Marc Muehlfeld wrote:
Am 06.10.2013 23:27, schrieb Charles Marcus:
Fyi... this is a known problem (with both renames and newly created
files/folders, and even deleted foles/folders) on Windows 7, even with a
real Windows Server... never seen it on XP, but it happens all the time
on Windows 7 here.

It's a SMB2 caching issue (that's why you don't have it on XP). Jones already posted a workaround/solution:

Reading the referenced technet article, those delays are only 10 seconds, 5 seconds and 10 seconds.

The delays I've seen are many minutes (anywhere from 3 to 5, sometimes it seems longer)...

I'll try it, but why would the actual delays being expereinced be so much longer than these cache lifetime settings?



Am 06.10.2013 09:02, schrieb Jones:
> Sometimes this symptom happened in my environment,
> and found this link:
> SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained
> Here is one test case,
> during Windows 7 and Samba are negotiated with >= protocol SMB 2.0,
> Windows 7 might cache the directory entries,
> i.e. the directory entries are locally satisfied by Windows 7,
> and there are no SMB2 packets across network while refreshing the
> list thru powershell dir command,
> hence Windows 7 with Wireshark captures no packets.
> After following 3 DWORDs are applied to Windows 7 and reboot is
> required, this symptom seems no longer exist in my environment.
> Not sure is this a acceptable change but hope this help.
> FileInfoCacheLifetime = 0
> FileNotFoundCacheLifetime = 0
> DirectoryCacheLifetime = 0


Best regards,

*/Charles Marcus/*
I.T. Director
Media Brokers International, Inc.
*678.514.6224 | 678.514.6299 fax*
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