor the promotor report, were to the public forum.
> Additionally, I ask that you reconsider your vote on 8281. I don’t have a
> force-through scam up my sleeve, and I would like to find out if my scam
> works. As far as I know, the rule should be fairly harmless.
> Gaelan

I'm not voting for an obvious scam if I don't get something from it!

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8277-8279

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
TBH, there's no real reason to disallow 1-member contracts. It doesn't
make sense under real world contract law, but Agoran contracts can
also function like corporations.


On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 1:10 PM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
> Yeah, the rules need to handle open-ended contracts better IMO. Contracts are 
> written as entities that can gain and lose members at will, but there’s no 
> clear way to bootstrap a contract.
> Gaelan
> > On Jan 8, 2020, at 12:34 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-business 
> >  wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 11:38, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-business <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Gaelan wrote:
> >>> TTttPF
> >>>
> >>> Also, I create the following contract: {
> >>> Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s behalf
> >> as described below.
> >>>
> >>> Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
> >> subject to the following conditions:
> >>> * Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
> >> message to a discussion forum
> >>> * The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24 hours
> >>> * Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by sending
> >> a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was > not labelled as a
> >> draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
> >>> * No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after the
> >> message to the discussion forum
> >>>
> >>> Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.
> >>> }
> >>
> >> I join/agree to this contract.
> >>
> >> -twg
> >>
> >
> > I CFJ { As a result of the quoted messages, Gaelan and twg are parties to a
> > contract with the text in Gaelan's message. }
> >
> > Arguments: The rules explicitly prohibit a contract with only party.
> > Therefore, even if Gaelan's ISTID would succeed, e could not have made a
> > contract containing only one party, and if e did, the rules would have
> > destroyed it. On the other hand, e clearly expressed the intent to be bound
> > by the contract, and therefore arguably twg's acceptance was actually what
> > brought such a contract into existence.
> >
> > Alexis

DIS: [MUD] MUD Opening!

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
The MUD is now open. The server is at

Port 4000 is telnet.
Port 4001 is HTTP.
Port 4004 is SSH.
Port 4005 is webclient-websocket.


Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8277-8279

2020-01-08 Thread Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
Well, the current contracts rules are very broken. But that's ok! :P

On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 16:21, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> TBH, there's no real reason to disallow 1-member contracts. It doesn't
> make sense under real world contract law, but Agoran contracts can
> also function like corporations.
> -Aris
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 1:10 PM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
>  wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, the rules need to handle open-ended contracts better IMO.
> Contracts are written as entities that can gain and lose members at will,
> but there’s no clear way to bootstrap a contract.
> >
> > Gaelan
> >
> > > On Jan 8, 2020, at 12:34 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-business <
>> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 11:38, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-business <
> > >> wrote:
> > >
> > >> Gaelan wrote:
> > >>> TTttPF
> > >>>
> > >>> Also, I create the following contract: {
> > >>> Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s
> behalf
> > >> as described below.
> > >>>
> > >>> Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
> > >> subject to the following conditions:
> > >>> * Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
> > >> message to a discussion forum
> > >>> * The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24
> hours
> > >>> * Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by
> sending
> > >> a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was > not labelled
> as a
> > >> draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
> > >>> * No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after
> the
> > >> message to the discussion forum
> > >>>
> > >>> Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.
> > >>> }
> > >>
> > >> I join/agree to this contract.
> > >>
> > >> -twg
> > >>
> > >
> > > I CFJ { As a result of the quoted messages, Gaelan and twg are parties
> to a
> > > contract with the text in Gaelan's message. }
> > >
> > > Arguments: The rules explicitly prohibit a contract with only party.
> > > Therefore, even if Gaelan's ISTID would succeed, e could not have made
> a
> > > contract containing only one party, and if e did, the rules would have
> > > destroyed it. On the other hand, e clearly expressed the intent to be
> bound
> > > by the contract, and therefore arguably twg's acceptance was actually
> what
> > > brought such a contract into existence.
> > >
> > > Alexis
> >

