Hello Jones,

Am 06.10.2013 09:02, schrieb Jones:
Sometimes this symptom happened in my environment,
and found this link:
SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained

Here is one test case,
during Windows 7 and Samba are negotiated with >=  protocol SMB 2.0,
Windows 7 might cache the directory entries,
i.e. the directory entries are locally satisfied by Windows 7,
and there are no SMB2 packets across network while refreshing the list thru
powershell dir command,
hence Windows 7 with Wireshark captures no packets.

After following 3 DWORDs are applied to Windows 7 and reboot is required,
this symptom seems no longer exist in my environment.
Not sure is this a acceptable change but hope this help.
FileInfoCacheLifetime = 0
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime = 0
DirectoryCacheLifetime = 0

If I add this three values to my registry and reboot, the problem is immediately gone. Thanks for that information.

So this is on Windows side and nothing that can be fixed/improved by Samba. I'll update my bug report.

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