On 11/15/2011 08:53 PM, Stef wrote:
> Le mardi 15 novembre 2011 10:01:23 Jiri Slaby a ?crit :
>> On 11/15/2011 05:24 AM, Stef wrote:
>>>     thanks for the debug data. I'll compare it with how my LiDE 110 is
>>> behaving. Are you running a 64 bit system ?
>> Hi, yes, but 32bit (in a VM) is the same. If you want any other output,
>> don't hesitate to ask...
>> thanks,
>       Hello,
>       I have generated the same log with my LiDE 110 and I am comparing both 
> in
> search of a clue.

Hi, hmm, it doesn't work on my desktop, but it *works* on my laptop. 
With the same versions of kernel, libusb and sane. Maybe it's a bug in 
the implementation of the USB controller driver? I'm attaching a diff of 
two runs of scanimage on those machines if you can see something there...

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