Re: DIS: Draft: Contract Patency

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 6:35 PM James Cook  wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 06:11, Aris Merchant
>  wrote:
> > Here's a draft that separates out contracts from pacts, and creates an
> > office of Notary to track contracts and pledges. NOTE: Volunteers are
> > needed for Notary! Apply now!
> I really like the idea of tracking pledges and contracts. A few
> comments on the proto:
> * To address Jason Cobb's concern about publishing a "this may or may
> not be a contract", how about saying something isn't a contract until
> all parties have publicly consented to the text and list of parties
> within a 4-day window? (The 4-day window is to make it easier to keep
> track of whether the condition has been met.) (Is there any similar
> issue with amending contracts? It seems to work as written, but I'm
> not certain.)

I thought of another solution, which is to require that it be publicly

> * Should the Notary's reported list of pledges and contracts be
> self-ratifying? If it isn't, we're missing an opportunity to reduce
> uncertainty.

I'm worried about scams.

> * Why is the new Contracts rule power 3.0? The old one (renamed to
> Pledges) is only 2.5.

Fixed by changing it to 2.5.

> * I'm a little worried about "without objection" counting as consent.
> I think what bugs me is that "consent" is used in different ways in
> the rules. Often it's modified by some adjective, like "willful",
> which would probably mean "without objection" doesn't count, but it
> still seems messy to use the same word for all these different things.
> Not offering a solution, mostly just thinking out loud.

I'll remove it.

> * CAN the transitional period be ended? Maybe I'm being overly literal
> here, but I could imagine someone reading that rule and wondering
> whether when it was written, it relied on a separate rule (now
> repealed) governing when "transitional periods" CAN be ended by
> announcement.


DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
I think this addresses everyone's concerns. Comments are welcome.


Title: Contract Patency v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Jason Cobb, Falsifian

Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
  A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if:

  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
 publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
  2. e is party to a contract indicating eir consent;
  3. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the
 action to take place or assented to it taking place.

Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by removing the text '(syn. "consent")'.

Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:

  Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
  make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
  binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
  is known as a pact. A pact may be modified, including
  by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all existing
  parties. A pact may also terminate with the consent of all
  parties. A pact automatically terminates if the number of
  parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to
  become a party to a pact without eir consent.

  Parties to a pact governed by the rules SHALL act in
  accordance with that pact. This obligation is not impaired
  by contradiction between the pact and any other pact, or
  between the pact and the rules.

Retitle Rule 1742 to "Pacts".

Enact a new power 2.5 rule, entitled "Contracts", with the following text:
  A pact is a contract if its full provisions and list of parties have been
  made available in public, along with a certification or adequate proof of
  their accuracy and completeness, unless its provisions stated upon each
  occasion where it was posted that it cannot become a contract.

  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause the full
  provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly unavailable is canceled
  and does not take effect. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any
  provision of a contract that requires information that is not publicly or
  generally available to be interpreted is without effect insofar as it does.

  A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
  as permitted by the contract's provisions:

  * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.

  * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.

  * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a specified

For the avoidance of doubt, any entity that was a contract before the passage
of this proposal is a pact after the passage of this proposal; if it would
not otherwise be so, it is destroyed and recreated as a pact with properties
as close as possible to those it had before.

Amend rule 2450, "Pledges", by adding at the end of the first paragraph
"A pledge ceases to exist at the end of its time window."

Destroy every pledge with an expired time window.

Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "The Notary", with the following text:

  The Notary is an office.

  The Notary's weekly report contains:

  1. every pledge, along with its title, creator, time window, time of
 creation, and time of expiry; and
  2. every contract, with its title, full provisions, and parties.

  If the Notary is required to report a title, but none has been otherwise
  publicly provided, e CAN select one.

