On Jan 20, 6:07 am, john_perry_usm <john.pe...@usm.edu> wrote:
> I don't completely agree with the concerns others have raised about
> cheating. One of the wonderful aspects of computer-based evaluation is
> the ability to randomize questions: not just the numbers within
> questions, but the questions themselves.

There is relatively new code for creating random matrices with nice
properties, which I have been meaning to advertise here anyway.  I've
thought of it as being useful for generating practice problems, but it
had not dawned on me that it could be useful for generating random
test questions.

There is now an 'algorithm' keyword to the random_matrix() constructor
that takes values like 'echelonizable', 'unimodular' and 'subspaces',
along with a 'rank' keyword.  The results are generally integer-entry
matrices where relevant computations by hand (rref, kernel, column
space, inverse) never devolve into too many gruesome fractions.  This
was a summer project by a student of mine, Billy Wonderly, and it had
about the right complexity (mathematics and Sage) to fill a summer

Maybe there would be other arenas (calculus, stats) where some code
generating random "typical" problems would be useful?  And they might
also make for nice summer projects?


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