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Re: [Sdcc-user] Adding functions for string conversion between UTF-8 and UTF-16
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Sdcc pic18f pragma
Ian Molton
[Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Raphael Neider
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 static variables inside functions gives Error: <r> relocation error
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxx x?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Erik Petrich
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to deal bytewise with 24-bit symbols in asxxxx?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Alan Carvalho de Assis
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
AW via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
AW via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Erlo Haugen
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
AW via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Why so few bug reports since 3.7.0?
Georg Icking-Konert
[Sdcc-user] jump with a macro
AW via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] jump with a macro
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] jump with a macro
AW via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] jump with a macro
Maarten Brock
[Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 released
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 released
Ben Shi
[Sdcc-user] A comparison of C compiler targeting the STM8 (updated for SDCC 3.7.0)
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] A comparison of C compiler targeting the STM8 (updated for SDCC 3.7.0)
Vaclav Peroutka
Re: [Sdcc-user] A comparison of C compiler targeting the STM8 (updated for SDCC 3.7.0)
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 2
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8 >32kB code fails...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Fw: SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Alan Cox
[Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Alan Cox
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Alan Cox
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Maarten Brock
[Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Eric Rullens
Re: [Sdcc-user] SDCC 3.7.0 Release Candidate 1
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Using idata for the stack on C8051
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Using idata for the stack on C8051
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] Using idata for the stack on C8051
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Odd code in STM8S ISR
Richard Hodges
Re: [Sdcc-user] Odd code in STM8S ISR
Åke Rehnman
Re: [Sdcc-user] Odd code in STM8S ISR
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Odd code in STM8S ISR
Richard Hodges
[Sdcc-user] peep.c error with inline assembly (stm8s)
Richard Hodges
[Sdcc-user] Update: peep.c error with inline assembly (stm8s)
Richard Hodges
Re: [Sdcc-user] Update: peep.c error with inline assembly (stm8s)
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Update: peep.c error with inline assembly (stm8s)
Richard Hodges
[Sdcc-user] sdasz80: define from command line?
Hynek Sladky
[Sdcc-user] 3rd Feb talk on the free toolchain for the STM8 at FOSDEM in Brussels
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] 4th Feb talk on the Z80 video game development at FOSDEM in Brussels
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] stm8 and gdb support in SDCC
Vaclav Peroutka
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8 and gdb support in SDCC
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Eric Neblock
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
[Sdcc-user] feedback on "stm8 templates" Wiki
Georg Icking-Konert
[Sdcc-user] passing structs as function arguments?
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] passing structs as function arguments?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8.h
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Dhrystone "too good"...?
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] Dhrystone "too good"...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Dhrystone "too good"...?
Vaclav Peroutka
Re: [Sdcc-user] Dhrystone "too good"...?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Sdcc-user] Improving the IDE integration of SDCC
Alan Cox
Re: [Sdcc-user] Sdcc-user] Improving the IDE integration of SDCC
Robert McConnell
[Sdcc-user] Improving the IDE integration of SDCC
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Improving the IDE integration of SDCC
Miklos Marton
[Sdcc-user] My AES-128 code for STM8
Richard Hodges
[Sdcc-user] Anyone using SDCC on MacOS 10.5.8 or earlier (ppc)?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Dropping the r3ka backend?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Timo Fuckner
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Timo Fuckner
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Vaclav Peroutka
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Timo Fuckner
Re: [Sdcc-user] STM8L152C6 can not write to ADC registers
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Sdcc-user] Killing z80 peephole rules
Alan Cox
Re: [Sdcc-user] Sdcc-user] Killing z80 peephole rules
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] An experimental LLVM+SDCC-based toolchain for 8-bit microcontrollers
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] An experimental LLVM+SDCC-based toolchain for 8-bit microcontrollers
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] sdcc compile issues with vs2105
alvin albrecht
Re: [Sdcc-user] sdcc compile issues with vs2105
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] sdcc compile issues with vs2105
Raphael Neider
Re: [Sdcc-user] sdcc compile issues with vs2105
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Killing hc08/s08 peephole rules
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Killing r2k/r3k peephole rules
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Killing stm8 peephole rules
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Killing z80 peephole rules
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Fwd: patches for STM8 Standard Peripheral Libraries
Georg Icking-Konert
[Sdcc-user] renamed "STM8_serial_flasher" to "stm8gal"
Georg Icking-Konert
[Sdcc-user] Silicon Labs EFM8 Headers/Keil C51 Compatibility
Re: [Sdcc-user] Silicon Labs EFM8 Headers/Keil C51 Compatibility
[Sdcc-user] SiLabs EFM8 Support
Re: [Sdcc-user] SiLabs EFM8 Support
Re: [Sdcc-user] SiLabs EFM8 Support
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] SiLabs EFM8 Support
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] SiLabs EFM8 Support
[Sdcc-user] How to place some data at a specific location amidst some code?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] How to place some data at a specific location amidst some code?