  The transitional period lasts for at least 90 days after this rule comes
  into force; thereafter, any player CAN end it by announcement.
  A pledge or contract is invisible if it was created before this rule came
  into force, and has not been publicly posted since this rule came into force.
  During the transitional period, the Notary NEED NOT report any invisible
  contract or pledge. When the transitional period is ended, each invisible
  contract or pledge ceases to exist in the order they were created, and
  then this rule amends itself by deleting this paragraph.

Make  the Notary.

Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread AIS523--- via agora-discussion
On Wed, 2020-01-08 at 14:31 -0800, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
> I think this addresses everyone's concerns. Comments are welcome.
> Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
>   A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if:
>   1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
>  publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
That last comma looks out of place.


> Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:
>   Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
>   make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
>   binding upon them and be governed by the rules.
Likely scammable; there's no requirement on what the persons are
consenting to. You need to be clear that consent is required to the
specific action of creating a pact as an original member, and also that
consent is required to the specific action of joining a pact, and that
it's impossible to create a pact with someone as a member if that
person does not consent to the creation. I don't think this is clear
enough at the moment (and historically, a contracts rule that doesn't
explicitly handle both the case of creation and the case of a change
nearly always ends up getting scammed).

> Enact a new power 2.5 rule, entitled "Contracts", with the following
> text:
Does this actually need a power >= 2 for any reason? Contract law used
to be at power 1.7, and never had any real issue there.

Keeping the power low would likely be beneficial because contract law
has historically been one of the easiest areas of the ruleset to scam,
and scam protections have historically worked much better against power
< 2 scams than they have against power >= 2 scams.

> A pact is a contract if its full provisions and list of parties have
> been made available in public, along with a certification or adequate
> proof of their accuracy and completeness, unless its provisions
> stated upon each occasion where it was posted that it cannot become a
> contract.
What about existing contracts that have previously been made available
in public, but since amended so that, e.g., their list of parties is
now publicly unavailable?

>   A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
>   as permitted by the contract's provisions:
>   * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.
>   * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.
>   * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a 
> specified recipient.
I have an automatic uneasy reaction to anything that inherently needs
to be able to platonically evaluate arbitrary conditions that can be
specified without going through a proposal process or the like,
especially if there are no requirements on explicitness,
noncircularity, or the like. Even if there isn't an actual paradox
available, you'll likely see paradox attempts for months, most of
fairly low quality, possibly to the point of dominating gameplay.


Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
On 1/8/20 5:42 PM, AIS523--- via agora-discussion wrote:
> I have an automatic uneasy reaction to anything that inherently needs
> to be able to platonically evaluate arbitrary conditions that can be
> specified without going through a proposal process or the like,
> especially if there are no requirements on explicitness,
> noncircularity, or the like. Even if there isn't an actual paradox
> available, you'll likely see paradox attempts for months, most of
> fairly low quality, possibly to the point of dominating gameplay.

I think paradox attempts in this wording have been summarily rejected in
CFJs 3761 and 3768.


Jason Cobb

Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 2:42 PM AIS523--- via agora-discussion
> On Wed, 2020-01-08 at 14:31 -0800, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
> wrote:
> > I think this addresses everyone's concerns. Comments are welcome.
> [snip]
> > Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
> >   A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if:
> >
> >   1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
> >  publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
> That last comma looks out of place.

Looks right to me, based on my intuitive comma placement rules.

> [snip]
> > Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:
> >
> >   Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
> >   make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
> >   binding upon them and be governed by the rules.
> Likely scammable; there's no requirement on what the persons are
> consenting to. You need to be clear that consent is required to the
> specific action of creating a pact as an original member, and also that
> consent is required to the specific action of joining a pact, and that
> it's impossible to create a pact with someone as a member if that
> person does not consent to the creation. I don't think this is clear
> enough at the moment (and historically, a contracts rule that doesn't
> explicitly handle both the case of creation and the case of a change
> nearly always ends up getting scammed).

Did you read the "It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to become a party to a
pact without eir consent"? I think that covers it.

