Fyi... this is a known problem (with both renames and newly created files/folders, and even deleted foles/folders) on Windows 7, even with a real Windows Server... never seen it on XP, but it happens all the time on Windows 7 here.

Just fyi... wrote:
Re: [Samba] Folder disappears on rename
Bernd Glueckert <>
2013-10-05 12:12 AM


this sounds a bit like something mysterious I had had today at work on my Samba 3.6.18 server:

- On the Linux server I downloaded a file to my home directory (was a simple *.txt file) - On my Windows PC I could not see the file, but it was there on Linux side - I renamed the file on linux and then it was visible with the new name on windows, too.

A different user had the following today:
- She created a file on the Samba share (same 3.6.18 server)
- But it wasn't visible from a different PC
- After about 3h it was suddenly visible without any changes.

The problem wasn't reproducable on both machines a second time.

We have this problem too.

Samba 3.6.18 on Gentoo, W7-64-Workstations.

A scanner puts his output on the samba server, but it's not visible for the W7-Clients. A couple of minutes later it's visible. Refreshing Explorer by pressing F5 doesnt help.

Same effect happens, if user A renames a file. User B sees the old filename, and few minutes later it's okay.

I think, this is reproducible. I will check this next week and give you the information about it.


Best regards,

*/Charles Marcus/*
I.T. Director
Media Brokers International, Inc.
*678.514.6224 | 678.514.6299 fax*
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