[deal.II] FE_Q(p) with p>1: Global coordinates of midnodes

2021-04-19 Thread Simon
tex(...) in order to get the global coordinates of vertex(...). Being p=2 for instance, this approach does not work anymore. In this case is there an easy way to figure out the coordinates of midnodes as well? Thanks for help! Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/

Re: [deal.II] FE_Q(p) with p>1: Global coordinates of midnodes

2021-04-19 Thread Simon
Hi Paras, everything worked fine, thanks a lot! Best Simon Paras Kumar schrieb am Montag, 19. April 2021 um 12:28:37 UTC+2: > Hi Simon, > > This could be helpful: > https://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#how-to-get-the-mapped-position-of-support-points-o

[deal.II] problem with CylindricalManifold<3> after removing cells from a triangulation

2021-04-23 Thread Simon
e to find out what the problem actually is, since in 2D the manifold description worked after removing some cells. Thanks for helping! Best Simon const double outer_radius = 1.0; const double inner_radius = 0.5; const Point center; GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole

[deal.II] Re: problem with CylindricalManifold<3> after removing cells from a triangulation

2021-04-26 Thread Simon
dGenerator::create_triangulation_with_removed_cells *also in the 3D-Case I get the desired CylindricalManifold. Best Simon Simon schrieb am Freitag, 23. April 2021 um 22:02:41 UTC+2: > Dear all, > > I created a mesh using GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole and > removed after that ha

Re: [deal.II] problem with CylindricalManifold<3> after removing cells from a triangulation

2021-04-26 Thread Simon
s you suggested, i.e. cell->face(f)->set_all_manifold_ids(1). But I guess the problem is that in my version I only set the manifold ids of the face and not its four edges as well, is it? Best Simon luca@gmail.com schrieb am Montag, 26. April 2021 um 09:56:17 UTC+2: > There may be

[deal.II] GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex: how to avoid multiple calling ?

2021-04-30 Thread Simon
"times. Is there a way to realize this in combination with two different dof_handlers? Thanks for helping! Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message

[deal.II] calculation of the L2-norm using "integrate_difference" - mismatch with own test case

2021-05-12 Thread Simon
Dear all, I want to compute the L2-norm for a large number of scalar history-variables. The solution vectors for all of them are stored in the following container: "std::vector>(num_of_history_variables)". So far I called integrate_difference " num_of_history_variables" times, which is quite

[deal.II] Re: calculation of the L2-norm using "integrate_difference" - mismatch with own test case

2021-05-13 Thread Simon
); For my understanding of the L2-Norm this is acutally the value that I need, i.e. I need the value of the reference solution at the qps of my current solution, do I? -Simon Simon schrieb am Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2021 um 16:47:42 UTC+2: > > Dear all, > > I want to compute the L2-norm for a

[deal.II] projectin of gradients of the discrete solution to nodes - two different discontinuous approaches

2021-05-22 Thread Simon
th finer meshes this difference reduces. Can this deviation be argumented away with the standard argument "this is the numerics..." or is there is a mathematical difference and both approaches do something different? Thanks for the input! Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http

[deal.II] SparseDirectUMFPACK - member function "initialize" takes very long

2021-06-02 Thread Simon
r I have much more DoFs. My guess was that the number of DoFs is the essential quantity but this is obviously not the case. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.c

Re: [deal.II] Re:

2021-06-07 Thread Simon
know that these questions are not directly related to dealii, but I guess you have a deep knowledge in that area. I would appreciate if you helped my answering that. Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021 um 01:58:39 UTC+2: > On 6/4/21 9:14 AM, Simon Wiesheier wr

Re: [deal.II] Re: SparseDirectUMFPACK - member function "initialize" takes very long

2021-06-17 Thread Simon
es UMFPACK internally, may the source why I see a lower rate? Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2021 um 18:21:56 UTC+2: > On 6/2/21 10:16 AM, Simon Wiesheier wrote: > > One more question to the renumbering schemes: I called > > DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee(do