Maarten Brock
[Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Erlo Haugen
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Gál Zsolt
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Erlo Haugen
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Erlo Haugen
Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC14 and printf/puts
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] Fatal Compiler Error, PIC14
Erlo Haugen
[Sdcc-user] Access to local variables from inline assembly (PIC14)
Erlo Haugen
Re: [Sdcc-user] Access to local variables from inline assembly (PIC14)
Gál Zsolt
Re: [Sdcc-user] Access to local variables from inline assembly (PIC14)
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] Access to local variables from inline assembly (PIC14)
Augusto Fraga Giachero
Re: [Sdcc-user] Access to local variables from inline assembly (PIC14)
Erlo Haugen
[Sdcc-user] pointer target lost const qualifier -warning
Kustaa Nyholm
Re: [Sdcc-user] pointer target lost const qualifier -warning
Raphael Neider
Re: [Sdcc-user] pointer target lost const qualifier -warning
Kustaa Nyholm
Re: [Sdcc-user] pointer target lost const qualifier -warning
Kustaa Nyholm
Re: [Sdcc-user] pointer target lost const qualifier -warning
Kustaa Nyholm
[Sdcc-user] problem with volatile struct member
Daniel Drotos
Re: [Sdcc-user] problem with volatile struct member
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] problem with volatile struct member
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] problem with volatile struct member
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] stm8 "far" pointer
Daniel Drotos
Re: [Sdcc-user] stm8 "far" pointer
[Sdcc-user] Get the builtin macros list?
Miklos Marton
Re: [Sdcc-user] Get the builtin macros list?
[Sdcc-user] ADCON0bits.CHS missing from pic18f45k50.h
Kustaa Nyholm
Re: [Sdcc-user] ADCON0bits.CHS missing from pic18f45k50.h
Gál Zsolt
[Sdcc-user] warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x000000] has no section. (pass 0)
Kustaa Nyholm
Re: [Sdcc-user] warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x000000] has no section. (pass 0)
Raphael Neider
Re: [Sdcc-user] warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x000000] has no section. (pass 0)
Raphael Neider
Re: [Sdcc-user] Get the builtin macros list?
Philipp Klaus Krause
[Sdcc-user] OS X change preprocessor
Maxwell Leiter via Sdcc-user
Re: [Sdcc-user] OS X change preprocessor
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] OS X change preprocessor
Erik Petrich
[Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Daniel Drotos
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Daniel Drotos
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim / asim: non-interactive serial port communication through netcat
Re: [Sdcc-user] uCsim for STM8 question (0.6-pre28)
Daniel Drotos
[Sdcc-user] structs, array of structs, declaring and using, memory bank boundary, timers
Ubirajara Marques da Cruz
[Sdcc-user] Can't figure out how to write interrupt handlers for Z80 using SDCC
Adam Courchesne
Re: [Sdcc-user] Can't figure out how to write interrupt handlers for Z80 using SDCC
Maarten Brock
Re: [Sdcc-user] Can't figure out how to write interrupt handlers for Z80 using SDCC
alvin albrecht
[Sdcc-user] eZ80 support
Bennett Ramirez
Re: [Sdcc-user] eZ80 support
Hynek Sladky
[Sdcc-user] Anyone using --nojtbound or #pragma nojtbound?
Philipp Klaus Krause
Re: [Sdcc-user] Anyone using --nojtbound or #pragma nojtbound?
Andrea Rossetti
[Sdcc-user] binary constants for STM8?
Georg Icking-Konert
Re: [Sdcc-user] binary constants for STM8?
Maarten Brock
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