Gaelan's comments made me think of a way to tear out pacts completely.
It's a bit less backwards compatible, but also vastly simplified.

Title: Contract Patency v3
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan, Jason Cobb, Falsifian

Amend Rule 2519, "Consent", to read in full:
  A person is deemed to have consented to an action if and only if,
  at the time the action took place:

  1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated, and not subsequently
     publicly withdrawn eir statement, that e agrees to the action;
  2. e is party to a contract whose body explicitly and unambiguously
     indicates eir consent; or
  3. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the
     action to take place or assented to it taking place.

Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by removing the text '(syn. "consent")'.

Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", to read in full:

  Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
  publicly make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
  binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
  is known as a contract. A contract may be modified, including
  by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
  existing parties. A contract may also be terminated with the
  consent of all parties. A contract automatically terminates if the number of
  parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a person to
  become a party to a contract without eir consent.

  Parties to a contract governed by the rules SHALL act in
  accordance with that contract. This obligation is not impaired
  by contradiction between the contract and any other contract, or
  between the contract and the rules.

  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause the full
  provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly unavailable is canceled
  and does not take effect.

  The portion of a contract's provisions that can be interpreted
  with reference only to information that is either publicly or generally
  available are known as its body; the remainder of the provisions are known
  as the annex.

  A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions as
  explicitly and unambiguously permitted by the contract's body:

  * Act on behalf of another party to the contract.

  * By announcement, revoke destructible assets from the contract.

  * By announcement, transfer liquid assets from the contract to a specified

Amend rule 2450, "Pledges", by adding at the end of the first paragraph
"A pledge ceases to exist at the end of its time window."

Destroy every pledge with an expired time window.

Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "The Notary", with the following text:

  The Notary is an office.

  The Notary's weekly report contains:

  1. every pledge, along with its title, creator, time window, time of
     creation, and time of expiry; and
  2. every contract, with its title, full provisions, and parties.

  If the Notary is required to report a title, but none has been otherwise
  publicly provided, e CAN select one.

  The transitional period lasts for at least 90 days after this rule comes
  into force; thereafter, any player CAN end it by announcement.
  A pledge or contract is invisible if it was created before this rule came
  into force, and has not been publicly posted since this rule came into force;
  for a contract, this publication must include its full provisions and list of
  parties, along with a certification or adequate proof of their accuracy and
  completeness. During the transitional period, the Notary NEED NOT report
  any invisible contract or pledge. When the transitional period is ended,
  each invisible contract or pledge ceases to exist in the order they were
  created, and then this rule amends itself by deleting this paragraph.

Make <volunteer> the Notary.

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