[deal.II] writing values in the solution vector for constrained dofs

2021-06-23 Thread Simon
d dofs beforehand. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To uns

[deal.II] std::set> : missing operator(s)

2021-06-27 Thread Simon
Dear all, I am trying to create a set of Points, i.e std::set>. I get a quite extensive error message when trying to insert a point in the set but for my understanding of the message, the only problem is the missing operator< for two points. (Well I could make use of a std::vector instead but

[deal.II] solution of linear system using LAPACKFullMatrix - problems with singular matrix

2021-06-29 Thread Simon
ies for the Matrix classes. For me it would be great to know if the A matrix could be "rescued" somehow by certain solution techniques, preconditioning or whatever. Otherwise I have to think about the way of constructing A itself. Thanks for giving me feedback! Best Simon -- The d

[deal.II] triangulation.signals.post_refinement :connection of a member function

2021-07-05 Thread Simon
e? And can I modify the parameters of the connect function somehow to actually connect a member function of Solid? As always, any input is appreciated! :-) Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.googl

[deal.II] dealii in spack - approach to upgrade to latest version 9.3.3 via local git clone of spack

2021-07-21 Thread Simon
th spack makes me a bit careful to simple try things out, so I would appreciate to get some guidance how to accomplish this. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You rec

[deal.II] finite element with shape functions having delta_ij property at quadrature points

2021-08-10 Thread Simon
Values object for my purpuse. As I said, I only need to do the approximation f(xi) and evaluate it at the nine quadrature points. Any input is greatly appreciated! Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google

[deal.II] cite specific content of dealii documentation

2021-09-20 Thread Simon
, https://www.dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/namespaceVectorTools.html#ac6b404bf03cb2a742b290421cc2789fe, in particular, the notes on the quadrature formula for the "mass matrix". How do I cite this correctly? Simply listing all authors of the bibtex entry from above + the url?

[deal.II] discretization of a analytical function on a second triangulation

2022-07-04 Thread Simon
an appropriate approach at all? Thank you, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User

[deal.II] shape function gradient at arbitrary points in the element

2022-07-05 Thread Simon
, gradients,... only at quadrature points. Thank you, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User

[deal.II] fourth-order referential deviatoric tensor Dev_P: why is 'S' used in the definition?

2022-08-07 Thread Simon
ealii stores and accesses the elements of symmetric tensors? Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups &q

[deal.II] interface between dealii and matlab for data transfer (using mex files?)

2022-08-14 Thread Simon
aches to manage the data transfer between Matlab and dealii. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups &q

[deal.II] get the partition of the system matrix A associated with the unconstrained dofs

2022-08-18 Thread Simon
ing system matrix (sparsity pattern)? Thank you, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II Us

[deal.II] visualizing a finite element field: different piecewise constant values within cells

2022-08-26 Thread Simon
arters. Or is there an easier way to do this? If not, I probably would have to write my own finite element class, given that such an element does not exist in dealii? Thank you, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https:

[deal.II] automatic differentiation of pde solution wrt design variables in dealii

2022-08-31 Thread Simon
ear system because the solver classes require in most cases a Vector and, consequently, the dependency u(E) can not be encoded. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You rec

[deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-13 Thread Simon
e the linear systems... However, the condition number of J is still around 1e13. My idea was to push the condition number of J at least some order of magnitudes when applying a preconditioner to my tangent matrix. Is this consideration reasonable? Best Simon -- The deal.II project is loc

[deal.II] measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-19 Thread Simon
point 'ref_point_vol' (see Quadrature<1>(ref_point_vol)) is different in each call to fun2. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message

[deal.II] collect2 linking error when executing make

2023-01-02 Thread Simon
Dear all, First of all, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2023! I transferred my dealii project to a different computer and encounter an linking error (command make) after setting up the project (command cmake .). The error message is attached. What is the problem? Best Simon

[deal.II] possible to shift a support point (no vertex) of a triangulation?

