On 1/20/11 10:16 PM, Dan Drake wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 at 10:24PM -0500, Luiz Felipe Martins wrote:
I had a similar problem with a recent Sage installation I made (In
ubuntu). I installed Sage, and SageTex according to the "official"
documentation (get SageTex from the Sage site, set a local texmf
structure, etc.), and had exceptions running sagetex.py
It so happened that texlive had an outdated version of sagetex.py. It
is sort of a chicken-and-egg thing. SageTex needs some packages
(makecmd.sty, or something like that), that are in the texlive-extras
package, which also comes with the bad sagetex.py. I guess they just
dump everything that is on CTAN in their package.
This came up just a little while ago. SageTeX was part of TeXLive for
just long enough to "infect" lots of Linux packages, and there's nothing
we can do about it except wait for new TeXLive packages that don't
include SageTeX to come out. It'll take years. :(
Fortunately, I think you can put sagetex.sty in your personal texmf tree
and TeX will use that version. You can also demand a particular version
of sagetex.sty in your LaTeX file:
or similar.
In the meantime, there's now a mechanism in SageTeX to detect version
mismatches, but that doesn't help with the above problem...
What I did is create a symbolic link from
~/Library/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex to
~/sage/local/share/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex. Then I always have ~/sage
point to my current version of sage. That way whenever I upgrade, the
sagetex.sty file in my personal texmf tree is automatically upgraded,
since it was just a symbolic link to my sage install.
I haven't had a problem with version mismatches since I did this, and I
don't even have to think about it anymore.
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