Hello again,

 __code unsigned short __at(_CONFIG1) config1Reg = (_FCMEN_OFF &
> __code unsigned short __at(_CONFIG2) config2Reg = (_LVP_ON & _BORV_25 & 
Since SDCC r6988, the spec file pic14devices.txt uses a
config 0x2007
config 0x2007 0x2008
config 0x8007
config 0x8007 0x8008
directives instead of confsiz 1 / confsiz 2 to define the config words
of the supported devices. This should allow you to add your 16f1932
(?) device.
If there is exactly one address given after config, 'TYPE __at(ADDR)
_conf = VAL;' causes
__config VAL
to be emitted into the .asm file.
If there are more than one address, such a definition to the n'th
address (n=1,2,3,...) from the list generates
__config _CONFIG<n>, VAL

Hoping that this helps...

PS: IIRC, support for the 12f1822 is incomplete or even completely
broken (see 
). This is due to the 12f1822 using the instruction set of the 14-bit
series but resembling the 16-bit devices at least with respect to data
bank selection (no bank select bits in STATUS, but elsewhere) and is
not likely to be fixed any time soon. Sorry.

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