2023-02-07 Thread Simon
ments, the closest point to p is a vertex *or* the support point in the center of the element. I think it is not possible to 'shift' a support point as the triangulation is made up of vertices only, right? Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailin

[deal.II] B-spline basis functions to interpolate nodal values (control points) in 1d

2023-02-15 Thread Simon
e first and second derivatives at arbitrary points in the knot interval. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro

[deal.II] reference for citing the concept of vector-valued test functions?

2023-03-16 Thread Simon
Dear all, is the deal.ii implementation of vector-valued test functions as described here also described in an article, paper, ... or is this a "deal.ii thing"? I would like to make a reference in a publication where

[deal.II] writing data to a file changes program output although this file is never used

2023-03-24 Thread Simon
Dear all, my deal.ii program is called roughly 300 times from a matlab script for the purpose of a parameter identification. In essence, given some parameters, the matlab script calls deal.ii to compute a displacement field. I exchange the data transfer between deal.ii and matlab by reading fro

[deal.II] Re: Linking error when compiling examples: error: cannot find -lhdf5-shared

2023-04-07 Thread Simon
Is there already a solution to this issue? I have the same problem as Amit Sharm; hdf5 is loaded. Best Simon amitshar...@gmail.com schrieb am Freitag, 31. März 2023 um 15:05:26 UTC+2: > Dear Bruno, > > Yes, I loaded hdf5(version-1.10.7) and I tried same with latest version >

[deal.II] try catch of "ExcDereferenceInvalidCell"

2023-07-27 Thread Simon
Dear all, I want to catch exceptions thrown by fePointEval.reinit(...), where fePointEval is an object of type FEPointEvaluation. Here is a snippet of code demonstrating the issue: try { fePointEval.reinit(...); } catch(dealii::ExceptionBase & exception) { std::cout<<"exception is c

[deal.II] inverse operation to AffineConstraints.condense() (recovering full system matrix)

2023-10-28 Thread Simon
tem matrix? Thanks for your help! Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group&

[deal.II] "is protected within this context" error for BlockSparseMatrix iterators

2023-10-31 Thread Simon
p;a) const Everything works if BlockSparseMatrix is replaced by SparseMatrix. Is there anything I miss here? Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message

[deal.II] anisotropic refinement with regard to global coordinate direction

2023-11-08 Thread Simon
marking the cells for refinement. The TriaAccessor class offers the combined_face_orientation() function, but I am not sure if it helps here. Thank you for your input! Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.

[deal.II] extract_surface_mesh() does not extract refined cells

2023-12-05 Thread Simon
o not care about the boundary and manifold id as well as the return type, however, my volume mesh may contain hanging nodes. Best regards, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You r

[deal.II] construct TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix from TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix to use Amesos direct solver

2023-12-18 Thread Simon
trix & *, **copy_values* = true) , but I am not sure whether it can be used when translating between Block and standard SparseMatrix. Can you think of an elegant solution or must the non-zero values be copied via a loop over the individual blocks? Best regards, Simon -- The deal.II project is lo

Re: [deal.II] construct TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix from TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix to use Amesos direct solver

2023-12-18 Thread Simon
BlockVector as vector type. At each solve, I convert the BlockVector to a standard Vector, which I guess is not too expensive. This mix (SparseMatrix and BlockVector) should not cause any undue problems, right? Or would you not recommend this? Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Monta

Re: [deal.II] construct TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix from TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix to use Amesos direct solver

2023-12-20 Thread Simon
_fe_block() since I compute the l2-norm only of the unconstrained DoFs. That said, how do you access the velocity and pressure block when working with direct solvers? Thank you, Simon Timo Heister schrieb am Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023 um 20:02:30 UTC+1: > What I have done in several code

[deal.II] access all elements of a row of a trilinos sparse matrix

2023-12-28 Thread Simon
t from columns 25 and 30 because on processor 1, systemMatrix.begin(5) == systemMatrix.end(5) which is also stated in the docu. How can I deal with this? Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/

[deal.II] trilinos sparsity pattern: end iterator of last locally owned row triggers trilinos error

2024-01-04 Thread Simon
s to a row which is not locally owned. This makes sense to me because sparsityPattern.end(74) calls visit_present_row(75), which is indeed not locally owned. Not sure whether I miss something or this is a bug. My expectation was to use the begin and end iterators on all locally owned rows.