> [snip]
> > Enact a new power 2.5 rule, entitled "Contracts", with the following
> > text:
> Does this actually need a power >= 2 for any reason? Contract law used
> to be at power 1.7, and never had any real issue there.
> Keeping the power low would likely be beneficial because contract law
> has historically been one of the easiest areas of the ruleset to scam,
> and scam protections have historically worked much better against power
> < 2 scams than they have against power >= 2 scams.

Acting on behalf is secured at power 2.0; beyond that, contracts are
massive enough that they deserve their own island, so midway between
2.0 and 3.0. Contracts need access to the acting on behalf machinery,
and unfortunately, that's what makes them most scammable.

> > A pact is a contract if its full provisions and list of parties have
> > been made available in public, along with a certification or adequate
> > proof of their accuracy and completeness, unless its provisions
> > stated upon each occasion where it was posted that it cannot become a
> > contract.
> What about existing contracts that have previously been made available
> in public, but since amended so that, e.g., their list of parties is
> now publicly unavailable?

I changed the visibility rules so that the requirements for visibility
are the same as for creation; the problem will thus resolve itself at
the end of the transitional period.

> [snip]
> >   A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
> >   as permitted by the contract's provisions:
> >
> >   * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.
> >
> >   * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.
> >
> >   * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a
> > specified recipient.
> I have an automatic uneasy reaction to anything that inherently needs
> to be able to platonically evaluate arbitrary conditions that can be
> specified without going through a proposal process or the like,
> especially if there are no requirements on explicitness,
> noncircularity, or the like. Even if there isn't an actual paradox
> available, you'll likely see paradox attempts for months, most of
> fairly low quality, possibly to the point of dominating gameplay.

I made it "explicitly and unambiguously permitted". That should cover it right?


Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
First of all, I haven’t looked through all of the original thread, so let me 
know if something’s already been discussed to death. I’m aware that I’m 
suggesting some big changes late in the game, and I’m not *that* unhappy with 
the proposal as it stands, so I would probably vote FOR even as it is.


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 2:31 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> I think this addresses everyone's concerns. Comments are welcome.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Contract Patency v2
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: Jason Cobb, Falsifian
> Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
>  A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if:
>  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
> publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
>  2. e is party to a contract indicating eir consent;
>  3. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the
> action to take place or assented to it taking place.

An explicit “or” wouldn’t hurt. 3 seems a little scary, but maybe it’s fine. 
Also, its the expansion of contractual power here it might be worth looking at 
whether we need an official mechanism for getting out of a mousetrap.

> Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by removing the text '(syn. 
> "consent")'.
> Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:
>  Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
>  make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
>  binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
>  is known as a pact. A pact may be modified, including
>  by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all existing
>  parties. A pact may also terminate with the consent of all
>  parties. A pact automatically terminates if the number of
>  parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to
>  become a party to a pact without eir consent.
>  Parties to a pact governed by the rules SHALL act in
>  accordance with that pact. This obligation is not impaired
>  by contradiction between the pact and any other pact, or
>  between the pact and the rules.
> Retitle Rule 1742 to "Pacts".
> Enact a new power 2.5 rule, entitled "Contracts", with the following text:
>  A pact is a contract if its full provisions and list of parties have been
>  made available in public, along with a certification or adequate proof of
>  their accuracy and completeness, unless its provisions stated upon each
>  occasion where it was posted that it cannot become a contract.
>  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause the full
>  provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly unavailable is 
> canceled
>  and does not take effect. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any
>  provision of a contract that requires information that is not publicly or
>  generally available to be interpreted is without effect insofar as it does.

I believe this means we lose the ability to implement hidden-identity games 
(Mafia, Resistance style things) by contract. Do we care?

>  A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
>  as permitted by the contract's provisions:
>  * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.
>  * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.
>  * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a specified
> For the avoidance of doubt, any entity that was a contract before the passage
> of this proposal is a pact after the passage of this proposal; if it would
> not otherwise be so, it is destroyed and recreated as a pact with properties
> as close as possible to those it had before.
> Amend rule 2450, "Pledges", by adding at the end of the first paragraph
> "A pledge ceases to exist at the end of its time window."

