You can use objcopy from GNU_binutils, *** in a script or command line,
#!/bin/bash # hex to bin fichier=$1 objcopy -I ihex -O binary $1 ${fichier%.*}.bin *** or in your Makefile OBJCOPY = /your/path/to/objcopy ... bin: $(PRG).bin ... %.bin: %.elf $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O binary $< $@ JP Le Monday 14 November 2011, Adam Courchesne a écrit : > Hey guys, > I'm looking to use SDCC to develop some code for an Z80 based arcade game: > Pole Position. > > > I have some sample C code that I've compiled and it looks like the compiler > successfully compiled and linked everything but what I'm looking for is a > resulting binary file that I can burn into the game's ROMs (or load up in > MAME) to test it out. I see an intel HEX dump. Are there flags I can pass > to the compiler to have it dump straight to a binary file? > > Thanks! -- Never jump into a loop! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RSA(R) Conference 2012 Save $700 by Nov 18 Register now _______________________________________________ Sdcc-user mailing list