Re: [deal.II] trilinos sparsity pattern: end iterator of last locally owned row triggers trilinos error

2024-01-04 Thread Simon
to do this than using the row iterators. Best, Simon On Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 9:50:36 PM UTC+1 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: Simon: > attached is a minimal example with 125 dofs, where dofs with indices 0-74 > live on proccesor 0 and dofs with indices 75-124 live on processor 1 >

[deal.II] mapping of global dof indices after solution transfer

2024-06-04 Thread Simon
a more efficient solution for this problem? Thanks, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II

[deal.II] "constraints for degree of freedom ... should not be stored ... " after SolutionTransfer

2024-06-08 Thread Simon
e lines of code. Is this not true? Any general hints as for the problem source and narrowing down the problem? Thanks, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You receiv

Re: [deal.II] "constraints for degree of freedom ... should not be stored ... " after SolutionTransfer

2024-06-09 Thread Simon
No, the program that produced the error is serial not parallel. Best, Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Montag, 10. Juni 2024 um 04:30:33 UTC+2: > On 6/8/24 07:51, Simon wrote: > > > > Before refinement, dofHandler stored 138 DoFs, after refinement 202. > > > >

Re: [deal.II] "constraints for degree of freedom ... should not be stored ... " after SolutionTransfer

2024-06-10 Thread Simon
I figured out the problem. In my make_constraints() function, I re-initialized the AffineConstraints object indeed with the locally releveant DoFs as you said (although this is not necessary in the serial version of my code). Thanks for pointing out to this! -Simon Wolfgang Bangerth

[deal.II] Handling NaN Values in TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix with Amesos_SuperluDist

2024-12-18 Thread Simon
nputs can occasionally lead to cases where the cell matrix contains NaN values. In such situations, I rely on catching exceptions (e.g., from SparseDirectUMFPACK) to handle the error gracefully. Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options

Re: [deal.II] Handling NaN Values in TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix with Amesos_SuperluDist

2024-12-19 Thread Simon
de free of unnecessary overhead, trusting that the solver would throw appropriate exceptions when feeded with bad input. However, I probably can not rely on that for all solvers, and manually checking for NaN is the more reliable approach. -Simon On Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:53:4

[deal.II] Re: Decoupling FECollection and QCollection

2016-07-22 Thread Simon Sticko
collections you want to use. /Simon > -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group&qu

Re: [deal.II] Re: Decoupling FECollection and QCollection

2016-07-22 Thread Simon Sticko
ample: fe_collection.push_back(FE_Q(fe_order1)); fe_collection.push_back(FE_Q(fe_order2)); fe_collection.push_back(FE_Q(fe_order2)); q_collection.push_back(QGauss(quad_order1); q_collection.push_back(QGauss(quad_order2); q_collection.push_back(QGauss(quad_order3); Best /Simon -- The deal.II project is lo

Re: [deal.II] Re: fe_enriched and step-47

2017-04-09 Thread Simon Sticko
cription. It's mainly an implementation of this algorithm: dx.doi.org/10.1137/140966290. I'm hoping to finish this within the coming weeks and contribute with this to dealii. Best Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see htt

[deal.II] 2d meshes and orientation

2021-04-05 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I stumbled over something in 2d meshes that confuses me a bit. Supoose I have 2 squares (a left and a right one) sharing one edge. If everything is fine all lines and faces have standard orientation, i.e., line_orientation==true and face_orientation==true for all lines a

Re: [deal.II] 2d meshes and orientation

2021-04-05 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Wolfgang, On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 5:53:15 AM UTC+2 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: > It's possible this is indeed a bug. In most cases, we run the 2d meshes > through the mesh orienter, so we rarely see 2d meshes that are not > correctly > oriented and it wouldn't surprise me if we have the

