Dear all,

I am projecting gradients of my displacement solution, for instance 
stresses, which are only available to me at the quadrature points, to the 
nodes in order to get fields. (However I project many more variables, so I 
transformed my problem in projecting many scalar variables, but anyway this 
is not important regarding my question).

-I am doing the projection once by solving a global minimization problem, 
i.e. minimizing the integral over the whole domain of the squared 
difference diff = "values at qps - values at nodes". This leads to the 
typical mass matrix (phi_i, phi_j) which is also provided in the 
VectorTools namespace.
I solve this min.-problem once with a continuous FE_Q und once with a 
discontinuous FE_DGQ, i.e. I call the very same function body, I just give 
different DoFHandlers as input.

-A second approach for the same discontinuous FE_DGQ is intruduced in 
step-18 (extensions) by using 
compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix(), i.e. a local method. 
(My poly_degree is constructed in a way that I have always as many 
dofs_per_cell as qps.)

My question is if the output, i.e. the nodal values, of both discontinuous 
(1. given a FE_DGQ to the global min.-problem vs. 2. the local 
compute_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix() approach)
should be the same, except of numerical errors?

I am aware that I solve a linear system in the first case whereas in the 
second case not, but my idea was the following: The first approach 
minimizes the squared difference, but if I have as many dofs_per_cell as 
qps then of course the squared difference can be minimized to zero for each 
qp, i.e. the qp values can directly be transferred to the nodes. And if my 
understanding is correct, this is exactly what the second approach does. So 
in the first approach I do not do it "directly" but due to its definition 
and the number of dofs it should do the same as second.
Of course I compared this approaches in my program. However depending on 
the mesh size there are deviations up to percent, with finer meshes this 
difference reduces. 
Can this deviation be argumented away with the standard argument "this is 
the numerics..." or is there is a mathematical difference and both 
approaches do something different?

Thanks for the input!


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