It seems this topic branched into two different issues...

I had a similar problem with a recent Sage installation I made (In
ubuntu). I installed Sage, and SageTex according to the "official"
documentation (get SageTex from the Sage site, set a local texmf
structure, etc.), and had exceptions running

It so happened that texlive had an outdated version of It
is sort of a chicken-and-egg thing. SageTex needs some packages
(makecmd.sty, or something like that), that are in the texlive-extras
package, which also comes with the bad I guess they just
dump everything that is on CTAN in their package.

BTW, I am doing this because I wrote a program to help with automatic
generation of tests for our coordinated calculus. I'm not at a point
were I am ready to distribute it, and there is no documentation, but
if someone wants to try it, I'll be glad to send them a copy. It is
written in Python (what else?) and uses PyQT.

I would also be glad if someone could tell me what kind of licensing
info I have to distribute with the software. I never distributed
anything before...

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:06 PM, kcrisman <> wrote:
> On Jan 20, 4:27 pm, Rob Beezer <> wrote:
>> On Jan 20, 12:58 pm, kcrisman <> wrote:
>> > This is getting OT, but I would say not necessarily.  sws2tex makes a
>> > nice-looking thing that is like the worksheet - parses the HTML.  It
>> > does not create a SageTeX document, but rather something that can
>> > immediately be LaTeXed up with or without Sage.
>> Right.
>> Maybe I was not real clear.  There are about 7 files in a sage tree
>> named
>> Some are for SageTeX.  Others are totally different, and IIRC
>> duplicate the intent of sws2tex, ie converting a worksheet to a latex-
>> able file.  I was suggesting that maybe sws2tex was doing a better job
>> of this, and that having two very different files floating
>> around could be very confusing.
> Gotcha.  In which case someone who has at least *some* idea of what is
> going on should open a ticket to squash some of them.  And cc: me.
> - kcrisman
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