[deal.II] Re: interpolate FE_Nelelec

2021-04-16 Thread simon...@gmail.com
nent here return 0; } }; Best, Simon On Friday, April 16, 2021 at 5:07:01 PM UTC+2 johnsmi...@gmail.com wrote: > Hello, > > It seems I am unable to find a function similar to > VectorTools::interpolate for FE_Nedelec finite elements. The existing > implementation of this functions

Re: [deal.II] Re: interpolate FE_Nelelec

2021-04-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear John, I had a look at the pdf you sent. I noticed some conceptual inconsistencies that are important for the discretization. Let me start like this: The curl-curl-problem that you are trying to solve is - according to your description of the gauge - actually a curl-curl + grad-div problem

Re: [deal.II] interpolate FE_Nelelec

2021-04-20 Thread Konrad Simon
> my expectations are all wrong. I would also appreciate if you will share > with me a reference to a paper or a book, so I can extend my modest library. > > Thanks! > > John > > P.S. I have sent you an e-mail as you have requested. Could you please > check your s

Re: [deal.II] interpolate FE_Nelelec

2021-04-23 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi John, Maybe I can give some hints of how I would approach this problem (these are just some quick thoughts): Write this problem as a vector Laplace problem curl(nu*curl(A)) - grad(div(A)) = J which you then have to write as a system of PDEs. Note, this can only be the same as curl(nu*curl(

[deal.II] Re: Accessing cell data from its ID

2021-04-29 Thread simon...@gmail.com
ell_level, cell_index); std::cout << cell->center() << std::endl; Maybe this answer is useful too: https://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#can-i-convert-triangulation-cell-iterators-to-dofhandler-cell-iterators Best, Simo

Re: [deal.II] GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex: how to avoid multiple calling ?

2021-04-30 Thread Simon Wiesheier
y one dof_handler to that function, I guess there is no "obvious" way to make only one call, is it? -Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Fr., 30. Apr. 2021, 18:16: > On 4/30/21 10:13 AM, Simon wrote: > > > > auto cells_ref = > GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_ver

Re: [deal.II] GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex: how to avoid multiple calling ?

2021-05-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Hi Jean-Paul, your suggestion worked fine, thanks a lot! Best Simon Am Sa., 1. Mai 2021 um 07:20 Uhr schrieb Jean-Paul Pelteret < jppelte...@gmail.com>: > Hi Simon, > > You could call GridTools:: find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex() with the > triangulation instead of a DoFHand

Re: [deal.II] GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex: how to avoid multiple calling ?

2021-05-04 Thread Simon Wiesheier
in order to avoid looping over all cells (worst case). There is a function which is doing this for a patch of neighbor_cells (element-patch), but I didn't find a function for the problem description from above. Is such a function not yet implemented or is there already one available? Best Sim

Re: [deal.II] GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex: how to avoid multiple calling ?

2021-05-05 Thread Simon Wiesheier
, the GridTools::Cache-Class is actually much faster than calling GridTools::adjacent_cell_to_vertex for all vertices of my triangulation. So thanks for that hint, I guess I can you use some other features of that class in my program. Best Simon Am Mi., 5. Mai 2021 um 14:01 Uhr schrieb luca.heltai

[deal.II] p4est user pointer and distributed::triangulation

2021-05-13 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I am currently writing an interface to some p4est functions. The structure of p4est makes it often necessary to pass data around through a user pointer of whatever type (void*). When creating a new triangulation this pointer is set to „this“ (the triangulation itself), see for exampl

Re: [deal.II] p4est user pointer and distributed::triangulation

2021-05-14 Thread Konrad Simon
Thank you, Wolfgang! This is exactly what I am looking for. I don‘t need to access the pointer from outside, I am trying to extend the p4est-interface itself. Best, Konrad On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12:42:48 AM UTC+2 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: > On 5/13/21 3:05 PM, Konrad Simon wr

Re: [deal.II] projectin of gradients of the discrete solution to nodes - two different discontinuous approaches

