On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 4:06 AM, Emil <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7 April 2012 01:14, Maarten Derickx <m.derickx.stud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Does executing:
>> import foo
>> give what you want or is your problem different?
> import foo doesn't do much, as foo/__init__.py is empty. I have
> adopted the Sage-like behaviour of having an "all.py" file which has
> "from bar import *" statements.
> The issue is that all.py contains lines like:
> from bazz import *
> from bar import *
> For some reason, the line corresponding to the bar.so file imports
> things into the top-level of the name space, rather than as
> foo.bar.xxxx. I can't find anything in the Cython docs or anywhere
> else about how to stop this. The Sage Cython modules seem to be
> imported into the correct places in the namespace hierarchy, so it
> must be possible...

Just a guess, does placing an __init__.pxd file at that level help?
Are you compiling the .so file and then moving it into place? (The
fully qualified name of the pyx file is determined at compile time.)
Otherwise, could you try posting a tarball/repo that illustrates the
problem for someone to play around with?

- Robert

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