On Jan 20, 12:58 pm, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is getting OT, but I would say not necessarily.  sws2tex makes a
> nice-looking thing that is like the worksheet - parses the HTML.  It
> does not create a SageTeX document, but rather something that can
> immediately be LaTeXed up with or without Sage.


Maybe I was not real clear.  There are about 7 files in a sage tree
named  sagetex.py.

Some are for SageTeX.  Others are totally different, and IIRC
duplicate the intent of sws2tex, ie converting a worksheet to a latex-
able file.  I was suggesting that maybe sws2tex was doing a better job
of this, and that having two very different sagetex.py files floating
around could be very confusing.


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