2021-05-25 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ference at all between the local and global approach? Should the global approach not result in a block-diagonal matrix as well? I couldn´t figure out the purpose of the disontinuous legendre-polynomials by having a look at the documentation. -Simon Am Mo., 24. Mai 2021 um 17:54 Uhr schrieb Wolfgan

Re: [deal.II] SparseDirectUMFPACK - member function "initialize" takes very long

2021-06-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
I failed to have a look at the wright function. So of couse this answers my first question. I measure the times in release mode. -Simon Am Mi., 2. Juni 2021 um 16:33 Uhr schrieb Praveen C : > The initialize function does the LU factorization which is the most > expensive part >

Re: [deal.II] Re: SparseDirectUMFPACK - member function "initialize" takes very long

2021-06-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Thanks for all your answers! It was my lack of mathematical background regarding solving linear systems which brought me to that question. -Simon Am Mi., 2. Juni 2021 um 17:09 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 6/2/21 8:59 AM, Abbas wrote: > > > &

Re: [deal.II] Re: SparseDirectUMFPACK - member function "initialize" takes very long

2021-06-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
One more question to the renumbering schemes: I called DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee(dof_handler) before calling the initialize function of the direct solver. So this isn´t really necessary when using UMFPACK because internally a different renumbering scheme is called anyway? -Simon Am Mi., 2

Re: [deal.II] Re:

2021-06-04 Thread Simon Wiesheier
integration? From a mathematical viewpoint there are no more couplings between the DoFs. But does this lead to lower nodal values, higher nodal values or is this context dependent? Best Simon Am Di., 25. Mai 2021 um 11:52 Uhr schrieb Shahin Heydari < sh1990.heyd...@gmail.com>: > Thank you

Re: [deal.II] Re:

2021-06-07 Thread Simon Wiesheier
quot;change" totally independent of the rate p from ||grad (u-u_h)||_L2 <= ...h^p ? For me this seems to be the case since in the literature people compare the rate of a L2-projection with the rate of a SPR-projection (or other methods). Thanks again for helping me! Best Simon Am Mo., 7. J

Re: [deal.II] Calculating normal vectors to deformed surface with pushforward operation

2021-06-11 Thread Simon Wiesheier
hould actually be the same, should they? It would be great to get that confirmed, so that I have a starting point for finding possible error sources. Best Simon Am Di., 11. Mai 2021 um 12:10 Uhr schrieb Alex Cumberworth < alexandercumberwo...@gmail.com>: > > Hi Jean-Paul, > > T

[deal.II] Re: Question about deal.II flexibility

2021-06-19 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Abdo, I do think that Deal.II can help you with solving your problem. If you are just starting with Deal.II have a look at the tutorials . It is always a good idea to start with some code basis that other people have shared and t

Re: [deal.II] Re: writing values in the solution vector for constrained dofs

2021-06-26 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Hi Bruno, everything worked as expected, so constraints.distribute() does what it should do :-) Best Simon Am Mi., 23. Juni 2021 um 23:28 Uhr schrieb Bruno Turcksin < bruno.turck...@gmail.com>: > Simon, > > Yes, you should be able to skip the constrained hanging nodes. Like

Re: [deal.II] Re: std::set> : missing operator(s)

2021-06-27 Thread Simon Wiesheier
insert’ in ‘vertices’, which is of non-class type ‘int’ -cannot resolve overloaded function ‘comp_points’ based on conversion to type ‘int’ As far as I understood, decltype(&comp_points) returns ' bool(*)(Point,Point ' ,i.e it should be exactly the same as my first version, isn't it?

