On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 11:51 AM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > The idea doesn’t seem immediately bad (although I’m not sure I prefer it 
> > either) but I think such an important area is not suitable for the “write 
> > something simple and let CFJs figure it out” strategy.
> What's the fun in that? Seriously, if the CFJs don't have a major
> impact on the future of the game, it's just boring. This way is more
> fun.

Your proposal wording leaves things pretty similar to how Lindrum
pulled off Lindrum World - by declaring that, since the game as a
whole had an impact on the minor matter in eir jurisdiction, a request
to resolve a minor matter (i.e. in an official capacity) could be
extended to a ruling on the whole game - e.g. "since Regulated Actions
impact my report, I have domain on whether any regulated actions
succeed."   At the very, very least, there has to be a process during
the Notice period for halting/stopping the memorandum from taking
effect.  But once you've got that, this becomes (effectively)
ratification without N objections or without a judge's objection
(whatever the threshold).  After all, we could model this entirely
under the current ruleset by just agreeing that "we don't object to an
Officer ratifying a "false" report if they give a good reason, and
we'll call that reason a memorandum".

To make it truly "administrative law" level of interesting (did I just
type that oxymoron) we need something like precedent to be coded -
e.g. that judges defer to officers, or that memoranda are part of a
record of precedent (that might get reset), etc.  Just a little more
than the bare minimum, but enough to give some direction to how this
can play out.


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