On 5/8/20 12:59 PM, John H Palmieri wrote:
> As a topologist, I would have to say that the best results are the ones
> for simplicial complexes and simplicial sets, actually.

Good news: those are also in my top five results. Bad news (?): Google
probably knows enough about you to put them in your preferred order.

> More seriously, I think that search_def should include "class" as well
> as "[c]?def" as parts of the regular expression forming the search. That
> still doesn't find the case you mentioned, because it uses
> "FundamentalGroup" instead of "fundamental_group". Including "class" in
> the definition of search_def and then calling search_def("fundamental",
> "group") should work.

If we insist on doing this with a regular expression, the
signal-to-noise ratio gets worse as we "improve" the regex. Silly things

  class Foo(...):
      Element = SomeElementClass

will trip it up if we insist that 'class' be a part of the definition of
FooElement. And if we don't, then we'll match a million non-definitions.

There are tools that can do this correctly, but then we would have to
admit that some implementation details cannot be hidden behind a cute
interface. In lieu of that, the search engines fake it pretty well.

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