On 19 April 2012 07:20, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> It might be distutils. It might be Cython. It might even be Sage or
> Python. But without knowing exactly how you're trying to
> compile/install your package, it's hard if not impossible to give any
> specific recommendations on what to change to get the result you want.

Thanks Robert, but I've actually just managed to accidentally fix the problem!

I added an ext_package='...' declaration to the setup.py file, which
broke things, but when I removed it and reinstalled, everything
worked! I don't know what to make of all this.....

I'd really like to see more documentation on how to distribute
packages for Sage that are not intended to part of Sage proper. I
can't volunteer for this myself (at present) as I barely understand
how things work and have only managed to get something working by


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