On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Emil <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert, thanks for taking an interest in my problem! I've been
> unwell, and could not respond sooner.

Sorry to hear that.

> I can't put an __init__.py file
> in the top-level /site-packages directory as far as I am aware, and
> I'm not sure that would be a sensible thing to do to my users...

The __init__ files need to be in the correct place during compilation,
which might be the issue.

> I think my original email specifies the problem clearly:
> I have a package I would like to distribute, that Sage users can
> install using distutils, and I want to be able to import a
> Cython-generated extension without it polluting the global namespace.

This should be completely doable.

> I suspect this is nothing to do with Cython, or Sage, but to do with
> Python or disutils, but I am not sure... If someone could at least
> clarify what area this problem fits into that would be a great help
> because I can then go to the appropriate forums. Thanks,

It might be distutils. It might be Cython. It might even be Sage or
Python. But without knowing exactly how you're trying to
compile/install your package, it's hard if not impossible to give any
specific recommendations on what to change to get the result you want.

- Robert

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