Re: [deal.II] Re: solution of linear system using LAPACKFullMatrix - problems with singular matrix

2021-07-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
machine accuracy, i.e. about 1e-18. Would you say that one can continue work with reciprocal condition numbers of 1e-04 or is this still too big? But anyway, glad to see that my program is no longer aborting because LU fails. :-) Best Simon Bruno Turcksin schrieb am Mi., 30. Juni 2021, 14:48

Re: [deal.II] triangulation.signals.post_refinement :connection of a member function

2021-07-06 Thread Simon Wiesheier
dard library, namely std::shared_ptr<...>, std::unique_ptr<...>, I guess most of them also make sure that they don't become dangling pointers. Thanks again! Am Di., 6. Juli 2021 um 05:20 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 7/5/21 2:56 PM, Sim

Re: [deal.II] triangulation.signals.post_refinement :connection of a member function

2021-07-07 Thread Simon Wiesheier
1 um 06:35 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 7/6/21 2:45 AM, Simon Wiesheier wrote: > > > > Is it also possible to get a reference (pointer) to the Solid object > within > > the constructor of 'AnotherClass', so without passi

[deal.II] Re: profiling and parallel performance of deal.II user codes

2021-08-03 Thread simon...@gmail.com
ml I think it is really good. However, it is somewhat difficult to get started with. If you are interested, this user guide is a good place to start: https://www.scalasca.org/scalasca/software/scalasca-2.x/documentation.html Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org

Re: [deal.II] finite element with shape functions having delta_ij property at quadrature points

2021-08-16 Thread Simon Wiesheier
an not use this constructor for the family of QGauss objects, just to mention one instance. Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am So., 15. Aug. 2021, 20:00: > > > I am solving a problem in 2d using FE_Q(2) elements and a gauss > quadrature > > rule with (fe.degree +1) quadrature point

[deal.II] Re: shift-invert transformation problem with slepc

2021-08-23 Thread simon...@gmail.com
); eigensolver.set_target_eigenvalue(target_eigenvalue); Depending on slepc version it might be that you can only choose EPS_TARGET_MAGNITUDE. See question 8 here: https://slepc.upv.es/documentation/faq.htm Best, Simon On Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 3:39:29 AM UTC+2 anton.i...@gmail.com wrote: > Dear All, > > I am

[deal.II] Re: Munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

2021-09-13 Thread simon...@gmail.com
0x60207a34 at pc 0x55a3f14c9cb4 bp 0x7ffd346a5f40 sp 0x7ffd346a5f30 WRITE of size 4 at 0x60207a34 thread T0 #0 0x55a3f14c9cb3 in Poro::Poroelasticity<2>::assemble_system() /home/simon/workspace/sandbox/example.cc:249 #1 0x55a3f14c110f in Poro::Poroelasticity<2>::run() /home/simo

[deal.II] Re: Munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

2021-09-13 Thread simon...@gmail.com
Hi, Good that you solved you problem. Address sanitizer is great for finding this type of bugs, but note that you don't want to use it when you run the actual simulation. In general, memory usage increases (by a factor ~2 to ~3) and the code runs slower (by a factor ~2 to ~5). Best,

[deal.II] Elasticity Preconditioner

2021-09-24 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, A student and me are trying to deal with (parallel, static) linearized elasticity similar to step-8. However, the problem is slightly different since the Lame parameters are functions instead of constants. Can anyone recommend good solvers & preconditioners for the resulting system?

[deal.II] Triangulation from lower-dimensional object

2022-02-17 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I was recently looking for a solution to the following problem: I have a triangulation, e.g., of a unit cube. I need to solve a lower-dimensional (FEM-like) problem on all faces with BCs on edges and for each face I need to solve a problem on all edges with BCs at vertices. Can I som

[deal.II] Re: range-based loop over cells

2022-03-24 Thread simon...@gmail.com
You will iterate from begin() to end() on the object after the colon. On Triangulation this is the cells on level 0. Best, Simon On Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 1:57:29 PM UTC+1 Niklas Fehn wrote: > thanks. I think it is nevertheless possible to write "cell : > triangulation"

[deal.II] Re: range-based loop over cells

2022-03-24 Thread simon...@gmail.com
_Iterators.html#ga997d61ac7cdc2be3ae934b1f7cdb> Triangulation <https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classTriangulation.html>< dim, spacedim >::begin ( const unsigned int <https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classint.html> *level* = 0) const /Simon On Thursday, Marc

