
Am 03.10.2013 20:57, schrieb Brian Martin:
I have Samba 4.0.9 installed under Ubuntu 12.04.  It's configured as a
domain member, with a Windows 2008R2 server being the DC.  All
workstations are running Windows 7.  One of my users is reporting
problems in the following scenario:

1) She creates a folder in one of the Samba shares, and places a number
of documents there.
2) She closes all open documents and closes Windows Explorer
3) Another user on another workstation subsequently renames the folder
as part of the work flow process to indicate it has been reviewed.
4) The original user then navigates to where the renamed folder should
be and cannot find it, either under the original name or the new name.
Refreshing doesn't help.
5) After a period of time, typically 3-5 minutes but in one case around
30 minutes, the folder reappears under the new name.

this sounds a bit like something mysterious I had had today at work on my Samba 3.6.18 server:

- On the Linux server I downloaded a file to my home directory (was a simple *.txt file)
- On my Windows PC I could not see the file, but it was there on Linux side
- I renamed the file on linux and then it was visible with the new name on windows, too.

A different user had the following today:
- She created a file on the Samba share (same 3.6.18 server)
- But it wasn't visible from a different PC
- After about 3h it was suddenly visible without any changes.

The problem wasn't reproducable on both machines a second time.

Both workstations run W7 64-Bit. We don't use offline syncronisation here.

I haven't had this before and I thought something got confused and I want to restart Samba later at night. But your posting sounds similar to the problem I had today. So maybe it's a bug.

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