Any reason pledges still need to exist? One-person contracts seem to fill that 

> Destroy every pledge with an expired time window.
> Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "The Notary", with the following text:
>  The Notary is an office.
>  The Notary's weekly report contains:
>  1. every pledge, along with its title, creator, time window, time of
> creation, and time of expiry; and
>  2. every contract, with its title, full provisions, and parties.
>  If the Notary is required to report a title, but none has been otherwise
>  publicly provided, e CAN select one.
>  The transitional period lasts for at least 90 days after this rule comes
>  into force; thereafter, any player CAN end it by announcement.
>  A pledge or contract is invisible if it was created before this rule came
>  into force, and has not been publicly posted since this rule came into force.
>  During the transitional period, the Notary NEED NOT report any invisible
>  contract or pledge. When the transitional period is ended, each invisible
>  contract or pledge ceases to exist in the order they were creat

Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 4:16 PM Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
> First of all, I haven’t looked through all of the original thread, so let me 
> know if something’s already been discussed to death. I’m aware that I’m 
> suggesting some big changes late in the game, and I’m not *that* unhappy with 
> the proposal as it stands, so I would probably vote FOR even as it is.
> Gaelan
> > On Jan 8, 2020, at 2:31 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
> >  wrote:
> >
> > I think this addresses everyone's concerns. Comments are welcome.
> >
> > -Aris
> > ---
> >
> > Title: Contract Patency v2
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors: Jason Cobb, Falsifian
> >
> >
> > Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
> >  A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if:
> >
> >  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
> > publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
> >  2. e is party to a contract indicating eir consent;
> >  3. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the
> > action to take place or assented to it taking place.
> An explicit “or” wouldn’t hurt. 3 seems a little scary, but maybe it’s fine. 
> Also, its the expansion of contractual power here it might be worth looking 
> at whether we need an official mechanism for getting out of a mousetrap.

Added. I'm not sure how this makes mousetraps substantially more
dangerous, the only problem I can think of is that it may make them
harder to guard against. Maybe I should make it a "a contract
explicitly indicating"?

> >
> > Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by removing the text '(syn. 
> > "consent")'.
> >
> > Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:
> >
> >  Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
> >  make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
> >  binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
> >  is known as a pact. A pact may be modified, including
> >  by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all existing
> >  parties. A pact may also terminate with the consent of all
> >  parties. A pact automatically terminates if the number of
> >  parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to
> >  become a party to a pact without eir consent.
> >
> >  Parties to a pact governed by the rules SHALL act in
> >  accordance with that pact. This obligation is not impaired
> >  by contradiction between the pact and any other pact, or
> >  between the pact and the rules.
> >
> > Retitle Rule 1742 to "Pacts".
> >
> > Enact a new power 2.5 rule, entitled "Contracts", with the following text:
> >  A pact is a contract if its full provisions and list of parties have been
> >  made available in public, along with a certification or adequate proof of
> >  their accuracy and completeness, unless its provisions stated upon each
> >  occasion where it was posted that it cannot become a contract.
> >
> >  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause the full
> >  provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly unavailable is 
> > canceled
> >  and does not take effect. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any
> >  provision of a contract that requires information that is not publicly or
> >  generally available to be interpreted is without effect insofar as it does.
> I believe this means we lose the ability to implement hidden-identity games 
> (Mafia, Resistance style things) by contract. Do we care?

Ugh, yes we do. I moved it into the below sentence, which will now
read "A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
as explicitly and unambiguously permitted by the contract's
provisions, without reference any information that is neither publicly
nor generally available:"
> >
> >  A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions
> >  as permitted by the contract's provisions:
> >
> >  * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.
> >
> >  * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.
> >
> >  * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a specified
> >recipient.
> >
> > For the avoidance of doubt, any entity that was a contract before the 
> > passage
> > of this proposal is a pact after the passage of this proposal; if it would
> > not otherwise be so, it is destroyed and recreated as a pact with properties
> > as close as possible to those it had before.
> >
> > Amend rule 2450, "Pledges", by adding at the end of the first paragraph
> > "A pledge ceases to exist at the end of its time window."
> Any reason pledges still need to exist? One-person contracts seem to fill 
> that niche.