[deal.II] MPI: Evaluating several distributed functions on each node

2022-04-01 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I am facing a little challenge: Suppose I have several objects myFunction of a certain class MyFunction derived from a Function object on each process in my MPI universe. The number of MyFunction objects may vary from process to process. I am trying to evaluate each object at certain

Re: [deal.II] How to use create_mass_matrix tools with FESystem

2022-04-10 Thread Simon Sticko
components in the constructor, e.g. as for the body-force in step-18: https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/39e29ba7e1cb8c7f711df6b89d19a76394b16f6a/examples/step-18/step-18.cc#L552 Best, Simon On 10/04/2022 01:51, Matthew Rich wrote: Hi all, I am trying to use the helper tools to assemble a

Re: [deal.II] Encountering error in installation of deal.ii

2022-06-08 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi, From the error message, it looks like you don't have C++ compiler installed. If you are using ubuntu, try sudo apt-get install g++ and rerun cmake. Best, Simon On 08/06/2022 16:32, Abhishek Nath Thakur wrote: Respected deal.ii users, I'm trying to install deal.ii 9.2.0 versio

Re: [deal.II] Facing problem while installation deal.ii

2022-06-10 Thread Simon Sticko
; to a txt-file and attach that. Best, Simon On 10/06/2022 10:05, 陈敏 wrote: Dear Abhishek Nath Thakur These are many examples showing how to use deal.ii, these are corresponding documents on the official website <https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/Tutorial.html>. But some of th

Re: [deal.II] Integral over part of domain.

2022-06-13 Thread Simon Sticko
the assemble_system() function in Step-85 and the NonMatching::FEValues class: https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classNonMatching_1_1FEValues.html Best, Simon On 13/06/2022 15:17, Oleg Kmechak wrote: Hello there, Facing such a problem. Want to evaluate integral over circle (see

Re: [deal.II] How to add degrees of freedom to a specified node

2022-06-18 Thread Simon Sticko
d FEs together". Best, Simon On 18/06/2022 07:43, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: Wang Yuan,   I am using extended finite element method to do crack expansion. I have a question, can I increase the degree of freedom for the nodes designated around the crack in Deal? Not easily. deal.II

Re: [deal.II] mesh_generator

2022-06-23 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi, Did you call triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement(); after setting the refinement flag? Best, Simon On 23/06/2022 17:22, LY XXXiao wrote: Hi there, Has anyone experienced this issue in mesh refinement: I have already a basic mesh with 120 cells, and I only want to refine

Re: [deal.II] shape function gradient at arbitrary points in the element

2022-07-05 Thread Simon Wiesheier
to achieve this? My only idea is to create a new FEValues object for each quadrature point and pass an appropriate Quadrature object. But seems to be very inefficient. Is there an alternative way in combination with FEValues? Best, Simon Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 08:16 Uhr schrieb Martin K

Re: [deal.II] discretization of a analytical function on a second triangulation

2022-07-06 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ing the assembly routine, I access some interpolated values at quadrature points,... With this in mind, is this an appropriate way? Best Simon Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 09:16 Uhr schrieb Daniel Arndt < d.arndt.m...@gmail.com>: > Simon, > > defining a class derived from dealii::Functi

Re: [deal.II] shape function gradient at arbitrary points in the element

2022-07-07 Thread Simon Wiesheier
oach using FEPointEvaluation would not be much faster, would it? Best Simon Am Do., 7. Juli 2022 um 03:45 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 7/5/22 09:28, Simon Wiesheier wrote: > > > > What is the approach to achieve this? > > My only id

Re: [deal.II] automatic differentiation:

2022-07-19 Thread Simon Wiesheier
; My goal is to compute the 4th order tangent \frac{\partial S_ad}{\partial C_ad}. All that said, is it not correct to start like this?: SymmetricTensor<2,dim> C = symmetrize(F^t *F); ad_helper.register_independent_variable(C, C_dofs); const SymmetricTensor<2, dim, ADNumberType> C_ad =

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