Dear all,

my objective is to do an 1d-approximation 
F(x) = N_i(x) P_i 
where N_i are cubic B-spline basis functions and P_i known nodal values 
(control points). 
To assemble my linear system, I have to compute the first and second 
derivatives of F at the quadrature points of the triangulation. 
Since the number of control points P_i is quite moderate (less than 20), I 
think it is reasonable to evaluate all basis functions N_i in lieu of 
implementing an entire finite element class.

I scanned the dealii manual but could only find a CSpline class 
Just to make sure: 
B-Spline (basis) functions are not implemented in dealii yet, right?

So I probably will have to rely on an external library. 
Can someone make a library recommendation?
I read about tinyspline <> and 
splinelib <>, but have no knowledge 
regarding their performance, or if they are appropriate for usage in a 

As I said, I mainly want to 
(i) interpolate control points with B-spline basis functions and
(ii) evaluate first and second derivatives at arbitrary points in the knot 


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