Several. Firstly, you can just consent to destroying the contract.
Second, they have a bunch of nice rules for expiration, which doesn't
make as much sense for contracts.
> >
> > Destroy every pledge with an expired time window.
> >
> > Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "The N

DIS: Contract Patency v3

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
Gaelan's comments made me think of a way to tear out pacts completely.
It's a bit less backwards compatible, but also vastly simplified.

Title: Contract Patency v3
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan, Jason Cobb, Falsifian

Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
  A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if,
  at the time the action took place:

  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
 publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
  2. e is party to a contract whose body explicitly and unambiguously
 indicates eir consent; or
  3. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the
 action to take place or assented to it taking place.

Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by removing the text '(syn. "consent")'.

Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:

  Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
  publicly make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
  binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
  is known as a contract. A contract may be modified, including
  by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
  existing parties. A contract may also be terminated with the
  consent of all parties. A contract automatically terminates if the number of
  parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to
  become a party to a contract without eir consent.

  Parties to a contract governed by the rules SHALL act in
  accordance with that contract. This obligation is not impaired
  by contradiction between the contract and any other contract, or
  between the contract and the rules.

  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause the full
  provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly unavailable is canceled
  and does not take effect.

  The portion of a contract's provisions that can be interpreted
  with reference only to information that is either publicly or generally
  available are known as its body; the remainder of the provisions are known
  as the annex.

  A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions as
  explicitly and unambiguously permitted by the contract's body:

  * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.

  * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.

  * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a specified

Amend rule 2450, "Pledges", by adding at the end of the first paragraph
"A pledge ceases to exist at the end of its time window."

Destroy every pledge with an expired time window.

Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "The Notary", with the following text:

  The Notary is an office.

  The Notary's weekly report contains:

  1. every pledge, along with its title, creator, time window, time of
 creation, and time of expiry; and
  2. every contract, with its title, full provisions, and parties.

  If the Notary is required to report a title, but none has been otherwise
  publicly provided, e CAN select one.

  The transitional period lasts for at least 90 days after this rule comes
  into force; thereafter, any player CAN end it by announcement.
  A pledge or contract is invisible if it was created before this rule came
  into force, and has not been publicly posted since this rule came into force;
  for a contract, this publication must include its full provisions and list of
  parties, along with a certification or adequate proof of their accuracy and
  completeness. During the transitional period, the Notary NEED NOT report
  any invisible contract or pledge. When the transitional period is ended,
  each invisible contract or pledge ceases to exist in the order they were
  created, and then this rule amends itself by deleting this paragraph.

Make  the Notary.

Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Ørjan Johansen via agora-discussion

On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:

  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
 publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;

That last comma looks out of place.

Looks right to me, based on my intuitive comma placement rules.

I don't think it's strictly wrong, but it would be easier to read if you 
moved the wedged subpart to the end.


DIS: [Draft] Administrative Adjudication v2

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
I made several changes, including clarifying that the judiciary has
judicial review over memoranda. I also decided to go in the direction
of making memoranda purely interpretative, because I have other plans
for gamestate changes that have more safeguards. I've allowed them to
be like CFJs or regulations, depending on what's called for. I also
reduced the power to 2.0, to put them on the same level as CFJs. And
so on. In short, there are a lot of changes, and it may just be worth

Title: Administrative Adjudication v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan, twg, G., Jason Cobb

[The intended effect of this rule is to give all officers optional
jurisdiction over their area of the game. They may still,
and in all likelihood will, still allow the judiciary to decide many
cases. Even if they don't, the judges still have considerable leeway
to limit administrative overreach.]

Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, entitled "Administrative Adjudication",
with the following text:

  Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
  which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
  resolve bindingly, by interpretation of law and fact, such matters within
  the officer's area of concern as it may specify, insofar as it is neither
  arbitrary nor capricious. A memorandum may take effect
  immediately, acting like a judicial opinion to resolve matters of present
  concern. Alternatively, it may be a regulation of the office from which it
  issues in which case it shall be in effect continuously until it is repealed
  and be amendable and repealable in like manner to its issuance.

  No memorandum may determine that it or another memorandum is valid,
  or otherwise obviate the power of judicial review of memoranda. Judicial
  authorities shall, insofar as the memoranda concerned are proper, defer
  to them as to matters of both fact and law.

[The Rulekeepor is willing to take on this responsibility, and it
makes considerably more sense than making the officer include a random
section in their report; instead, it keeps all of the rules and regulations
together in one easily accessible place.]

Amend Rule 2493, Regulations, by changing the text

  "Regulations are tracked in their Promulgator's weekly report."
to read
  "Regulations are tracked by the Rulekeepor in a fashion similar to rules."

[Suggested scopes of current offices:
ADoP - Officer elections, whether reports were published, who holds what office
Arbitor - The existence and assignment of CFJs, but not their resolution
Assessor - Votes, resolutions
Comptrollor - Vetos
Distributor - The operation of the lists
Herald - Patent titles, honour, the birthday tournament
Prime Minister - Anything in the jurisdiction of multiple officers
Promotor - Proposals in the pool, distributions
Referee - Fines, but e can't make an invalid fine valid
Registrar - Registration & deregistration, zombie auctions,
Rulekeepor - The state of the rules (e.g. whether proposals worked)
Speaker - Head of State stuff (i.e. nothing)
Tailor - Ribbons
Treasuror - Assets

Re: DIS: [Draft] Contract Patency v2

2020-01-08 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 6:28 PM Ørjan Johansen via agora-discussion
> On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> >>>   1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
> >>>  publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
> >> That last comma looks out of place.
> >
> > Looks right to me, based on my intuitive comma placement rules.
> I don't think it's strictly wrong, but it would be easier to read if you
> moved the wedged subpart to the end.

You're right! Done!


Re: DIS: [Draft] Administrative Adjudication v2

2020-01-08 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 1/8/2020 6:40 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:

   Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,

Do you think "has the power to" is a reasonable synonym for CAN - it's
kind of an overloaded word that we don't use that way currently (and "CAN"
is simplier than "has the power to").

   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
   resolve bindingly, by interpretation of law and fact, such matters within

"shall" (even uncapitalized) implies SHALL and that concept doesn't make
sense in the context of "shall resolve".  also, why use the word "bindingly"
or "binding" at all?  (again, an unclear concept).  Later on you use
"proper" as a standard which you also don't define.  How about something

 Each officer CAN, with notice, issue a memorandum consisting of a
 public document that interprets the law and/or facts as they pertain
 to that officer's area of concern.  A memorandum is proper if and
 only if it is neither arbitrary nor capricious and is restricted to
 the officer's area of concern.

[a readability suggestion: substitute 'domain' for 'area of concern']

A memorandum may take effect

Why the 'may' instead of just 'takes effect'?

   immediately, acting like a judicial opinion to resolve matters of present
   concern. Alternatively, it may be a regulation of the office from which it
   issues in which case it shall be in effect continuously until it is repealed
   and be amendable and repealable in like manner to its issuance.

What controls whether it's a judicial opinion or a regulation?  And if
a memorandum is a regulation, is the With Notice method meant to be in
addition to the R2493 methods of creating and repealing?

To add: people should be able to formally request a ruling-by-memorandum
in a manner that requires a timely response, thus making it a formal method
to invoke for resolving disputes.


Re: DIS: [Draft] Administrative Adjudication v2

2020-01-08 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 1/8/2020 8:01 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

   which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
   resolve bindingly, by interpretation of law and fact, such matters within

Mulling it over more, what exactly do you mean by "interpreting facts"?

In the current context of the Troubles, this proposal arose because we were
talking about ratifying false facts to be true (as long as the result was
the "fair" outcome).  So are you meaning that this has the same/similar
effect as ratification?  If so, it's a very newspeak way to say it:  "I'm
not lying, I'm interpreting facts!"  And even with judicial overview, it's
really flipping our interpretations around:

Officer: "Because it would lead to a fairer outcome, I assert these false
facts to be true."

CFJ:  "Oh no they're not!"

Judge:  "I agree with the officer that it would be fairer if we ignore
the actual facts, and that the officer's policy is clear and evenly applied,
so not arbitrary and capricious.  So in spite of the facts in front of my
eyes I defer to the officer and false=true."


DIS: [draft] procedural ratification

2020-01-08 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

Proto: the Reset Button

#include memorandum

Create the following Rule entitled "the Reset Button":

  If the rules define a public document as self-ratifying, then a
  person REQUIRED to publish that document CAN ratify that document
  without 3 objections, provided e includes, as part of the
  specification of the intended ratification, a proper memorandum
  describing why the ratification is in the best interests of the game.

  This is a RECOMMENDED method for resetting aspects of the game in a
  fair and equitable manner following the discovery and/or exploitation
  of unintended loopholes within the Rules,  whether the exploitation
  was accidental or purposeful.


Basically codifying what I suggested doing with Notices of Honour - if
there's a breakage, make it easier to ratify the fix with a bias towards
equity, and by codifying it, making it a more regularly acceptable solution.

By including "purposeful", it covers scams; e.g. with Jason Cobb's 18,000
coins - the scammer would have at least the 4 day objection period to enjoy
eir earnings or convert it to a win[*] or whatever.

[*]since winning and patent titles aren't self-ratifying, they would get to
keep those as rewards for scams.


Re: DIS: [draft] procedural ratification

2020-01-08 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
Like the idea. Few thoughts:

If I create the contact {Gaelan SHALL publish a Tailor’s report weekly}, does 
this let me issue memoranda about ribbons?

Also, this may be a minority view, but I believe scams are part of the game, 
and we shouldn’t make a habit of reverting them by default. Of course, there 
are exceptions where the scam makes a mess that’s a pain for everyone else 
(like me and CuddleBeam’s agency namespace DoS a while back). 


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:12 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> Proto: the Reset Button
> #include memorandum
> Create the following Rule entitled "the Reset Button":
> If the rules define a public document as self-ratifying, then a
> person REQUIRED to publish that document CAN ratify that document
> without 3 objections, provided e includes, as part of the
> specification of the intended ratification, a proper memorandum
> describing why the ratification is in the best interests of the game.
> This is a RECOMMENDED method for resetting aspects of the game in a
> fair and equitable manner following the discovery and/or exploitation
> of unintended loopholes within the Rules,  whether the exploitation
> was accidental or purposeful.
> [
> Basically codifying what I suggested doing with Notices of Honour - if
> there's a breakage, make it easier to ratify the fix with a bias towards
> equity, and by codifying it, making it a more regularly acceptable solution.
> By including "purposeful", it covers scams; e.g. with Jason Cobb's 18,000
> coins - the scammer would have at least the 4 day objection period to enjoy
> eir earnings or convert it to a win[*] or whatever.
> [*]since winning and patent titles aren't self-ratifying, they would get to
> keep those as rewards for scams.
> ]

Re: DIS: [draft] procedural ratification

2020-01-08 Thread Ørjan Johansen via agora-discussion

On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:

By including "purposeful", it covers scams; e.g. with Jason Cobb's 18,000
coins - the scammer would have at least the 4 day objection period to enjoy
eir earnings or convert it to a win[*] or whatever.

[*]since winning and patent titles aren't self-ratifying, they would get to
keep those as rewards for scams.

Winning and patent titles can still be lost as a side effect of ratifying 
a document published before they happen, when that removes a prerequisite 
for their award.
